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One day I walked down to get to my car, thinking about what I had to accomplish and scolding myself for being late for work, but surprisingly the car was nowhere to be found.
This was at 8 a.m. in the morning. I made trips to all the towing places and police stations, all the time thinking that it was towed (拖走)by cops (巡警).By around 10 a.m., the cops decided that it was actually stolen. After filing a report with them, I finally got to work thinking how my day was completely messed up.
Later in the day I went to pick up a rental car at Enterprise only to realize that my license was missing, too, along with my car. I told the enterprise guy the whole story and he offered to take me to the closest DMV and get a duplicate (副本) license. 1 was totally shocked. I did not know why this complete stranger would want to take some time off his day to help me. He actually took me to DMV, got a duplicate and then rented me a car. I was upset the whole day because of the events happening to me but somehow this simple act of kindness from a complete stranger made it all worth it. It cheered me up and made me forget all the troubles of the day. I was so moved by this kind act that the next day I made sure someone else got a similar surprise. I took some smiley shaped chocolates and left them on some of my colleagues’ desks.
There is still a lot of goodness out there in the world. We just need to take the time to notice it. I hope that this story would inspire many others like me to do more acts of kindness.
小题1:The moment the author found the car missing, he thought ______.
A.it was stolen by a strangerB.it was towed by the police
C.he placed it in a wrong placeD.he should rent another one
小题2:We can infer that DMV is ______.
A.an office for licenseB.a towing place
C.a renting placeD.a parking lot
小题3:Why did the author put some chocolates on his colleagues’ desks?
A.His colleagues were fond of chocolates.
B.He wanted to thank his colleagues.
C.He was touched and hoped to cheer others.
D.He wanted to do his colleagues a favor.
小题4:The author writes about his experience ______.
A.to criticize the person stealing his cars
B.to praise the rental place at Enterprise
C.to tell us a surprising but moving story
D.to encourage people to do acts of kindness



小题1:B考查细节理解。This was at 8 a.m. in the morning. I made trips to all the towing places and police stations, all the time thinking that it was towed (拖走)句意:那是早晨八点,我去了所有的拖车场和警察局,我一直以为车是被拖走了。由本句可知刚开始的时候我是以为车被拖走的,故答案为B。
小题2:A细节理解题。I told the enterprise guy the whole story and he offered to take me to the closest DMV and get a duplicate (副本) license.和He actually took me to DMV, got a duplicate and then rented me a car. 句意为:我告诉公司的人事情的原委,他主动提出来要带我去最近的“DMV”办一张驾照的副本,并且他最终帮我做了这件事。由此可知,DMV是办驾照的政府机构。
试题【One day I walked down to get to my car, thinking about what I had to accomplish 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Which is safer --- staying at home, traveling to work on public transport, or working at the office? Surprisingly, each of these carries the same risk, which is very low.However, what about flying compared to working in the chemical industry? Unfortunately, the former is 65 times riskier than the latter! In fact the accident rate of workers in the chemical industry is less than that of almost any of human activity, and almost as safe as staying at home.
The trouble with the chemical industry is that when things go wrong they often cause death to those living nearby.It is this that makes chemical accidents so newsworthy.Fortunately, they are extremely rare.The most famous ones happened at Texas City (1947), Flixborough (1974), Seveso (1976), Pemex (1984) and Bhopal (1984).
Some of these are always in the minds of the people even though the loss of life was small.No one died at Seveso, and only 28 workers at Flixborough.The worst accident of all was Bhopal, where up to 3,000 were killed.The Texas City explosion of fertilizer killed 552.The Pemex fire at a storage plant for natural gas in the suburbs of Mexico City took 542 lives, just a month before the unfortunate event at Bhopal.
Some experts have discussed these accidents and used each accident to illustrate a particular danger.Thus the Texas City was caused by tons of ammonium nitrate, which is safe unless stored in a great quantity.The Flixborough fireball was the fault of management, which took risks to keep production  going during essential repairs.The Seveso accident shows what happens if the local authorities lack knowledge of the danger on their doorstep.When the poisonous gas drifted over the town , local leaders were incapable of taking effective action.The Pemex fire was made worse by an overloaded site in an overcrowded suburb.The fire set off a chain reaction of exploding storage tanks.Yet, by a miracle, the two largest tanks did not explode.Had these caught fire, then 3,000 strong rescue team and fire fighters would all have died.
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Working at the office is safer than staying at home.
B.Travelling to work on public transport is safer than working at the office.
C.Staying at home is safer than working in the chemical industry.
D.Working in the chemical industry is safer than traveling by air.
小题2:Chemical accidents are usually important enough to be reported as news because       .
A.they are very rare
B.they often cause loss of life
C.they always occur in big cities
D.they arouse the interest of all the readers
小题3:According to the passage, the chemical accident that caused by the fault of management happened in_________.
A.Texas city B.Flixborough
C.Seveso D.Mexico City
小题4:From the passage we know that “ammonium nitrate” is a kind of _____.
A.natural gas, which can easily catch fire
B.fertilizer, which can"t be stored in a great quantity
C.poisonous substance, which can"t be used in overcrowded areas
D.fuel, which is stored in large tanks
小题5:From the discussion among some experts we may conclude that _____.
A.to avoid any accident we should not repair the facilities in chemical industry
B.the local authorities should not be concerned with the production of the chemical industry
C.all these accidents could have been avoided or controlled if effective measures had been taken
D.natural gas stored in very large tanks is always safe

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I was brought up in the British, stiff upper lip style. Strong feelings aren’t something you display in public. So, you can imagine that I was unprepared for the outpouring of public grief(悲伤) at a Chinese funeral.
My editorial team leader died recently after a short illness. He was 31. The news was so unexpected that it left us all shocked and upset. A female colleague burst into tears and cried piteously at her desk. Somehow we got through the day"s work. The next day was the funeral.
Our big boss stepped forward to deliver a eulogy and was soon in tears. She carried on, in Chinese of course, but at the end said in English: "There will be no more deadlines for you in heaven." Next came a long-term colleague who also dissolved in tears but carried on with her speech despite being almost overcome by emotion. Then a close friend of the dead man paid tribute(哀悼), weeping openly as he spoke. Sorrow is spreading. Me and women were now sobbing uncontrollably. Finally, the man"s mother, supported between two women, addressed her son in his coffin. At one point, the mother almost collapsed and had to be held up. We were invited to step forward to each lay a white rose on the casket. Our dead colleague looked as if he was taking a nap. At the end of the service I walked away from the funeral parlor stunned at the outpouring of emotion.
In the UK, families grieve privately and then try to hold it together and not break down at a funeral. Here in China it would seem that grieving is a public affair. It strikes me that it is more cathartic to cry your eyes out than try to keep it bottled up for fear of embarrassment, which is what many of us do in the West.
Afterwards, a Chinese colleague told me that the lamenting at the funeral had been restrained(克制) by Chinese standards. In some rural areas, she said, people used to be paid to mourn noisily. This struck me like something out of novel by Charles Dickens. But we have all seen on TV scenes of grief-stricken people in Gaza and the West Bank, in Afghanistan, Iraq and the relatives of victims of terrorist bombings around the world. Chinese grief is no different. I realized that it"s the reserved British way of mourning that is out of step with the rest of the world.
It was our newspaper"s production day. We were bussed back to the office to resume work. No more deadlines for our former colleague, but we had to pull together to put the newspaper to print. The boss invited the team to go out for dinner after work. We relaxed, smiled, joked. There was no mention of the funeral or our poor colleague. Enough sorrow had been shed already. We needed a break.
小题1:The underlined words “stiff upper lip style” mean “      ”.
小题2:At the funeral,         .
A.five individuals made speeches
B.the boss’s speech was best thought of
C.everyone was crying out loudly
D.the writer was astonished by the scene
小题3:According to the writer, people in the West     .
A.are not willing to be sad for the dead
B.prefer to control their sadness in public
C.cry their eyes out at the public funeral
D.have better way to express sadness
小题4:It is implied that        .
A.the English might cry noisily for the dead in Dickens’ time
B.Chinese express their sadness quite unlike other peoples
C.victims of terrorist bombings should be greatly honored
D.English funeral culture is more civilized than the others
小题5:This passage talks mainly about          .
A.an editor’s deathB.bad funeral customs
C.western ways of griefD.cultural differences

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The rain was coming down heavily and I was going to be late for an important conference. Dressing up quickly, I called for a taxi,        that it would be faster than the subway.
It wasn"t.
After a long wait, I finally got one, but the traffic was heavy. I looked at my       from time to time. Just as the traffic started moving, the driver        a man up ahead in a wheelchair.
“Wouldn"t he be cold sitting right there!” the driver cried and began to       .
I could see there would be another 20 minutes"       —        him into the cab, folding up his chair and putting it into the taxi"s small      , then dropping him off who knows where.
“What are you doing?” I shouted to the driver.
As the       came out, I wanted to take them back. The wrongness of my       to the driver shocked me. Why did I let out the shout?
The driver      me and we continued the journey. Eventually I got out of the taxi and
    to the office. As I ran, I understood that, though it wasn"t my duty to take the time to help others, I shouldn"t have        the driver"s stopping. I should have been able to see beyond my impatience to notice what was most inerrant (不会错的). Whenever I think of this incident, this is my   : I am not a       self-centered person, but I still feel       
of being self-centered. Living a busy life in a fast-paced big city, do we still need to stop to help those who are in need of help?
A.reminding   B.expectingC.realizingD.attempting
A.pull overB.take offC.pass byD.run away
A.excited atB.thought aboutC.made fun ofD.complained about

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As a boy growing up in India, I had longed to travel abroad. I used to listen to the stories my father would tell me about his stay in Canada and tours to Europe in the 1970s, with great interest.
My big moment finally came in the summer of 1998 when I was able to accompany my parents to Europe, where my father was to attend a meeting. We planned to travel to Belgium, Netherlands and West Germany.
I have clear memories even today of going to Mumbai airport at night all excited about finally going abroad. I had heard several great things about Lufthansa till then but now I finally got to experience them first hand, during the flight to Frankfurt. We flew business class and even today I can remember the excellent service by the Lufthansa crew (工作人员). The flight was really smooth and thoroughly enjoyable, even for someone like me, who is especially afraid of flying.
After spending almost two weeks in Europe, we took the Lufthansa airport express from Dusseldorf to Frankfurt airport, for our return flight. What a journey that was! All along the Rhine (莱茵河), it was simply an unforgettable experience. I had a sombre feeling on the flight back to Mumbai as it marked the end of a wonderful vacation, but the Lufthansa crew members were able to change it into a most enjoyable experience yet again, with the quality of their service.
Being the first airline to take me abroad, Lufthansa will always hold a special place in my heart. Even today,I continue to enjoy flights on Lufthansa and simply cannot dream of choosing any other airline. Flying, in general,for me,has always been a terrible and painful experience.Flying on Lufthansa,however, is something I always have and always will look forward to.
小题1:Which country does the author live in now?
小题2:What made the author so interested in traveling abroad?
A.Growing up in India.
B.Once staying in Canada.
C.Once traveling to Canada with his father.
D.His father"s stories about his traveling experiences.
小题3:Which of the following is true about the author"s trip to Europe in 1998?
A.The author traveled with one of his parents.
B.Both their going and return were by air.
C.They traveled in spring that year.
D.They stayed in Europe for nearly two months.
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that Lufthansa is ________.
A.a city in IndiaB.a city in Europe
C.an airline companyD.a travel agency
小题5:The underlined word “somber” in the 4th paragraph probably means “________”.

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NEW YORK— Picking a Christmas tree takes most people a few minutes, or a couple of hours if they head for the woods. Dave Murbach needs 11 months.
Almost every day of every year, Murbach’s thoughts turn to vision of a perfectly shaped evergreen tree that will take everyone"s breath away.
Murbach is the man responsible for finding the towering tree that makes more attractive Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center each Christmas season.
“I"m always looking for a tree,” the center"s chief gardener says. “I look for it even when I go to the beach in the summer. It" s like a homework assignment hanging over your head.”
And if he gets it wrong, there"s nothing hiding it.
“Every day it"s up, 400,000 people go by, and 2.5 million people watch the lighting celebration on television,”he says.
This year’s tree, a 74-foot Nomy spruce (云杉) from Richfield, Ohio, flown to New York on the world"s largest cargo plane, was lighted on December 2.
The arrival of the tree leads in the Christmas season in New York — a tradition dating back to 1931, when the workers building Rockefeller Center put up a small tree with ornaments (装饰品). 
The search for the next year"s tree starts soon after the old tree is chopped up for wood chips and horse-jumping logs.
Murbach has three standards: The tree must be at least 65 feet high, at least 35 feet across and leaves dense (密集的) enough not to see through.
That"s not as simple as it sounds. Though forests are full of evergreens, few get enough sunlight or space to fill out. And branches in snow regions often break under the weight, making trees unbalanced.
Back at the office, he sorts through hundreds of letters from people offering their trees, many addressed simply to “Mr. Christmas Tree Man.”
Though there was occasional anxiety attack and sleepless night, Murbach knows the effect the tree has on people: “It"s for bringing people together, attempting to bring together people you love. That"s what I hope it sets off.”  But Murbach says he"s always too worn out to celebrate Christmas.
小题1: Which is the correct order of the events in the passage?
a. Murbach’s thoughts turn to a perfectly shaped tree.
b. 2.5 million people watch the Christmas tree.
c. The tree is flown to New York.
d. It was lighted on December 2.
e. The tree is chopped up.
f. Murbach searches for the tree.
A.a, b, c, d, e, f B.c, d, b, f, e, a
C.c, d, e, b, a, f D.a, f, c, d, b, e
小题2: Murbach spends a lot of time         that are exhibited in Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center each Christmas season.
A.taking care of Christmas trees
B.deciding on the perfect evergreens
C.sorting the letters from people
D.deciding the TV programs
小题3: Why does Murbach take his job seriously?
A.Because he wants everyone to be happy with his choice.
B.Because he hopes to make everybody unable to breathe.
C.Because he enjoys showing off.
D.Because he wishes to attract people"s attention to himself.
小题4: According to Murbach" s standard of trees, the best tree must_______ .
A.be evergreen
B.have lots of space between their branches
C.be tall enough not to see through
D.be equally balanced
小题5: What kind of person do you think Murbach is?
A.A person always ignoring his family.
B.A person full of love.
C.A person devoted to his work.
D.A person with great anxiety.

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