当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人生百味类 > 完形填空。     My first day at school was unforgettable (难忘的). I  was  so    1   that...
试题【完形填空。     My first day at school was unforgettable (难忘的). I  was  so    1   that】;主要考察你对人生百味类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     My first day at school was unforgettable (难忘的). I  was  so    1   that I  didn"t sleep well the  night
     My mother   2   me to school on  the  first day.   A teacher came  and led me and other children to the
classrooms. Some children began  to cry because their   3   couldn"t go into the classrooms with  them.  I
didn"t cry,   4   I had been to a kindergarten (幼儿园) before. My mother   5   a moment later.
     When I   6    the classroom, one of my classmates came to talk to me. It was a happy
       7    for me to get to know my new classmates. We  laughed  and played   8   .  Once  in  a  while  the
teacher had to     9   us to keep quiet as we were making too much noise.
     Finally the bell rang for us to go home. I was glad to see my mother   10    for me at the school gate. It
was a wonderful first day at school.
(     )1.   A. sad      
(     )2.   A. introduced
(     )3.   A. parents    
(     )4.   A. so        
(     )5.   A. had lessons
(     )6.   A. left    
(     )7.   A. game      
(     )8.   A. quietly    
(     )9.   A. want      
(     )10. A. asking    
B. excited       
B. invited      
B. teachers      
B. and           
B. went to school
B. cleaned      
B. time          
B. slowly      
B. tell          
B. waiting      
C. quiet    
C. wished    
C. children  
C. because    
C. went home  
C. entered    
C. interest
C. quickly    
C. help      
C. standing  
D. bored      
D. took      
D. pupils    
D. also      
D. left home
D. visited    
D. subject    
D. happily    
D. join      
D. buying    
1-5  BDACC        2-10  CBDBB
     In my free time, I paint designs(图案)on T-shirts. I got the  idea  two  years  ago  for  my  brother"s
birthday present. The shop wanted $20 for a special design on a T-shirt, so I  decided to  do  it  myself.
I bought a white cotton T-shirt at $6 and some paints, then I painted  a  lion  on  the  front. My  brother
loved it very much.
     Painting T-shirts is great fun. You needn"t be a great artist(艺术家), and you  can just  paint  shapes
and lines. The T-shirts are the most expensive part of my hobby. You have to use special paints because
they can last a long time. Brushes are not really expensive but you  need  to  buy  ones  of  good  quality
     I love my  hobby  because I can make T-shirts that no one else has got.   I have given a  lot  of  them
away as presents to my  family and friends. Sometimes,  I sell them. Since I started, I"ve made about  60
T-shirts and each one is different.
1. Two years ago I decided to ______.
A. buy a T-shirt with a special design
B. paint a special design on a T-shirt
C. sell a T-shirt with a special design
D. write a special word on a T-shirt
2. How much did it cost me to buy a white cotton T-shirt?
A. $20
B. $8C.
C. $6          
D. $2
3. What was my first design?
A. A shape.
B. A line.
C. A lion.  
D. A T-shirt.
4. ______ is necessary (必要的) if you want to paint a design on a T-shirt.
A. Special paints and good-quality brushes
B. Special paints and cheap brushes
C. Good-quality brushes and good painting skills
D. Good painting skillsand cheap paints
5. I love my hobby because ______.
A. I can give away the T-shirts as presents
B. I can wear many cheap and beautiful T-shirts
C. I can make quite different T-shirts for others
D. I can have many beautiful T-shirts
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
learn, question, problem, be, help, little, good, much, happy, teach, attitude, how
仔细阅读课本P45 的诗歌并用心去体味其中的意境,然后根据原文默写填空。
     In thirty   1   years, my friend, where will I   2   ?   3  ,    4  , somewhere between?
No matter   5   I become,I know   6    7  :You’ll be my    8  ,If I’m rich   9   I’m poor.
1._____ 2._____3._____4. _____5. _______ 6. _____7. _____8. _____9._____
     Don"t waste time because time lost can never __1__.
     Time passes very quikly. Some students say they do not have __2__ time to do their lessons. They
don"t know __3__ make use of their time. They waste it in watching TV, playing games,and __4__ other
useless things. Why do we go to school early in the morning? Why do most people __5__  buses instead
of (代替) __6__? The answer is very easy: we wish to __7__ time because time is precious (珍贵).
     We know that time is __8__. When a man __9__, his time has finished. __10__  time is short, we must
give our time to our studies or work.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. lose    
(     )2. A. enough  
(     )3. A. how      
(     )4. A. do      
(     )5. A. have    
(     )6. A. foot    
(     )7. A. save    
(     )8. A. make    
(     )9. A. comes    
(     )10. A. When    
B. missing    
B. some      
B. how to    
B. to do      
B. want      
B. walking    
B. waste      
B. play      
B. dies      
B. Or        
C. find    
C. many    
C. what to  
C. doing    
C. take    
C. to walk  
C. use      
C. go      
C. meets    
C. How      
D. come back  
D. good      
D. when to    
D. did        
D. like      
D. walked    
D. have      
D. life      
D. plays      
D. Because    
     Don"t wasts time because time lost can never   1   .
     Time passes very quikly.  Some students say they do not have   2   time to do their lessons.  They
don"t know   3   make use of  their time.  They waste it in watching TV,    playing   games,    and   4    
other useless things.Why do we go to school early in the morning?    Why do most  people   5  buses 
instead of(代替)   6    ?The answer is very easy:we wish to   7   time because time is precious(珍贵).
     We know that time is   8    . When a man    9   ,    his time has finished.     10    time is short,   we
must give our time to our studies or work.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(      )1. A.lose  
(      )2. A.enough
(      )3. A. how  
(      )4. A.do    
(      )5. A. have  
(      )6. A. foot  
(      )7. A. save  
(      )8. A. make  
(      )9. A. comes
(      )10.A. When  
B. missing  
B. some    
B. how to  
B. to do    
B. want    
B. walking  
B. waste    
B. pl;ay    
B. dies    
B. Or      
C. find      
C. many      
C. what to  
C. doing    
C. take      
C. to walk  
C. use      
C. go        
C. meets    
C. How      
D.come back      
D. good          
D. when to      
D. did          
D. like          
D. walked        
D. have          
D. life          
D. plays        
D. Because