B. Ten.
C. Eleven.
B. Do cooking outside.
C. Sleep in the sleeping room.
B. To know the deadline.
C. To ask for information.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题.1. How many passengers does the bus usually hold?A. Eight.B. Ten】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. Buying and selling stocks.
C. How to shop online.
B. She doesn"t know too much about computers.
C. She likes playing computer games best.
B. He is a manager of a online company.
C. He"s a market researcher of a company.
B. Pressure from parents and teachers.
C. Where test stress comes from.
B. Smart enough and study well.
C. Bad grade in the past test.
B. Five.
C. Six.
1. What does the woman imply?
A. It"s better to buy the tickets in advance.
B. It"s convenient to buy tickets at the door.
C. She doesn"t want to go because the ticket price is too high.
2. What do we learn from the conversation?
A. The car is out of gas.
B. The car is broken.
C. The speakers get lost.
3. How will the man go to the conference hall?
A. By bus.
B. By car.
C. By taxi.
4. What do we know about the man?
A. He is too busy to go to the village.
B. He has decided to go to the village soon.
C. He wants to go somewhere else.
5. What is the woman"s problem?
A. She has difficulties with her studies.
B. She feels that the project is too difficult.
C. She is not good at working with other students.
1. Where is the woman most possibly?
A. At the Lost and Found.
B. At the Luggage Depository.
C. At the police station.
2. Why cannot the woman fill in the form?
A. Because she doesn"t remember every item in her bag.
B. Because she doesn"t remember where she lost her bag.
C. Because the bag she lost was not her bag.
3. What is right on the man?
A. He is a bit unfriendly.
B. He can tell everything he has in his pockets.
C. He lost his things, too.
1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. At a stamp market.
B. At a post office.
C. On a telephone line.
2. How many postcards does the man want to get altogether?
A. One.
B. Four.
C. Eight.
3. What does the woman advise the man to do?
A. To put those postcards into the mail box beside her.
B. To stamp those stamps on the front side.
C. To leave those stamps with her.
- 1下列两个唐朝诗人中,前者诗作风格豪迈、浪漫,语言明快、生动;而后者的诗作则充满沉郁、朴实而深刻的情感。这主要是因为:(
- 2一次消防演习中,一位从火灾中逃生的“小孩”从12楼的窗口跌下,设各层楼高3m.消防队员离该幢楼底层约10m,看到情况到起
- 3【题文】河流水体的流动是水循环的重要环节,河流水体的流动又是塑造地表形态十分重要的力量。读某区域图,回答下列小题。【小题
- 4相同的水平恒力F分别作用于相同的物体A和B,使A沿光滑水平面从静止开始移动s的距离,使B沿粗糙水平面从静止开始也移动s的
- 5黄埔军校创建时,校门上有一副引人注目的对联,上联:“升官发财请往他处。”下联:“贪生畏死勿入斯门。”横批:“革命者来。”
- 6【题文】阅读以下图文材料,用简洁的语言描述此会徽并写出其内涵。(3分)亚洲五大体育赛事之一的亚洲沙滩运动会会徽征集揭晓,
- 7从①氧气、②氮气、③空气、④氢气、⑤二氧化硫、⑥一氧化碳六种气体中,选出符合下列题意的物质,用序号填空.(1)属于混合物
- 8蚕茧代表家蚕的( )A.卵期B.幼虫期C.蛹期D.成虫
- 9阅读下文,完成后面题目。(10分,其中选择题每小题2分)寄欧阳舍人书曾巩去秋人还,蒙赐书及所撰先大父墓碑铭,反复观诵,感
- 10下列事例中,能用光的直线传播解释的是( )A.在河岸边,看到河水“变浅了”B.阳光下,树在地面上会形成“影子”C.雨过
- 1如图,P是⊙O的弦AB上的点,PA=6,PB=2,⊙O的半径为5,则OP=______.
- 2从C、H、O、N、S这5种元素中选择恰当的元素,用离子符号或化学式填空最常用的溶剂2个硫酸根离子两个氧分子由四种元素组成
- 32011年6月,在京举办的第二届全球智库峰会上,美国资深战略家、88岁的前国务卿亨利·基辛格建议中国:展开“胡锦涛计划”
- 4现代文阅读(32分)。春(16分)①盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。②一切都像刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。山
- 5Ronny"s steps ________,and there was a moment of absolute si
- 6如图所示,两根间距为d的光滑金属导轨,平行放置在倾角为的斜面上,导轨的右端接有电阻R,整个装置放在磁感应强度大小为B的匀
- 7示意图突出反映了美国政治体制的特点“三权鼎立,相互制衡”,有人将这种体制比喻为“棒子打鸡,鸡吃虫子,虫子蛀棒子”的循环,
- 8阅读文段,回答问题。回望钱学森卞毓方 一天,炊事员对钱学森的儿子钱永刚讲,你爸爸是个有学问的人。他儿子听了觉得好笑,心
- 9为鉴别乙酸、淀粉溶液、葡萄糖溶液,选用一种试剂,可选用下列中的( )A.碘B.钠C.硝酸D.新制氢氧化铜悬浊液
- 10如图,工厂A要把处理过的废水引入排水沟PQ,从工厂A沿( )方向铺设水管用料最省,这是因为( ),画出这个管