1. What does the woman imply?
A. It"s better to buy the tickets in advance.
B. It"s convenient to buy tickets at the door.
C. She doesn"t want to go because the ticket price is too high.
2. What do we learn from the conversation?
A. The car is out of gas.
B. The car is broken.
C. The speakers get lost.
3. How will the man go to the conference hall?
A. By bus.
B. By car.
C. By taxi.
4. What do we know about the man?
A. He is too busy to go to the village.
B. He has decided to go to the village soon.
C. He wants to go somewhere else.
5. What is the woman"s problem?
A. She has difficulties with her studies.
B. She feels that the project is too difficult.
C. She is not good at working with other students.
试题【 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. Where is the woman most possibly?
A. At the Lost and Found.
B. At the Luggage Depository.
C. At the police station.
2. Why cannot the woman fill in the form?
A. Because she doesn"t remember every item in her bag.
B. Because she doesn"t remember where she lost her bag.
C. Because the bag she lost was not her bag.
3. What is right on the man?
A. He is a bit unfriendly.
B. He can tell everything he has in his pockets.
C. He lost his things, too.
1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. At a stamp market.
B. At a post office.
C. On a telephone line.
2. How many postcards does the man want to get altogether?
A. One.
B. Four.
C. Eight.
3. What does the woman advise the man to do?
A. To put those postcards into the mail box beside her.
B. To stamp those stamps on the front side.
C. To leave those stamps with her.
1. What does the man admire Lance Armstrong for most?
A. His confidence.
B. His courage.
C. His achievement.
2. When did Lance Armstrong come back as a cyclist?
A. Before 1998.
B. Before 1999.
C. In 1999.
3. According to the conversation, how many times has Lance Armstrong won Tour de France?
A. Three times.
B. Four times.
C. Six times.
1. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Renting an apartment.
B. Visiting the most beautiful street.
C. Looking for the most convenient neighborhood.
2. What advice does the woman give to the man?
A. To live and find a job downtown.
B. To visit the Oak Street because it"s nice.
C. To look for an apartment near where he works.
3. What is the man going to do?
A. Visit the most popular part of the town.
B. Ask for more advice from other friends.
C. Look for more information in the newspaper.
1. When did the train leave Glasgow last Thursday?
A. At 9: 50 a. m..
B. At 9: 20 a. m..
C. At 8: 40 a. m..
2. What happened to the speaker?
A. He missed his flight.
B. He lost his luggage.
C. He had to change at Preston.
3. For what purpose does the man make the tape?
A. To ask the company to give him the reason for the delay.
B. To ask the company to dismiss the train crew.
C. To ask the company to make up for his loss.
- 1 美,盼着善待…… 美,有时是不能采摘的。 比如,早晨的露珠玲珑晶莹,不过,一旦把它们采集下来,那珍珠般的光泽就会
- 21997年,第一只“克隆羊”在英国诞生,其关键技术之一是找到一些特殊酶,它们能激活普通体细胞,使之像生殖细胞一样发育成个
- 3存在两个变量x与y,y是x的函数,该函数同时满足两个条件:①图象经过(1,1)点;②当x>0时,y随x的增大而减小,这个
- 4在古代社会,自然是人类的主宰,人们把自然神化,对自然顶礼膜拜,认为山有山神,河有河神,天旱求龙王降雨,遇事求神灵保佑。近
- 5做生意的小张前年收入比较高,习惯搭乘出租车;去年生意不好,收入下降了,可还是一出门就“打的”,而不愿乘公共汽车。材料充分
- 6选出没有语病的一句[ ]A.实现西部大开发是一项艰巨的历史任务。B.能否全面推进素质教育是保证青少年健康成长的条
- 7My goodness, look at the time! It’s nine o’clock already and
- 8董仲舒认为:“(人)性比于禾,善比于米,米出禾中而禾未可全为米也;善出性中,而性未可全为善也。……天生民性,有善质而未能
- 9(12分)材料一:2011年12月24日,国家质监总局公布近期对全国液体乳产品抽检结果公告,蒙牛、长富纯牛奶两种产品强致
- 10加热碱式碳酸铜现象描述错误的是[ ]A.试管内壁有水滴出现 B.生成气体通入澄清石灰水中逐渐变浑浊 C.绿色粉末
- 1It’s difficult to ___ these old books for some of them _____
- 2听对话,选择正确答案( )1. A. Smith. ( )2. A. C
- 3他被称为“状元实业家”,他兴办的实业是A.轮船招商局B.汉阳铁厂C.大生纱厂D.天津电报总局
- 4声音的反射形成 ,我们经常利用 来测量海的深度。
- 5心系一处 ①我的书房里悬挂着一个条幅,上面是我自己书写的四个字--“心系一处”。最初知道这句话,是在作家贾平凹的一篇文
- 6如图电压表0~15V量程的最小分度是 _________ V,读数是_________V;电流表0~0.6A量程的最小分
- 7把下列各数填在相应的表示集合的大括号内。-2,π,,,,-0.3,1.7,,0,1.1010010001……(两个“1”
- 8材料一:一年来,中国政府参与联合国维和行动,为遭遇自然灾害的缅甸海地等提供紧急援助,在国际会议上全面阐述中国的立场和建议
- 9电热液体蚊香器是当今流行的环保驱蚊用品.蚊香器通电后其内部的发热部件对驱蚊液加热,过一会儿,可见其顶部有“白气”飘出,房
- 10【题文】“通过层层严格考试的人才能进入……衙门任职……人们全然不可能设想一个比这更好的政府……。”伏尔泰在这里主要赞扬科