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Dangerous creatures
Some beach creatures are wonderful—like dolphins, but others are dangerous. Find out more about the dangerous ones –puffer fish, blue ringed octopus, and stingrays.

The blue ringed octopus

The blue ringed octopus is not a very big creature but it is very dangerous.
These octopuses are found all around the coast of Australia. They often lie in rock pools close to shore.
The blue ringed octopus is usually a dull colour but it shows its bright blue rings when it is in danger. If it is taken out of the water by someone, it is able to bite him and poison him.
If this creature bites someone, he will feel numbness (麻木) around the mouth, face and neck, Puffer Fish
Puffer Fish are found in all Australian seas. They are very easy to catch but must not be eaten because their flesh contains a poison.
Anyone who does eat the flesh can become sick very quickly. They may even stop breathing.

The Blue Bottle

The Blue Bottle is found in most Australian waters. Blue Bottles float lightly on the surface of the water but their tentacles(触角)can be as long as 10 meters.
Blue Bottles are much less dangerous than some other jellyfish, but they can give a swimmer a bad sting(刺) if the swimmer accidentally touches them.


There are many different kinds of stingrays in Australian waters. They usually swim and feed on the bottom of the sea. Accidents can happen if people stand on them or try to pick them up.
Stingrays have a sting on their tail. These stings have poison on them. If someone is stung, the wound can easily become infected.
小题1:If you swim in Australian waters, you will probably             .
A.be bitten by the blue ringed octopus
B.stop breathing because of Puffer Fish
C.get a bad sting by the Blue Bottle
D.become infected by stingrays
小题2:According to the text, the less aggressive (侵略性)creature is            .
A.the blue ringed octopusB.puffer fish
C.the blue bottleD.stingrays
小题3:According to this passage, the correct one of the following is that           .
A.all creatures along the coast of Australia are dangerous
B.poisonous creatures change the body color when in danger
C.no accident will happen unless people touch these creatures
D.if people stand on the beach, accidents can happen because of creatures
小题4:The main idea of this passage is about             .
A.dangerous creatures in the seaB.interesting creatures in the ocean
C.wild creatures in Australia seasD.different creatures in Australian waters



试题【Dangerous creaturesSome beach creatures are wonderful—like dolphins, but others 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
You can make the difference between this … and this. But how?
This summer, join the International Conservation (环境保护)Scouts on a fun—filled holiday with a difference. Year after year, young people from all around the world get together at one of our sixteen conservation camps. Their shared aim is to help protect the countryside and its wildlife.
Many animals and plants are in danger of disappearing forever. The dormouse, a kind of mouse, for example, needs woodland plants for food and trees to stay in. Its habitat is being destroyed by man and it needs our help to survive.
On a conservation camp holiday, you’ll learn all about nature and how to protect it. Our trained leaders will accompany you and tell you everything you need to know. Because of this you don’t need any experience, just energy and enthusiasm(热情). You will explore the countryside and work to ensure the survival of hundreds of animals and plants and still have plenty of time to enjoy the camp’s excellent sport games and organized nature paths through beautiful scenery.
The International Conservation Scouts is a world—wide organization, so there must be camp near you. You can spend a splendid holiday at any of the camps for as little as £60, including accommodation(住宿)and food.
For more information, send for a free conservation camps handbook today:
The International Conservation Scouts
Stanton St. John
Oxfordshire OX 71 TL
小题1:The main purpose of this passage is           .
A.to offer young people a fun—filled dangerous holiday
B.to attract young people to attend a conservation camp
C.to persuade people into exploring the countryside
D.to raise funds for the International Conservation Scouts
小题2:According to the passage, you can        at the conservation camps.
A.do experiment on the usual dormouse
B.practise numbers of favorite hobbies
C.enrich your knowledge of wildlife
D.have free accommodation and food
小题3:Judging from its writing style, this passage seems to be          .
A.a piece of advertisement for the young
B.a serious science report for the young
C.a passage for professional reading
D.a passage for arguing an opinion
小题4:The International Conservation Scouts is located in             .
A.16 different countriesB.some camps near you
C.the United KingdomD.the beautiful countryside

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Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with ONE word that best fits the context.
The Internet has become part of young people’s life. A 48._________ shows that 38% of the students often use the Internet. Most of them get 49.________ information on the Internet and use the Internet to help in their studies. 50.___________ many students don’t use it 51._________ a good way. Some play computer games too much; some visit websites they shouldn’t look at. Bad things may happen 52.________ students spend too much time on the Internet.
53._____ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, 54._________ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful advice.
Some students also make friends on the Internet. But if you want to have a face-to-face meeting with your online friends, let your parents know and 55.________ at a proper place.
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In Japan many workers who work in large corporations have a guarantee of lifetime employment. During their employment, they will not be laid off during recessions(经济萧条) or when the tasks they perform are taken over by robots. To some observers, this is what they call capitalism at its best, because workers are treated as people not things. Others see it as necessarily inefficient and they also believe it cannot continue if Japan is to remain competitive with foreign corporations by being more concerned about profits and less concerned about people.
  Defenders of the system argue that those who call it inefficient do not understand how it really works. In the first place not every Japanese worker has the guarantee of a lifetime job. The lifetime employment system includes only “regular employees”. Many employees are not included in this category, including all women. All businesses have many part-time and temporary employees. These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are. These “irregular workers” make up about 10 percent of the non-agricultural work force. Additionally, Japanese firms keep some flexibility through the large-scale use of subcontractors(转承包者). This practice is much more common in Japan than in the United States.
  The use of both subcontractors and temporary workers has increased remarkably in Japan since the 1974-1975 recessions. All this leads some people to argue that the Japanese system is not all that different from the American system. During recessions Japanese corporations lay off temporary workers and give less business to subcontractors. In the United States, corporations lay off those workers with the least seniority(资历). The difference then is probably less than the term “lifetime employment” suggests, but there still is a difference. And this difference cannot be understood without looking at the values of Japanese society. The relationship between employer and employee cannot be explained in purely contractual(合同的) terms. Firms hold on to the employees and employees stay with one firm. There are also practical reasons for not jumping from job to job. Most retirement benefits come from the employer. Changing jobs means losing these benefits. Also, teamwork is an essential part of Japanese production. Moving to a new firm means adapting to a different team and at least temporarily, possessing lower productivity and lower pay.
61.It is stated in the second paragraph that ____.
  A. defenders themselves do not appreciate the system
  B. about 90% of “irregular workers” are employed in agriculture
  C. the business cycle occurs more often in Japan and in the U.S.
  D. not all employees can benefit from the policy
62. During recessions those who are to be fired first in the U.S. corporations are ____.
  A. regular employees                   B. part-time workers
C. junior employees                     D. temporary workers
63. According to the passage, Japanese firms are remarkably different from American firms in that the former ____.
  A. use subcontractors in larger amount
  B. are less flexible in terms of lifetime employment
  C. hold on to the values of society
  D. are more efficient in competition than the latter
64. Which of the following does NOT account for the fact that a Japanese worker is unwilling to change his job?
  A. He will probably be low-paid.
  B. He will not be able to possess some job benefits.
  C. He has got used to the teamwork.
  D. He will be looked down upon by his prospective employer.
65. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A. The guarantee of employment in Japan
B. The consequence of the Japanese system
C. The advantages of lifetime employment in Japan
D. The expectations of capitalism
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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
Do you like sports? If your answer is yes, sometimes you will find it very difficult to have enough time to do it even if it’s on weekends. However, you don’t have to worry now because of a “sunshine sports” program launched (启动) by the Ministry of Education.
It suggests students around the country have an hour of sports every day. The difference is that students will be able to do any sport they please. The idea is to make students happy and keep them healthy at the same time.
Han Jiawen likes the idea. The 13-year-old studies in Shanghai Yangsi Middle School. Her school began the activity at the beginning of the term. Han an her classmates skipped rope together. “We had a good time,” said Han. “It was better playing than having classes.”
Wang Lichao welcomes the idea, too. “It’s good to be able to breathe some fresh air instead of sitting in the classroom.”
But the 14-year-old from Tianjin wonders whether there will be enough space for everyone. “With so many students outside,” he said, “I’m afraid there won’t be enough standing room in the playground.”
Wu Jiatong’s school in Liaoning already has something like a “sunshine sports” program. From the beginning of this term, Wu and other students at her school have been jogging for 40 minutes every morning. “It’s tiring,” said Wu. “But we do feel healthier.” “We hope we can do what we want. The school says later we can have rope skipping or kicking jianzi. I can’t wait!” she said.
What about your school? There must be more sports that interest you and your schoolmates.
56. According to the author, which of the following allows the students to have enough time to do sports?
A. The headmaster.           B. A teacher.   
C. A TV program.            D. A program called “sunshine sports”.
57. What does Han Jiawen think of the “sunshine sports” program?
A. It’s useless.   B. It’s wonderful.   C. It’s healthy.   D. It’s tiring.
58. According to the passage, Wu Jiatong ________.
A. hates her school program--- jogging
B. doesn’t like sitting in the classroom
C. wants to do different kinds of sports
D. complains there isn’t enough room to do sports
59. Which of the following statements is true?
A. All the students think it easy to carry out the program.
B. The program allows students to have an hour of sports on weekends.
C. Wang Lichao thinks sitting in the classroom is better than playing.
D. There may be not enough room for every student to do sports in some schools.
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World Reading Day was set up by the UNESCO in 1995 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. It is also the day to honor great writers, for example, William Shakespeare, born or dead on that day.
Many countries celebrated World Reading Day. Take the UK as an example, on that day, millions of schoolchildren can buy books of special price, a much lower price than usual, in any bookstore. It has been done every year since 1998. World Reading Day 2010 in the UK will take place on Thursday 4th March. Please note that this date applies to the UK and Ireland only. The initiative is so well established in schools there that they want to make sure that the Day happens in term time to really make the most of this opportunity to celebrate books and reading. Most other countries hold World Reading Day on 23 rd April every year.
World Reading Day is also celebrated in China. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, an avid reader, does lots of reading every day though he is very busy. On World Reading Day 2009 he encouraged citizens to do more reading. Wen suggested that young people should spend more time reading. “Books cannot change the world, but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading.”
Reading can benefit people in many ways. Reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Reading gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.
“Reading makes a full man” (Bacon, 1597). Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help us to know more about the out side world and perfect us. Therefore, it is necessary for us to spend time on reading every day.
小题1:Which of the following statements about World Reading Day is TURE?
A.It was set up to encourage people to learn English.
B.China also celebrates it on 4th March every year.
C.It is also the same day as some great writers was born or died.
D.Only since 1998 has the UK begun to celebrate it.
小题2:An avid reader is a person who             .
A.loves readingB.never readsC.does little readingD.hates reading
小题3:According to the passage, reading can help people EXCEPT       .
A.learn a foreign language betterB.know more about culture
C.improve your memory greatlyD.know more about the outside world
小题4:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.World Reading Day in the UKB.Reading makes a full man
C.World Reading Day in ChinaD.World Reading Day and Reading

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