The _______look on his face shows that he’s greatly ___________.
A.terrified; terrified | B.terrified; terrifying |
C.terrifying; terrifying | D.terrifying; terrified |
试题【The _______look on his face shows that he’s greatly ___________.A.terrified; ter】;主要考察你对现在分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
At this rate, the forest will be completely _______________ within the next 30 years.
A.damaged | B.ruined | C.spoiled | D.destroyed |
His services to the company was______with a present.
A.admitted | B.acknowledged | C.contributed | D.accepted |
With three children_________school, the couple have to leave their hometown in the countryside and work in big cities throughout the year.
A.attending | B.to attending | C.attended | D.being attended |
–Why do you want the radio so much?
-- _________ to the news, sir.
A.Listening | B.Listens | C.Listened | D.To listen |
She is shy. She is not used to_____ in front of others.
A.praise | B.praising | C.being praised | D.be praised |
- 1当m=( )时,方程x+2y=2,2x+y=7,mx-y=0有公共解。
- 2下列关于物体在平面镜中所成的像,说法正确的是 ( )A.镜中的像是正立的实像B.镜中的像是因为光沿直线传播而形成的C
- 3图是某物体运动的v-t图像,则下图中能相应表示出该物体运动的s-t图像的是 [ ]A.B.C.D.
- 4若直线始终平分圆的周长,则的最小值为 ( )A.1B.5 C.D.
- 5Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it
- 6根据句子意思及首字母提示,用适当的词填空。1. —What"s the m____ with Jim? —I th
- 7由直线x=-,x=,y=0与曲线y=cos x所围成的封闭图形的面积为________.
- 8Our textbooks are made _____ paper while paper is made ____
- 9在方向水平的匀强电场中,一个不可伸长的不导电细绳的一端连着一个质量为m电荷量为q的带电小球,另一端固定于O点,把小球拉起
- 10实验室制备和收集CO2时有以下几个步骤:①按要求连接好仪器、②向长颈漏斗中注入稀盐酸、③向反应容器中装入块状石灰石、④检
- 1已知⊙O上有两点A、B,且圆心角∠AOB=40°,则劣弧AB的度数为______ °.
- 2It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case o
- 3中国人对太空有着独特的情怀,从古代的“把酒问青天”、“嫦娥奔月”到今天的“神舟号系列”对太空的探索,再到“天宫一号”的发
- 4已知等腰三角形两边长分别为8 cm和7cm时,它的周长为( )。
- 5下列有关新中国外交成就的表述中,错误的是[ ]A.1953年提出和平共处五项原则B.1955年,在万隆会议上提出
- 6甲是“观察小鱼尾鳍内的血液流动”实验图,乙是在显微镜的低倍镜下观察到的小鱼尾鳍血管图象,图中箭头表示血液流动的方向,下列
- 7函数f(x)=12-x的定义域是______.
- 8在观察洋葱根尖细胞分裂装片时,能看到的最明显的变化是[ ]A.线粒体 B.叶绿体 C.染色体 D.液泡
- 9千年古莲子种下去后能够萌发并绽放出美丽的花朵。下列对古莲子的说法中,错误的一项是[ ]A.古莲子具备萌发的自身条
- 10【题文】下图表示广州、武汉、北京、哈尔滨四地的降水和气温情况,其中柱状图表示降水,曲线图表示气温,最左边的纵坐标表示降水