当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。     Sometimes Chinese En...
题型:0119 期中题难度:来源:
括号中词语的正确形式填空。     Sometimes Chinese English teachers are puzzled by such questions, "Have you got any skills in reading
comprehension?" Actually, many of the teachers can"t give students 1_____ efficient (效率高的) way to deal
with reading. Anyway, 2_____ often simply say, "Read more and practise more, and you 3_____ (get) more
experience in reading comprehension." Frankly, these teachers" good 4_____ (suggest) are only helpful to
arouse students" interest in reading 5_____ not helpful to deal with the questions in the examinations of reading
comprehension. Personally, I think the skill for reading comprehension should be based 6_____ the knowledge
of English writing. Since the English passages 7_____ (write) under some rules or principles, the science of
reading and understanding may have a close relationship with writing. Reading comprehension can"t be
independent from the knowledge of writing. So to do 8_____ (well) in reading comprehension, we should
learn the knowledge of writing, study 9_____ questions are designed and the relationship 10_____ questions
and the reading materials.
1. an  2. they  3. will get  4. suggestions  5. but
6. on  7. are written  8. better  9. how  10. Between
试题【阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。     Sometimes Chinese En】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。    This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers (young people aged from13~19) from all over the world
will spend about ten months in U.S. homes. They will attend U.S. schools, meet U.S. teenagers, and form
impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other
countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.
     Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George"s
family. In turn, George"s son Mike spent a year in Fred"s home in America. 
     Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months" study the language
began to come to him. School was completely different from what he had expected-much harder. Students
rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are
usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.
     Family life, too, was different. The father"s word was law, and all activities were around the family rather
than the individual. Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car. 
     "Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk,
but you soon learn to like it."
     At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. "I suppose I should
criticize (批评) American schools," he said. "It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very
much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe
your schools are better in training for citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the two." 1. This year _____ teenagers will take part in the exchange programme between America and other countries. [     ]
A. twenty-three hundred
B. thirteen hundred
C. over three thousand
D. less than two thousand 2. The whole exchange programme is mainly to _____. [     ]
A. help teenagers in other countries know the real America
B. send students in America to travel in Germany
C. let students learn something about other countries
D. have teenagers learn new languages 3. Fred and Mike agree that _____. [     ]
A. America food tasted better than German food
B. German schools were harder than American schools
C. Americans and Germans were both friendly
D. There were more cars on the streets in America 4. What is particular in American schools is that _____. [     ]
A. there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings
B. there are a lot of after-school activities
C. students usually take fourteen subjects in all
D. students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car
题型:0118 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     What exactly is a lie? Is it anything we say which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that?
For example, suppose a friend wants to borrow some money from you. You say "I wish I could help you,
but I am short of money myself." In fact, you are not short of money but your friend is in the habit of not
paying his debts and you don"t want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this. Is this really a lie?
     Professor Jerald Jellison of the University of southern California has made a scientific study of lying.
According to him, women are better liars than men, particularly when telling a "white lie", such as when a
woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it"s terrible. However,
this is only one side of the story. Other researchers say that men are more likely to tell more serious lies,
such as making a promise that they have no intention of carrying out. This is the kind of lie politicians and
businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at: the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in
some way.
     Research has been done into the way people"s behavior changes in a number of small, unimportant ways
when they lie. It has been found that if they are sitting down at the time, they tend to move about in their
chairs more than usual. To the trained observer they are saying "I wish I were somewhere else now". They
also tend to touch certain parts of the face, particularly the nose. One explanation of this may be that lying
causes a slight increase in blood pressure. The tip of the nose is very sensitive to changes and the increased
pressure makes it itch.
     Another gesture that gives liars away is what the writer Decmond Morris in his book Man Watching
calls the "mouth cover". He says that there are several typical forms of this,such as covering part of the
mouth with the fingers, touching the upper lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side off the mouth. Such
a gesture can be understood as an unconscious (未察觉的) attempt on the part of the liar to stop himself from
    Of course, such gestures as rubbing the nose or covering the mouth, moving about in a chair can not be
taken as proof that the speaker is lying. They simply tend to happen more often in this situation. It is one
gesture alone that gives the liar away but a whole number of things, and in particular the context (上下文)
which the lie is told. 1. According to the passage, a white lie seems to be a lie _____. [     ]
A. that other people believe
B. that other people don"t believe
C. told in order not to hurt someone"s feelings
D. told in order to take advantage of someone 2. Research suggests that women _____. [     ]
A. are better at telling less serious lies than men
B. generally lie for more than men do
C. often make promises they intend to break
D. lie at parties more often than men do 3. Researchers find that when a person tells lies _____. [     ]
A. his blood pressure increases measurably
B. he looks very serious
C. he is likely to make some small changes in his behavior
D. he uses his unconscious mind 4. The writer of the passage _____. [     ]
A. hates lying
B. enjoys lying
C. often tells a lie
D. tries to study about lying 5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a sign of lying? [     ]
A. Touching one"s ears
B. Rubbing the nose
C. Moving in a chair
D. Covering the mouth
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Many Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English
very well when they meet a foreigner. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure (结构), but
a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their
    It"s uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This
proves that they are unable to organize their idea in English. The center of the problem is that they lack
practice and confidence (自信).
    Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? Don"t be shy, they
will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak
by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you succeed. 1. What"s the best topic for the passage? [     ]
A. How to Speak to Foreigners
B. How to Study English Well
C. How to Organize the Idea in English
D. Practice Speaking English All the Time 2. Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they cannot speak English fluently because _____. [     ]
A. they seldom meet foreigners
B. they seldom practice speaking English
C. they had no chance to speak English
D. they think it"s enough to master the basic language structure only 3. So many Chinese students are afraid to speak to foreigners because _____. [     ]
A. they are afraid they can"t understand foreigners
B. they don"t think their English is poor
C. they worry about making mistakes in their speaking
D. they didn"t like speaking to foreigners 4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? [     ]
A. We can speak English fluently by doing more speaking.
B. If you can write English perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in English.
C. If you can write good English composition, you can speak English very well.
D. Any Chinese students can"t speak English fluently because they are afraid of making mistakes. 5. In the last paragraph, the expression "get rid of" means _____. [     ]
A. throw away
B. free oneself from
C. give up
D. do with
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
注意:每空格1个单词。     Quality after-school programs are designed to improve academic performance, decrease youth crimes and
other high-risk behaviors, and help young people grow into healthy, successful adults.
    The effect of quality after-school programs on academic performance is clear. Studies show that students
who take part in such programs show better work habits, higher rates of homework completion, improved
grades, and higher scores on achievement tests. They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame.
After-school programs also influence high-risk teen behavior. Various studies show decreased rates of crime,
drug-taking, and teen sex among youth who join in well-run after-school programs when compared to similar
youth who do not. Finally, after-school programs play an important role in supporting different kinds of fields
of development: physical development, mental development and social development. Thus, one can safely say
that after-school programming is an effective method to help young people become contributing members of
    Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that after-school programs can make
a positive difference, it is important to note that not all programs are equal. First, dosage matters-young people
who attend the most hours over the most years benefit more than members who attend less often or over a
shorter period of time. Next, after-school programs make a bigger difference for those students who need
help most and have the fewest choices. Finally, program qualities matter. After-school programs work best
when they create unique opportunities for youth. They should provide opportunities, skill building meaningful
involvement, expression, suggestion, service, and work. Staff characteristics make an important difference in
the quality of a program. The adults should treat youth as partners, create safe and fair environment,
encourage personalized involvement, and actively create learning opportunities. In short, although after-school
programs have a promising future, how they are designed and run matters. Title: Quality After-school Programs
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Students who say they never or hardly ever used dictionaries often speak English well but usually write
poorly, because they make many mistakes.
    The students who use dictionaries most do not learn especially well either. The ones who look up every
new word do not read fast. Therefore they do not have time to read much. Those who use small two-language
dictionaries have the worst problems. Their dictionaries often give only one or two words as translations of
English. But one English word often has many translations in a foreign language and one foreign word has
many translations in English.
    The most successful students are those who use large college edition dictionaries with about 100,000
words but do not use them too often. When they are reading, these students first try to get the general idea
and understand new words from the context (上下文). Then they read again and use the dictionary to look
up only key words that they still do not understand. They use dictionaries more for writing. If they are not
sure how to spell a word, or divide it into syllables (音节), they always use a dictionary. Also, if they think
a noun might have an unusual plural form, they check these in a dictionary. 1. The writer thinks that _____. [     ]
A. choose a good dictionary, and you"ll be successful in learning English
B. dictionaries are not necessary to the students who learn English
C. it is very important for students to use good dictionaries properly
D. using dictionaries very often can"t help to improve writing 2. When does the writer advise students to use a good dictionary in the reading? [     ]
A. After the first reading
B. At the end of the reading
C. During the first reading
D. At the beginning of the reading 3. This passage mainly tells us _____. [     ]
A. that students shouldn"t use small two-language dictionaries
B. that the small two-language dictionaries are very useful
C. why students should use large college edition dictionaries
D. what dictionary students should choose and how to use it 4. Which is not mentioned in this passage? [     ]
A. How to make good use of a dictionary.
B. How to improve spoken English.
C. When to use a dictionary.
D. How to practise reading fast.
题型:0114 期中题难度:| 查看答案
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