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September 21, 2050----At a press conference today it was announced that the first tourist heading for Mars will be the 38-year-old US businessman Patrick Clifford. He will leave the earth in the  launching window of June 2052 and set his foot on the surface of Mars in November, together with the other 6 astronauts assigned for the mission to further explore the planet.
Patrick has now two years of training ahead of him to get ready for the trip. Not only will he spend five months in getting to Mars, but another 600 days there before he can go back home.  Patrick was of course very excited, “ This has been my dream since I was four, and seeing the first man on Mars 20 years ago made me realize that it was possible.”
To be able to pay the $ 1. 3 billion for his ticket for the trip Patrick sold his majority stake (股份) in the company his father had built. “I know that my father would have been proud of me if he had still been alive today, he knew what this means to me”, says Patrick. There is no risk though that you will find Patrick begging in your street corner when he comes back, but it is said that he was paid twice as much for his part of the company.
So, how is he going to spend his 600 days on the red planet? “Well, since I don’t have a job when I get back after selling the company, I have plenty of time to come up with a new business idea”, he says and laughs. If he brings a shovel(铁锹)he can start building the first hotel there, but maybe he shouldn’t expect too many guests until someone can offer a cheaper ticket.
小题1:How long will Patrick Clifford be away before he comes back?
A.About five monthsB.About two yearsC.About 600 daysD.About 750 days
小题2:The underlined part in Paragraph 3 means that          .
A.the trip will turn Patrick into a beggar
B.Patrick will get much money from the trip
C.we needn’t worry about Patrick’s economic condition
D.it’s likely that Patrick will be very poor after he comes back
小题3:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Patrick is an optimistic man
B.A total of six people will go to Mars
C.Patrick’s father felt excited at the news
D.Patrick will spend all his money on the trip



小题1:计算题:从第二段的句子:Not only will he spend five months in getting to Mars, but another 600 days there before he can go back home.可知是5x30+600=750,选D。
小题3:推理题:从最后一段的句子:I have plenty of time to come up with a new business idea”, he says and laughs.可知他是乐观的。选A
试题【September 21, 2050----At a press conference today it was announced that the firs】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
From their beginnings New England towns had a special democratic system of government. At a stated time all the citizens would assemble at a town meeting, where they would discuss local problems and express opinions freely. They also elected the town’s officials at these gatherings and made decisions about the taxes they would pay and about other community matters. These meetings were usually held at the town hall, which was located in the central square.
In the eighteenth-century town meetings, only men who owned property and who were church members actually voted, although everyone present was allowed to express their opinions. Later, all citizens were allowed to vote. Thus the town meeting became truly democratic. Town meetings are still common in New England communities.
In recent years the town meeting idea has been widely imitated. There are open sessions of this kind on radio and television. Occasionally a meeting of this type is called by a government agency in order to give an opportunity for free and open discussion on current problems and policies.
小题1:At a town meeting, people do the following things EXCEPT __________. 
A.express their opinions about the government
B.elect officials of the towns
C.make a decision about whom they should marry
D.discuss some community matters
小题2:In the 18th century, who had the right to vote?  
A.All the citizens.
B.All the men except those who were church members.
C.The rich.
D.The rich men and the church members.
小题3:Why has the town meeting been widely imitated? 
A.Because many people are interested in it.
B.Because it is very democratic.
C.Because many people enjoy themselves at town meetings.
D.Because sometimes government agencies call them.
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? 
A.Citizens can elect the officials in the town meeting.
B.In recent years, town meetings are often called by a government agency.
C.People can say what they want to say at the town meeting.
D.Nowadays this kind of meeting is also held on radio and television.
小题5:This passage mainly talks about _______.  
A.the New England town meetingB.modern town meetings
C.a democratic meetingD.New England towns

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Like any awards ceremony of its age, the Oscars, now in its 85th year, has been trying hard to change.
So how did that go this year? When host Seth MacFarlane noted in his opening speech that it was the first time the Academy Awards had a theme, I thought: “well, that’s a good start.”
But when he revealed that the theme was a tribute to(向…致敬) musicals, I was less sure. After all, it’s not the first time that musicals have featured at the Oscars.
In 2007, the cast of Dream-girls gave a special performance directed by movie director and musical veteran(经验丰富的老手) Bill Condon. Then there was the memorable 2009 show hosted by Hugh Jackman, who screams musicals. With Beyonce Knowles and Anne Hathaway, he performed several hit songs from move musical. And in 2010, how did Neil Patrick Harris introduce the hosts? By performing a musical number.
So I guess the Oscars could have done better this year. But I must admit, there were more music performances in the three-and-a –half-hour show than ever before. This suggests the Oscars has dropped some of its arrogance and wants to offer audiences more entertainment.
It’s a timely move as the Golden Globes, also known as the “big party,” has become a threat to the Oscars, stealing viewers and even its reputation. Just look at the Oscars’ winning list this year.
You can’t blame the academy for wanting to stick it to the Golden Globes. While they hired Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to host the show—certainly more audience-friendly than MacFarlane— and Bill Clinton was invited as a presenter, who did viewers get at the Oscars? The First Lady of the US, Michelle Obama.
Way to go, Oscar! We know you’re struggling to look fresh and young, but don’t lose the pride and dignity that made you one biggest honor in the movie industry. Don’t ever let that change.
小题1:Examples are given in Para.4 to show that__________.
A.the Oscars has been trying hard to change
B.the Oscars’ theme is a tribute to musicals
C.it is not the first time that the Oscars has had a theme
D.musicals are not a new feature this year
小题2:What disappoints the writer is that__________.
A.the Oscars didn’t invite Bill Clinton as a presenter
B.the show took as long as three and a half hours
C.the Oscars has lost some pride and dignity to cater to the audiences
D.the Oscars is no longer fresh and young
小题3: Which of the following is true of the Golden Globes?
A.It gave an award to the First Lady of the US, Michelle Obama.
B.Its host and hostess had better reputation.
C.It has become highly competitive with the Academy Awards.
D.It is more friendly to the audience.
小题4:Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Nothing new, but well done
B.So old, still young
C.New start, good change
D.Too old to change

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New rules for pubs and clubs, including a ban (禁令) on drinking games like the awful "dentist"s chair", will be introduced in Britain this year to prevent the heavy drinking culture, which costs the country billions of pounds a year.
Other activities like "all you can drink for 10 pounds ", "women drink free" nights and speed drinking competitions will also be banned.
But, on the other hand, offers of cheap alcohol in supermarkets will not be affected, which is widely regarded as one of the main sources of Britain"s problems with under-age and over-drinking.
Doctors and health experts argue that the government has failed to use its most effective weapon, the taxation(征税) of minimum price controls on alcohol.
Home Secretary Alan Johnson said that the government and the industry had a duty to act on heavy drinking." These bans have a real impact on society, not to mention the lives of those who just want to enjoy a good night out," he said.
“The dentist"s chair”, where drinks are poured directly into the mouth by others, was made famous by the celebrations of footballer Paul Gascoigne at Euro "96. That game and others that promote large consumption will be banned from April and publicans (酒店老板) will have to ensure free tap water is made available to the drinkers.
The government says over-drinking costs Britain up to 12 billion pounds a year and has announced that any pubs that go against the new mandatory code (强制性规定) will face severe punishment. For instance, publicans and vendors (小贩) could lose their licenses, be fined up to 20,000 pounds ($32,750) or face six months in prison.
小题1:New rules for pubs and clubs will be introduced in Britain to ban heavy drinking because ________.
A.people drink too much without paying taxes
B.drinking games are infamous
C.drinking competitions are very crazy
D.drinking in the country costs too much
小题2:Some people believe when the tough new rules come into effect, ________.
A.supermarkets will stop selling alcohol in low prices
B.“women drink free” nights will not be closed
C.over-drinking will still not be stopped
D.under-age people will not continue drinking
小题3:What is probably the most effective way to control alcohol?
A.bans B.education C.force D.taxation
小题4:According to the passage, “the dentist’s chair” is ________.
A.a chair for the patient whose teeth should be treated
B.a drinking game made famous by the celebrations of footballers
C.a way to advertise different types of alcohol
D.to be banned in October this year
小题5:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Heavy drinking will be banned in Britain.
B.Over-drinking will be taxed.
C.Drinking in Britain will be banned.
D.12 billion pounds is spent on drinking.

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[1]A researcher who helped make crops grow in dry land areas received the World Food Prize last week. Daniel Hillel was recognized for his work in developing what is called “micro-irrigation" or “drip irrigation." It has made farming possible in places where there is little rainfall or water.
[2]Daniel Hillel"s farm near his home in Israel shows his ideas at work. “Each tree row is fed by these plastic tubes that drip water at the base of the tree." Watering plants drop by drop has changed agriculture by reducing the amount of water needed to grow crops.
[3]Farmers now depend on drip irrigation in many areas, including vineyards in Spain, onion fields in Africa, and even farms in the United States. Farmers in California grow about fifty percent of the fruits and vegetables of the continental United States. And the reason that is possible is because of these drip and micro-irrigation techniques.
[4]Daniel Hillel was born in California. After his father died, his mother moved the family to Palestine, where her parents lived. The area eventually became part of the state of Israel. Daniel Hillel got his start in dry land farming as a settler in Israel"s Negev Desert in the 1950s. “The issue was efficient use of water because land is available and extensive while Water is limited."
[5]Desert farmers were not able to push water through irrigation canals to their crops the way farmers have since ancient times. So Mr. Hillel and others gave plants just what they needed, just where they needed it. The idea was to apply the water little by little. The method worked so well that soon Mr. Hillel was traveling the world, showing others _____.
小题1:Why did Daniel Hillel win the World Food Prize?   ( no more than15 words)
小题2:How did drip irrigation change agriculture? ( no more than12 words)
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. ( no more than 5words)
小题4:What’s the main idea of the text? ( no more than 12 words)
小题5:What does the underlined word “it” (Line3, Paragraph 1) probably refer to?
(no more than 3 words)
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Marriages improve after children grow up and move out,according to an academic study, which suggests an “empty nest” is not always a bad thing.
Popular wisdom has it that parents’ relationships may suffer once their young fly the coop, because they feel they have lost their purpose in life.However, a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that many couples actually feel happier when their children leave home because they are able to enjoy spending time together.
In total,123 American mothers born in the 1930s were tracked for 18 years and asked to rate their satisfaction levels shortly after marrying, when they were bringing up babies, once their children reached their teenage years and finally at age 61, when almost all had “empty nests”.
Although not all said they were happier in general, most claimed their marriages had improved since their children had left home. Researchers believe this is not just because the spouses were spending more time together, but because they were able to enjoy each other’s company more.
One of the participants in the study,which is published in the journal Psychological Science,said:“Once the kids grow up...there’s some of that stress removed...that responsibility removed,so things are a little more relaxed.”
Psychologist Sara Gorchoff,who carried out the investigation,said: “The take­home message for couples with young children is ‘hang in there’.” Her co­author Oliver John added:“Don’t wait until your kids leave home to schedule quality time with your partner.”
However, Dr Dorothy Rowe,from the British Psychological Society,said the effects of living in an “empty nest” will depend on the parents’ relationship with their children.“If you’re just waiting for them to leave home so you can get on with your life,then of course you’ll be pleased to see them go,” she said, “But if you’ve built your life around your children you’ll be terribly lonely.For some parents,their world falls apart when their children leave.”
小题1:It is commonly believed that___________.
A.marriages improve after children leave home
B.an “empty nest” is always a happy thing
C.parents’ relationships may suffer once their young grow up and move out
D.parents will be pleased after their children leave home
小题2:When did many couples feel happier according to the study?
A.At age 61, when almost all had “empty nests”.
B.Shortly after marrying.
C.Once their children reached their teenage years.
D.When they were bringing up babies.
小题3:Marriages improve after children fly the coop not because___________.
A.many couples are able to spend time together
B.many couples are able to enjoy each other’s company
C.things are a little more relaxed
D.many couples needn’t work at all
小题4:The author of the passage tends to agree that____________.
A.parents should build their life around their kids
B.parents should schedule quality time with each other before kids leave home
C.parents’ relationship with their kids has no effect on marriages at all
D.parents should be pleased to see their kids leave home

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