当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第二节根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Have you ever met a foreigner?B:  ...

A:Have you ever met a foreigner?
B:  61  I know only a little English.
A:I asked if you have ever met a foreigner.
B:What do you mean by the word “foreigner”?
A:  62  
B:No, I have never met a foreigner before.   63  
A:Foreigner, F-O-R-E-I-G-N-E-R.
B:Please say it again more slowly.   64  
A:OK. Foreigner. Oh, you don"t pronounce the letter “g”.
B:  65  
A:That"s right.
A.I want to write it down.
B.I"m sorry I can"t follow you.
C.Can I look it up in a dictionary?
D.You mean it"s a silent(不发音的) letter?
E.It"s not so difficult.
F.I mean a person from another country.
G.How do you spell that word?

61---65   BFGAD  

试题【第二节根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Have you ever met a foreigner?B:  】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

I moved to this small town at the age of twelve.After getting  36   in our new house and starting school,I began to explore the   37  area.I was exploring the pond when I discovered the fish.
There were two of them,one about a foot long,  38  the other just a little smaller,and they were the most beautiful fish I had  39  seen.They had blue and yellow and red  40  from head to tail.Before they saw me,they swam  41  over the sand just under the front edge of the large cedar(杉)tree which had long before fallen  42   the pond.
I went back the next day after school  43   with about six feet of fishing line and a hook borrowed from our elderly neighbor.and half a dozen worms I had   44  out of the garden.We did not own any fishing tool,and   45  a city kid,my fishing experience, had  46  week long visits to my relatives.
I took a shortcut  47  some fallen cedars on my way to the pond.As I was climbing over one tree and ducking under another,I  _48  my footing,and my soup can of worms went flying into the air.My  49   was only increased when I noticed that my worms had disappeared.
I went to the pond,looked down again,and there they were.I made a few  50   to catch them by hand,but I soon realized it was never going to  51 .I had been trying to catch them for quite a while without actually even  52   either one.After each attempt,they   53  suddenly go around the pool,then settle back under the log.They could really go  54 ,but they were just too fast to be caught.I was wet and   55   and it was time to go home.
36.A.seated          B.settled         C.separated                D.served
37.A.deserted       B.crowded      C.surrounding            D.distant
38.A.but              B.and             C.thus                       D.so
39.A.hardly         B.seldom        C.never                     D.ever
40.A.dots            B.signs           C.signals                   D.symbols
41.A.nervously    B.hopelessly     C.effortlessly             D.difficultly
42.A.through       B.across          C.past                    D.by
43.A.armed         B.matched       C.handled                  D.accompanied
44.A.put              B.dug             C.pulled                    D.searched
45.A.for              B.with            C.as                          D.despite
46.A.consisted of  B.compared with  C.made up                D.taken up
47.A.beyond        B.against         C.between                 D.through
48.A.lost             B.sank                   C.sent                D. threw
49.A.doubt          B.disappointment    C.courage           D. strength
50.A.steps           B.activities             C.attempts          D. movement
51.A.work           B.complete             C.cover              D. catch
52.A.noticing               B.touching             C.holding           D. feeling
53.A.should          B.might                 C.would             D. could
54.A.somewhere    B.anywhere           C.nowhere          D. everywhere
55.A.excited        B.frightened           C.worried           D. discouraged
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Ryan  and Lowry had been friends  since high school,  but it wasn’t until after college
that they hit on the idea of a home—care-products company.“We were shocked to learn how  toxic  cleaning  products  were,”  says  Ryan.  Why  couldn’t they  create  green products that would be just as environmentally pure as Aveda’s skin—and—hair—care lines?
When Ryan’s mom heard about the plan,she stared at him blankly: “I’ve never even seen  you  clean your room!” Not discouraged,Lowry experimented with  nontoxic ways to clean.  while  Ryan  focused on marketing.  In  February 2001,they  mixed their first four   cleaning  sprays  and  convinced the  managers  of  20  grocers to try them·  Once  they had their  approval,they tapped  friends  and  family  and pooled their  savings to  come  up  with $90,000 in seed money.
From the start,“Go big or go home’’was their mantra(口头禅).Their first financing— that $l million—was due to be signed on September 11, 2001. By the time they got it, two months later,says Ryan, "we had$16 in the bank and personally owed$300,000·”
Seeking a national retailer(零售商)proved just as troublesome.The friends set their sights on Target,known for its trendy,affordable goods.“But Target didn’t like the product or the brand,”recalled Ryan.“We thought the deal was dead,but then a new buyer saw that even though we weren’t selling big volumes, we were  profitable, just on a smaller scale.”They won over Target.
Consumers  were  hooked  on the  natural things  and  wonderful  fragrance. Today,the partners sell 130 products in more than 8,000 stores,and taxes are over$100 million. Such  rapid  growth has  at times  stressed the  men’s  friendship. “Eric  and  I  agree on ‘what’  but  never  on‘how,’”  says Lowry.  “Although  we  are  willing to  challenge  each  other,we come up with interesting and smarter solutions.There’s little fire and ice between us·
56.The underlined word“toxic”in Paragraph 1 most probably means——·
A.poisonous    B.dirty    C.expensive   D.troublesome
57.When Ryan told his mom his plan, ___________.
A.he knew his mom was sure to support him
B.his mom asked him to clean his room
C.his mom suspected his ability
D.he was discouraged by his mom
58.We can learn:from the third paragraph that __________________.
A.Ryan and Lowry wanted to gave up and go home at first
B.their plan didn’t go smoothly at the very beginning
C.they made profit two months later after their first financing
D.$1 million was not enough as their seed money
59.The partners’cleaning products are sold very well because——.
A.the products are made of natural material and smell nice
B.their friends and family offered to use their products
C.they cooperated with a well—known national retailer
D.they convinced 20 grocer managers to try them
60.It can be inferred from the—passage that——.
A.Aveda’s skin—and—hair-care lines are not so successful as Ryan and Lowry’s
B.Target is a famous environment-friendly cleaning brand
C.The friends "cooperation with Target was very successful
D.The partners get on well with each other in their business
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第Ⅱ卷  (共45分)
The  success  of  a  speech  is  often due to the  skill  of the  speaker  who  is  confident,knowledgeable and able to deliver a speech clearly and effectively.
But often it is not the speakers who write these moving speeches;it is a speechwriter.    And polities is one industry in which this practise is common..So what does it take to be a     political speechwriter? 
According to a recent job  advertisement from the  US Embassy in  Britain,a political     speechwriter needs to have excellent interpersonal skills and be able to demonstrate a deep     knowledge of their subject.They must also work closely with speakers and be able to relate     to the speakers’ style.  
Some believe that the best speechwriters have a—born talent,a natural creative ability, and that speechwriting is an art.
What  about  those  of us  who _______? Can we  still produce  successful  speeches?
In an interview with the BBC,Dr Atkinson(a communications specialist)outlined a
number of speechwriting techniques.He also explained how the.se techniques have been used     in historic speeches.
One such technique is introducing contrast(对比).This is extremely useful when presenting a positive influence on a negative issue. One of the most famous examples of this can be seen in a speech given by former American President John Kennedy:“Ask not what your country can do for you,but what you can do for your country.”   
Another technique is the use of three—part lists.Dr Atkinson explains that this can be     an excellent way of confirming a statement.Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a    fan of this technique.One of his most famous campaign Slogans(口号)was“education,    education,education”. 
76.What’s the main idea of this article? Please answer within 10 words.
77.Which sentence in the last page call he replaced by the following one?
However,it is the speechwriters rather than the speakers who write the speeches.
78.Fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words.(Please answer within 10
79.Please list at least three characters for being a good political speechwriter.(Please  ‘
answer within 20 words.)
80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.      
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Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Even bird brains can get to know an entire continent ----- but it takes them a year of migration to do so, suggests a Princeton research team.
The scientists have shown that migrating adult sparrows can find their way to their winter nesting grounds even after being thrown off course by thousands of miles.
The team first brought 30 sparrows to Princeton from northern Washington State, where the birds had been in the process of migrating southward from their summer breeding grounds in Alaska. Half the birds were juveniles(少年) of about three months in age that had never migrated before, while the other half were adults that had made the round trip to their wintering site in the south-western United States at least once.
After the birds were released, they attempted to start their migration again but both age group grew disoriented(迷失方向) quickly.
“All the birds scattered(分散) at first,” Wikelski said. “It was clear that they were turned around for a couple of days. But while the adults eventually realized they had to head southwest, the younger birds began flying straight southward again as though they were still in Washington.”
“The adults,” said team member Richard Holland, “recovered their bearings because they possess something the younger birds do not, which is an internal map.”
“These birds need two things to know where they are and migrate effectively: a ‘map’ and a ‘compass’,” said Holland, a postdoctoral research associate in Wikelski’s lab. “What we’ve found is that juveniles use their compass, but the adults also use their map.”
Holland said, “The birds do not lose the compass as they age, but somehow develop the map, eventually applying both tools to keep on track during migratory flights. Scientists already have determined that the compass is based on the sun or the magnetic field, but where the map comes from remains a mystery----one that the team will be exploring in the coming years.”
81.Where do you think the 30 sparrows spent their summer? (No more than 2 words)
_______________________________________________________________________________82.What are the juveniles sparrows really lack of? (No more than 3 words)
_______________________________________________________________________________83.What are scientists still not sure about? (No more than 6 words)
_______________________________________________________________________________84.What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 12 words)
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When my father died, one of the tasks that fell to me was to sort through and decide which objects to save and which to throw away. Now I look at the    31    of my life as if I were dead,   32    what my children will do with the human skull(骷髅) that    33     on the bookcase next to my desk. I couldn’t   34     them if they threw it out. They’ve been wanting to do that for some years,    35    will they know how much can be learned from   36    with a skull? And what about my books?   37   they can find some place in their   38   for ten thousand books. However, I know they will look at the white, plastic head of a horse on my desk and   39   it into a Glad trash bag without any   40  , never knowing that it is the only place   41   from the first chess set (棋子)I owned.
How many boxes of mine will my children   42   ? Can I trust my children with my   43   ? Every object of our lives is a   44   , and emotion swirls(旋动) around it like fog, hiding and   45   a tiny truth of the heart.
I look at these objects that are mine and know, too, that they are   46   of how alone I am, how alone each of us is,   47    no one knows what any object means except he or she who   48    it. I have the memory of taking it home   49   one of my newly-born children from the hospital; only I have the memory of what it looked like when I lived in that apartment and where it sat in that house. I look at the objects that are mine, and the memories are   50    and permeated(渗透着)with love. I look at the objects that are mine and know that I’m going to miss me very much.
31.A.tasks         B.objects         C.books         D.pictures
32.A.wondering          B.designing     C.concluding      D.weaving
33.A.cries         B.sleeps          C.sits          D.smiles
34.A.educate        B.understand       C.blame       D.strike
35.A.and        B.so            C.or            D.but
36.A.helping       B.living          C.playing       D.speaking
37.A.Honestly    B.Luckily        C.Naturally           D.Surely
38.A.desks          B.bags         C.apartments      D.hearts
39.A.drag               B.take          C.move          D.throw
40.A.hesitation        B.love         C.  care           D.worry
41.A.casting        B.expanding     C.remaining       D.shining
42.A.enjoy          B.reserve        C.find        D.prepare
43.A.life          B.passion        C.respect        D.heart
44.A.mark          B.pleasure       C.belief          D.memory
45.A.preventing      B.spreading     C.protecting       D.encouraging
46.A.symbols      B.phenomena      C.measures       D.tracks
47.A.when          B.once         C.unless          D.as
48.A.prefers        B.repairs         C.owns          D.remembers
49.A.like        B.for           C.with               D.to
50.A.strange       B.warm              C.new        D.bitter
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