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To make new friends, the first thing you need to do is to meet up with new people, this should be quite      , as your neighborhood should have a club, school or some other small organizations.
Go there and talk to people.       you get into a social circle or group, making friends is not hard at all.
Look easygoing. You needn’t      in fancy clothes or wear loud make-ups to attract people. Make eye       and smile often; don’t look too nervous and listen to what others have to say.
Accept people the way they are. Nobody is      ; you are not either. Everyone has faults and the way to make friends is by looking at the positive aspects of people. In case you don’t like someone’s behavior, it is better to       them than to create a rivalry (对抗).
Don’t forget old friends. If they have moved away or if you have moved away, be in       through phone calls and emails. Don’t leave old friends for the sake of new ones.
A.embarrassingB.availableC.amazing D.simple
A.try on B.dress upC.put on D.have on
A.contact B.movementC.controlD.connection
A.intelligent B.organizedC.fluentD.perfect
A.avoid B.abandon C.botherD.blame



小题1:D形容词辨析。A. 困窘的;B. 空闲的;C. 令人吃惊的; D. 简单的。根据后文解释的原因as your neighborhood should have a club, school or some other small organizations.可以判断此处强调这种做法是非常简单的,答案选D。
小题2:A连词辨析。A.曾经;B.虽然;  C.同时;D. 自从。从前后句的意思判断此处是一种假设,所以用once。句意:一旦你进入了一个社会圈子或者团体,那么交朋友就一点也不难了。
小题3:B动词短语辨析。 A. 试穿;B. 打扮;C.穿;D. 穿着。根据空后面的in fancy clothes可以判断此处指打扮,dress up in“打扮,穿戴”,而put on “穿上”则强调动作,答案选B。
小题4:A名词辨析。 A. 接触;B. 移动; C. 控制;D. 连接。由搭配可知make eye contact“进行眼神交流;保持目光接触”,答案选A。
小题5:D形容词辨析。A. 聪明的;B. 有组织的;C. 流畅的;D. 完美的。从下文Everyone has faults可知此处作者提醒人们:人无完人,每个人都会有缺点,所以答案选D。
小题6:A动词辨析。A. 避免 ;B. 抛弃;C.打扰;D. 责备。根据语境可知对于不喜欢的人,可以尽量不去接触,而不要与之抗衡,对抗,答案选A。
小题7:B名词辨析。A. 需要;B.接触; C. 麻烦; D. 危险。此条建议是Don’t forget old friends,be in touch“保持联系”;be in need“需要”;be in trouble“处于困境”;be in danger “处于危险中”,由此可知答案选B。
试题【To make new friends, the first thing you need to do is to meet up with new peopl】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
At 21,Ricardo Semler became boss of his father"s business in Brazil,Semco,which sold parts for ships. Semler Junior worked like a mad man,from 7:30 am,until midnight every day. One afternoon,while touring a factory in New York,he broke down. The doctor who treated him said,"There"s nothing wrong with you. But if you continue like this, you"ll find a new home in our hospital. "Semler got the message. He changed the way he worked. In fact,he changed the ways his employees worked too.
He let his workers take more responsibility so that they would be the ones worrying when things went wrong. He allowed them to set their own salaries,and he cut all the jobs he thought were unnecessary,like receptionists and secretaries. This saved money and brought more equality(平等)to the company. "Everyone at Semco,even top managers,meets guests in reception,does the photocopying,sends faxes,types letters and dials the phone."
He completely reorganized the office:instead of walls,they have plants at Semco,so bosses can"t shut themselves away from everyone else. And the workers are free to decorate their workspace as they want. As for uniforms,some people wear suits and others wear T-shirts.
Semco has flexible (灵活的)working hours:the employees decide when they need to arrive at work. Also,Semco lets its workers use the company"s machines for their own projects,and makes them take holidays for at least thirty days a year.
It sounds perfect,but does it work? The answer is in the numbers:in the last six years,Semco"s revenues (收入)have gone from $35 million to $212 million. The company has grown from eight hundred employees to 3,000. Why?
Semler says it"s because of "peer pressure". Peer pressure makes employees work hard for everyone else. If someone isn"t doing his job well,the other workers will not allow the situation to continue. In other words,Ricardo Semler treats his workers like adults rather than children, and expects them to act like responsible adults. And they do.
小题1:Why did Semler change the way he and his employees worked?
A.Because he went crazy because of overwork.
B.Because he had to receive treatment in hospital.
C.Because his father asked him to.
D.Because the doctor warned him of the danger of overwork.
小题2:Semler made a variety of changes in his company Except that__________.
A.the number of the employees is reduced to save money
B.the employees can take only 30 days off for holiday every year.
C.flexible working hours were introduced
D.the employees enjoyed a lot of freedom
小题3:What’s the main idea of Paragraph five?
A.Ricardo Semler’s new management method succeeded.
B.Ricardo Semler’s idea sounded perfect but not practical.
C.The company earned a lot of money.
D.The reason for his success.
小题4:In his company, what does Ricardo Semler value most?
A.freedomB.rulesC.responsibilityD.hard work

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He is talent and charm(魅力) have made him the No.1 Chinese classical artist in the world. He played in the grand Beijing Olympic opening ceremony last summer, watched by a TV audience of 5 billion.
Lang Lang, 26, is the first Chinese pianist to play with the world’s top orchestras, making his debut at the Carnegie Hall in New York at 18, while still a student.
Lang Lang’s charm and fondness for sharp clothes make him a natural fit to represent(代表)China’s new international image. According to the British newspaper the Times, “The Lang Lang effect” is responsible for driving 36 million Chinese children to learn the piano.
Now in China children are learning Chopin(肖邦) and Western orchestras are touring Chinese cities, but can China ever export(出口)its own music to the west? Lang is trying. His cooperation with the London Symphony Orchestras this month includes a performance of Dragon Songs, an album of traditional Chinese classics.
Behind the international recognition, however, is a fascinating story of a gifted child. Lang grew up with his father’s own musical ambition and high expectations. It is not hard to imagine how boring it must be to practice the piano every day. Lang said that he once hated his hands and the piano. He injured his right hand six years ago and had to rest. “That was the best month,” he says, without hesitation. “I had a date. I saw a Broadway show and saw Britney Spears in concert.”
小题1:Which of the following is NOT the reason why Lang Lang is the No.1 Chinese classical artist in the world?
A.He played in the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony last summer.
B.He has as many as 5 billions fans in China.
C.He is the first Chinese pianist to play with the world’s top orchestras.
D.He plays the piano so well and has a good international image.
小题2:The underlined word “debut” in the second paragraph probably means____.
A.first classB.first performanceC.first planD.first choice
小题3:Which of the following statements about Lang is true?
A.He has 36 million Chinese students in China.
B.He is touring China giving concerts.
C.He is trying to export Chinese music to western countries.
D.He only played traditional Chinese classics in his cooperation with the London Symphony Orchestra.
小题4:From the last paragraph we can infer _____.
A.Lang didn’t like his father when he was little
B.he was happy to practice the piano everyday
C.his father’s desire and expectations played an important role in his childhood
D.he injured his right hand on purpose six years ago

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When I was a law professor, a student reported that I made an error in grading his exam by giving him too many points. He was ______ and after thanking him for his honesty, I changed the ______ in my records. His beaming (欢笑的) face turned to _____. “You’re lowering my grade?” he said angrily. “I would never have come in ______ ……”
He didn’t finish the ______, but it was obvious that his display of honesty was false. He thought he’d have it all—praise and the ______ grade.
Several colleagues thought I should have let the higher grade ______ because all I’d accomplished was to discourage him from being ______ in the future. And every time I tell this ______, some people agree with this remark.
But I can’t see how I could give good ______ for worsening my mistake in grading by undermining (损害) the honesty of all my grades by failing to ______ an error. The grade itself would be a dishonest ______ of his knowledge and it would have been ______to other students. How could I possibly give a student a gift of an_____ grade?
I know ______ reporting an error in one’s favor is unusual, but, like ______ extra change, it’s clearly the right thing to do. People of character, those with real honesty, hate to give up benefits as ______ as anyone else. The difference is that for them a good conscience and reputation is ______enough to give reason for the cost of doing the right thing.
Perhaps lowering the student’s grade did ______ him from being honest in the future, but bribing (贿赂) him to be honest so that he does the right thing when it’s cost-free would have ______him even more. The duty to be honest is about right and wrong, not risks and rewards.

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As we all know, getting benched in sports is usually a bad thing. But at one school in Florida, a girl has taken a bench and turned it into something entirely different – a place to find friends. It’s called the Friendship Bench. And it’s the brainchild of a sixth grader at Palm Bay Elementary – a girl named Acacia Woodley.
Acacia’s attitude toward life might be summed up best by a question she recently asked members of the Brevard County School Board – “what if we spend as much time putting the spotlight on kindness as we do on cruelty?” It’s a philosophy Acacias has learned to live her own life -despite having a lot of people would consider a handicap. She was born without a right hand. And her left hand did not form properly. But Acacia says that she has not stopped her from achieving her goals. “You need to believe in your dreams. If you don’t believe in you dreams, I can definitely tell you that they are not going to come true.” She said.
Acacia came up with the idea for the Friendship Bench after seeing kids getting bullied at school. She says she has also experienced bullying herself – kids whispering about her or picking on her because she is different. “Some people say they feel sorry for me. I tell them not to,” she said. “I don’t care that I’m different. I like being different.”
The Friendship Bench looks like a lot of other benches. It has arm sets and a place to lean on. But there are also words painted on it – words such as “hope”, “respect”, “listen” and “dream”. Acacia put the benches together with the help from her mother and brother.
Any time a kid feels he or she needs a friend, all that kid needs to do is sit on the bench. It is then up to the other kids – or grown-ups – to fill that need. “It’s a perfect idea,” Palm Bay Elementary Principal Lori said. “It’s something we’ve needed so badly.”
The Friendship Bench has been such a success at Palm Bay Elementary that other schools are now interested in installing one too. “There’s a saying in my teacher’s classroom,” Acacia said. “It says, ‘it you can dream it, you can achieve it.’”
小题1:What is the function of the first sentence in Paragraph One?
A.To explain the meaning of getting benched is sports.
B.To introduce the important role “bench” plays in sports.
C.To introduce what the author wants to say in the text to us.
D.To tell us that the passage is connected with the word “bench”.
小题2:What can be learned about Acacia from the passage?
A.She is disabled but leads an active life.
B.She has a deep understanding of life.
C.She finds it difficult to achieve her goals.
D.She finds herself always in need of help.
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Acacia has also suffered from other kids’ bullying.
B.The kids who sit on the bench feel they need friends.
C.Grown-ups are allowed to offer their help to the one in need.
D.The Friendship Bench is different from others in the arm sets.
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.More Friendship Benches will be installed in other schools soon.
B.Students stop bullying other schoolmates at Palm Bay Elementary.
C.The students at Palm Bay Elementary have become more friendly.
D.Acacia has become a very important figure at Palm Bay Elementary.
小题5:What is the best title of this passage?
A.Acacia’s New Invention
B.The Friendship Bench
C.Help from a Special Bench
D.Getting Benched in School

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At the beginning of my 8:00 a.m.class one Monday at University of Nevada,Las Vegas(UNLV),I cheerfully asked my students    their weekend had been.“Not been very good”,one young man said.He"d had his wisdom teeth      .The young man then went on to ask me why I   seemed to be so cheerful.His question reminded me of    I′d read somewhere before:”Every morning when you get up,you have a     about how you want to approach life that day”,I said.“I choose to be cheerful”.
“Let me give you an    ”,I continued.The other 60 students in the class     their chatter and began to listen.one day,my car died on the way.I called AAA and asked them to send a     .The secretary in the Provost’S office asked me what had happened.”This is my      day”, I replied,smiling.”Your Car      and today is your lucky day?”She Was      .”What do you mean?”“I live 17 miles from here”,I replied.”My car    have gone wrong anywhere along the freeway.It didn’t.Instead,it went wrong in the      place:off the freeway,within walking distance of here.I’m     able to teach my class,and I’ve been able to arrange for the tow truck to    me after class.”The secretary’s eyes opened wide,and then she smiled.
I scanned the 60 faces in the lecture hall.    the early hour,no one seemed to be asleep.Somehow,my story had    them.Or maybe it Wasn’t the story    .It had all started with a student"s      that I Was cheerful.A wise mail once said:”Who you are     louder to me than anything you can say”.I suppose it must  be so.
A.excuseB.explanationC.instruction  D.example
A.stoppedB.interruptedC.disturbed  D.prevented
A.truckB.tractorC.secretary  D.policeman
A.strangeB.terribleC.lucky  D.pleasant
A.cuts upB.breaks upC.breaks downD.tears down
A.cheerfulB.doubtfulC.puzzled  D.worried
A.couldB.mustC.should  D.would
A.wrongB.properC.perfect  D.smooth
A.thus  B.stillC.hardly  D.even
A.pick  B.sendC.meet  D.visit
A.DespiteB.AlthoughC.Since  D.Though
A.taughtB.touchedC.educated D.excited
A.after all B.in allC.above all D.at all
A.motivationB.inspirationC.observation D.appreciation
A.says B.speaksC.talks D.tells

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