题型:0104 期中题难度:来源:
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B. if he could
C. whether could he
D. if could he
试题【The child asked his mother ______ go out to play tennis. [ ]A. that he cou】;主要考察你对名词性从句等知识点的理解。[详细]
-I didn"t understand_______ during the lecture.
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B. how did she say
C. that she was talking about
D. what she was teaching
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B. what"s the trouble
C. what the matter was
D. what was the matter
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B. what it is that
C. that it is
D. what. is it that
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B. will you come
C. you come
D. do you come
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B. when it was
C. it was when
D. was it when
- 1【题文】已知全集U=R,且A={x
- 2如图所示,△ABC中,∠C=90°,两直角边AC=8,BC=6,在三角形内有一点P,它到各边的距离相等,则这个距离是[
- 3Is it the country ______ you studied ______ you are going to
- 4Children’s brains can’t develop properly_______ they lack pr
- 5在“用单摆测定重力加速度”的实验中: (1)甲同学分别选用三种材料不同、直径2cm的实心球做实验,各组实验的测量数据如下
- 6 The committee asked for these suggestions to be ______ on p
- 7在△ABC中,a、b、c分别为角A、B、C的对边,已知向量,,且。(Ⅰ)求角A的值;(Ⅱ)若,设角B的大小为x,△ABC
- 8幂函数的图象经过点P(4,12),则此幂函数的定义域为______.
- 9已知a是一个两位数,b是一个一位数,若把b置于a的左边可以得到一个三位数,则这个三位数可表示成( )A.baB.10b
- 10“十一”黄金周期间,济南一位市民发现,大明湖一到黄金周就人满为患,而且游人到处乱抛、乱弃东西的现象特别严重,结果黄金周一
- 1A、B两地相距skm,甲、乙两人从两地同时出发相向而行,甲每小时行5km,乙每小时行4km,th后两人还未相遇,此时两人
- 2听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。 1. What used to happen in the classroom?A.
- 3I don"t know the homework ______ today. [ ]A. onB. inC.
- 4北斗卫星导航系统自2012年12月27日起正式提供亚太区域服务。北斗系统是中国自主建设、独立运行,与世界其他卫星导航系统
- 5阅读理解。 People in the United States honor their parents wit
- 6阅读下列材料:茶叶在19 世纪30 年代每年出口5 000 万磅,1814 年增至7 000 万磅,1851 年达9 9
- 7阅读下面文字,完成1—4题。基因武器就是运用遗传工程技术,按人们的需要,在一些病细菌或病毒中,接入能对抗普通疫苗或药物的
- 8将两只电灯泡L1(“220V、60W” )和L2(“220V、100W” )串联接入220伏特的电源上,它们的实际电功率
- 9If a shop has chairs _____ women can park their men, women w
- 10改革是历史发展的鲜明主题,尽管改革形式多种多样,特点各异,但这些改革也有一些共同的特征。阅读下列材料:材料一(克里米亚战