当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 科普环保类 > 阅读理解。     Some people like to get up early, but some do not. In fact, it is real...

     Some people like to get up early, but some do not. In fact, it is really good for us to get up early every
  day. Maybe those who don"t like getting up early will not believe this, but it is true. Scientists made a
 survey in about one thousand people, and then they found that early rising (早起) people had less
 disease (疾病) than late rising people, and early rising people also look healthier than late rising people,
 and so on.
     So we may know early rising is helpful in more than one way. First, it helps to keep us healthy. We all
 need fresh (新鲜的) air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, it is useful to do
 morning exercises.
     Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find it easier to understand what we learn.
   Thirdly, early rising can give us a plan of our work for the day. We cannot work well without a good
     Fourthly; early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and
 faces and eat our breakfast.
     Late risers may find it difficult to form the habit (养成习惯) of early rising. They have to make an effort
 (努力) to do so. As the English proverb says, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
 wealthy (富裕的) and wise. "

1 . Early rising people are _____  than late rising people.    A. fatter          
    B. thinner        
    C. healthier      
    D. Cleverer2. Air is the freshest _____  according to the passage.    A. in the morning                  
    B. in the afternoon
    C. in the evening                    
    D. all the day3. Which of the following is the result of early rising?    A. People can get ready for their work.
    B. People can get fresh air.
    C. People can learn things more quickly and better.
    D. All of the above.4. If a man always likes to get up late, it"s _____ for him to form the habit of getting up early.    A. easy          
    B. difficult      
    C. happy        
    D. sad5. As the English proverb says, _____   can make us healthy, wealthy and wise.    A. getting up early                
    B. going to bed early
    C. getting up late                  
    D. both A and B
1—5: CADBD

试题【阅读理解。     Some people like to get up early, but some do not. In fact, it is real】;主要考察你对科普环保类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     I am a five-year-old elephant. When I was a baby, I lived in the wild with my parents. But some
hunters killed my mother, and they caught me. They sold me to this circus(马戏团) and a train carried
me here.
     I was born in a large family. My mother was the head of the family. As you might know, when a
female is born into the family, she never leaves.
Closely and happily, we travelled together, ate together, played together, and slept together. When I was
in the family, my mother and my sisters looked after me carefully. I played happily with all the other
elephants. Now, I miss them.
     You enjoy watching my wonderful tricks. To make you laugh, I have to perform(表演) eight hours a
day. But you may ask yourself, "How did they make that elephant stand on his head?" I never stood on
his head in the wild. I don"t enjoy any of the tricks. I perform tricks because they make me do this or that. And still I hear you want to see me because you love me, you say. But you are thinking about yourself
what you want, what you like. Please think about me. If you love me, give me what I need. I need to be
free, and to be with my family. And you can watch me on videos, DVDs and Web pages.
1.Where was the elephant born?
A. In a zoo
B. In a circus
C. In the wild
D. In somebody"s family
2. How is the elephant"s mother?
A. She is in the circus now.  
B. She is still in the wild now.
C. She is the head of her family now.  
D. She died years ago.
3. What does the underlined (有画线的) word "they" mean?
A. The elephant"s family members.  
B. The children who watch the tricks.
C. The other animals in the circus.    
D. The people in the circus.
4. What does the elephant want?
A. The children"s love
B. To live with his family in the wild
C. To perform tricks
D. To travel in a train
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The elephant enjoys making children happy.
B. Children love to see elephants in zoos or circuses.
C. People don"t think much about how the elephant feel.
D. It"s good to watch elephants on videos, DVDs and Web pages.
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Water is very important to living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All animals
and plants need water. Man also needs water. We need water to drink. to cool our food and to clean
ourselves. Water is needed in offices,factories and schools.
     Water is needed everywhere.There is water in seasrivers and lakesWater is found almost everywhere. Even in the driest part of the world. there is some water in the air. You cannot see or feel it when it is a
part of the air. The water in the seas,rivers and lakes is a liquid.The water in the air is a gas,and we call it
water vapor.
      Clouds are made of water. They may be made of very small drops of water. They may also be made
of snow crystals(结晶体). Snow crystals are very,very small crystals of ice. Ice is frozen water. It is a
solid. There can be snow and ice everywhere in winter. 1. Where Can we find water?
A. We can find water when it turns into vapor.
B. Water can be found almost everywhere
C. We can see water in deserts here and there.
D. Water is only in seas and rivers.
2. We must protect water resources because.
A. crops need water
B. all living things need water
C. all animals need water
D. all plants need water
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                                                     New Books this Month
The Long Night                    
This is David Reilly"s first      
book. David became a writer        
after teaching English for        
several years.                    
Maha is a nurse in northern        
Australia. She works in a          
small hospital. One day a baby    
is so ill that Maha has to drive  
all night to get her to the        
nearest big city. They have a      
lot of problems getting there      
and …                            
Hard Work                        
This exciting story is Joanna"s  
Hard Work is about Sombat.        
He works with his father, a      
carpenter, in Thailand. They      
work long, hard hours making      
tables and chairs, but they do    
not have any money. Then one      
day a man dressed all in black    
buys the most beautiful table    
in the shop…                    
Hospital or Cinema              
Marcie Jacome, who studies      
English in London, wrote this  
story earlier this year.        
Tina is a young Indian woman    
whose dream is to become a      
doctor. She goes to London to  
study English and medicine,    
but one day she meets a man    
who asks her to go to the USA  
with him to become a film      
star…What will Tina do?        
     In the 13th century, the famous Indian traveller, Marco Polo, travelled a long way to China. He saw
many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that Chinese used paper money. In western
countries, people did not use paper  money  until the  15th  century. However, people in China began to
use paper money in the 7th century.
     A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented  paper  almost 2,000 years ago. He made it from wood. He
took the wood from trees and made it into paper. He then put these pieces of paper together and made
them into a book.
     Now paper still comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much
paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees, there  will  be  no  paper. Every
day, people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in  our city. It takes  17  trees  to  make one ton of
paper. This means that we are cutting nearly 48,000 trees every day. Since it takes more than 10 years
for a tree to grow, we must start using less  paper  now.  If  we  don"t, we will not have enough time to
grow more trees to take the place of those we use for paper.
     So how can we save paper?  We  can  use  both  sides of every piece of paper, especially when we
are making notes. We can also use cotton handkerchiefs(手帕) and paper ones. When we go shopping,
we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant does give us a  paper  bag, we can save it and refuse
(拒绝)it later.
     Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully,   we can help protect trees. But we should
do it now, before it is too late.
1. When he was in China, Marco Polo __________ .
A. discovered Cai Lun invented paper    
B. learned to make paper
C. saw many wonderful things          
D. read a lot of books  
2. People in western countries first used paper money in the _________ century.
A. 17th    
B. 15th    
C. 13th    
D. 7th 
3. About ________ tons of paper are thrown away every day in our city.
A. 1,700    
B. 2,000    
C. 2,800    
D. 48,000
4. Which of the following is the way of saving paper?
A. To use both sides of every piece of paper.
B. To use the paper bags from shops more than once.
C. To use cotton handkerchiefs and paper ones.
D. All of the above.
5. Which is the best title(题目) of the passage?

A. Saving paper.                      
B. The history of paper.
C. Cotton handkerchiefs back again.      
D. Cai Lun, the great inventor.

     The world of out-of-doors is full of secrets. And they are so interesting that quite a lot of people
are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they
   1    and grow are as interesting as anything could be.
     Do you know that one of the great Presidents of the USA spent hours and hours    2    birds? A
businessman who lives near New York city became so    3    in insects that he began to collect them.
He now has more than one thousand different kinds carefully    4    in glass boxes.
     Come then with me, and I will help you find some of nature"s secrets. Let us go    5    through the
woods and fields. Here we shall find now a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall
   6    a mother bear and her young ones as they look for    7    and get ready for winter sleep. We
shall watch bees dancing in the air to let other bees know    8    they can find food. I will show you
many other interesting things, but the thing that I can    9    you is to keep your eyes and ears    10   
when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully.
(     )1. A. bear
(     )2. A. studying
(     )3. A. friendly
(     )4. A. locked
(     )5. A. near
(     )6. A. hear
(     )7. A. food
(     )8. A. how
(     )9. A. make
(     )10.A. closed
B. live
B. eating
B. carefully
B. kept
B. quickly
B. follow
B. fruit
B. why   
B. pass    
B. open
C. speak   
C. learning
C. busy   
C. put   
C. quietly
C. catch   
C. vegetables
C. where   
C. give
C. safe
D. fly      
D. finding  
D. interested
D. filled    
D. politely  
D. help      
D. water    
D. when      
D. teach    
D. clean