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Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don"t smoke, and exercise more."
Running is good exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. She runs to lose weight. "I love to eat," she says.
Running is good for our health in other ways, too. Many runners say running makes colds and other small health problems go away. "Running is my doctor," says one man.
Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.
小题1:What bad habits do the health problem come from?
A.Eating too much.
B.Drinking too much.
C.Smoking cigarettes and not having enough exercise
D.All the above(以上所有)
小题2:What do doctors tell us to keep healthy?
A.Eat less,don"t smoke and exercise more.
B.Eat more,drink more and sleep less.
C.Eat less,drink less and sleep less.
D.Smoke a lot and exercise more.
小题3:The underlined word means ______________ in Chinese.
小题4:The third paragraph shows____________.
A.running helps people to relax
B.people who like running have many healthy problems
C.running helps build a strong heart.
D.people who like running have fewer healthy problems
小题5:The writer mainly tell us ________
A.how to run
B.running is a good way to keep healthy
C.how to lose weight
D.running is better than doctors



小题1:细节题。根据文章Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise.医生说许多健康问题都是来自这些坏习惯:吃的太多,喝酒太多,抽烟太多,没有足够的锻炼。故选D
小题2:细节题。根据文章Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don"t smoke, and exercise more."医生告诉我们要少吃,不要抽烟,多多锻炼。故选A
小题3:细节题。根据文章It also helps most people lose weight.跑步也能帮助很多人减轻体重。故选B
试题【Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors s】;主要考察你对科普环保类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Wang Ling, a middle school girl, felt angry with her parents after getting a boy’s phone call.“A classmate called me to discuss homework.We talked  1  just a few minutes before my parents got mad,” said the girl.“They asked whether I liked the boy.I said I didn’t,  2  they wouldn’t believe me.”
Wang’s trouble is not strange at all because puppy love(早恋) becomes a big headache for  3  parents and schools.They worry that puppy love will be bad for  4 .Her school makes it a rule not to allow any talk or any physical contact(身体接触)  5  one boy and one girl alone.
Many students say they understand  6  parents and teachers are so nervous about puppy love.But some think they are going too far.“We have our own thoughts and we know what to  7  with it,” said Wang Ling.
Another girl, Jiang Ting, liked making friends with boys.” Boys and girls can learn from each other,” she said.” My mother asks me to study hard.However, she  8  stops me from making friends with boys.“once Jiang told her mother she might fall in love with a boy.Her mother let Jiang make  9  own decision.Soon Jiang found that she didn’t like him any more because the boy was not as  10  as what she had thought before.And she did wrose and worse in her subjects because she spent much on it.At last she understood the worry form schools and most parents about puppy love.

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BEIJING—No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22,1998.It was started to protect the environment.By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day.
The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001.Other cities, including Taipei, Shanghai and Wuhan, also support(支持) the day.
In Beijing, more and more people are joining in the activity.It asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work.It also calls on Beijingers not to use cars on June 5(World Environment Day).The slogan(口号) for the day is, “If we drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.”
So far, more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support.“We can’t control the weather, but we can chose not to drive,” said Wu Zonghua, a car club chairman.Beijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this year.In the first quarter of this year, Beijing only had 52 blue sky days.This was 11 days less than the number for the same period last year.Much of the dust(灰尘) comes from the desert(沙漠), but cars cause most of the air pollution(污染).We must do more for no Car Day.
小题1:There are       cities in China that support No Car Day according to the passage.
小题2: The activity of No Car Day encourages Beijing drivers       .
A.not to work on No Car Day
B.to enjoy having a day off
C.to leave their cars at home for repair
D.to ride a bike or walk instead of driving to work
小题3:According to the passage there were       blue sky days in the first quarter of last year in Beijing.
小题4:The air pollution in Beijing is mostly caused by       .
小题5:We can know from the passage that       .
A.more and more people in Beijing are joining car clubs
B.people will have one more World Environment Day each month
C.more and more people won’t drive on No Car Day in Beijing
D.more people in the world won’t drive any more

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Wang Hai has just     1   his middle school but he couldn’t go to high school because there wasn’t    2    for it. His father wanted him to help with his business and let his little brother go to school. Soon Project Hope    3    it. They gave his father some money and asked his father to let him    4    to school again. He thanked the uncles and aunts in Project Hope a lot. Now he has been in school for a year. His teacher said he was a good student and     5      very hard.
A.finishing B.to finishC.finished D.finish
A.money enoughB.enough money C.few moneyD.much money
A.know B.have known C.to know D.knew
A.to goB.goes C.go D.going
A.studiedB.study C.studies D.studying

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During the day we work and play; at night we sleep. Our bodies rest while we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. While we are asleep our bodies grow most. Children usually need more sleep. We can get our lessons better and we feel better too, when we have plenty of rest. Boys and girls need ten hours of sleep every night when they are eight or nine years old. Our bodies need lots of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh(新鲜的)air we’ll feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our heads. If we do, our lungs(肺)will not get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better then warm air. Boys and girls must get enough sleep if they want to grow and be strong.
小题1: Our bodies grow most while we are___________.
小题2: Which is the best air for us?
A.fresh airB.Cool airC.Warm airD.Dry air
小题3: Too little sleep makes us_________.
小题4:How much sleep should boys and girls of nine years old have every night?
A.Eight hoursB.Nine hours
C.Ten hoursD.Seven hours
小题5:What do the lungs need most?
A.Fresh airB.FoodC.RestD.Exercise

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Our teacher work very hard. They get up early in the morning and work very late. How to help our teacher ?
First, we must try to learn our subjects(科目)well to make our teachers spend less time on us and let them have more rest.
Second, we must clean the blackboard and the teacher’s desk very often. If (如果) we can do so, our teachers will work better and of course they will be happier.
Our teachers often have to speak for a long time and they are very thirsty(口渴的). At this time, it is better for us to bring them some water. When our teachers drink the water, they will speak more clearly (清楚). After our teachers correct (批改)our exercise books, we can help to hand them out (分发它们).
If we do so, our teachers can have a short rest. We all know that our teachers care about our marks (关心我们的分数) most, so we should try to go over(复习) our lessons to get high grades(成绩).If all of us can get high grades, our teachers will feel (感觉)very happy.
How to ___小题1:___ our teacher
Ways (方法)
Do ____小题2:___ in our subjects.
The teacher can have more time to have a ___小题3:_____.
Often help the teachers __小题4:______ the blackboard and the _____小题5:___ desk.
They __小题6:______ better and feel happier.
Bring them some water when they ____小题7:____ to drink water.
They will speak clearly.
Help them hand out our exercise books.
They can rest for a ____小题8:____ time.
Try to go over our lessons __小题9:______ taking exams(考试).
_____小题10:___ grades will make them happy.
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