当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > A new supermarket put on a notice inside the entrance. It said, “Remember, once ...
A new supermarket put on a notice inside the entrance. It said, “Remember, once a week, one of our customers(顾客) gets free goods(things that cost nothing). This may be your lucky day!” All the housewives who went to the supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who didn’t have to pay for her shopping.
For several weeks Mrs. Blake hoped to be the lucky customer. Unlike many other customers, she never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things she did not need. She dreamed of the day, when the manager of the supermarket would come and say to her, “Madam, this is your lucky day and everything in your basket is free.”
One Friday morning, after she finished her shopping and had taken all the things to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy tea. She went to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the check-out. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket come to her. “Madam,” he said, “congratulations! You are our lucky customer and everything in your basket is free!”
小题1:From the notice in the new supermarket, we know that       .
A.customers could buy things at lower prices once a week
B.the customer who bought the least goods didn’t have to pay
C.just one customer could get free goods once a week
D.the first customer who bought goods in the supermarket was the lucky one
小题2: What was Mrs. Blake’s hope?
A.To buy something cheaper in the supermarket.
B.To see the manager of the supermarket.
C.To buy everything she needed in the supermarket.
D.To be the lucky customer.
小题3: Why did Mrs Blake go back to the market after her shopping?
A.Because she wanted to see who would be the lucky customer.
B.Because she forgot to buy one more thing.
C.Because she had to pay for her shopping.
D.Because she wanted to get another chance to be the lucky customer.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.The manager of the market was a clever businessman.
B.In fact the notice for free goods was a trick (诡计).
C.Mrs. Blake’s dream came true at last.
D.Mrs. Blake did shopping every week in the past several weeks.
小题5:What would Mrs. Blake probably say when she heard the manager’s words?
A.“Oh, my God!”B.“How lucky I am!”
C.“Bad luck!”D.“It’s very kind of you!”



小题1:细节题;从第一段的句子:“Remember, once a week, one of our customers(顾客) gets free goods(things that cost nothing). 可知每个星期只有一名顾客可以成为幸运顾客。选C
小题1:细节题;从第二段的句子:For several weeks Mrs. Blake hoped to be the lucky customer. 可知答案是 D
小题1:细节题;从第三段的句子:she found that she had forgotten to buy tea. She went to the supermarket, 可知答案是B
小题1:推理题:从文章的最后一句话“Madam,” he said, “congratulations! You are our lucky customer and everything in your basket is free!”可知这不是假的。选B
小题1:推理题:从经理说的话“Madam,” he said, “congratulations! You are our lucky customer and everything in your basket is free!”可知Mrs. Blake和很惊讶,选A。
试题【A new supermarket put on a notice inside the entrance. It said, “Remember, once 】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Mary was a four-year-old girl. She was interested in drawing very much. Mary showed her drawings to everyone. She especially wanted to impress her father, but her dad always seemed to be too busy.
One day, Mary wanted to learn to draw houses. She used many hours to draw a really beautiful house with a big garden. Herself, Mom and Dad were looking out of the house. On the lawn was the little dog, she wanted to have it so much.
“Look, mom!”
“Oh, Mary, this is so beautiful! Your best ever!”
Mary was very happy and said, “I’ll show this to Dad now!”
She ran to the door of the room where her dad worked.
“Dad!” Mary knocked on the door. “I want you to see the house I made!”
“I’m sorry, Mary, I am busy. Can’t you show it to someone else?” her dad answered in the room. Mary looked down at her drawing and her tears came down.
“I don’t want to show it to anyone else. I want to show it to my dad. You’re the only dad I have!”
Mary’s mom felt so heavy in her heart and she got ready for a hug. But before she took another step, the door opened and Mary’s dad appeared.
“I’m sorry Mary. I was foolish! Come here and we’ll look at your drawing!”
Daughter and the only dad she had walked into the room to enjoy the child’s beautiful work of art.
小题1: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Mary liked drawing very much.
B.Mary’s mother saw Mary’s drawing.
C.Mary’s brother often played with her in the garden.
D.Mary wanted her father to see her drawing very much.
小题2: The underlined word “lawn” may be ______ in Chinese.
小题3: We can learn from the passage that _______.
A.In fact, Mary really drew very well.
B.Mary’s mother could draw well too.
C.Mary loved her father deeply.
D.Mary’s father was repairing a bike at that time.
小题4: What did Mary draw on her drawing?
A.A beautiful house with a big garden.
B.Her parents and herself.
C.A little dog that she dreamed to own.
D.All above.
小题5: What’s the best title of this passage?
A.You’re My Only Dad.B.My Drawing was the Best.
C.Buy a Lovely Dog for Me.D.Parents Love Me.

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Sue and Linda usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a food shop. The food shop is next to the supermarket. Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank and a post office. The bank is next to the post office. Mary usually goes to work by bike. She rides a bike past a police office, a library and a swimming pool.
小题1:How many people are there in this passage?
A. Five         B. Three           C. Four
小题2:Where is the bank?
A. It’s next to a swimming pool.    B. It’s on the right
C. It’s next to a post office.
小题3:How does Linda go to school?
A. By bike.     B. By bus.      C. By car.
小题4:Where does Sue drive past?
A. A cinema.        B. A post office.   C. A park.
小题5:How does Michael go to school?
A. On foot      B. By bus           C. By bike
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What will you do if you get 5 million (百万)? Some people give some different answers.
Sally: I want to do business (生意). If I am rich, I will do a lot of things for my family. For me nothing is more important than my family. I will buy a new house for them and travel around the world.
Joe: If I have 5 million, I will use the money to do everything I like. At first, I will use 2 million to open my own shop. And I will use another 2 million to buy some new houses. In the future, the houses which I buy will become more expensive,and I will sell them to other people. Finally, I will use 1 million to buy some presents for my family and my best friend.
Anna: If I have 5 million, I will put 3 million in the bank and spend 2 million. I will visit Paris, London and New York. I will eat delicious food, play games, and build a building with a swimming pool.
Jack: I will buy an island if I have 5 million. Then I will be the king of the island nad I will invite my friends to my island.
小题1: Who will do business if he/she gets 5 million.?
A.SallyB.jackC.AnnaD.We don’t know.
小题2:What will Anna do if she gets 5 million?
A.Do business
B.Open a shop
C.Buy an island
D.Put three million in the bank and spend 2 million.
小题3:What will Joe do with the last 1 million if he gets 5 million?
A.He will buy some new houses
B.He will open his own shop
C.He will buy some presents for his family and his best friend
D.He will build a building.
小题4: Where will Anna visit if she gets 5 million?
A.China and japan
B.London, Paris and New York
C.London, Paris and Belgium
D.Angola, Cuba and Inda.
小题5:What does the passage talk about?
A.If one loses money, what will she/he do?
B.If one borrows 5 million, what will he/she do?
C.If one gets 5 millions, what will he/she do?
D.If one builds a big building, he/ she will sell it.

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Martin was a good man. He had a small   16  in the town. Only Sam and Henry  17  for him. One day three of them went to the city to buy things for the shop. On the way they   18  a genie (妖怪). The genie said, "I can make everyone’s wish come true.   19  you tell me your wishes?" Three of them said OK.
Sam went first. "I’d like to   20   the rest of my life living in a big house in St. Thomas   21   any worries." The genie said "OK" and sent him to ST. Thomas.
Henry went   22   ."I’d like to live a life  23  on a ship in the Mediterranean because travelling on it will be great fun." The genie said "OK" and made him get there at once.
Finally, it was Martin’s turn. "And what is your    24  ?" asked the genie.
"I want them   25  back," answered Martin. Then the genie said "OK" and Sam and Henry stood in front of them again.
A.schoolB.bankC.shopD.h ospital
A.CouldB. ShouldC.MustD.Might

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Last summer vacation, I volunteered to work at a vet’s(兽医诊所). There I saw a lot of dogs. Minnie was the funniest-looking dog I’d ever seen. Short thin curly hair covered her sausage-shaped(香肠形)body. Her eyes always seemed surprised. And her tail looked like a rats tail.
She was brought to the vet because her owners didn’t want her any more. I thought Minnie had a sweet personality, though.“No one should judge her by her looks,”I thought. Finally, I advertised Minnie in the local paper.“Funny-looking dog, well-behaved, needs a loving family.”
When a boy called, I warned him that Minnie was strange-looking. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfather’s sixteen-year-old dog had just died. They wanted Minnie no matter what. I gave Minnie a good bath. Then we waited for them to arrive. At last, an old car pulled up in front of the vet’s. Two kids raced to the door. They picked Minnie up and rushed her out to their grandfather, who was waiting in the car. I hurried behind them to see his reaction to Minnie. Inside the car, the grandfather held Minnie in his arms and stroked her soft hair. She licked(舔)his face. Her tail wagged(摇摆)around so quickly that it looked like it might fly off her body.
“She’s perfect!”the old man said happily.
I was thankful that Minnie had found a good home.
Suddenly, I saw that the grandfather’s eyes were a milky white colour—he was blind.
小题1:The last three sentences in the first paragraph tell us      .
A.how funny Minnie lookedB.how well Minnie behaved
C.Minnie was a beautiful dogD.Minnie was dying
小题2:Why did the writer advertise Minnie in the local newspaper?
A.Because he wanted to sell her at a good price.
B.Because he didn’t want her any more, either.
C.Because he wanted to find a family for her.
D.Because he wanted to have another dog.
小题3:Why did the boy who called the writer want Minnie?
A.Because he loved all kinds of dogs very much.
B.Because he had seen Minnie and loved her very much.
C.Because his grandfather’s dog was too old.
D.Because his grandfather’s dog had just died.
小题4:The underlined word“stroke”may mean      .
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Minnie wasn’t the type of dog the old man loved.
B.The old man couldn’t see how funny Minnie looked.
C.Minnie knew very well how to make others dislike her.
D.Minnie was like the old man’s dog which had just died

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