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Talking to Teachers—Teachers are just people.Behind that desk, is a living, breathing human being.And just like any human being, they will probably be friendly to people who talk nicely to them.Teachers also seem to get along better with children who take schoolwork seriously and are prepared for class.And, just like any other human being, teachers like to be appreciated.The next time your teacher helps you solve a math problem or figure out a science project, say thank you with a smile.
Talking to Parents—Parents can be very supportive if their children ask for help.If you think there’s something your parents can do to help you socialize more or feel more comfortable around people, then ask them.Very often, parents want very much to help, but really don’t know what to do.Pick a quiet time of the day and ask to talk.Tell them how you feel.Maybe they had the same trouble when they were kids.
Talking to Stranger —This is always a tough one.How do you deal with a neighbor, the mail carrier, or someone walking down your street—situations that often seem to cause arguments between kids and parents.The answer to these questions will vary(变化) from kid to kid, from parent to parent because all cultures are different.Some folks live in small towns where a hello to everyone is “what’s done”.Then there are kids who live in the city who may have been taught not to speak to anyone they don’t know.If you’re having trouble with this and always feel awkward in these kinds of situations, you might want to talk to your parents or a teacher about it.Where do they think you should draw the line(线)? When is silence rude and when is it wise?
小题1:From the first paragraph we may learn that teachers dislike____ .
A.being talked to nicely
B.their students to be serious with the schoolwork
C.the students’ appreciation
D.the students who are not ready for classes
小题2:If your parents are not supportive and you are not getting along quite well with your parents, who or what is to blame(该受责备)?
A.Your parents.        B Yourself.        
C.Lack of communication.   D .Your teachers.
小题3:The underlined word in the third paragraph is close in meaning to____.
A.fond B.puzzled(困惑的)C.frightenedD.willing
小题4:The passage doesn’t say but it implies that in daily communication____.
A.arguments often happen between kids and parents
B.we should talk to the neighbors and other people according to different cultures
C.city people and country people greet in the same way
D.we should fit(使…符合) our words with proper situations



小题1:细节理解题。问题:通过第一段我们知道老师不喜欢什么样的学生?分析原文:Teachers also seem to get along better with children who take schoolwork seriously and are prepared for class.句意:老师似乎更喜欢与认真完成学校任务和认真准备上课的孩子们相处。反之则不喜欢与之相反的孩子了,故选:D
小题3:细节理解题。问题:第三段中划线词最近接的意思?原句:If you’re having trouble with this and always feel awkward in these kinds of situations, you might want to talk to your parents or a teacher about it.句意:如果你有麻烦,总是感到尴尬的在这种情况下,您可能想要和你的父母或老师谈谈。从句意知道划线词的意思为尴尬的,结合选项意思fond 喜欢;puzzled困惑的;frightened害怕的;willing 乐意的。故选:B
小题4:细节理解题。问题:通过并没有说但这意味着在日常沟通我们应该做什么?原句:Where do they think you should draw the line(线)? When is silence rude and when is it wise? 句意:他们认为你应该在哪里画线?什么时候是沉默粗鲁的,什么时候是明智的吗?总体说明,你的话要符合环境。故选:D
试题【Talking to Teachers—Teachers are just people.Behind that desk, is a living, brea】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
In order to know a foreign language thoroughly(完全地), four things are necessary. First, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly with confidence(自信) and without hesitation(犹豫). Thirdly, we must be able to write it. Finally, we must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar.
There is no short way to succeed in language learning. A good memory(记忆) is a great help, but it is not enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book. It is no much use learning by heart long lists(一览表) of words and their meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. We must "Learn through use". Practice is important. We must practice speaking and writing the language whenever(无论何时) we can.
小题1:The most important things to learn a foreign language are________.
A.understanding and speaking
B.hearing, speaking, reading and writing
C.writing and understanding
D.memorizing and listening
小题2:Someone hears and writes English very well, but he speaks it very badly. This is because ______.
A.he doesn"t understand the language when he hears it spoken
B.he doesn"t have a good memory
C.he always remember lists of words and their meanings
D.he often hesitates to practise speaking it
小题3:One can never learn a foreign language well only by________.
A.much practice B.studying the dictionary
C.learning through useD.using the language
小题4:Which of the following is the most important in learning a foreign language?
A.A good memory.B.Speaking.C.Practice.D.Writing.
小题5:"Learn through use" means________.
A.we use a language in order to learn it
B.we learn a foreign language in order to use it
C.we can learn a language well while we are using it
D.both B and C

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
“Last week was Road Safety Week at Jason’s school. All the students had to take part in a talk on road safety which was given by a police officer. The following is what the police officer said. ”“Most traffic accidents shouldn’t happen. They happen because people are careless. A frequent cause of traffic accidents is speed. Some people drive too quickly. This means that if they have to stop suddenly, they cannot stop quickly enough to avoid (避免)hitting other vehicles (车辆)or people. You need to remember this when you are crossing the street or walking along the sidewalk. ”
“It’s not only drivers who cause accidents, however. People on foot-pedestrians, and bicycle riders often cause accidents, too. Pedestrians sometimes walk out into the street without looking. You should always look on both sides before stepping into the street. ” “Do any of you ride a bike? Bicycle riders can cause accidents by changing directions suddenly or without warning other road users. Before you turn left, for example, you should check behind you to make sure there aren’t any cars, trucks or buses coming. You should show with your left hand to tell that you want to turn left. You should not turn until the street is clear. ”
“The rules of the road are very simple. If we learn them and obey (遵守)them, we should not have accidents any more. ”
小题1:The main idea of the story is _______.
A.obeying the rules of the road can keep you from having accidents
B.it was Road Safety Week at Jason’s school
C.it’s not only drivers who cause traffic accidents
D.some people have accidents because they drive too quickly
小题2:Why do most traffic accidents happen?
A.Because people stop their cars suddenly.
B.Because people don’t know the rules.
C.Because people don’t care if they have an accident.
D.Because people are careless.
小题3:How can bicycle riders cause accidents?
A.By crossing the road without warning other road users.
B.By turning suddenly or without warning other road users.
C.By making sure there aren’t any cars coming.
D.By showing suddenly or without warning other road users.
小题4:The word “frequent”in the passage means ____ in Chinese.
小题5:Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.Road Safety WeekB.A Talk on Safety
C.Safety FirstD.Safety and Accidents

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My mother is a kind and nice woman.   小题1:  One Sunday night, when I was watching the film Harry Potter very happily, Mother asked me to go to bed.  小题2:  that I didn’t move. But for a while, I noticed that she didn’t say anything. 小题3:  I was so sad and that I went into my room and cried. I thought “I have only two nights in a week to enjoy the TV.   小题4: ” The next day she cooked and talked with me as usual. I pretended not to hear, but she didn’t mind and told me why she didn’t allow me to watch TV, because she wanted me to have a good rest. Then I understood her. I love my mother.
A. I loved the film so much.
B. Then she got angry and turned off the TV.
C. But she is very strict with me.
D. Why doesn’t mother allow me to watch TV?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice       a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Certainly , sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people     
But we would feel        if we never had a friend. No two people are        . Friends sometimes don’t get on well. That doesn’t mean that they       like each other. Most of the time they will make up (言归于好), and become        again.
Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very       . We miss them very much, but we can       them and write to them. It could be possible that we could even see them again. And we can also        new friends. There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t have. Why? It could be that they are        . Being happy helps you stay well and it could be good just knowing that someone cares about you.
小题1:A. have              B. to have                C. having  
小题2:A. around            B. away                  C. all over  
小题3:A. happy             B. lonely                 C. badly
小题4:A. different           B. kind                  C. the same 
小题5:A. no longer          B. not any longer          C. not  
小题6:A. friends            B. good                  C. pleased 
小题7:A. angry             B. sad                   C. happy    
小题8:A. call               B. ask                   C. tell     
小题9:A. know             B. find                   C. make   
小题10:A. happier           B. stronger               C. kinder  
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Happiness is for everyone. Some people live in beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools ;Some may own nice cars and a lot of money and so on . You don’t need to envy(羡慕)them. Why? Because those with big houses may often feel lonely In fact , happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it . When you are in trouble at school , your friend will help you. When you study hard at your lessons, your parents will always take good care of your life and your health .When you do well in your study ,your friends will say congratulations . When you do something wrong ,people around you will help you get it better, and when you do something good to others, you will feel happy ,too. All these are your happiness. If you pay attention to these things , you can find that happiness is always around you.
小题1:Happiness is always around rich people.
小题2:When you are good at your study ,your friends will say congratulations.
小题3:When you do something wrong , everyone will help you get it better.
小题4:We can say “You are happy.” if your friends will bring you out of the trouble.
小题5:You can find your happiness everywhere if you pay attention to these things. 
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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