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Schools have banned cupcakes, issued fatness report cards and cleared space in cafeterias for salad bars. Just last month, Michelle Obama’s campaign to end childhood fatness promised to get young people moving more and restore school lunch, and drink makers said they had cut the number of liquid calories shipped to schools by almost 90 percent in the past five years.
But new research suggests that interventions(干预) aimed at school-aged children may be, if not too little, too late.
More and more evidence points to essential events very early in life — during the child years, babyhood and even before birth, in the womb(胎) — that can set young children on a fatness path that is hard to change by the time they’re in kindergarten. The evidence is not ironclad, but it suggests that prevention efforts should start very early.
Among the findings are these:
The fat angel-like baby who is growing so nicely may be growing too much for his or her own good, research suggests.
Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are at risk of becoming fat, even though the babies are usually small at birth.
Babies who sleep less than 12 hours are at increased risk for fatness later. If they don’t sleep enough and also watch two hours or more of TV a day, they are at even greater risk.
Some early interventions are already widely practiced. Doctors recommend that overweight women lose weight before pregnancy rather than after, to cut the risk of fatness and diabetes in their children; breast-feeding is also recommended to lower the obesity risk.
Like children and teenagers, babies and toddlers have been getting fatter. One in 10 children under age 2 is overweight. The percentage of children ages 2 to 5 who are fat increased to 12.4 percent in 2006 from 5 percent in 1980. But most prevention programs have avioded intervening at very young ages, partly because the school system offers an efficient way to reach large numbers of children, and partly because the rate of fat teenagers is even higher than that of younger children — 18 percent.
Scientists like Dr. Birch worry about what are called epigenetic changes. The genes taken over from mother and father may be turned on and off and the strength of their effects changed by environmental conditions in early development. Many doctors are concerned about women being fat and unhealthy before pregnancy because the womb is the baby’s first environment.
Experts say change may require abandoning some treasured cultural attitudes. “The idea that a big baby is a healthy baby, and a crying baby is probably a hungry baby who should be fed, are things we really need to rethink,” Dr. Birch said.
61. What is NOT included in Michelle Obama’s campaign?
A. To restore school lunch.
B. To get young people moving more.
C. To issue fatness report cards.
D. To end childhood fatness.
62. Why should fatness prevention efforts start very early?
A. Because children now are growing too much for their own good.
B. Because there is too much liquid calories in drinks for children.
C. Because experiences even when in the womb can affect a child.
D. Because fat children cannot be healthy ones when they grow up.
63. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “ironclad” in paragraph three?
A. right       B. protective       C. objective      D. positive
64. Which of the following is NOT right?
A. 18% of the younger children are fatter than fat teenagers.
B. 10 % of the children under age 2 gain too much weight.
C. 12.4% of the children ages 2-5 were overweight in 2006.
D. In 1980, only 5% of the children ages 2-5 were too fat.
65. What does Dr. Birch’s statement mean in the last paragraph?
A. Feeding the baby when it is crying is not right.
B. Fat babies may not be so healthy as people think.
C. Parents should take responsibility for fat babies.
D. Lovely babies shouldn’t be so fat as people think.

61-65 CCDAB 

试题【Schools have banned cupcakes, issued fatness report cards and cleared space in c】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

The new automobile fuel economy standards formally adopted by the Obama administration on Thursday will produce a series of benefits: reduced dependence on foreign oil, fewer greenhouse gas emissions(排放), and consumer savings at the pump.
This was truly a moment to celebrate. But it was tempered by the fact that some in Congress are trying to cancel the laws that made the new standards possible.
The standards will require automakers to build passenger cars, sport-utility vehicles and minivans that average 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016 — a 30 percent increase over today’s cars, and the biggest single jump in fuel economy since the original standards were adopted in the 1970s. Cars will cost more, but the government estimates that consumers will save an average of $3,000 in fuel over the life of a new vehicle.
The standards will also place the first-ever limits on automobile greenhouse gas emissions, and are expected to reduce emissions by 21 percent by 2030 compared with what the output would have been without the standards. Because emissions from passenger vehicles represent about one-fifth of America’s greenhouse gases, this is a step forward for the planet.
The automakers, who fought the rules until they went broke(***), have come to accept this as a step forward as well. A single national standard provides regulatory certainty, and they’ve got to get more efficient to survive.
However, some in Congress seemed determined to roll back the laws that got us here. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, and several other senators have added a challenge to the federal government’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act — not just from automobiles but from other sources. The Supreme Court gave the Environmental Protection Agency that authority three years ago, and the new emissions standards would have been impossible without it.
There has also been talk in the Senate of eliminating California’s special authority under the Clean Air Act to set more aggressive motor vehicle standards than the federal limits. California used that authority to pass a law in 2002 setting greenhouse gas emissions limits for cars sold there. It was the first law of its kind in this country, and it provided the drive and the foundation for the new nationwide standards.
What all of these opponents mean to do is to roll back history and the hard-won environmental protections it has produced. That would be a huge mistake.
66. The following are the benefits of the new automobile economy standards EXCEPT ________.
A. reduced dependence on foreign oil
B. cancelling some of the laws
C. fewer greenhouse gas emissions
D. consumer savings at the pump
67. What goal is set for the year 2016?
A. Cars will cost more so fewer people will buy them.
B. There is a 30 percent increase in car manufacturing.
C. An average vehicle can go 35.5 miles with one gallon of gas.
D. Consumers will save an average of $3,000 in fuel per car.
68. The underlined word “it” in paragraph six refers to ________.
A. The Clean Air Act
B. The Supreme Court
C. The Environment Protection Agency
D. The federal government’s authority
69. What seems to be the root of the new automobile fuel economy standards?
A. California’s motor vehicle standards.
B. The Environment Protection Agency.
C. Some Senators, like Lisa Murkowski.
D. Greenhouse gas emissions.
70. According to the writer, the new automobile fuel economy standards will probably lead to the result that ________.
A. everyone wins
B. more cars will be sold
C. it would be a big mistake
D. nobody agrees
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Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
The unsteady housing market is showing a rare sign of strength: waiting home sales were up significantly in February, a report released Monday said, suggesting that Americans took advantage of a tax credit for home buyers.
Sales rose 8.2 percent in February, the National Association of Realtors(房地产经纪人) said. Analysts had expected sales to stay flat.
Economists said Monday’s data suggested buyers were re-entering the market as the April 30 deadline approached for a government tax credit of up to $8,000. The tax credit drove up sales rapidly in the fall, when it was originally set to end, but it has been slow to push the market this spring.
Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the association, said Monday’s report “may signal the early stages of a second wave of home sales.”
A separate report on Monday showed the service division in the United States was improving, driven in part by gains in employment.
The Institute for Supply Management’s non-manufacturing barometer(晴雨表) rose to 55.4 in March, up from 53 in February, going beyond expectations. Much of the energy came from a rush in new orders and business activity.
It was the highest reading(测量或调查的读数) for the survey since May 2006. While employment rose, it was short of the break-even point, signaling the service division was still losing jobs. Exports also rose significantly.
“This is a very encouraging report, which indicates acceleration in demand growth from both domestic and foreign customers,” Barclays Capital researchers wrote in a note on Monday.
The jump in waiting home sales was a rare bit of good news for the housing market, which remains in a deep rut(车辙). Home prices have shown little change.
Analysts expect the housing market to gradually improve as unemployment becomes less and the broader recovery gains steam. But so far, relief has been slow to come.
Monday’s report showed sales rose even in areas hit hard by poor weather in February. Sales climbed 9 percent in the Northeast and South, which were blanketed by snow in February.
The Realtors association bases its data on signed contracts, which usually take one or two months to translate into final sales.
81. What is the effect of the government tax credit? (No more than 5 words)
82. Who is chief economist for the National Association of Realtors? (No more than 2 words)
83. What could be a surprise according to Monday’s report? (No more than 10 words)
84. If you are asked to describe the rise in home sales in February, which word do you think is the most appropriate? (No more than 1 word)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

IV. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
After working a whole day, when Lois, a nurse for thirty years, left the hospital, she was asked to take part in a rescue of a car accident.
They soon arrived at the accident site. While doctors attended to an injured man in one car, Lois checked a woman sitting in the other vehicle. There was no blood or visible sighs lf injury and the woman said nothing, but stared at Lois with vacant eyes.
On the way to the hospital, Lois held the patient’s hands and comforted her by telling her that everything was going to be fine.
The following morning Lois entered the room and introduced herself. “I’m Lois, your nurse. How are you feeling?”
The patient blinked her eyes and her face turned white. “Are you real or am I hallucinating?”
“Oh, I’m real, I assure you.” Lois gently held the woman’s hand and checked her pulse.
“A…are you sure you are not a …an angle?”
Lois smiled, “Nurses are often referred to as angels of mercy.”
Her patient continued to stare at Lois and whispered, “I mean a real angel.”
Lois raised her eyebrows. “A pair of wings would be handy, but, believe me, I’m just as human as you are,”
The woman shook her head. “Last night I was in an auto accident and thought I might die. Suddenly an angel appeared. When she touched me, I knew God sent her to
reassure me that I’d live.” She held Lois’ hands tightly. “You look and sound exactly like her except that you don’t have wings!”
56.According to the passage, what was Lois?
A. An angel sent to the human world by the God.
B. The woman’s daughter.
C. A passerby on the road.
D. A nurse who has worked for many years.
57.We can infer from the passage that _____.
A. the doctor were treating an injured man
B. the woman got badly hurt.
C. the car accident happened two years ago
D. Lois treated the woman kindly and carefully
58.The underlined phrase “ referred to” has the same meaning as ______.
A. thought of    B. talked about   C. looked up   D. said
59.What’s the main idea of the passage________.
A. One should do good deeds and helped others like angels.
B. One should become an angel with two wings.
C. After work one should arrived at the accident site.
D. One should be a nurse to help others
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

You check in the fridge for something to eat, but you are out of food. Time to go shopping . But where’s a pencil for the shopping list? Luckily, there’s a gadget that will let you dictate it.
Hit a button on the SmartShopper and say what you need in to its built-recognition software will turn your words into text.
SmartShopper recognizes 2,500 item names and common errands (including “dry cleaners” and “post office”), and lets you add items of your own. It also shows each new entry so you can correct it if it is wrong.
When you are going out to shop, it prints out the list, in alphabetical order. Errands are followed by your list of things to get.
SmartShopper can be set on a table, hung on the wall or magnetically attached to a refrigerator-wherever you are most likely to be when you realize something is running low. Available from www.smartshopperusa.com .The cool new gadget costs $149.95 and comes with three rolls of paper, It also needs four AA batteries.
60.The SmartShopper can _________.
A. help you to remember and make a shopping list
B. go to the post office for you
C. turn all your words into te
D. help you to dry your clothes
61.The new gadget is designed mainly for ________.
A. students   B. housewives   C. managers   D. shop assistants
62.. If you would like to buy a SmartShopper, you can contact at_____.
A. www.smartshopperusa.com       B. four AA batteries
C. the supermarket                D. the post office
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I have studied in the boarding school in UK for about two years, and I really like it very much.
I always wanted to run a business of some sort; and finally I got such a good chance to do
so at the beginning of the summer term. The business project is called Young Enterprise, where we set up a small company called “Limitless” and sold the products to the school and public. I was appointed deputy director and financial director of the company, in which my role was to manage the financial activities.
I have learn so much from this experience, for I could put what I has learnt into practice in a real life and learn to work with different people, which improved my skills in management and communication.
In this school we students can organize out own activities if we want to, and the school is usually highly supportive: so this term I have organized an Engineering Society in school, which arranges regular visits to local industries. So far, the society which has only 10 members has proved to be really “popular”. Well, it is always the quality, not the quantity, that matters, isn’t it?
I have had many opportunities to challenge myself since I got to the school, and I do think it is all of these challenges that make me more and more mature. Perhaps one of the most important lessons I have learned in this school is to have the initiative (主动) to look for any possible challenges.
63. Why does the writer like this boarding school so much?
A. Because he has learned there for about two years.
B. Because he ran a business of his own.
C. Because he has many opportunities to look for any possible challenges initiatively.
D. Because he was promoted to be deputy director and financial director of the company.
64. What’s the writer’s duty in the small company called “Limitless”?
A. To be in charge of the finance of the business.
B. To put what he has learned into practice.
C. To work with people from different backgrounds.
D. To find out how the consumers bought their products.
65. He has learnt a lot about _______ from the experience of running a small company.
A. what the teacher don’t know    B. what can’t be learned from books
C. financial knowledge           D. management and communication skills
66. From the passage, we know that ________.
A. the school usually supports the students activities
B. all of the students’ activities are supported by the school.
C. the school usually organize the students’ activities directly
D. the writer is not the organizer of the Engineering Society in the school
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