当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读理解。     I went home one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some w...
阅读理解。     I went home one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some work done in the garden. While
sweeping leaves on the ground, my five-year-old son Nick came over and asked me to write something on
a piece of paper to make a sign for him.
     "What for?" I asked.
     "I"m going to sell some of my stones," he answered.
     Nick was fascinated with stones and had collected many stones from all over.
     "I"m too busy to do that for you. Go and ask your mum for help," I said.
     A short time later, Nick, returned with a sign, reading, "Stones, One Dollar Each". He took the sign, a
small chair and 4 of his best stones and walked to the road in front of our garden. There he put the stones
in a line and sat down on the chair.
     After half an hour, nobody passed by. I walked to him and asked him to go back, but he didn"t.
     Another half hour later, a small car came down the road. I watched as Nick stood up, holding his sign up.
A woman rolled down a window and read the sign. I couldn"t hear their talk, but I saw the woman turn to the
driver and the man reach for his pocket.
     I sat in the yard, as Nick ran to me. Waving the dollar, he shouted, "I told you I could sell one stone for
a dollar-if you believe in yourself, you can do anything." 1. Why didn"t the writer help his son? A. Because his wife is better at making a sign.
B. Because he didn"t know what to write.
C. Because he was busy sweeping leaves.
D. Because he didn"t want his son to sell the stones. 2. The underlined words "was fascinated with" mean ______. A. was far from
B. was afraid of
C. was famous for
D. was interested in 3. Nick was a boy _____. A. who was kind
B. who had a strong mind
C. who was honest
D. who had many hobbies 4. Which is the best title (题目) of the story? A. My son"s first sale.
B. Let"s collect stones.
C. How to sell a stone.
D. A hobby that can make you rich. 5. From the passage we know _____. A. the story happened in spring
B. the car was driven by a woman
C. Nick spent half an hour selling one stone
D. the writer might be moved (感动) by his son
试题【阅读理解。     I went home one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some w】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。    Henry works in a factory. He comes from a poor family and was in school for only four years. He has
to do the hard work but he"s paid less. He likes to watch football matches very much and spends much
time on it.
     One afternoon there was a big football match on a playground. He borrowed some money from
his friend and hurried there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets were sold out. He was
sorry for it. He saw a pole (杆子) outside the playground and climbed up the pole quickly. A policeman
came and said, "It"s dangerous to stay on it! Come down!"
     "Wait a minute, please!" Henry said and immediately the policeman heard the cheers (欢呼) in the
playground and asked in a hurry, "Which team has scored a goal (进球)?" "Ours!" "Wonderful! You can
stay there. But be careful!" the policeman said happily and left. A few minutes before the match was over,
he came back again and asked, "Who"s won?" "Theirs, three to two." "Come down," the policeman said
angrily. "Such a match isn"t worth watching!"
     Henry had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said in a hurry, "Climb up
quickly and see who"s scored a goal!" 1. From the passage we know that _________. A. Henry doesn"t like his work
B. Henry comes from a rich family
C. Henry doesn"t like the policeman
D. Henry is paid less 2. Henry failed to get a ticket for the match that day because __________. A. he had no money to buy a ticket
B. he didn"t want to buy a ticket
C. he had no time to buy a ticket
D. all the tickets were sold out 3. The policeman asked Henry to come down the pole at first because __________. A. it was dangerous
B. Henry had no ticket
C. their team kicked a goal
D. the other team kicked a goal 4. From the third paragraph (段落), we can guess that __________. A. the policeman wanted to teach Henry a lesson
B. the policeman tried to please Henry
C. the policeman didn"t like Henry
D. the policeman was also a football fan 5. The policeman asked Henry to climb up the pole __________. A. to cheer for their team
B. to see the result of the match
C. to cheer for the other team
D. to say goodbye to their team
题型:宁夏自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     When I was in the third grade, I was chosen to be the princess in the school play. For weeks my mother
had helped me practise my lines. But once on the stage, every word   1   from my head. Then my teacher
asked me to change my role to be a narrator (解说者) for the play.   2   I didn"t tell my mother what had
happened that day, she noticed my   3   and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the garden.
     It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions (蒲公英) popping (炸开)   4   the grass in bunches
(束). I watched my mother bend down by one of the bunches. "I think I"ll dig up (挖光) all these weeds (野
草)," she said. "From now on, we"ll   5   have roses in this garden."
     "But I like dandelions," I protested (抗议). "All flowers are   6  -even dandelions!"
     My mother looked at me seriously. "Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn"t it?" she asked
thoughtfully. I nodded."And that is   7   of people, too," she added.
     When I   8   that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth. "But you will be a
wonderful narrator," she said,   9   me of how much I loved to read stories" aloud.
     Thanks to my mother"s encouragement, I got to know everybody had his or her own  10  in the world. I
felt proud of the role in the play.
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. developed    
(     )2. A. If           
(     )3. A. difficulty   
(     )4. A. through      
(     )5. A. hardly       
(     )6. A. harmless     
(     )7. A. true         
(     )8. A. remembered   
(     )9. A. representing   
(     )10. A. honor       
B. left        
B. Because      
B. mistake     
B. past          
B. only       
B. healthy      
B. kind         
B. realized   
B. complaining     
B. progress   
C. failed          
C. Though         
C. danger      
C. beyond           
C. still       
C. beautiful       
C. same               
C. explained   
C. recommending    
C. value         
D. disappeared    
D. Since              
D. unhappiness              
D. behind          
D. also           
D. fresh        
D. clever              
D. promised   
D. reminding      
D. interest       
     A group of swans flew down to a beach where a crow (乌鸦) was jumping around. The crow watched
them with disdain (鄙视).
     "You have no flying skills at all!" he said to the swans. "All you can do is to move your wings. Can you
turn over in the air? No, that"s beyond you. Let"s have a flying competition. I"ll show you what real flying is!"
     One of the swans, a strong young male, took up the challenge (挑战). The crow flew up and began to
show his skills. He flew in circles, performed other flying tricks, and then came down and looked proudly
at the swan.
     Now it was the swan"s turn. He flew up, and began flying over the sea. The crow flew after him, making
all kinds of comments (评价) about his flying. They flew on and on till they couldn"t see the land and there
was nothing but water on all sides. The crow was making fewer and fewer comments. He was now so
exhausted that he found it hard to stay in the air, and had to struggle to keep himself from falling into the water.
     The swan pretended (假装) not to notice, and said, "Why do you keep touching the water, brother? Is that
another trick?" "No," said the crow. He knew he had lost the competition."I"m in trouble because of my pride
(自大)! If you don"t help me, I"ll lose my life..."
     The swan took pity on him, and took him on his shoulders and flew back to the beach.
1. What"s the correct order of the following events?
    a. The crow followed the swan and got into trouble.
    b. The swan felt pity for the crow and saved it.
    c. The crow had to ask the swan for help.
    d. The swan accepted a challenge of performing flying tricks.
A. a, d, b, c
B. a, b, d, c
C. d, a, c, b
D. d, c, a, b
2. What does the underlined word "exhausted" in Paragraph 4 mean?
A. Tired.
B. Bored.
C. Nervous.
D. Frightened.
3. What do we learn from the passage?
A. Practice makes perfect.
B. The early bird catches the worm.
C. No pains, no gains.
D. Pride goes before a fall.
     Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to
twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. 1______ There was a group of schoolgirls. Their
teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.
     He walked into the station café. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. 2______
Just then, Mike, one of Tom"s workmates came in and sat with Tom.
     "What time is your bus?" asked Mike.
     "There"s plenty of time yet," answered Tom.
     They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again."Oh! It"s going backward (倒行)!" he cried."A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it"s half past eleven. 
     4______  Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never
liked mirrors.
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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A."Well, I"ll get you some more tea then," said Mike.
B."You"re looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike.
C. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall.
D. Some were standing in line, others were walking around.
     Long, long ago, seven colors were arguing about who was the most important color.
     Red said, "I am the ruler of all of you. I represent blood-life"s blood! Without me, the world would be
empty." Orange said,"I am the color of health and strength. I am so beautiful that no one can think of any
of you." Yellow said, "I bring laughter and warmth into the world. Without me, there would be no fun."
     Green said, "I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. Without me, all animals would die."
Blue said,"You only think about the earth, but forget the sky and the sea. Water is the basis of life. Without
me, you all would be nothing." Purple said,"I am the color of royalty, power and wisdom. People usually
listen to me." Indigo (靛蓝) finally said, "Don"t forget me! I am the color of silence. You need me for balance."
     Suddenly, it started to rain. The colors were afraid and came close to one another. The rain saw this and
said,"You foolish colors, don"t quarrel (争吵) any more. Join hands with one another and come to me."Doing
as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. A beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. The rain said,
"The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow. Let us remember today and appreciate (欣赏) one another."
1. Of all the ___________ colors, everyone wanted to be the most __________ one.
2. Red thought there would be ___________ in the world ___________ him.
3. ___________ thought he himself was the color of ___________ and happiness.
4. In the end the rain ___________ the colors ___________ quarrelling.
5. From the story, we can learn that we should ___________ together and ___________ and enjoy the
   good qualities of each other.