A Pollution Tax
Currently,government agencies consider levying environmental taxes on private car owners an effective way to protect environment,which has aroused a heated discussion among the public.With reference to my standpoint,private car owners should be taxed for pollution.
To begin with,it is not far for private car owners.No one can deny the fact that many public vehicles are not environmental friendly.If pollution taxes are only levied on private car owners,unfairness may about.Even worse,social harmony may be destroyed.
Besides,it is clear that private car owners' economic burden will be increased.Because of a pollution tax,As we all know,the price of oil is on the rise,which has already been a headache for private car owners.In that case,extra taxes like a pollution tax may freak them out and increase their financial burden.
Taking the three factors into account,I don't think it a good measure to private car owners foe pollution.What's more,government agencies should take action to develop new energy to cut down car pollution.
A Pollution Tax
Currently,government agencies consider levying environmental taxes on private car owners an effective way to protect environment,which has aroused a heated discussion among the public.With reference to my standpoint,private car owners should be taxed for pollution.
To begin with,it is not far for private car owners.No one can deny the fact that many public vehicles are not environmental friendly.If pollution taxes are only levied on private car owners,unfairness may about.Even worse,social harmony may be destroyed.
Besides,it is clear that private car owners' economic burden will be increased.Because of a pollution tax,As we all know,the price of oil is on the rise,which has already been a headache for private car owners.In that case,extra taxes like a pollution tax may freak them out and increase their financial burden.
Taking the three factors into account,I don't think it a good measure to private car owners foe pollution.What's more,government agencies should take action to develop new energy to cut down car pollution.
呵呵,这就不必了~~参考范文我也有很多的,总之谢谢 你把刚才那提的回答粘贴过来吧,要不然采纳说不过去。。
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