The second main cause is climate change.Climate change is any long-term significant change in “average weather” that a given region experiences.Climate change is different than other causes,because other causes,like deforestation,Overcultivation are human causes,but climate is physical cause.The climate change,lower precipitation can leads to a desertification,there have one example in Sahel,from 1970 to 1990,the rainfall of these years almost drier than average,so Sahel have drought from 1976 to 1986.When climate change,then rainfall is reduced,then will have drought,and when droughts occur and there isn't enough vegetation to bind the soil together,wind and water can cause large-scale erosions.The topsoil is removed due to dust storms and when rain eventually falls,rapid run-off causes many a problem,the land can’t infiltrate rain,so it will leads to the desertification.
The second main cause is climate change.Climate change is any long-term significant change in “average weather” that a given region experiences.Climate change is different than other causes,because other causes,like deforestation,Overcultivation are human causes,but climate is physical cause.The climate change,lower precipitation can leads to a desertification,there have one example in Sahel,from 1970 to 1990,the rainfall of these years almost drier than average,so Sahel have drought from 1976 to 1986.When climate change,then rainfall is reduced,then will have drought,and when droughts occur and there isn't enough vegetation to bind the soil together,wind and water can cause large-scale erosions.The topsoil is removed due to dust storms and when rain eventually falls,rapid run-off causes many a problem,the land can’t infiltrate rain,so it will leads to the desertification.
The second main cause is climate change.Climate change is any significant long-term change in the“average weather” of a given region.Climate change is different from other causes,because other causes,such as deforestation and overcultivation,are human causes.Climate is physical cause.One example of climate change,lower precipitation,for example,can leads to desertification.In Sahel from 1970 to 1990,the rainfall in these years were way below average,causing Sahel to experience a severe drought from 1976 to 1986.When climate changes,rainfall is reduced and there will be a drought.When droughts occur and leave insufficient vegetation to bind the soil together,wind and water can easily cause large-scale erosions.The topsoil is removed due to dust storms.Even when rain eventually falls,rapid run-off will cause many a problem.Because the land can’t infiltrate rain anymore,it will leads to the desertification.
The second main cause is climate change.Climate change is any significant long-term change in the“average weather” of a given region.Climate change is different from other causes,because other causes,such as deforestation and overcultivation,are human causes.Climate is physical cause.One example of climate change,lower precipitation,for example,can leads to desertification.In Sahel from 1970 to 1990,the rainfall in these years were way below average,causing Sahel to experience a severe drought from 1976 to 1986.When climate changes,rainfall is reduced and there will be a drought.When droughts occur and leave insufficient vegetation to bind the soil together,wind and water can easily cause large-scale erosions.The topsoil is removed due to dust storms.Even when rain eventually falls,rapid run-off will cause many a problem.Because the land can’t infiltrate rain anymore,it will leads to the desertification.
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- 2如图,用两根绳把质量为10kg的物体W吊在水平横杆AB上,∠ACW=150度,∠BCW=120度,求物体平衡时
- 3求一篇关于“惜福感恩,与爱同行”的作文,
- 4电动机是用电产生______的机器,他的工作原理是:用电产生____,利用_____的相互作用转动.
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- 7一道关于函数的问题.
- 8好难啊,谁帮我1.1.5的平方×5的15次方×125的16次方的结果是( )2.如果一个凸多边形的每一个内角都等于140度,那么该多边形共有对角线( )条3.有一串数,-2003,-1999,-199
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