The mover,who is the expert on his own experience,works with eyes
closed in the presence of the witness,who sits still to the side of the
movement space.The mover listens inwardly for the occurrence of impulse
toward movement.This movement,visible or invisible to the witness,
shapes the mover's body as it becomes a vessel through which unconscious
material awakens into consciousness.As he internalizes his
witness's desire to accept him,to accept his suffering as well as his
beauty,embodiment of the density of his personal history empties,enabling
him at times to feel seen by the witness,and more importantly to
see himself clearly.Sometimes...it is grace ..,the mover embodies a
clear presence.
The mover,who is the expert on his own experience,works with eyes
closed in the presence of the witness,who sits still to the side of the
movement space.The mover listens inwardly for the occurrence of impulse
toward movement.This movement,visible or invisible to the witness,
shapes the mover's body as it becomes a vessel through which unconscious
material awakens into consciousness.As he internalizes his
witness's desire to accept him,to accept his suffering as well as his
beauty,embodiment of the density of his personal history empties,enabling
him at times to feel seen by the witness,and more importantly to
see himself clearly.Sometimes...it is grace ..,the mover embodies a
clear presence.
- 1帮帮忙··一道人教版六年级上册数学的题:
- 2求《孙子兵法》全文及翻译!
- 3如图,四边形ABCD为矩形,AD⊥平面ABE,F为CE上的点,且BF⊥平面ACE. (1)求证:AE⊥平面BCE; (2)设M在线段AB上,且满足AM=2MB,试在线段CE上确定一点N,使得MN∥平面
- 4我忘了厄尔尼诺是什么意思了,帮忙解释下
- 5Su Hai with Su Yang are at home 哪里错了?
- 6英语翻译
- 7如图电路中,电源电动势E=15V,内电阻r=1Ω,R1=R3=10Ω,R2=4Ω,求: ①当电键K断开时电流表和电压表的读数,R1及R2消耗功率各为多少? ②当K闭合时,电流表和电压表的读数,电源的总
- 8下面各题怎样 简便怎样计算
- 9一根绳子,第一次用去全长的一半多3米,第二次用去余下的一半少10,第三次用去15米,最后还剩7米
- 10“任何有理数都能用有限小数表示”这句话是对的吗?