英语句子翻译 别用翻译器·1
There are two factors that determine an individual’s intelligence (一个人的智商). The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably(相当地), some being more capable (有能力的) than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.
只需翻译这句“ But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.”
a low order of 是什么意思?
There are two factors that determine an individual’s intelligence (一个人的智商). The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably(相当地), some being more capable (有能力的) than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.
只需翻译这句“ But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.”
a low order of 是什么意思?
a low order of 就是说“低”的另一种方式
a low order of 就是说“低”的另一种方式
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