当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 其他 > 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the woman doing? [     ]A. Making...
题型:0115 期末题难度:来源:
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the woman doing? [     ]
A. Making suggestions.
B. Making excuses.
C. Making requests. 2. What does the man say about Mary?[     ]
A. She seldom works.
B. She enjoys working at the same job.
C. She often changes her job. 3. How is the woman"s health according to the doctor? [     ]
A. She"s healthy.
B. She"ll be all right soon.
C. She"s often sick, but not serious. 4. How long does it take the woman to drive home when there"s not much traffic? [     ]
A. 20 minutes.
B. 25 minutes.
C. 50 minutes. 5. What is the weather like in Scotland in December? [     ]
A. Warm.
B. Cold.
C. Hot.
试题【听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the woman doing? [     ]A. Making】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
听下面一段材料,回答第1至2题。 1. What is the woman"s problem? [     ]
A. She hasn"t got a train ticket.
B. She can"t find her luggage.
C. She can"t catch the train. 2. Who is the woman probably talking to? [     ]
A. A taxi driver.
B. A railway clerk.
C. A hotel manager.
题型:0115 期末题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。 1. What is the girl"s problem with her parents? [     ]
A. They treat her in old ways.
B. They praise her too often.
C. They never stay with her. 2. What do we know about the boy and his parents?[     ]
A. They never trust him.
B. They seldom agree with him.
C. They worry too much about him. 3. What can we learn from the conversation? [     ]
A. There are differences between generations.
B. No parents get on well with their parents.
C. Most children are tired of their parents.
题型:0115 期末题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。 1. What did the man think of the film? [     ]
A. It"s very good.
B. It"s very bad.
C. It"s neither good nor bad. 2. Where did the couple in the film live? [     ]
A. In their own house.
B. With the husband"s mother.
C. With the wife"s mother. 3. What happened to the couple in the film in the end? [     ]
A. They bought a house of their own.
B. They continued to live with the husband"s mother.
C. They needn"t work any more.
题型:0115 期末题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。 1. When does the man eat fast food?[     ]
A. On workdays.
B. On weekends.
C. Every day. 2. What does the man think of fast food? [     ]
A. It"s his favourite.
B. It needs improving.
C. It tastes bad. 3. What kind of food is NOT mentioned in the conversation? [     ]
A. Hamburgers.
B. Sandwiches.
C. Eggs.
题型:0115 期末题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1至4题。1. What"s the passage mainly about? [     ]
A. Air pollution outside.
B. Indoor air pollution.
C. The disease caused by the polluted air. 2. Where did some of the worst indoor air pollution happen? [     ]
A. In most developing countries.
B. In a few developed countries.
C. In developing countries where people used wood and coal to cook. 3. How many diseases could be caused by breath in harmful indoor air according to the passage? [     ]
A. 5.
B. 6.
C. 7. 4. What would be probably talked about next? [     ]
A. Problems of indoor air pollution.
B. Ways to solve the problem of indoor air pollution.
C. Causes of indoor air pollution.
题型:0115 期末题难度:| 查看答案
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