B. doctor
C. dark
B. some bread
C. some rice
B. be late for
C. by car
B. before the class
C. after school
B. Be careful! Don"t go swimming alone.
C. Don"t be sad if you can"t go swimming
B. It was too noisy.
C. Before supper.
B. No, they don"t.
C. Yes, they are.
B. Be careful!
C. Don"t be sad.
B. It"s over there, next to the station.
C. Don"t worry.
5. A. In two weeks.
B. Two years ago.
C. For about three years.
B. She went swimming.
C. She went shopping.
B. Their seats were wet.
C. They wanted to see clearly.
B. Some beef.
C. Some oranges.
B. A computer car.
C. A car.
B. By a computer.
C. By a big screen.
B. Between Asia and Africa.
C. Between Africa and Europe.
2.Why does the Red Sea attract lots of tourists?
B. The climate there is warm.
C. the water is suitable for swimming and bathing.
B. Cool and dry.
C. Hot and wet.
B. No, because he is busy with work.
C. No, he doesn"t like climbing mountains.
B. It will be sunny.
C. The rain will stop in the afternoon.
B. Before noon.
C. We don"t know.
B. At the gate of the school.
C. Near John"s house.
B. Because he is good at taking photos
C. Because he wants to take photos of the scenery.
- 1恩格斯在总结哲学发展历史的经典性著作《路德维希·费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》中指出:全部哲学,特别是近代哲学的重大的基
- 2阅读文章,回答问题。老海棠树 ①奶奶,和一棵老海棠树,在我的记忆里不能分开;好象她们从来就在一起。 ②老海棠树有两条
- 3参考下图:铁器在农业和手工业生产上开始使用,是在[ ]A.西周B.春秋时期C.战国时期D.秦朝
- 4质量为m的小球,水平通过竖直向下的匀强电场区域,电场强度大小为E,如图所示.求①小球带何种电荷?②求小球所带的电量为多少
- 51858年,洪秀全给英国特使额尔金发“御诏”,声称:“感谢洋兄弟灭清妖”。此举说明 [ ]A.
- 6独立性检验中,假设:变量X与变量Y没有关系.则在成立的情况下,表示的意义是( )A.变量X与变量Y有关系的概率为1%
- 7东北沦陷以后,日本在东北建立了伪满洲国傀儡政权,而扶植的傀儡皇帝是[ ]A.溥仪B.光绪帝C.张作霖D.袁世凯
- 8阅读下列材料: “1640年革命和1789年革命,并不是英国的革命和法国的革命,这是欧洲范围的革命。它们不
- 9情景反应。根据所听到的问句,从下列各组句子中选出相应的答语,念一遍。
- 10Lucy and Jane are ____ Class Two. They are ____ the U.S.A.[
- 1-- Who do you think _____ such a foolish thing?-- It _____ T
- 2如图,已知AD=6cm,AC=BD=4cm,点E,F分别是AB,CD的中点,则EF=( )cm.
- 3【题文】有人认为:“三国两晋南北朝时期,经济长期破坏,政局动荡不安,长期分裂割据,人心涣散,实是我国历史上的黑暗时代,应
- 4已知数列为等差数列,其公差d不为0,和的等差中项为11,且,令,数列的前n项和为.(1)求及;(2)是否存在正整数m,n
- 5白炽灯的灯丝,正常发光时的电阻若为R1,不发光时的电阻为R2,则R1__________R2(填“>”“<”或“=”),
- 6下列词语中黑体字解释有误的一项是[ ]A.朗润(不干枯)宛转(曲折)一年之计(计划)B.烘托(陪衬)欣欣然(愉快
- 7Here is the . Let’s take the bus to the library.A.club
- 8已知等比数列的前项积记为,若,则 ( )A.512B.256C.81D.16
- 9太阳直射点位于南纬23°26′这一天,是北京的[ ]A.春分日B.冬至日C.夏至日D.秋分日
- 10樱桃素有“开春第一果”之称,吃起来酸甜可口。这些酸甜物质主要存在于樱桃细胞的_____中[ ]A.细胞壁B.细胞