1. What is very useful for character training?
A. sports and study.
B. Sports and games.
C. Literature and sports.
2. What is the speaker’s opinion about leaning in books?
A. A has less effect on a child’s character than leaning by experience.
B. It has more effect on a child’s charcter than leaning by experience.
C. It has the same effect on a child’s character as leaning by experience.
3. How can a boy benefit from playing in a football team?
A. He learns to help others imprve skills.
B. He leans to try his best to win.
C. He learns to work for his team and not for himself.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。1. What is very useful for character training?A. sports and stud】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
1.Where does the conversation take place?
A. At the post office
B. At the restaurant
C. At the bus stop
2. What does the man probably do?
A. A teacher
B. A dentist
C. A waiter
3. Why does the woman plan to go to town?
A. To pay her bills in the bank.
B. To buy bookd in the bookstore.
C. To get some money from the bank.
4. Who is the man probably?
A. A friend of the woman’s father’s
B. The woman’s brother
C. The woman’s father
5. How much did the man’s wife pay for the coat?
A. $80
B $240
C $120
1. Why does the man make the phone call?
A. To book some tickets for the show.
B. To get some information about the garden.
C. To know when the box office is open
2. How much will one pay for two tickets now?
A. 26 dollars.
B. 30 dollars
C. 60 dollars
3. How long will the show last?
A. For about two hours
B. For about three hours
C. For about four hours
1. When should one arrive if the dinner time is 7 pm according to the woman?
A. At 6:20 pm
B. At 6:50 pm
C. At 7:40 pm
2. What should be done during the dinner?
A. Praising the host or hostess for the meal.
B. Expressing thanks to the host or hostess for the dinner.
C. Talking to the host or hostess as much as possible.
3. What can we know about the woman?
A. She comes from America.
B. She likes holding parties.
C. She knows American custom very well.
1. What do Tasty Fish and Something Fishy have in common?
A. A lot of cooking instructions.
B. A lot of texts.
C. A lot of colorful pictures.
2. Which book is the cheapest one?
A. Tasty Fish
B. Worldwide Fish
C. Something Fishy
3. Which book does the woman decide to buy?
A. Something Fishy
B. Worldwide Fish
C. Tasty Fish
1. Where did the woman speaker talk to Sherry Palmer?
A. In her house.
B. In Sherry Palmer’s house
C. In her office.
2 . What did Sherry Palmer do when she saw Allen?
A. She returned his mobile phone.
B. She shouted at him.
C. She wanted to catch him.
3. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. Allen was actually innocent.
B. Allen died of heart trouble.
C. The man speaker will arrest Sherry Palmer.
- 1阅读下框内文字材料。它们最有可能是对我国哪一项科技成就发表的评论[ ]A.“东方红一号”发射成功B.“神舟5号”
- 2粒子甲的质量与电荷量分别是粒子乙的4倍与2倍,两粒子均带正电,让它们在匀强磁场中同一点以大小相等、方向相反的速度开始运动
- 3Hardly ________ the plane when I was warmly welcomed by a te
- 4直线与圆交于A、B两点,O是坐标原点,若直线OA、OB的倾斜面角分别为,则( )A.B.C.D.
- 5【题文】苏轼说:“民庶之家,置庄田,招佃农,本望租课,非行仁义,然犹至水旱之岁,必须放免欠负、贷借种粮者,其心诚恐客散而
- 6计算的值是_________。
- 7指南针经由________传入欧洲,为环球航行和新大陆的发现提供了重要条件。[ ]A.阿拉伯人B.印度人C.埃及
- 8计算:(1)(224 (2)a2b÷ab•1a.
- 9The Qingming Festival which is also called______Pure Brightn
- 10下列事实能说明亚硝酸是弱电解质的是:①亚硝酸钠溶液的PH大于7 ②用HNO2溶液做导电试验,灯泡很暗 ③HNO2溶液
- 1已知函数f(x)= ,g(x)=3lnx,其中a>0。若两曲线y=f(x),y=g(x)有公共点,且在该点处的切线
- 2如图,在长方体中,,点是棱上的一个动点.(1)证明:; (2)当为的中点时,求点到面的距离;(3)线段的长为何值时,二面
- 3按要求完成句子。1. I always go shopping on weekends. (对画线部分提问) __
- 4美国航空航天局(NASA)于2009年2月11日晚宣布,美国一颗通信卫星10日与一颗已报废的俄罗斯卫星在太空中相撞,相撞
- 5隋唐书法和绘画艺术灿烂夺目。下列各项,属隋唐时期绘画家的是( )①阎立本 ②颜真卿 ③吴道子 ④柳公权A.①
- 6一块种植矮秆小麦的麦田里,长出几株高秆的小麦,这种现象属于A.适应环境B.进化C.遗传D.变异
- 7下列各句有语病的一项是(2分) A.老人先后出版了《百岁
- 8不与我国隔海相望的国家是( )A.蒙古B.朝鲜C.越南D.日本
- 9如图,已知△ABC中,AB=AC,∠BAC=90°,直角∠EPF的顶点P是BC中点,两边PE、PF分别交AB、AC于点E
- 10石英晶体的平面示意图如下图,它实际上是立体的网状结构,其中硅、氧原子数比是m∶n,有关叙述正确的是( )A.m∶n