B. The amusement park.
C. The train.
B. He was delighted.
C. He was frightened.
B. Find a shop.
C. Go home.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。1. Where did the speakers just come out of?A. The cinema.B. The 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. American.
C. Japanese.
B. It was her first visit Japan.
C. It was her first paid job.
B. She was moved.
C. She was surprised.
B.At 8:00.
C.At 8:30.
B.He"s talking on the phone.
C.He"s staying in hospital.
B.To buy a used bicycle.
C.To buy a new bicycle.
B.A hotel receptionist.
C.A waiter.
B.The reeeiver of the telephone was broke.
C.The woman"s receiver was off the hook.
B. One child got his knee hurt.
C. One child broke his leg.
B. He no longer plays the violin.
C. He enjoys both the violin and sports.
B. She is studying typing.
C. She is studying Chinese.
B. She worried that the man was not honest.
C. She worried that the light was not bright enough.
B. The man knows little about computer.
C. The man thinks he knows a lot about computer.
B. She thinks he knows a little about the computer.
C. She thinks he can be helpful in something.
B. At the front desk.
C. In the supermarket.
B. His ID card.
C. His mobile phone.
B. Go to the counter to have a look.
D. Get in touch with the supermarket.
- 1中华人民共和国属于( )A.南亚B.中亚C.东亚D.东南亚
- 2在广泛吸收民意、集中民智的基础上,2011年3月4日,十一届全国人大四次会议通过了《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲
- 3国务院决定,从2009年起三年内我国医改投入8500亿,努力建成覆盖全国城乡的基本医疗卫生制度,初步实现人人都享有基本医
- 4娄底市针对城区中小学日益突出的“大班额”问题,决定自2012年起启动《中心城区化解大班额四年(2012年~2015年)行
- 5 I am glad that you have managed to come. You ___ have broug
- 6x(x﹣1)(x+4)(x+5)﹣36.
- 7已知一元二次方程x2+(k+1)x-k2=0的两个根x1和x2满足x21+x22=9,则k=______.
- 8民族文化是民族的根,民族精神是民族的魂。下列各句能体现伟大中华民族精神的有( )①生死有命,富贵在天 ②苟利国家,不
- 9一组数据的最大值为100,最小值为45,若选取组距为10,则这组数据可分成 [ ]A.5组 B.6
- 10△ABC中,三个内角的度数均为整数,且∠A<∠B<∠C,4∠C=7∠A,求∠A的度数。
- 1(本小题满分12分)设函数为实数。(Ⅰ)已知函数在处取得极值,求的值; (Ⅱ)已知不等式对任意都成立,求实数的取值范围。
- 2曲线y=2x-lnx在点(1,2)处的切线方程是______.
- 3关于重力的方向,下列说法正确的是( )A.总是竖直向下B.总是指向地心C.总是与支持物体的支持面垂直D.总是垂直地面向
- 4用“乡愁是……”说一句话或几句话。 __________________________________________
- 5设直线y=x+b是曲线y=lnx(x>0)的一条切线,则实数b的值为( )。
- 6李商隐一生怀才不遇,仕途坎坷。李商隐死后,崔珏曾作《哭李商隐》诗:“虚负凌云万丈才,一生襟抱未曾开。”并指出李商隐这匹“
- 7绿色植物的根吸收水分和无机盐是通过茎中木质部的______由下往上运输到植物各部分去的;植物叶片产生的有机物是通过韧皮部
- 8阅读理解。 In bringing up children, every parent watches eage
- 9下列各句中,画横线的成语使用恰当的一项是A.我们应该向先进企业学习,起初可能是邯郸学步,但终究会走出自己的路来。B.校内
- 10Tom takes ________ his parents. [ ]A. after