当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 其他 > 听下面一段独白,回答第1-3题。1. What is the writer going to buy for her elder brother?A. A wa...

1. What is the writer going to buy for her elder brother?

A. A watch.  
B. A Christmas toy.  
C. A record.

2. Why didn’t the writer’s elder brother come for Christmas last year?

A. He was too busy.
B. The roads were too dangerous for him to drive.
C. He lives in another town.

3. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Christmas is a festival for family reunion.
B. The writer’s elder brother will come back home for Christmas.
C. People are busy with all kinds of preparations before Christmas Day.
1-3: CBC
试题【听下面一段独白,回答第1-3题。1. What is the writer going to buy for her elder brother?A. A wa】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
听下面一段对话, 回答第1至3题.1. When does the woman usually watch TV?A. After midnight.  
B. When she is bored.
C. After she has dinner.2. Why was the man unhappy?A. He lost his meal tickets.  
B. The food was terrible.
C. The TV program was boring.3. Why did the man feel even worse?A. He didn"t sleep well.  
B. He wasted so much time.
C. The woman had the same problem.
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段对话, 回答第1至3题.1. What did George"s sister do yesterday?A. She looked after her baby.  
B. She stayed at home all day.
C. She did some shopping.2. What did the woman want to invite George to do last night?A. To a concert.  
B. To meet her friend Mary.
C. To have dinner together.3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation?A. George stayed at home for a whole day yesterday.
B. The woman invited George to go shopping with her.
C. Both of them knew about the concert.
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段对话, 回答第1至3题.1. What does the woman do?A. A policewoman.  
B. A librarian.  
C. A student.2. When did the man borrow the book?A. On September 17.  
B. On a rainy day.  
C. On September 7.3. What do you know about the book?A. The man returned it.  
B. It was lost.
C. The records on it were correct.
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
听下面独白, 回答第1至3题.1. What or who made Dick turn back to London?       A. Some bells ringing in London.
B. A rich merchant.
C. His only friend, a cat.2. How did Dick get a lot of money first?A. He sent goods to trade in Africa.
B. He sold his cat.
C. He found a job with a rich merchant.3. Why did they say the bells of London had been right?A. Because Dick became rich.
B. Because Dick was made Lord Mayor of London.
C. Because Dick traded a lot of goods.
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
听力1. What can you learn about the man from the conversation?

A. He"s anxious to see his sister.
B. He wrote to his sister last month.
C. He"s expecting a letter from his sister.

2. What did the woman say about the weather?

A. It would be rainy.  
B. It would be windy.
C. It would snow.

3. What"s the woman?

A. A shop assistant.  
B. A cook.
C. A waitress.

4. Where is the man going to spend his holiday?

A. At student center.  
B. At home.
C. In his garden.

5. Why isn"t Rebecca going to eat?

A. She has been to the dentist"s and is in much pain.
B. She has one of her teeth filled at the dentist"s.
C. She doesn"t feel like eating because she isn"t hungry.
题型:山西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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