B. San Francisco.
C. New York.
B. Twice.
C. Three times.
B. In summer.
C. In autumn.
B. To an art museum.
C. To a shopping center.
B. A Japanese one.
C. An Indian one.
B. The zoo is open free to visitors today only.
C. There are some unusual animals in the zoo.
B. He feels tired.
C. He has got a cold.
B. his wife
D. his friend
B. When he was very well.
C. When his boss called him.
B. She gives the man some pills.
C. She will give the man further tests.
B. Translation.
C. Question.
B. Some examples of good speech delivery.
C. Details helping with the speech delivery.
B. Speaking fluently.
C. Proper gestures.
2.He began to work again because he has _____ from a bad cold.
3.The girl looked at her boyfriend with a strange _____.
4. She came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly _____ her.
5. The girl has been working as a teacher ever since she _____ from university.
6. I heard the news report, but I don"t know whether it was _____.
7. In my _____ you"d better get along well with her.
8. It was too late to _____ these Chinese crews on the ship; 13 of them were killed.
9. Almost all the teachers like these students who are _____ in class.
10. He looks honest but _____ he isn"t.
B. In a hotel.
C. In a restaurant
B. In the kitchen.
C. In the field
B. Warm.
C. Hot.
B. At 8:15.
C. At 8:30.
B. Sam"s sisterwill leave for New York very soon.
C. Sam"s sister will leave for San Francisco very soon.
B. A teacher.
C. A waiter
B. Buy a gift.
C. Ask the way.
B. In a reading room.
C. At home.
B. Twice a week.
C. Once a week.
B. Asking for permission.
C. Asking for help
- 1解方程:(1)4(x+1)2-9=0(2)2x2-3x-1=0(3)x2-2x-4=0(4)(x-1)2x2-x-1x-
- 2如果电能表上标有“220V 10A(20A)”字样,那么家庭电路中允许的额定功率可达______;短时间内电功率可达__
- 3如图,AB∥CD,O为∠BAC,∠ACD的平分线的交点,OE⊥AC于E,且OE=2,则AB与CD间的距离为( )A.2
- 4某校九年级(3)班的物理兴趣小组,想探究水平抛出的小球从抛出到落地的时间与哪些因素有关,大家经过讨论,提出了以下猜想:①
- 5我国个人所得税法规定.自2008年3月1日起.工资薪金所得减除费用标准由l600元/月提高到2000元/月。按照经济学原
- 6听下面的材料,回答第1-3 题。1. How many goals did Jack"s team score? A.
- 7下列句子没有语病的一项是( )A.提高和培养广大市民的文明素质是当前的一项紧迫任务。B.当前多媒体的使用中最严重的一
- 8一个初速度为零的物体,做加速度为a的匀加速直线运动,运动的时间为t,则下列叙述中正确的是( )A.它运动全程的平均速度
- 9Weixin, a new popular social networking application, especia
- 10如图所示,三棱柱A1B1C1—ABC的三视图中,正(主)视图和侧(左)视图是全等的矩形,俯视图是等腰直角三角形,点M是A
- 1如图,当y>0时,自变量x的取值范围是______.
- 2已知直线l、m、n 与平面α、β给出下列四个命题:①若m∥l,n∥l,则m∥n; ②若m⊥α,m∥β,则α⊥β;③若m
- 3【题文】图为西班牙马德里到中国西安的各月降水占全年降水的百分比等值线分布。【小题1】图示城市中春雨率最高和降水最均匀的分
- 4读 “太阳直射点的回归运动图”,完成下列各题小题1:今天太阳直射点所在的半球以及移动方向分别是A.北、北B.北、南C.南
- 5依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )循环经济是对生产、流通和消费过程中进行的减量化、再利用、资源
- 6如图所示,已知:∠α、线段a,求作等腰三角形△ABC,使腰长AB=a,底角∠A=∠α.(要求写出作法,并保留作图痕迹)
- 7函数y=xex的极小值为______.
- 8如果一个三角形的两个外角之和为270°,那么这个三角形是 [ ]A.锐角三角形B.直角三角形C.钝角三角形D.无
- 9《汉书·王莽传》载:“圣王序天文、定地理,因山川民俗以制州界。”这说明A.圣人考察山川地理都为地方行政管理B.民风习俗是
- 10(1)已知6xny4与12x3ym是同类项,则2m-n=______.(2)若|a|=1,|b|=4,且ab<0,则a+