当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 益智题.1.The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took,he slip...
益智题.1.The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took,he slipped back two.
However, he still managed to get home. Why?
2. What question can never be answered by "yes" ?
1. He walked in the opposite direction.
2.Are you asleep?
试题【益智题.1.The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took,he slip】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     People who travel long distances will have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land,
sea or air.Maybe nobody would say they enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. The
train will soon get crowded and dirty. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the joumey.
Reading may help you to kill time but soon the clicking on the rails will bring you to sleep. During
the day,sleep never lasts long. At night,when you really wish to go to sleep,you find you can hardly
manage to do so. If you are lucky to get a sleeping seat,you spend half the night looking at the small
blue light over your head,and when you finally arrive at the station,you are
so tired that you don"t want to leave.
     Long car joumeys are even less pleasant,for it is impossible even to read. On motorways, you
can, at least,travel fairly safely at high speeds,but more often,the greater part of the joumey is spent
on narrow,bumpy (崎岖不平的)  roads which are crowded with traffic.
     When travelling by sea,you have a different expe- rience. You can have a walk.on the board,
play games, swim,meet interesting people and enjoy good food,and of course,only when the sea is
calm. If it is not,you are likely to get seasick (晕船的) , and you will find no joumey can be worse
than that. Even if you travel in good weather,sea joumeys take a long time. Few people
would like to spend a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship.
      Travelling by plane seems to be dangerous to some people,and,it is also the most expensive of
all travelling forms,though nothing can match planes for speed and comfort(舒服). Flying at a height
of 30 000 feet, far above the clouds,and at 500 miles an hour is a very exciting experience. The
joumey is  so  smooth(平稳的 )that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping.
However you decide to spend your time,one thing is certain:you will arrive at your destination fresh
and easy. You will not have to spend the next few days recovering(恢复)from a long and tiring journey.1. From the passage we can know that travelling by train              .A.is the most comfortable for passengers
B.is so slow and dirty that no one wants to take a train
C. seems to be very tiring and usually takes a long time
D. will keep you awake all the time2. What prevents people from travelling by plane?  A. Planes can be very dangerous.
B. You will feel sorry after travelling by air.
C. Flying so high brings no comfori.
D. Air travelling takes a long time.

3.In the writer"s opinion,             .     

A. you should never travel by train
B. travelling by air is the most comfortable
C. travelling by sea is the best form
D. car travelling is comfortable
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

     Travel has been a considerable part of my life and I have made different kinds of joumeys to
many parts of the world. Often in my travels,l was alone, traveling under difficult conditions in
wartime. And I have flown over the oceans many times when I wanted to get quickly from one
place to another. But a sea voyage,especially a long one,has some.thing unusual of its own,and
after taking a few of them,l became interested in the reasons why people take such trips and how
they are affected by them. That is why I wanted to write Life Number Two.
     Some people go for escape from grief or failure, some from a wish not to be very long iri one
place in the world. Others go to celebrate a marriage, or a retirement,and many people take voyages
to enjoy a luxury(享乐) they do not have at home and for shipboard fun. When you put all these
motives (动机)  into a forced companionship (伙伴关系 )  and sometimes an unpleasant one a
voyage can be like a mirror held up to modem  life with  all  its  variety (多样性 ) . Voyages can
be boring but they can give some passengers new view on life,renew courage and awaken a sense
of the size of the world.
     There are many books about ocean voyages,but as a rule they are magazines or diaries of travel.
 Life Number Two is a novel written not mainly to show shipboard life but to tell the stories of a few
people on board,trying their past lives and their possible futures into the narratives(叙述).lt also deals
with some modem socialproblems worth our consideration.

1. The writer spent           in travelling. A. all his life
B. the most important part of life
C. the period of wartime
D. much time      ,2.Life Num,ber Two tells how people feel when they                A. are alone in their trips    .
B. fly quickly from one place to another
C. are on board a ship for a long time
D. are always in one place of the world    .3. A sea voyage in one"s life is           as the writer says.     A. sometimes a thing worth doing
B. a waste of time
C. a sign of failure
D. one"s strong wish4. The shipboard life is                  A. very Liresome
B. very luxurious
C. a reflection (反映) of society
D. very funny
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。                                A  Fan of Dae Jang Geum《大长今》影迷    
     Dae Jang Geum (《大长今》 )  is  a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this
series, my personal status and living standard have been greatly   1  . My girlfriend used
to cook every evening. Well, now she does nothing but   2   in front of the TV when she"s
not   3  and commands me,  " You-go to make some instant noodles. Come and watch
the play and just imagine we are enjoying Korean   4   . "      
     She also swears to   5  all Korean dishes in Dae Jang Geum. So she orders me to 
  6 the TV and record any details of Jang Geum"s cooking. But when she presented her
version of Korean food, it is like the dog-meal. "You can   7  get things done if you can"t
find the right tools , " my girlfriend blamed her clumsy(笨拙的 )  kitchen performances
on  8  . So I decided to   9  her a new kitchen knife. In a store , she became unusually
  10  when making her selection. She finally picked one that was   11   Jang Geum"s. To
prove that her slow knife skill was due to the blunt (钝的) knives, she  12   her cutting.
As a result ,  she hurt her fingers three times. Fortunately the knife is not   13   the
salesman boasts.      
     My girlfriend is a fan of Jang Geum"s Korean  14  . Not only did she talk about the
dress every day, she also threatened to change my tie into a    15  like the one on Jang
Geum"s dress. Finally, I lost my patience and took her to a maternity shop (孕妇专卖店)
where I recommend(推荐) one suit to her, "Do you think it looks like a Korean dress?"
  16  , my future parents-in-law just happened to be shopping at the time. They were   17  
when they saw what we were doing.      
     The Dae Jang series   18   realizing the ambition of the youth. However, it fails to
realize my girlfriend"s.  19   being engaged in her work or study, she simply sits on the
sofa every night, staring at the TV, a bag of chips in her hand. This situation has  20   even
though the series is now over.(     )1.A. increased
(     )2.A. stand
(     )3.A. at work
(     )4.A. fruit
(     )5.A. eat
(     )6.A. stand for
(     )7.A. easily
(     )8.A. her forks
(     )9.A. buy
(     )10A. careless
(     )11.A. better than
(     )12.A. speeded up
(     )13.A. as fast as
(     )14.A. diet style
(     )15.A. inside pocket
(     )16.A.Coincidently
(     )17.A. very puzzled
(     )18.A. shoots at
(     )19.A. In spite of
(     )20.A. changed little

B. degraded
B. lie
B. at table
B. vegetables
B. learn
B. go by
B. hardly
B. her spoons
B. borrow
B. the closest shape of
B. slowed down
B. as dull as
B. dish flavor
B. butterfly knot
B. pretty satisfied
B. aims at
B. Because of
B. turned a lot

C. depressed
C. seat
C. on leave
C. dishes
C. cook
C. pass by
C. difficultly
C. her knives
C. lend
C. patient
C. sharper than
C. brought down
C. as slow as
C. dressing style
C. pretty collar
C. Fortunately
C. very pleased
C. directs at
C. Instead of
C. developed a little

D. raised
D. sit
D. on business
D. cakes
D. perform
D. stand by
D. carefully
D. her pans
D. fetch
D. modest
D. taken from
D. improved
D. as sharp as
D. cooking style
D. long belt
D. Excitedly
D. pretty shocked
D. works at
D. In case of
D. improved a lot

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

     For the tenth and last time as Secretary General, I offer friends and colleagues around
the world my best wishes on United Nations Day. I have spent almost all my whole
professional life working for the United Nations-sothisday , andthevaluesthatstand for ,
willal-ways be special for me.
     Over the past ten years, we have made some big steps forward in our common struggle
for development, security and human rights. Aid and debt relief have increased , making
the world economy somewhat fairer. At last, the world is increasing its response to
HIV/AIDS. There are fewer wars between States than there used to be , and manycivil
warshaveended. Moregovernments are elected by, and accountable to the people
whom they govern. And all States have acknowledged, at least in words, their
responsibility to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and
crimes against humanity.
     But there is so much that still needs doing.
     The gap between rich and poor continues to grow.
Thenuclearnon-proliferationregime (核不扩散机制) requires urgent attention.
Terrorism and the reaction to it are spreading fear and suspicion. It seems we don"t
even agree which threats are most important. Those who live in small islands may
see global warming as the biggest danger. Those who live in a city that has suffered
terrorist attacks-likeNewYork , orMumbai, orIstanbul-may feel that confronting
terrorism is more urgent. Othersagainmaycitepoverty , disease , orgenocide. The
truth is , there are all global threats. All of us should be concerned about all of them.
Otherwise ,we may not succeed in dealing with any of them.
     At this time of all times. We cannot afford to be divided. I know that you, the people
of the world, understand this. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have
given me, throughout these ten difficult but exciting years.
      Please urge your leaders to work with my successor, and make the United Nations
ever stronger and more affective.
     Long live our planet, and its peoples!Long live the United Nations!

1. Who is the speaker of the above passage and how many examples did he mention to
prove the achievements for the UN in the past ten years?______A. Bush ; eight
B. Blair; seven
C. Ban Ki-moon ; six
D. Annan; five2. According to the speaker, which of the following doesn"t belong to the things
that need doing?______A. The gap between rich and poor should be reduced.
B. The nuclear non-proliferation should be paid great attention to.
C. The opinion on which threat is the most important should be agreed on.
D. The spreading fear and suspicion of terrorism reaction to it should be controlled:3. Generally speaking, the global threats are .______A. poverty , disease and genocide
B. global warming
C. terrorist attacks
D. all of the above4. In the last 3 paragraphs, the speaker mainly called on the world______A. to live on a new planet
B. to understand the people of the world
C. to be united and co-operated
D. to remember him as a Secretary General
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating
experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps __1__the talk with slides, writing up
important information on the blackboard, __2__reading material and giving out __3__The new student
sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and __4__what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture__5__notes which do not catch the main points and __6__ become hard even for the
__7__to understand.
     Most institutions provide courses which __8__ new students to develop the skills they need to be
__9__listeners and note-takers. __10__these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides
which __11_ learners to practise these skills __12__.In all cases it is important to __13_the problem
__14__actually starting your studies.
     It is important to __15__that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills __16__in
college study. One way of __17__these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the __18__year. Another basic __19__is to find a study partner 
__20_ it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.(     )1. A. extending  
(     )2. A. attributing
(     )3. A. assignments
(     )4. A. suspects    
(     )5. A. without    
(     )6. A. what        
(     )7. A. teachers    
(     )8. A. prevent    
(     )9. A. effective  
(     )10. A. Because    
(     )11 .A. enable    
(     )12. A. independently
(     )13. A. evaluate  
(     )14. A. before    
(     )15. A. predict    
(     )16. A. to require
(     )17 .A. preventing
(     )18. A. average    
(     )19. A. statement  
(     )20. A. in that     B. illustrating
B. contributing
B. information  
B. understands  
B. with        
B. those        
B. classmates  
B. require      
B. passive      
B. Though      
B. stimulate    
B. repeatedly  
B. acquaint    
B. after        
B. acknowledge  
B. required    
B. withstanding
B. ordinary    
B. strategy    
B. for which    C. performing
C. distributing
C. content    
C. wonders    
C. on        
C. as        
C. partners  
C. assist    
C. relative  
C. Whether    
C. advocate  
C. logically  
C. tackle    
C. while      
C. argue      
C. requiring  
C. sustaining
C. normal    
C. situation  
C. with whom  D. conducting  
D. explaining  
D. definition  
D. convinces    
D. except      
D. which        
D. students    
D. forbid      
D. expressive  
D. If          
D. prevent      
D. generally    
D. formulate    
D. for          
D. ignore      
D. arerequired
D. overcoming  
D. academic    
D. suggestion  
D. such as      
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