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Kelly Reeves was getting ready for a trip when her phone slipped into a sink full of water. Panic moment! She quickly picked up the wet phone and tried to turn it on, but nothing worked. Her first reaction? She got dressed, drove to the nearest store, and bought a new model at full price.
A new study finds that fear of losing your phone is a common illness. About 66 percent of those surveyed suffer from nomophobia or “no mobile phone phobia”. Interestingly, more women worry about losing their phone than men.
Fortunately, there’s a solution.
The first step is to figure out if you have nomophobia. Checking your phone too often is one thing, but the true sign of a problem is that you can’t conduct business or go about your routine when the fear becomes so severe.
Do you go to unusual lengths to make sure you have your phone? That’s another sign of a problem. If you find you check your phone plenty of times per hour, or a total of an hour per day, there may be a problem.
Some of the treatments are similar to those for treating anxiety attacks: Leaving the phone behind and not checking e-mail or text messages, and then learning to tolerate the after anxiety. Even if this leads to a high level of worry and stress, the solution is to push through the fear and learn to deal with not having your phone.
Of course, there are also technological alternatives. Luis Levy, a co-founder at Novy PR, says he uses an application called Cerberus that can automatically track the location of his phone. To find it, he can just go to a Web site and see the phone’s location.
He also insures his phone through a service called Asurion. The company’s description of its product reads like a prescription for anxiety: “60 million phones are lost, stolen or damaged each year. You’ll have complete peace of mind knowing that your phone is protected and you can quickly reconnect with family, friends and work, as soon as the very next day!”
小题1:Why does the author mention Kelly’s experience in the first paragraph?
A.To inform us that mobile phones are useful.
B.To introduce the topic for discussion.
C.To tell us we should get phones ready for a trip.
D.To warn us that we should be careful.
小题2:The underlined word “nomophobia” in Paragraph 2 means ________.
A.Fear of losing mobile phones.
B.Habits of using mobile phones
C.Independence of mobile phones.
D.Eagerness for new mobile phones.
小题3:Which of the following is a way to treat nomophobia?
A.Learning more about modern technology.
B.Avoiding using phone for some time
C.Not using a mobile phone in one’s daily work.
D.Protecting one’s phone against any damage.
小题4:Why can the service called Asurion help to treat nomophobia?
A.It will give you a new phone through insurance.
B.It lets you know other people also lose their phones.
C.It gives you a prescription to treat nomophobia.
D.It enables you to reconnect with your acquaintance.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.New mobile phone technology.
B.Attitude toward mobile phone.
C.Solutions to nomophobia
D.Disadvantages of mobile phone



小题2:词义理解题。本段第一句说fear of losing your phone is a common illness,紧接着又说suffer from nomophobia结合suffer from(患……病)的用法可知nomophobia就是fear of losing phones这种病。
小题3:细节理解题。结合Leaving the phone behind and not checking e-mail or text messages, and then learning to tolerate the after anxiety可知答案。
小题4:细节理解题。结合最后一段内容;you can quickly reconnect with family, friends and work可知答案
试题【Kelly Reeves was getting ready for a trip when her phone slipped into a sink ful】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Donald had his own difficulties in sleeping that night. Not just because of the bright lights of the shelter or people’s constant voices, it was the happening repeatedly nightmare that caused him to stay awake, to fear sleep. Donald was back in his small house. He did his best to ignore the howling winds outside his window. Yet he could not turn out the fearful whimpers (呜咽) of his little dog, or the uncomfortable sounds of his mother anxious in her room next door, unable to sleep through the storm despite her insistence they would be all right.
Donald did not want his mother to be upset, but on some level, he was glad to hear she was awake, It meant he was not alone in the dark. Though he was 12, until recently it was impossible for Donald to fall asleep unless his mother lay down by his side.
Suddenly there was a crash. Their living room window is shattered (打碎) by 125 miles an hour winds. Troy rushed to Donald and sat anxiously on the edge of his bed. He did his best to calm his mother, and she had to comfort him. Soon water was seeping (渗入) into the single floor house. Quickly it rose from ankle level to leg level. At Donald’s insistence, they pushed their way through the water --- now chest high --- toward the front door. When they fought their way into the living room, water rose to their chins.
It was a struggle for the boy and mother to stay afloat. In a total panic, desperate to hold on to something, Troy caught a curtain rod. She was breathing hard, shouting that she couldn’t swim.
Donald cried out, “Mom! Hold on!” Just then Donald also caught a floatable wood board.
小题1:The passage is mainly about _____.
A.how a storm happened and caused damage
B.how a mother and son experienced a storm
C.how a mother and son survived a storm
D.how a son helped his mother in a storm
小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the story?
A.The rising water.B.The broken window.
C.The lucky dog.D.The noisy environment.
小题3:Which phrase can describe Troy’s feelings at the beginning of the storm most suitably?
A.In excitement. B.In calm.C.In anxiety.D.In despair.
小题4:What will the author most probably talk about next?
A.How the other people struggled in the storm.
B.Why the rainstorm happened.
C.What damage the rainstorm caused.
D.How Donald and Troy struggled to save themselves

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It was just getting dark. There was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road.   36 I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I got to Salistury .
I was going along   37 at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a  38 scream--- “ Help! ” I looked round, but the only   39 of life was a large, black, rather suspicious--looking(可疑的)car just   40  a bend in the road about a hundred yards away. That was where the cry had come from. I   41  speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, for he did the same and began to draw   42  me. As I drew near, the girl’s voice came again, a lovely voice but trembling with   43  .
“Let me go, you coward; you’re hurting me. Oh ! Oh ! ”
I felt my   44  boil. The fog was coming down   45  now, and the countryside was lonelier. I had no  46 that the murderous guy in the car noticed this. Again came a cry.
“Drop that knife, you fool. Oh ! ” Then a cry and a groan(***).
If I was to save her, it was now or   47 . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn’t save the girl, I would at least try to bring the murderer to   48 . The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its   49 , and its brakes(刹车)screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and  50  into the ditch(沟)at the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out .
“You fool!” he shouted as he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was   51   than he. I put all I could into   52  that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It   53  him right on the point of the chin; his   54  slowly bent under him, and he dropped to the ground without a sound. I rushed to the car,   55  open the door and looked inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.
“You have been listening to a radio play, Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately . ”
A.slowed down B.put onC.added toD.took up
A.right behindB.close toC.away fromD.near by
A.an angerB.a fistC.a beatD.a blow

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Honesty may well be the policy, but it often deserts us when no one is watching, psychologists report today. Experiments with an honesty box to collect payments for hot drinks show that people are better at paying up when under the gaze(注视) of a pair of eyes. The surprise was that the eyes were not real, but photographed.
Researchers at Newcastle University set up the experiment in secret. They attached a poster to a cupboard of mugs above an-honesty box alongside a kettle ,with tea, coffee and milk. Over 10 weeks, they alternated each week between images of eyes and pictures of flowers.
Dr. Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study, said that even though the eyes were not real they still seemed to make people behave more honestly. They effect may arise from behavioral characteristics that developed as early humans formed social groups that increased their chances of survival. Individuals had to co-operate for the good of the group, rather than act selfishly.
"If nobody is watching us it is in our interests to behave selfishly. But when we think we"re being watched we should behave better, so people see us as co-operative and behave the same way towards us, "Dr. Bateson said.
"We thought we"d get a slight effect with eyes, but it was quite striking how much difference they made. Even at a subconscious(潜意识的) level, it seems people respond to eyes, and that might be because eyes send a strong biological signal we have evolved(进化) to respond to."
The finding, which researchers believe sheds light on our evolutionary past, could be turned to practical use. The psychologists say images of eyes could promote ticket sales on public transport and improve monitor systems to prevent antisocial behavior.
小题1:This passage is mainly about _______________.
A.the policy of honesty
B.an honesty box to collect money
C.evolution on honesty
D.an experiment on honesty
小题2:The reason for doing the experiment secretly is that the researchers _____________.
A.wanted to get a comparatively more exact result
B.had known they wanted to do something illegally
C.meant to get the co-operation of their colleagues
D.intended to sell the hot drinks at a higher price
小题3:People behave honestly under watchful gaze of eyes because _____________.
A.they want to leave a good impression
B.they fear to be laughed at by others
C.they"ve got the nature through evolution
D.they take the photo for a real pair of eyes
小题4:The underlined phrase" sheds light on" in the last paragraph means _____.
A.causes somebody to become cheerful
B.makes something easier to understand
C.comes upon something by accident
D.brings something into the broad daylight

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Mr. Hadley was my 6th grade teacher. I was a tall thin girl weighing barely a hundred pounds. I ended up taking a lot of  36 especially from the boys, because of my appearance. I became an extremely  37 young lady.
One day  38 in the 6th grade class was told by Mr. Hadley that we would be  39 to stand up in front of the class and read the  40 that we had completed.
When my turn came, I  41 to stand up in front of all those students and  42 to their tricks. Mr. Hadley came over to me and again  43 me to read my report. I gave it back to him. He walked to the front of the  44 and said, "Yvonne has a very good report here and I think everyone  45 to hear her read it. If I hear anyone making  46 noises or making fun of her in any way, I will let you fail right here and now. Understood?"
Mr. Hadley walked back to me and  47 me the paper, asking me to go to the front of the class. I walked to the front of the class on legs  48 were shaking and I felt a(n)  49 in my chest. Everyone were all quiet, including those boys. I stood there trying to gain  50 .
Mr. Hadley walked over to me putting his arm around me, "You can do it. I have  51 in you!" His words helped calm me. I  52 the report and instead of the kids laughing at me and  53 me, they all stood up and clapped their hands.
From that day on the kids never made fun of me again and some  54 made friends with me. I continued to be quite shy all through school  55 from that day on I knew if I had to stand up in front of class again. I could do it.
A.show offB.look backC.open upD.put down
A.looking down uponB.making fun of
C.losing interest inD.breaking away from

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It is that time of the year when the warm, late Summer days meet the cold, early Autumn nights. The skies on days like these are bright and clear. The air is cool, fresh, and full of the smell of wild flowers. The leaves on the trees are dark green but with splashes of red appearing here and there. It is a really beautiful time of the year. Every where and in everything you can see change.
Birds are starting to migrate. Children are getting ready for another school year. People are looking back on the fun days of Summer and forward to the busy days of Fall.
It is days like these that remind me that while seasons, weather, and nature"s colors may change it is all beautiful and it is all joyful. And I am changing too.
My thick wavy hair is now pretty thin on top. Its dark brown color is now getting some gray sprinkled(散落)in it. The smile lines around my eyes and mouth are deeper now and stay with me even when I stop smiling. My glasses continue to get thicker with each new pair and the music I love is now referred to as "oldies". Still, I feel so happy and joyful in my life. I am grateful for my younger years because they taught me so much.
What I have learned and experienced has gotten me to where I am today. I am grateful for my present because now is where I live and now is where I love. I feel happiness in every moment that God has given me, and I take great delight in all the changes life brings. Life is a never ending journey of change and growth. Life"s changes never stop but neither does life"s joy.
小题1:The author describes the sceneryin the first paragraph in order to ______ .
A.tell the time of story’s taking place
B.tell the joy of season’s changing
C.show the impressive beauty of nature
D.set off the author’s delighted feeling
小题2:From this passage we can learn _____.
A.the author is not young any longer at present
B.the season the author describes is the meet of late autumn and early winter
C.the author is a person who used to love music
D.the author doesn’t hope life has changed so much
小题3:The underlined part in the last paragraph probably means ______.
A.present life is well worth treasuring
B.he is satisfied with where he lives now
C.present life isn’t changing
D.the world is filled with love everywhere
小题4:From the passage we can see the author’s attitude to life is full of ______.
小题5:The best title of this passage is ______.
A.My lifeB.My pastC.I love lifeD.Life"s changes

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