当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when a...
阅读理解。     There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed
is unknown.  They probably came about just to give children something to do.
     In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with
others. In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities
of their fathers and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities
of the adult world.
    What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries
but how much they have remained the same.  The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship,
mechanics, and technology. It is the universality (普遍性) of toys with regard to their development in
all parts of the world and their persistence to the present that is amazing. In Egypt, America, China,
Japan and among the Arctic (北极的) people, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations
depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings. Nearly every
civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.
     Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to
technological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use.  The progress from the wheel to the
cart to the automobile is a direct line of ways up. The progress from a rattle (拨浪鼓) used by a
baby in 3,000 BC to one used by an infant today, however, is not characterized by inventiveness
(独创性). Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations
of available materials.1. The reason why the toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with is that ____.A. their social roles are rigidly determined
B. they like challenging activities
C. most boys would like to follow their fathers" professions
D. boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers2. One aspect of "the universality of toys" lies in the fact that ________.  A. the basic characteristics of toys are the same all over the world
B. technological advances have greatly improved the durability of toys
C. the exploration of the universe has led to the creation of new kinds of toys
D. the improvement of craftsmanship in making toys depends on the efforts of universities3. Which of the following is the author"s view on the historical development of toys? A. Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child"s character.
B. The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.
C. The craftsmanship in toymaking has remained essentially unchanged.
D. Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.4. Regarded as a kind of art form, toys ________.  A. reflect the pace of social progress
B. are not characterized by technological progress
C. follow a direct line of ascent
D. also appeal greatly to adults5. The author uses the example of a rattle to show that ________.A. it often takes a long time to introduce new technology into toymaking
B. even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technology
C. even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the time
D. in toymaking there is a continuity in the use of
试题【阅读理解。     There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when a】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     Kataria  is the founder of the worldwide laughter  movement.  The  celebration  of World Laughter Day is a positive activity for world peace and is intended to build up a global sense of brotherhood and
friendship through laughter. The first "World Laughter Day" gathering took place in Mumbai, India, on 11th January, 1998. 12,000 members from India and international Laughter Clubs attended it. Now there are
over 5,000 Laughter Clubs worldwide on all 5 continents.
      "HAPPYDEMIC" was the first World Laughter Day gathering outside India. It took place on 9th
January, two years after the Mumbai gathering.  In Copenhagen, Denmark, more than 10,000 people
gathered at Town Hall Square. The event went into Guinness Book of World Records."World Laughter
Day" is now organized on the first Sunday of May every year. Hundreds of people gather worldwide on
that day to laugh together.
      Today, many people fear widespread international terrorism. The world has never faced so much
unrest before. People are at war within themselves. Laughter is a universal language, which has the ability
to unite humanity without religion. Laughter can build a common connection between various religions and create a new world order. The idea may sound overambitious(野心太大的), and maybe it is. But maybe
it is not. It is our deep belief that laughter and only laughter can unite the world, building up a global sense
of brotherhood and friendship.
      Studies also say that laughter helps your body do the following:  lower blood  pressure;  lighten
depression;  reduce stress; work out the heart, especially for those who are unable to perform physical
exercise. So in life, when you can laugh, you should laugh loudly and with your entire body-because it"s
good for you.1. The purpose of celebrating World Laughter Day is ________. A. to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship        through laughter
B. to build a common connection between various religions 
C. to reduce stress and lighten depression 
D. to lower blood pressure2. The first World Laughter Day gathering outside India took     place________.A. on 11th January, 1998  
B. on the first Sunday of May
C. on 9th January, 1996    
D. on 9th January, 20003. The author"s attitude towards laughter movement is ________. A. positive                    
B. negative
C. uninterested                
D. objective4. The passage is mainly about ________.A. World Laughter Day and its significance
B. the worldwide laughter movement
C. a universal language
D. laughter
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     The wellknown Rushmore National Monument in the United States is built on the Rush Moore Peak,
1829 meters above sea level, of the Black Hills in the south-west of South Dakota.It is a group of huge
stone statues of four American presidents, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln
and Theodore Roosevelt.President Washington is the founding father of the country; the 3rd President
Jefferson drafted the US Declaration of Independence; the 16th President Lincoln issued the
Emancipation Proclamation and the 26th President Roosevelt protected the average people"s right to
compete fairly with trusts.All 1829 meters above sea level, made outstanding achievements for their
country.They were pioneers of US history.
     The stone statues of presidents were built at the suggestion of a historian in the State of Dakota, with
a view to carrying forward the US pioneering spirit everlastingly.
     The statues are 18 meters high.They are the highest and greatest realistic stone statues in the world,
taller than a 6storied building and larger than the Great Sphinx of Egypt.The size of each head is 20sq
mt, with a 20meterlong face, a 7meterlong nose, a 2.6meterwide mouth and two 1.5meterwide eyes.
Though not facing the same direction, they are all lifelike and look ahead gravely in harmony with fixed
gazes.On clear days, one can have a sight of the four presidents with their firm and steady expression at
a distance of dozens of kilometers.
     Since the stone sculpture is unique in style, the Monument is now the US National Art Centre of
Popular Education.Groups of people keep streaming everyday to the site for a visit and tourists across
the world are also interested in taking a view of this great Monument.1. Which statement is false according to the first paragraph?A. The famous Rushmore National Monument is 1829 meters above sea level.
B. All the four presidents made great contributions to London.
C. the group of statues are made of huge stones.
D. The statues are built to honor the presidents in the US2. Why were those four presidents chosen?Because the four presidents________.A. made great contributions to their country
B. were pioneers of US history
C. played an important role in the different periods of the American history
D. all of the above3. What are the statues like?A. They look like a 6storied building.
B. They are like the great Sphinx of Egypt.
C. They are like true men standing there.
D. They are lifelike, looking ahead with fixed gazes.4. For what groups of people across the world come to visit the Monument?They come________.A. to learn the US pioneering spirit
B. to look back upon the history of the US.
C. to learn the art of sculpture
D. to enjoy the view of the Monument
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解                                                              Crossing the Rubicon
      The march to Italy was began.The soldiers were even more enthusiastic than Caesar (恺撒) himself.
They climbed mountains, waded rivers, endured tiredness, and faced all kinds of danger for the sake of
their great leader.
     At last they came to a little river called the Rubicon (卢比孔河). It was the boundary line of Caesar"s
Province of Gaul; on the other side of it was Italy.Caesar paused a moment on the bank.He knew that to
cross it would be to declare war against Pompey and the Roman Senate; it would involve all Rome in a
fearful battle, the end of which no man could foresee.
     But he did not hesitate long.He gave the word, and rode boldly across the shallow stream.
     "We have crossed the Rubicon, " he cried as he reached the farther shore."There is now no turning
back." Soon the news was carried to Rome "Caesar has crossed the Rubicon" and there was great fear
among those who had planned to destroy him.Pompey"s soldiers deserted him and hurried to join
themselves to Caesar"s army.The Rome senators and their friends made ready to escape from the city.
     "Caesar has crossed the Rubicon!" was shouted along the roads and byways leading to Rome; and
the country people turned out to meet and hail with joy the conquering hero.
     The word was carried a second time to the city "Caesar has crossed the Rubicon" and the wild fight
began.Senators and public officers left everything behind and hurried away to seek safety with Pompey.
On foot, on horseback, in litters, in carriages, they fled for their lives-all because Caesar had crossed the
Rubicon.Pompey was unable to protect them.He hurried to the seacoast, and, with all who were able to
accompany him, sailed away to Greece.
     Caesar was the master of Rome.1. Which of the following can NOT be used to describe Caesar"s army?A. Enthusiastic in the march.
B. Not afraid of tiredness.
C. Brave in the march.
D. Eager to be great leaders.2. According to the passage, crossing the Rubicon meant all of the following EXCEPT that________.A. Caesar declared war against Pompey and the Roman Senate
B. Caesar would involve all Rome in the battle
C. Caesar would be defeated in the war
D. Caesar was determined to carry out the battle3. What happened when the news was first carried to Rome that Caesar had crossed the Rubicon?A. The people who had been against Caesar felt very frightened.
B. The people who had turned traitor to Caesar were wild with joy.
C. The public officers and soldiers fought bravely against Caesar.
D. The Rome senators and their friends had already escaped.4. What did Pompey do after Caesar crossed the Rubicon?A. He rode to the bank of the Rubicon hurriedly.
B. He fled to Greece by sea with all his companions.
C. He had all his relatives and soldiers stay with him.
D. He kept calm and stayed in Rome, defeating his enemies.
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案

     Once considered a fringe(非主流的)food by the U.S. culinary mainstream, sweet potatoes are
fast becoming popular everywhere from fast food chains to expensive restaurants and the White
House table.
    Three years ago, the "Wall Street Journal" wrote in a front page article that except for their use in
a Thanksgiving dish, sweet potatoes were a wholly uninteresting food. Yet over the past two years,
the number of restaurants offering a sweet potato-based side dish has increased 40 percent. Food
giant ConAgra just spent $155 million to open the world"s first plant devoted entirely to frozen sweet
potato products, and U.S. farmers are planning to harvest a record-setting 2 billion pound crop.
    "It"s not something we believe is a fashion,"said Andy Johnston of ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston.
    According to research conducted by ConAgra, 30 percent of sweet potato eaters report consuming
the vegetable several times per month. Only 12 percent eat them only during the Thanksgiving and
winter holiday season.
    Analysts attribute the sweet potato"s growing popularity in large part is due to sweet potato fries,
which account for the majority of the vegetable"s presence in U.S. restaurants. In fact, Google searches
for "sweet potato fries" increased 40 percent over the past year.
    Sweet potatoes have also become popular among more conscious eaters, however, in part because
they are high in vitamins and have a low glycemic (血糖的) index in spite of their sweetness. Both
Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet have recommended sweet potatoes, roasted in a little oil
rather than fried, and doctors are recommending them for diabetics.
   "Within the diabetic community, it"s become pretty common knowledge that sweet potatoes are good
for you, so there"s a great appeal because so many people have diabetes now,"said Chef Michel Nischan, who helps host a TV show for people with diabetes.

1. From this reading passage we infer that ConAgra __________.A. is one of the biggest food-making companies in the US
B. is one of the richest food-selling companies in the US
C. has asked American farmers to produce more sweet potatoes this year
D. has produced large quantities of sweet potato-based side dishes2. According to the ConAgra research, the number of people who often eat sweet potatoes ________.A. is increasing very quickly          
B. is not very big
C. is falling a little bit                
D. has nearly doubled3. Which of the following may NOT encourage the sweet potato"s popularity?A. US restaurants recommend sweet potatoes to their customers as a vegetable.
B. Google searches show more and more people are becoming interested in sweet potatoes.
C. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and low in glycemic index.
D. Sweet potatoes taste very sweet.4. Chef Michel Nischan will certainly agree that _____________.A. sweet potatoes should be fried
B. sweet potatoes should be roasted
C. sweet potatoes are good for diabetics
D. sweet potatoes can be made into many good dishes
题型:湖北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     A winter wonderland on the outskirts of Quebec City has become one of Canada"s hottest
attractions and most sought out accommodations. Guests stay close for warmth in sleeping bags
on beds of ice, hats pulled over their ears to prevent frostbite, while sipping cocktails (鸡尾酒) in
glasses also made of ice.
     A cool place to host a memorable wedding or for a romantic getaway, the Quebec Ice Hotel
has attracted 600,000 curious tourists, including 30,000 who stayed overnight, since opening
seasonally 11 years ago. Like Victoria and Jeremy Martin, dozens of couples will exchange vows
(誓约) this winter in a temporary church next to the hotel, sculpted entirely from blocks of ice with
seats covered in furs.
     Average temperatures fall below minus 20 degrees C (minus four F) in winter, but inside the hotel"s
36 rooms it is relatively cozy. Thick walls of packed snow and ice act as an insulator, trapping body
heat inside. Each room is uniquely decorated, using designs created by Quebec architecture students.
Two hotel bars also sell special cocktails in ice glasses.
     First-time guests of the hotel, however, are recommended to stay only one night as sleeping in
sub-zero temperatures is not very refreshing. This year for the first time the ice hotel has teamed up
with a bricks and concrete Quebec City hotel to offer packages for one-night accommodations at
each. Prices for one night only at the ice hotel start at 200 US dollars per person.
     The 3,000-square-metre (32,300-square-feet) buildings take six weeks starting in December to
build, using 15,000 tonnes of snow and 500 tonnes of ice, at a cost of some 750,000 US dollars.
Eleven weeks after its seasonal grand opening, the hotel will close on March 27 and then melt away
with the arrival of spring.1. What is true with the ice hotel?A. 630,000 people have visited it.
B. 30,000 people visit it each year.
C. It has stayed open for many years.
D. Wedding ceremonies are often held there.2. The underlined word "insulator" in Paragraph 3 possibly refers to something that _____.A. stops heat passing throughit
B. collects and reflects light and heat
C. makes things become very cold
D. works like an air-conditioner3. What can we learn about the hotel rooms?A. It can be -20°C inside.
B. The temperature is always below 0°C.
C. The rooms all look alike.
D. Each room costs $200 per night.4. First-time guests are advised to stay there only one night because _____.A. they may not be able to stand the cold
B. their other night is with an ordinary hotel
C. new guests have less advantages over old ones
D. the first-day service is just for a test run5. If you choose to visit the ice hotel during the Christmas season, you"ll find _____.A. it doesn"t exist at all
B. it is just being built
C. most of its rooms are vacant
D. it is crowded with guests
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