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Today, bicycles are elegantly simple machines that are common around the world. Many people ride bicycles for recreation, whereas others use them as a means of transportation. The first bicycle was invented in Germany in 1818. Because it was made of wood, it wasn’t very strong nor did it have pedals (脚踏板).Riders moved it by pushing their feet against the ground.
In 1839, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a Scottish blacksmith, invented a much better bicycle. Macmillan’s machine had iron-covered wheels to keep them from getting worn down. He also used foot-operated levers, similar to pedals, so his bicycle could be ridden at a quick pace. It didn’t look much like the modem bicycle, though, because its back wheel was substantially larger than its front wheel. Although Macmillan’s bicycles could be ridden easily, they were never produced in large numbers.
In 1861, Frenchman Pierre Michaux and his brother Ernest invented a bicycle with an improved pedal mechanism. They called their bicycle a velocipede,but most people called it a “bone shaker” because of the effect of the wood and iron frame. Despite the impolite nickname, the velocipede was a hit. After a few years, the Michaux family was making hundreds of the machines annually, mostly for fun-seeking young people.
Ten years later, James Starley , an English inventor, made several innovations that revolutionized bicycle design. He made the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel, put a gear on the pedals to make the bicycle more efficient,and lightened the wheels by using wire spokes. Although this bicycle was much lighter and less tiring to ride, it was still clumsy, extremely top-heavy,and ridden mostly for entertainment.
It wasn’t until 1874 that the first truly modern bicycle appeared on the scene. Invented by another Englishman, H. J. Lawson, the safety bicycle would look familiar to today’s cyclists. The safety bicycle had equal-sized wheels, which made it easier to ride. Lawson also attached a chain to the pedals to drive the back wheel. By 1893,the safety bicycle had been further improved with air-filled rubber tires, a diamond-shaped frame, and easy braking. With the improvements provided by Lawson; bicycles became extremely popular and useful for transportation. Today, they are built, used, and enjoyed all over the world.
小题1:This passage was most likely written in order to _____.
A.compare bicycles used for different purposes
B.describe the problems early bicycle makers experienced
C.persuade readers to use bicycles for transportation
D.tell readers about the early history of the bicycle
小题2:Macmillan covered the wheels of his bicycle with iron to _____
A.add weight to the bicycle
B.make the bicycle easier to ride
C.allow the wheels to last longer
D.let the bicycle be more comfortable
小题3:Which of the following bicycle types was invented by James Starley?

小题4:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Two hundred years ago,bicycles did not exist.
B.The first bicycle could be ridden at a very quick pace.
C.The Michaux brothers called their bicycle a “bone shaker”.
D.Macmillan’s machine had wheels with rubber tires.
小题5:The information about bicycles in this passage is arranged according to _____.



小题2:细节题。根据文章Macmillan’s machine had iron-covered wheels to keep them from getting worn down. 可知,麦克米伦给他的自行车轮子加铸了铁是为了减少轮子的磨损,可以使用的更长时间。故选C
小题3:细节题。根据文章He made the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel, put a gear on the pedals to make the bicycle more efficient,and lightened the wheels by using wire spokes.可知,詹姆斯·史达雷发明的自行车,前轮比后轮要大好多倍,脚踏板上加放了齿轮使自行车更方便。故选 B
试题【Today, bicycles are elegantly simple machines that are common around the world. 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
The early 1900s were very different from today, when toys were still the delight of children everywhere.
Theodore Roosevelt"s Presidency marks the beginning of the “Teddy Bear”. In the year 1902,toy bears were named “Teddy” after the president"s nickname. The Teddy Bear became known worldwide and it was only a few years later that the Teddy Bears were mass produced.
In 1913,an item called the Erector Set was invented. It was a steel,motorized toy that children could use to build models of anything. Its creator was A.C.Gilbert,a medical doctor.
Charles Pajeau created a similar wooden set called Tinker Toys in the year 1914.Tinker Toys were made for younger children.
Raggedy Ann dolls first came on the scene after newspaper cartoonist Johnny Gruelle reproduced the doll he made for his daughter. That was in 1915.
The following year,an architect"s son named John Lloyd Wright,invented Lincoln Logs,which were interlocked to make structures.
Two years after Mickey Mouse was created,stuffed(填塞)Mickey Mouse dolls were made by Charlotte Clark. This was the start of Disney merchandise.
The yo­yo became popular in the United States after Donald Duncan bought a yo­yo company in 1929.
The View­Master,a three dimensional viewer,was developed by a camera enthusiast named William Gruber. The toy became popular when Gruber licensed Disney characters to make still, 3­D images from Disney movies and television programs.
Finally,in 1940,model airplanes were mass produced. They started out as a way for manufacturers to sell planes to the military,but later caught on as a toy.
The toys that we know and love today have had their roots from these ancient times. Thanks to all these creative man’s efforts, we know otherwise what we may never know.
小题1:Why were toy bears named “Teddy”?
A.To be suitable for mass production
B.To be easily pronounced by children.
C.To meet the advertisers" needs.
D.To memorize President Theodore Roosevelt
小题2:In which aspect do the toys created by Gilbert differ from those by Charles?
A.ShapeB.Material usedC.ThemesD.Price
小题3:When did the View­Master become popular?
A.After William Gruber was born
B.After Gruber licensed Disney characters
C.Two years after Mickey Mouse was created.
D.When Disney merchandise was started

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History is full of examples of leaders joining together to meet common goals. But rarely have two leaders worked together with such friendship and cooperation as American President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. They both were born in wealthy families and were active in politics for many years. Both men loved the sea and the navy,history and nature.
Roosevelt and Churchill first met when they were lower­level officials in World War One. But neither man remembered much about that meeting. However,as they worked together during the Second World War they came to like and trust each other. Roosevelt and Churchill exchanged more than one thousand seven hundred letters and messages during five and a half years. They met many times,at large national gatherings and in private talks. But the closeness of their friendship might be seen best in a story told by one of Roosevelt’s close advisors,Harry Hopkins. Hopkins remembered how Churchill was visiting Roosevelt at the White House one day. Roosevelt went into Churchill’s room in the morning to say hello. But the president was shocked to see Churchill coming from the washing room with no clothes at all. Roosevelt immediately apologized to the British leader for seeing him naked. But Churchill reportedly said: “The Prime Minister of Great Britain has nothing to hide from the president of the United States.” And then both men laughed.
The United States and Great Britain were only two of several nations that joined together in the war to resist Hitler and his Allies. In January,1942,twenty­six of these nations signed an agreement promising to fight for peace,religious freedom,human rights,and justice. The three major Allies,however,were the most important for the war effort: the United States,Britain,and the Soviet Union. Yet,Churchill and Roosevelt disagreed about when  to attack Hitler in western Europe. And Churchill resisted Roosevelt’s suggestions that Britain give up some of its colonies. But in general,the friendship between Roosevelt and Churchill,and between the United States and Britain led the two nations to cooperate closely.
小题1:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Roosevelt and Churchill had much in common.
B.Roosevelt and Churchill had nothing in common.
C.Roosevelt and Churchill had no difference but cooperation.
D.Roosevelt and Churchill always joined together to meet common goals.
小题2:Which of the following about Roosevelt and Churchill is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Since World War One they had believed in each other.
B.They exchanged just 27 letters and messages per month during the 5.5 years.
C.Harry Hopkins never let out the closeness of their friendship.
D.Roosevelt and Churchill hadn’t been presidents before World War One.
小题3:We can know from the passage that________.
A.Roosevelt and Churchill did not always agree with each other
B.over two differences between Churchill and Roosevelt were mentioned
C.Churchill urged Roosevelt to give up some of its colonies
D.the differences between Roosevelt and Churchill had an effect on their cooperation

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The modern Olympic Games, founded in 1896, began as contests between individuals, rather than among nations, with the hope of promoting world peace through sportsmanship. In the beginning, the games were open only to amateurs. An amateur is a person whose involvement in an activity---from sports to science or the arts---is purely for pleasure. Amateurs, whatever their contributions to a field, expect to receive no form of compensation ; professionals, in contrast, perform their work in order to earn a living.
From the perspective of many athletes, however, the Olympic playing field has been far from level. Restricting the Olympics to amateurs has precluded(妨碍) the participation of many who could not afford to be unpaid. Countries have always desired to send their best athletes, not their wealthiest ones, to the Olympic Games.
A slender and imprecise line separates what we call “financial support” from “earning money.” Do athletes “earn money” if they are reimbursed(补偿) for travel expenses? What if they are paid for time lost at work or if they accept free clothing from a manufacturer or if they teach sports for a living? The runner Eric Liddell was the son of poor missionaries; in 1924 the British Olympic Committee financed his trip to the Olympics, where he won a gold and a bronze medal. College scholarships and support from the United States Olympic Committee made it possible for American track stars Jesse Owens and Wilma Rudolph and speed skater Dan Jansen to train and compete. When the Soviet Union and its allies joined the games in 1952, the definition of amateur became still muddier. Their athletes did not have to balance jobs and training because as citizens in communist regimes, their government financial support was not considered payment for jobs.
In 1971 the International Olympic Committee(IOC) removed the word amateur from the rules, making it easier for athletes to find the support necessary to train and compete. In 1986 the IOC allowed professional athletes into the games.
There are those who regret the disappearance of amateurism from the Olympic Games. For them the games lost something special when they became just another way for athletes to earn money. Others say that the designation of amateurism was always questionable; they argue that all competitors receive so much financial support as to make them paid professionals. Most agree, however, that the debate over what constitutes an “amateur” will continue for a long time.
小题1: One might infer that _______________________.
A.developing Olympic-level skills in athletes is costly
B.professional athletes are mostly interested in financial rewards
C.amateurs does not expect to earn money at the sport that is played
D.amateurs have a better attitude than professionals do
小题2: The statement “the Olympic playing field has been far from level” means that__________.
A.the ground the athletes played on was in bad condition
B.the poorer players were given some advantages
C.the rules did not work the same way for everyone
D.amateurs were inferior to the professionals in many ways
小题3: The financial support given to athletes by the Soviet government can best be compared to ________________.
A.a gift received on a special occasion, such as a birthday
B.money received from a winning lottery ticket
C.an allowance paid to a child
D.money from charity organization
小题4: One can conclude that the Olympic Organizing Committee _________________.
A.has held firm to its original vision of the Olympic games
B.has struggled with the definition of amateur over the years
C.regards itself as an organization for professional athletes only
D.did nothing but stop allowing communists to participate

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Flags have existed for over 3000 years. The earliest flags were wooden or metal poles topped with a carving. About 2000 years ago pies of fabric were added to some poles for decoration. Over the next 500 years the free-flying part of the flag became more important.
Every country today has its own flag. Many groups and organizations also have a flag which stands for, or symbolizes, the aims of the group.
The flag depicts (描绘) a world map, centered on the north pole. The map is surrounded by an olive (橄榄) wreath (花环) symbolizing peace and co-operation. The flag is blue and white.
小题1:Flags have been in existence for _________.
A.500 yearsB.more than 3000 years
C.about 2000 yearsD.between 500 and 2000 years
小题2:A very old flag is likely to _________.
A.be made of fabricB.have a map on it
C.have white shapes on itD.be made of carved wood
小题3:An olive wreath is used to stand for _________.

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A group of 1,309 passengers boarded the MS Balmoral on Sunday, in Southampton, England, on a voyage to retrace (重走) the path of the Titanic. The Titanic was the biggest ship in the world when it sailed on its ill-fated first voyage on April 10, 1912. Of the 2,227 passengers and crew aboard, more than l,500 died. The ship, which was headed for New York City, carried the rich and famous on its first voyage. It also carried immigrants who were seeking a better life in America.
Relatives of people who sailed on the Titanic, historians, authors and people fascinated by the story of the unsinkable ship were on the Balmoral. They wanted to remember the Titanic and those who died on her first and last voyage.
The Balmoral was following Titanic’s original route from Southampton. First, the modern-day cruise liner docked (进港) in the port of Cherbourg, France, where the Titanic had picked up more passengers. On Monday afternoon, the Balmoral stopped in Cobh, Ireland, the Titanic’s last port of call before sailing to New York.
The Balmoral then sailed the North Atlantic Ocean to the location where the Titanic hit an iceberg. On Sunday, April 15, at 2:20 a.m. — the time the Titanic went down - passengers and crew held a memorial service. The next two days were spent in Halifax, Canada, where many victims of the Titanic are buried. Then, the Balmoral reached its final destination in New York City, where the Titanic was supposed to dock — but never did.
So far, several teams of divers have explored the site. They have recovered items such as dishes and silverware and put them on public display. And the Titanic and its passengers and crew have been remembered in books, movies and TV programs. But there’s a much more important contribution that the Titanic has given us. After she sank, lawmakers and ship builders made ships safer. It took a terrible tragedy to make ship travel safer for all.
小题1:We learn from the first paragraph that _____.
A.the Titanic sank on its second voyage
B.about 700 passengers of the Titanic survived
C.less than 2,000 passengers boarded the Titanic
D.all the passengers’ hopes of the Titanic lay in America
小题2:Which of the following shows the correct route of the Balmoral?
a. Halifax  b. New York City   c. Cobh   d. Southampton e. Cherbourg
A.d-e-c-a-bB.e-d-a-b-c C.e-c-a-b-d D.d-c-e-a-b
小题3:What might be the most important contribution of the Titanic?
A.Its site attracts many exploration teams.B.It has made later ships more secure.
C.Some of its items are on public display.D.More trips are planned to its site.
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.The unsinkable shipB.The Titanic today
C.The Titanic’s route D.Sailing through history

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