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Television, which made its first serious appearance in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s.Since then, millions of children have grown up in front of the set, and many people now worry about the effect that TV has on the young, and on society in general.Educators, psychologists, and crime experts wonder if television should be abolished(取消).Many ordinary parents wish it had never been invented.Why are they so afraid? Is television as harmful as they think it is?
Like almost anything else, television has its good and its bad sides.One should surely thank its inventors for the joy and interest that they have brought into the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonely -- all those who, without it, would have no pleasure and no window on the world.
In truth, television has opened windows in everybody"s life.No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what was happening right now in their own country and everywhere else.TV not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words.It can be said that TV has brought reality to the public.Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle, a flood, a fire, a crime, disasters of every sort on the screen.
Unfortunately, television"s influence has been extremely harmful to the young.Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world.They want to imitate what they see.They do believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable.By the time they are out of high school, most young people have watched about 15,000 hours of television, and have seen about 18,000 killings or other acts of violence.All educators and psychologists agree that the "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents,
According to the same experts, the young are also less patient.Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and entertaining, they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn"t do funny things like the people on children"s programs.And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten, fifteen or thirty minutes.That"s the time it takes on the screen.
It is certain that television has deeply changed our lives and our society.It is certain that, along with its benefits, it has brought many serious problems.To these problems we must soon find a solution because, whether we like it or not, television is here to stay.
小题1:First TV set was made ______.
A.in 1939B.in 1950sC.in 1940sD.in 1919
小题2:Which of the following people have a view on TV different from the others?
A.Educators.B.TV producers.
C.Crime experts.D.Psychologists.
小题3:According to the author, who need TV most?
A.Educators.B.Crime experts.
C.The old and the lonely.D.The children and their parents.
小题4:We can conclude that ‘television generations’ are_______.
A.lonelyB.more patientC.more violent D.more gentle



试题【Television, which made its first serious appearance in 1939, did not become comm】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Queen Victoria was monarch of Great Britain from 1837 until her death in 1901. This period is often called the Victorian Age.
Queen Victoria was a stern and serious woman. One reason she was so serious was that she had suffered a  great loss. When she was twenty years old, she married a German prince named Albert. Victoria and Albert were deeply in love, and their marriage was extremely happy. In 1861, after they had been married for twenty-one years, Albert died, leaving Queen Victoria heartbroken. For the rest of her life, the lonely Victoria mourned his loss. It was customary in those days for a widow to dress in black for a short time after the death of her husband. But Queen Victoria dressed in black for forty years. And for forty years, as another sigh of her grief, she wrote her letters white paper edged in black.
Even before Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria was known as a very serious woman. She had a strong sense of duty and worked very hard at all her tasks. In her diary she wrote, “I love to be employed; I hate to be idle.” She never forgot that she was Britain’s queen and always acted with great dignity. Victoria had high ideals and moral standards that sometimes made her seem stuffy. She was also very sure of herself. She always thought that she was right, and she expected everyone to agree with her.
小题1:Which of the following statements about Queen Victoria  is NOT true?
A.She had great confidence in herself.
B.She ruled Great Britain for sixty-four years.
C.She enjoyed her marriage to a German prince.
D.She became a serious woman after her beloved husband died.
小题2:Queen Victoria wrote her letters on white paper edged in black because______
A.she was a very serious woman.
B.black was her favorite color.
C.that was one way to show her feeling of sadness.
D.it was a custom among monarchs of Great Britain.
小题3:All of the following characteristics except ______ can be used to properly describe Queen Victoria.
A.moralB.lonelyC.workaholic( 工作狂)D.compromising (妥协)

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OTTAWA — Canada’s western city of Calgary is the world’s best city when it comes to healthy living, local press reported Monday.
According to an international survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting, a London-based consulting firm, Calgary was put at the top of a list of 144 cities. It scored 121 points, just above Honolulu’s score of 120. Helsinki(赫尔辛基,芬兰首都) and Ottawa followed at 119.5 and 118.5 respectively.
Three other Canadian cities came in the top 20. Montreal and Vancouver tied for ninth and Toronto came in at 18th.
The scores are based on air pollution levels, availability and quality of hospitals and medical supplies, as well as the efficiency of waste removal and sewage systems.
In America, the lowest scoring city was Atlanta, which was ranked 76th. Athens was the lowest scoring city in Western Europe, ranking 120th because of its air pollution. London was ranked 59th.
56. How many Canadian cities are in the top 20?
A. 3.            B. 4.     C. 5.        D. 6.
57. Which of the following is NOT taken into account when the cities were scored?
A. Weather conditions.B. Air quality.  
C. Waste removal.       D. Medical supplies.
58. Among the following cities, which is the lowest scoring one?
A. Atlanta.        B. Athens.       C. London.    D. Helsinki.
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       If your mother wants to tell you something, she uses words. Birds cannot talk as we do. But some birds can make sounds to warn their young of danger. They have their own way to make the young birds do certain things.
The jackdaw is a kind of blackbirds that lives in Europe. Jackdaws live together in flocks(群).Young jackdaws do not know their enemies. When an older jackdaw sees a dog, it makes a loud rattling(格格响的)sound. The younger birds know this sound means an enemy is nearby. The sound warns them to know their enemies.
If a young jackdaw is in a dangerous place, a jackdaw parent flies over him from behind. The parent bird flies low over the young bird’s back. The parent’s tail feathers(羽毛) move quickly from side to side. It is trying to say,“Follow me.”At the same time, the parent calls out,“Key-aw,”key-aw.”The parent means,“Fly home with me.”The young bird then follows the older one home. Young jackdaws do not have to learn what certain sounds mean. They know the meaning of these sounds form the time they hatch(孵出).
72.The jackdaw lives in       .
A.Europe     B.Australia   C.America   D.Africa
73.Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?
A.All animal parents can talk to their young.   
B.Dogs are the most dangerous enemies for jackdaws.
C.Young jackdaws know the meaning of their parents’ sound when they grow older.
D.Some birds can give certain information to one another.
74.Parent jackdaw can use their tail feathers to       .
A.ask their young to follow them      B.play a game with the young
C.tell the meal time            D.give a warning of a fire
75.This story tells much about       .
A.the danger of jackdaws   
B.ways in which mother can talk to their children
C.the way jackdaws warn their young of danger
D.how the jackdaw are living
76.When an old jackdaw sees a dog, it       .
A.calls out,“Follow me.”       B.makes a loud sound
C.flies away               D.fights the dog
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    The sandstorm has a bad effect on human beings, but it also brings some good results. There wouldn’t have been our Chinese nation if there had been no sandstorms. Sandstorms have existed for millions of years, while the written history of human beings has lasted only 5,000 years. The Loess Plateau(黄土高原) was formed by sandstorms over millions of years. The Yellow River, while moving through the Loess Plateau, carries a great deal of sand and has formed the North China Plain. The Loess Plateau is regarded as the place where Chinese civilization(文明) began. If there had been no Loess Plateau, the North China Plain wouldn’t have existed, nor would have the Chinese civilization.
Sandstorms don’t bring only loess to human beings. When sandstorms move from central Asia to the Pacific regions, they carry some minerals into the air, which will later fall into the ocean in the form of rain. The minerals will help some planktons(浮游生物) to survive. The planktons are eaten by small shellfish, and fish live on these small shellfish, and fish are eaten by humans. This forms a biological chain which shows a relation between humans and nature.
So it is unrealistic to say we should stop sandstorms. What we can possibly do is to reduce their bad influence as much as we can.
59. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means _________.
A. there are many sandstorms in China
B. the land of China was made by sandstorms
C. sandstorms helped to form Chinese civilization
D. the history of sandstorms was longer than that of Chinese nation
60. How does the sandstorm help to form the biological chain?
A. The sandstorm carries lots of rain into the ocean.
B. The sandstorm helps some minerals fall into the ocean.
C. Some minerals directly fall into the ocean in the form of rain.
D. The sandstorm moves from central Asia to the Pacific regions.
61. The writer thinks that _______.
A. the sandstorm only has a bad effect on human beings
B. sandstorms bring about lots of trouble, but we can still make use of them
C. without sandstorms, there would be no Chinese civilization and human beings
D. sandstorms play an active role in the Chinese civilization, so we should protect them
62. The text mainly talks about _______.
A. the history of sandstorms        B. what the biological chain is
C. how the Loess Plateau formed    D. the good effects of sandstorms
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“Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise.” said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body. While here’s no question that continuous stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in which you’re able to rise to the occasion can be good for you.
  In a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses, those who faced considerable work demands but coped with(设法处理) the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they couldn’t get the job done.
  Stress that you can manage may also boost immune(免疫的) function. In a study at the Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam, researchers put volunteers through two stressful experiences. In the first, a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test, subjects believed they had control over the outcome. In the second, they weren’t in control: They had to sit through a gory(血淋淋的) video on surgical procedures. Those who did go on the memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that"s the body’s first line of defense against germs. The video-watchers experienced a downturn in the antibody.
  Stress prompts the body to produce certain stress hormones(荷尔蒙). In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect, including improved memory function. “They can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage,” says Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University in New York. But in the long run these hormones can have a harmful effect on the body and brain.
“Sustained stress is not good for you,” says Richard Morimoto, a researcher at Northwestern University in Illinois studying the effects of stress on longevity(长寿), “It’s the occasional burst of stress or brief exposure to stress that could be protective.”
小题1:The passage is mainly about ________.
A.the benefits of manageable stress
B.how to avoid stressful situations
C.how to cope with stress effectively
D.the effects of stress hormones on memory
小题2: The underlined word “shun” (Line 1, Para.1) most probably means________.
A.cut down on
B.stay away from
C.run out of
D.put up with
小题3: We can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that ________.
A.people under stress tend to have a poor memory
B.people who can’t get their job done experience more stress
C.doing challenging work may be good for one’s health
D.stress will weaken the body’s defense against germs
小题4:Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University believes that ________.
A.a person’s memory is determined by the level of hormones in his body
B.stress hormones have lasting positive effects on the brain
C.short bursts of stress hormones enhance memory function
D.a person’s memory improves with continued experience of stress

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