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Culture helps human societies survive in changing natural environment.For example, the end of the last Ice Age, beginning about 15,000 years ago, brought a big challenge to which humans had to adapt.Before this time, large parts of the northern hemisphere were covered in great sheets of ice that contained much of the earth" s water.In North America, large animals that wandered the vast tundra (冰原) provided people with food and materials for clothing and simple shelters.When the earth became warm, large Ice Age animals disappeared, and many land areas were covered by rising sea levels from melting ice.But people survived, they developed new technologies and learned how to survive on new plant and animal species. Finally some people settled into permanent villages, durable houses and farms.
Cultural adaptation has made humans one of the most successful species on the planet. Through history, major developments in technology, medicine, and nutrition have allowed people to reproduce and survive in ever-increasing numbers.The global population has risen from 8 million during the Ice Age to about 6 billion today.
However, the successes of culture adaptation can also create problems in the long run.Over the last 200 years, people have begun to use large quantities of natural resources and energy and to produce a great amount of material and chemical wastes.The global population now consumes some important natural resources—such as petroleum, wood, and minerals—faster than nature can produce them.Many scientists believe that in the process of burning fuels and producing wastes, people may be changing the global climate in unpredictable and possibly harmful ways.Thus, the adaptive success of the present-day global culture of production and trade may be temporary.
小题1:What is the first paragraph mainly talking about?
A.How the human beings survived in the Ice Age.
B.What the situation was like during the Ice Age.
C.What caused the Ice Age to come to an end.
D.Why the Ice Age was very important.
小题2:To deal with the problems, human beings should ______according to the passage.
A.stop developing any longer
B.reduce the overuse of natural resources
C.stop the global warming and using natural resources
D.save more animals in case they all die out
小题3:Which of the following is the problem caused by cultural adaptation according to the passage?
A.A very developed culture came into being.
B.New technologies have been developed.
C.Natural resources have been used up.
D.Human activities have done damage to the balance of nature.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best tide of the passage?
A.Natural Environment Should Be Protected.
B.The Success of Cultural Adaptation Is Not Permanent.
C.The Global Population Is Increasing Since Ice Age.
D.Human Beings Are Capable of Surviving on Earth.


试题【Culture helps human societies survive in changing natural environment.For exampl】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Tui Na and Your Emotional Health
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the body, mind and spirit cannot be divided and so the unique whole-body treatment in Tui Na can also be a use­ful treatment correcting any imbalances in the body"s energy before symptoms and disease can de­velop. It also works to restore emotional harmony as well as physical health. This is why after a Tui Na treatment many people "feel good". Many peo­ple in China use Tui Na regularly to keep healthy and to deal with some specific illnesses.
Tui Na is performed on the clothed body and the patient is either lying on a couch or sitting on a chair. Therapists using a variety of strokes or movements will control the intensity and direction of pressure in an exact way. The unique rolling movement in Tui Na is one of the most difficult strokes to learn and students have to practice sometimes for many months on a rice bag before they are allowed to practice on the human body.
Tui Na is of course very useful for treating stress.
It distributes the energy around the whole body. It is be­lieved that Tui Na moves the strong energy in the tense muscles to the weaker areas, thus making a more balanced body. When your Qi (energy in the body) flow is balanced you feel relaxed and comfortable. Tui Na is especially useful for stiff shoulders and tense neck muscles.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine each major organ is linked to an emotion. By balancing the energy in the organ, the relevant emotion will be calmed. When your emotions are out of control, you would usually turn to your doctor or perhaps a psychotherapist. But perhaps some people would not like to be seeing a psychotherapist or feel nervous about discussing their problems with others. With Tui Na one does not need to tell the therapist anything one does not want to. The treatment of Tui Na can deal with the problem itself — although if one does need to talk, then the safe space is there to do so. An active dialogue between the therapist and the patient will help to get a better effect.
How the major organs rule your emotions
Each major organ — the heart, the stomach, the spleen, the liver, the bladder, the kidneys, the lungs, etc. — is linked to a relevant emotion.
The heart is linked to joy, excitement and sadness. If the heart is out of balance, the patient may dream a lot at night and often forget something important in the day.
The stomach and spleen are connected with too much thinking or wor­rying — over anxiety. When the stomach is out of balance there is often a lack of energy. The patient often feels very tired and has no interest in do­ing anything at all.
The liver and gall bladder are linked to anger. In Chinese Medicine the eyes are connected with the liver, and many people who suffer from an­ger often suffer from eye problems. The gall bladder rules decision-making and too much energy here can lead to rashness, while if there is too little it can bring about indecision. Where there is a history of depression, the therapist would look to the liver.
The bladder and kidneys are linked to fear of all kinds, from simple anxieties and phobias to vague fears and worries.
The lungs are connected with feelings of grief and sadness. When there is a history of grief, the therapist would look to the lungs.
Tui Na is used in almost all the hospitals in China and very popular among Chinese people. It is a useful and valuable method of restoring Qi balance, when emotional and physical health is out of balance. Tui Na is one of the remaining secrets of Chinese Medicine.
小题1:According to the passage, which statement is TRUE about Tui Na?
A.Tui Na is a whole-body treatment and can"t be divided into different parts.
B.Tui Na can be used to balance the diseases before they can develop in the body.
C.Tui Na can bring back not only physical health but also emotional health.
D.Tui Na only makes people "feel good" but do not actually cure disease.
小题2:How can the emotion be calmed?
A.By linking the organ to an emotion.
B.By telling the therapist anything one does not want to.
C.By discussing their problems with others.
D.By balancing the energy in the relevant organ.
小题3:When the stomach is out of balance,  .
A.the patient will have a stomachache
B.the patient will have a lot to worry about
C.the patient will have nothing to do
D.the patient will not feel like doing anything

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Cities in Europe and around the world may be growing “bike trees” in the near future. Invented by Japan’s JFE engineering Corp., the invention proved useful in the busiest parts of this nation’s crowded cities.
Local governments of Japan have struggled for ways to encourage people to park their bikes considerately, particularly close to big stations, but that may block some roads and entrances to home and businesses. “Our cities do not have a lot of space for any kind of parking, including bicycles.” said Mitsuharu Oshima, a spokesman for JFE Engineering. The bike tree comes in two types; one in a tower that is above ground, and on the contrary, the other in a subterranean structure.
A cyclist registers(登记)with the operator of the equipment, pays a monthly fee and pushes the wheels of his bicycle into restraints at the base of the bike tree. Each bicycle is fitted with an electronic card with the owner’s details. A mechanical arm then pulls the bike into the base of the tower and moves it to a free location inside. To collect the bike later, the cyclist puts his card through a reader and his bike is automatically (自动地)returned to him in seconds. “The science of the equipment has been difficult----even though they may look simple ----because bikes come in many different shapes and sizes.” said Oshima.
As well as clearing away the road, bicycles cannot be stolen from a bike tree. There are presently versions at seven sites in Japan and two others are under construction, while work is under way on an even larger version----with room for 9,400 bicycles---in Thailand. And Oshima believes that the idea could catch on in Europe, particularly in countries such as France, Holland and Denmark, where cycling is so popular.
小题1: What is the right order of the following things when you use the bike tree?
① the wheels of the bicycle are put into restraints at the base
② the card is read and the bike is automatically returned
③ an electronic card with the owner’s details is given
④ the bike is pulled and moved to a free location inside
小题2:What made it difficult to design “bike trees”?
A.The location of “bike trees”
B.The differences of the bikes
C.The method of finding enough bikes
D.The importance of traffic safety
小题3: From the passage, we can know that___________.
A.cyclists can use “bike trees” for free in Japan
B.there are seven “bike trees” used for holding bikes in Japan
C.local government of Japan encourage people to ride bikes
D.countries with many cyclists in Europe will like the idea of “bike trees’

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At first all films were in black and white, but in 1932 the first color film was made. It proved as unpopular as making films had done in the late 1920’s. It was not until 1938 that a full length color film was made, and the success of this film made producers(制片人) everywhere change from black and white to color. This first full-length color film was translated (翻译)into ten different languages and made Hollywood(好莱坞)the main center( 中心)of film industry(电影业)
In the early days of the cinema, other countries had also film industries. Very good films were made in Sweden, Britain, Russia and France. However, because Holleywood had so much money to spend, it kept its position as the world’s most important film center. Film actors went to America because they knew they could get a lot of money for every film they made. In 1918 Charlie Chaplin (查理·卓别林)received $5 each day.
However, life was not always easy for the film actors. Newspapermen followed them everywhere, and after Charlie Chapine married for the fourth time he became so unpopular with the American public that he had to leave the country and live in Europe.
小题1:. Which of the following is correct?
A.People liked the color film as soon as it was made.
B.At first making films were not popular.
C.Color films were at first silence.
D.Talking films were all color films.
小题2:.. The first full-length color film was made ___________
A.in HolleywoodB.in SwedenC.by Charlie ChapineD.in Britain
小题3:. Many film actors went to America because ___________
A.America was the only country that made good films.
B.no other countries had film industries
C.they could make a lot of money there
D.they wanted to become famous actors
小题4:.. Life was sometimes difficult for actors because ______________
A.films often cost huge amount of money to make
B.they had to leave their countries
C.sometimes films lose money
D.they could not get away from newspapermen

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London Underground
The world’s first subway was built in London in 1863. At that time, the government was looking for a way to reduce traffic problems in the city of London. The poor areas of the city were so crowded with people that it was almost impossible for horse carriages to get through. The city officials were interested in trying to make it possible for workers to live outside of London and travel easily to work each day. If people had a cheap and convenient way that they could depend on to go to and from work, they would relocate their homes outside of the city. This would help ease the pressure of too many people living in the poor parts of London. From these problems, the idea of the London Underground, the first subway system, was born.
The plans for building the Underground met with several problems and delays, but the fast track was finally opened in January 1863. A steam train pulled the cars along the fast underground track which was 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) long. About 30,000 people got on the subway the first day. Riders were treated to comfortable seats (standing up while the train was moving was not allowed), and pleasant decorations inside each of the cars. However, the smoke from the engine soon filled the air in the tunnels with ash and soot, as well as chemical gases. Fans had to be put in the tunnels later to keep the air clean enough for people to breathe. Even with its problems, riding in the Underground did catch on. It carried 9 million riders in the first year.
小题1:. What led the British government to build the London Underground?
A.Traffic jams and pollution
B.Population and pollution
C.Overcrowding and traffic jams
D.The poverty and subway problems
小题2:. The underlined phrase “catch on” most probably means “_____”.
A.be troublesomeB.become popular and fashionable
C.keep up withD.seize
小题3: Which of the following is TRUE?
A.To locate the workers’ homes outside London, the government built the subway
B.There were so many problems and delays that in the 18th century the first subway opened
C.The subway greatly eased the pressure of traffic
D.There were not enough seats for the passengers the first day the subway opened.
小题4:. It seems that the writer is going to talk about _____.
A.more problems with subwaysB.subways around the world later on
C.the history and culture of LondonD.the Beijing subway

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Explore the State of California
California is one of the most interesting states of America that offers a lot of wonderful sceneries and fun attractions. It is also the most populated state and the third largest in land area. Anyone who has been to California would agree that it is indeed a place that offers a lot to tourists of all ages. Here are some top picks of the best places to visit in California State.
San Francisco Bay Area - Witness the famous San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge which is one of the city"s landmarks; and enjoy the beauty of Fisherman"s Wharf that offers a lot of seafood restaurants. You should not miss the city"s world-famous Cable Car System which is by far the only manually operated cable car system in the whole world.
Yosemite National Park - This is one of the very first wilderness parks in the whole of America. It is known for its natural beauty and breathtaking sceneries. It offers a breath of fresh air away from the city life. Major places to visit include the Yosemite Falls, Sentinel Dome, El Capitan, Mariposa Grove and Glacier Point among many others.
Los Angeles - Explore the home of the L.A. Lakers and do not fail to visit the Disneyland which is one of the major attractions of the city. The warm weather in Los Angeles makes it possible to do a lot of outdoor activities especially during the summer months. It is a family-friendly place that offers a wonderful shopping and dining experience. For those who particularly love the city and night life, L.A. can offer the best of almost everything.
Napa Valley - With over a million visitors every year, Napa Valley is indeed a place you should not miss if you are in California. It is California"s most popular wine growing region. You can also experience the Wine Train and hot air balloon ride over the valley.
小题1: From the first paragraph, we know that_____.
A.the State of California has the largest population in the US
B.California offers a lot to tourists of young people
C.California is also the largest in land area
D.California is the most interesting state of America
小题2:. According to the passage, if you want to breathe the fresh air, you’ll go to _____.
A.San Francisco Bay Area
B.Yosemite National Park
C.Los Angeles
D.Napa Valley
小题3:. The underlined word “region” in the last paragraph may probably mean _____.
小题4:. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Napa Valley will bring us a wonderful shopping and dining experience.
B.San Francisco Bay Area is California"s most popular wine growing region.
C.Los Angeles allows us to visit the Disneyland and enjoy almost everything.
D.In Yosemite National Park, we can see the Yosemite Falls, Golden Gate Bridge.

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