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“A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step,” as the saying goes. However,  36 it doesn’t tell us is that once the journey is started, it might be hard to stop.
That’s the  37 for Tang Renli, a senior at Nanjing University of Technology, who has backpacked to more than 200 cities in China during four years of college. To  38 his experiences, Tang has hosted a photo exhibition Play Hooky, Go Travel at the Beijing 798 Art Zone. On  __39_ are over 300 photos of his travels. The 22-year-old never  40 going to so many places when he   41  his first trip to Yangzhou during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday in his freshman year. _42  he was hooked on travel. You may  43 how Tang could find the time, being a full-time college student. Did he really skip classes to go travel, like the  44 of his exhibition suggests? “I gave myself one to two weeks every month for travel. But I always took care of my class and  45__ first,” Tang said. Tang, who is a city planning major, has never  ___46_ a compulsory course at college.
“I spent more time and effort on my study,  47 during the finals’ weeks,” Tang said. Schoolwork was not the only  48 Tang had to face. His travel budget was  49 so Tang had to  50 what he had. He usually took the cheapest form of transport and stayed at youth hostels  ___51 less than 50 yuan per night. There were also times when he walked, hitchhiked, and slept in train stations, police offices and vans.
“Sometimes I felt  52 , helpless and even found myself in  _53 ,” Tang said. “But now that I look back, these setbacks  _54 my journey, and my life. Don’t think too much about the  ___55 because you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it. And once you take your first step, the feeling is amazing and addictive.”
A.testB.gain C.shareD.identify
A.thought ofB.spoke toC.worried about D.turned out
A.Up to nowB.Until thenC.From then onD.In the end
A.commentsB.revisionC.achievements D.assignments
A.failedB.succeededC. reached D.missed
A.pay much attention toB.take no notice of
C.put an end toD.make the most of



试题分析:“千里之行始于足下”;南京理工大学的Tang Renli用自己的实际行动诠释了这个谚语。
小题1:B 语法分析。本句是主语从句,what引导起主语从句,在句中做宾语。这个谚语没有说的事情是…
小题2:A 名词辨析。A情况,故事B借口C箴言D梦想;这正是Tang Renli的故事。
小题3:C 动词辨析。A测试B赢得C分享D辨认;为了和别人分享他的经历,他举行了一个照片展览。
小题4:D 固定词组。On display在展览中。是指在他的站立了,他展出了很多拍摄的作品。
小题5:A 短语辨析。A考虑B说C担心D结果是;他从来没有考虑过他会到如此多的地方旅行。
小题6:B 动词辨析。A竞争B结束C拖鞋D抱怨。指当他第一次完成到扬州的扫墓旅行的时候…
小题7:C 固定短语辨析。From then on从那时起;从那时起,他就迷山了旅游。
小题8:A 动词辨析。A想知道B困惑C使惊讶D麻烦;人们都想知道他是不是逃课出去旅行的。
小题9:B 名词辨析。A句子B标题C计划D物体。正如展览的标题一样。
小题10:D 名词辨析。A评论B复习C成就D任务;他总是把上课和学习任务放在第一位。
小题11:A 动词辨析。A失败B成功C到达D错过;他从未在考试中失败过。
小题12:C 副词辨析。A不耐心地B增加C尤其D焦虑;他在学习上花了很多时间和精力,尤其是考试前。
小题13:D 名词辨析。A兴奋B混合物C表情D障碍;他遇见的障碍不仅仅是时间的问题,还有费用。
小题14:A 形容词辨析。指他旅游的经费有限,只能住便宜的旅馆。
小题15:D 短语辨析。A注意B不注意C结束D充分利用;指他充分利用自己拥有的一切。
小题16:B 动词辨析。A失去B花费C提供D欺骗;他住在一些花费不超过50元的旅馆里。
小题17:C 形容词辨析。A独自B生动的C固定D活着;有时候,他也会感觉孤独无助。
小题18:D 名词辨析。A神圣B生气C悲哀D危险;指在旅行中有时候也发现自己处于危险之中。
小题19:B 动词辨析。A享受B丰富C从事于;指旅行中遇见的障碍与挫折丰富了他的人生。
小题20:C 名词辨析。A重要性B必要的事物C不确定的事物D重要性;不要对旅行中的不确定的东西过去担心,你一定会跨越这些困难与障碍。
点评:本文通过Tang Renli的故事来告诉我们:千里之行始于足下。从本文我们可以看出考生应充分利用段首句提供的信息,去挖掘文章的思路,寻找文章的脉络与线索。要求考生具有扎实的英语词组、短语、习惯用法等英语搭配的知识,这对于理解文章的逻辑关系特别有利。文章的逻辑关系不外乎列举、原因、结果、让步、对照、补充、目的、条件等关系。解题时应联系上下文寻找相关线索,如某一个词的原词、指代词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词和概括词等。但由于我们在做题时不可能总是重复地阅读文章,因此,在做完形填空时要培养一种捕捉并记忆相关信息的能力。
试题【“A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step,” as the saying goes. However】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
They say money doesn’t grow on trees. But it certainly appears to do so on the mysterious coin-studded(嵌满) trunks dotted around the UK’s woodland. The strange phenomenon of old trees with coins fixed firmly all over their bark has been spotted on trails from the Peak District to the Scottish Highlands. The coins are usually knocked into felled (砍伐的) tree trunks using stones by passers-by, who hope it will bring them good fortune.
These fascinating spectacles often have coins from centuries ago buried deep in their bark and warped by the passage of time. The tradition of making offerings to gods at wishing trees dates back hundreds of years, but this combination of the man-made and the natural is far more rare. It used to be believed that god’s spirits lived in trees, and they were often decorated with sweets and gifts — as is still done today at Christmas. The act is like tossing money into ponds for good luck, or the trend for couples to attach “love padlocks” to bridges and fences to symbolize lasting romance. Some pubs, such as the Punch Bowl in Askham, Cumbria, have old timbers with splits in them into which coins are forced for luck. There are seven felled tree trunks with coins pushed into them in the picturesque village of Portmeirion, in Wales.
Meurig Jones, an estate manager at the tourist destination, told the BBC, “We had no idea why it was being done when we first noticed the tree trunk was being filled with coins. I did some detective work and discovered that trees were sometimes used as ‘wishing trees’. In Britain it dates back to the 1700s — there is one tree somewhere in Scotland which apparently has an old coin stuck into it. ” He said that a sick person could press a coin into a tree and their illness would go away. If someone then takes the coin out though, it’s said they then become ill. We haven’t made it known at all, it’s just happened,” he added. “It’s quite amazing really.” In Scotland, there is also a legend about a kissing tree. If a young man could drive a nail into a tree with one blow, he earned a kiss from his sweetheart.
小题1:What was the real reason why in UK people knocked coins into the old trees?
A.It was hoped that it would bring them good future and make the trees more beautiful.
B.Nobody knew why there was such a strange custom that it could make them lucky.
C.It might come from the tradition of making offerings to gods hundreds of years ago.
D.It was said that god’s spirits lived in trees and doing so could please the gods of the trees.
小题2:The underlined part in Paragraph 2 may mean ____________.
A.this combination of the man-made and the natural is far from realistic.
B.the mysterious phenomenon of old trees with coins is rarely seen in the world.
C.people wanted to make the works of art with the help from the forces of nature.
D.the appearance of trees would be nicer than their original.
小题3:The passage mainly tells us that________.
A.some people attached “love padlocks” to bridges and fences to symbolize lasting romance
B.a particular way in which people made good wishes is still popular in the UK
C.visitors tossed money into ponds for good luck just as they knocked coins into the trees
D.a long history of a strange phenomenon of old trees with coins in the UK
小题4:Which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?
A.Who Says Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees?
B.Do Trees with Some Coins Become Valuable?
C.Is It Really Amazing to Have Coins Fixed into Trees?
D.What Is the Purpose of Knocking Coins into Trees?

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Have you ever wondered about people’s names? Where do they come from? What do they mean?
Some people give their children names that mean good things. Clara means “bright”; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler”; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”.
The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near brook(小溪);Someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road. The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest.
Other early surnames came from people’s occupations. The most common occupational name is Smith, which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals. In the past, smiths were very important workers in every town and village. Some other occupational names are: Carter — a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter —a person who made pots and pans.
The ancestors(祖先) of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village. The Carpenter’s great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture.
Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same village, the John with the gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John was very tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer.
Some family names were made by adding something to the father’s name. English-speaking people added –s or –son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family’s ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the McDonnells and the O’Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell.
小题1:Which of the following aspects do the surnames in the passage NOT cover?
A.Places where people lived.
B.People’s occupations.
C.Talents that people possessed.
D.People’s characters.
小题2:According to the passage, the ancestors of the Potter family most probably _______.
A.owned or drove a cart
B.made things with metals
C.built houses and furniture
D.made kitchen tools or contains
小题3:Suppose an English couple whose ancestors lived near a leafy forest wanted their new-born son to become a world leader, the baby might be named _______.
A.Donald GreenwoodB.Leonard Carter
C.George Longstreet D.Beatrice Smith
小题4:The underlined word “descendants” in the last paragraph means a person’s _______.
A.later sponsorsB.later generations
C.friends and relativesD.colleagues and partners

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April 27 is Take Our Daughters to Work Day in Britain. Started at first in the United States and brought to Britain in 1994, Take Our Daughters to Work Day has become a special day for girls between 11 and 15. On that day thousands of girls take a day off school and go together with one of their parents to their work places. The purpose of this day is to broaden girls" horizons(视野)and raise their self-confidence.
For many years people have thought that boys can do better than girls in society. But actually, “girls can be whatever they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, a nurse or a chief executive(主管).”says the chairman of the Our Sons and Daughters Charitable Trust, an organization which supported the activity of the Day. “Now the girls have a close look at what their parents are doing and this may help them to be more self-confident when they are faced with a choice of work."
Schools and many companies support the activity too. Palmers Green High School for girls in north of London, has made the day a necessary part of careers education.
Zarina Bart, 15, from Palmers Green, went with her mother Gwen to her Lawyer"s office this year"s Take Our Daughters to Work Day. "I learned how to fill in a legal aid form and I read details of a case. Then I went to see the actual trial." she said.
Zarina found it interesting to see her mother at work. “It"s really strange seeing Mum at work--running around, getting serious and telling people what to do.” She has always liked this idea of going into law and thinks it likely that she will follow in her mother’s footsteps. Having a chance to see how her mother works has given her more self-confidence.
Experts believe that girls with higher self-confidence aim higher and are more likely to be successful in life. Parents have important effect on the confidence of teenage girls. If parents believe in their daughters and show examples both at work as well as at home for them, this will give a lot of help to girls. Take Our Daughters to Work Day is surely a step in the right direction.
小题1:The writer’s purpose in writing this text is to ______.
A.tell how the special day for girls came into be.
B.show us the girls can do as well as boys.
C.introduce a special day for girls to us.
D.broaden girls’ view and raise their confidence.
小题2:According to the chairman of the Our Sons and Daughters Charitable Trust, ______.
A.girls can do as well as boys in any field.
B.girls need more opportunities in society compared to boys.
C.girls will follow their parents’ jobs after watching them work.
D.girls will be more confident than boys due to the special day.
小题3:A particular mention of Zarina’s story ______.
A.tells what a woman lawyer’s daily work is like
B.serves as an example of how the Day works.
C.shows a successful mother’s effect on the daughter.
D.explains why a girl should go to see mum"s office rather than dad.
小题4:In the text the writer especially suggests the importance of ______.
A.parents’ job.
B.support from society.
C.understanding of the parents.
D.girls’ self-confidence.

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⑴ Every language has its own special words and expressions. And a story can be told about each of them. Hot is a simple, easily understood word. So are most of the expressions made with the word hot. But not always, as we shall see.
⑵ The words hot potato, for example, give you no idea at all to the meaning of the expression, hot potato. The potato is popular and many Americans like baked potatoes. Imagine trying to carry a hot potato in your hand. It would be difficult, even painful, to do so. Some publicly argued problems are highly emotional. The problems must be treated carefully, or they will be difficult and painful if an elected official has to deal with them. One such hot potato is taxes. Calling for higher taxes can mean defeat for a politician. And yet, if taxes are not raised, some very popular government programs could be cut. And that also can make a politician very unpopular. The questions must be dealt with carefully, the same way you would handle any other hot potato.
⑶ Another expression is not so hot. If you ask someone how she feels, she may answer “not so hot”. What she means is she does not feel well. Not so hot also is a way of saying you do not really like something. You may tell a friend that the new play you saw last night is not so hot. That means ____________________________.
⑷ A hot shot is a person, often a young person, who thinks he can do anything. He is very sure he can succeed. But often he fails. The expression was born in the military forces. A hot shot was a soldier who fired without aiming carefully.
⑸ Hot is a word that is often used to talk about anger. A person who becomes angry easily is called a hothead. An angry person’s neck often becomes red. We say he is hot under the collar.
小题1:What is the text mainly about? (no more than 8 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. ( no more than 8 words)
小题3:Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
As you would deal with other difficult problems, you must be careful with these ones.
小题4:List three situations where “hot” expressions can be used according to the text. (no more than 30 words)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.
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Jungle(丛林) country is not friendly to man,but it is possible to survive there. You must have the right equipment and you must know a few important things about woodcraft(山林野外知识). Then your chances of staying alive are very good.
No one should go into the jungle without the right equipment. You need lightweight clothing, a good knife, and a compass. Fishhooks and a line,a rifle,matches in a waterproof container and a poncho(雨披) are necessary too. So is a mosquito net(蚊帐) to protect the head.
In the jungle you can get hopelessly lost within five minutes after leaving known landmark(地界碑). That is why you should always carry a compass. In open country during the day, you can tell which way to go by studying the sun. At night the stars are sure guides to direction. But in most places the jungle rooftop is so thick that it is impossible to see the sun or the stars. Again and again you must check your position by the compass.
Keep alert(警惕的). Watch the ground in front of you carefully. Stop and listen now and again. Avoid haste(匆忙), and rest often. In a place that is hot and humid(潮湿的), the person who sets a fast pace will soon become tired. A steady and even pace is wisest in the long run.
If you lose your way, don"t panic. Try to decide how long it has been since you were sure of your position. Mark the spot where you are with blazes on a tree. Put them on four sides of the tree, so that you will be able to see them from any direction. Then you can begin retracing your steps(going back exactly the way you have come), knowing that you can always find the spot from which you started. Except in an emergency, never try to travel the jungle at night.
Whenever possible, it is wise to follow streams and rivers that are going in your general direction. This may cause you many extra miles of travel. But in the end it will save time and energy. Nothing is more exhausting (extremely tiring) than hacking(cutting) a way through unbroken jungle.
Surviving in the jungle is a science. The jungle people have become perfect in this science, and you can too. Learn as much as you can about what to expect in the jungle. Make sure you have the right equipment. Then no part of the jungle will seem completely or frightening. In fact, you will be able to “live off” it for a long time.
小题1:To keep alive in the jungle, you should make it clear that the right equipment is _________.
A.more important than a knowledge of woodcraft
B.less important than a knowledge of woodcraft
C.just as important as a knowledge of woodcraft
D.not as important as a knowledge of woodcraft
小题2:If you lose your way in the jungle, which of the following can NOT be done?
A.Check your position by the compass again and again.
B.Decide how long ago it was that you got lost.
C.Tell which way to go by studying the sun/the stars.
D.Mark blazes on four sides of a tree and be sure to see them from any direction.
小题3:The author is strongly against traveling at night probably because __________.
A.one tends to move too slowly at night
B.some animals will attack you
C.emergencies occur most frequently at night
D.it is more difficult to check your position
小题4:“It is wise to follow streams and rivers”, which will ensure you to _________.
A.avoid animals’ attacks
B.save many extra miles of travel
C.avoid hacking a way through unbroken jungle
D.have a rich supply of drinking water

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