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It looks exactly like other handicraft (手工艺品) shops in a traditional Chinese hutong, or alley, except that each item has a story. The city"s first-of-its-kind charity shop, owned by Nathan Zhang, sells Chinese handicrafts along with used books, clothes and other items. The concept is that money from what is sold is donated to help rural (农村的) women in China.
“Many NGOs (non-governmental organizations) produce their own things but don"t have a place to sell it,” said Zhang, who returned to Beijing in 2008 after working in Canada for nearly a decade in the telecommunications world. “A rural women"s group tried to open a little shop but only sold two things. When they put their products in my shop, everything sold out.”
Located in Wudaoying Hutong in Dongcheng district, Brand Nu"s walls are lined with handicrafts from a number of different NGO supported projects aimed at benefiting women across the country. The other half of the space is filled with almost brand-new clothes that have been donated from Beijing citizens. The jackets, dresses, tops and pants sell for around 30 yuan ($4.40) each.
Most of the money Brand Nu gets goes directly to the Beijing Cultural Development Center for Rural Women. The NGO offers a number of programs for poor women, including literacy classes (识字班), support networks and mental health education.
Zhang is also working with a local Scottish designer to create a clothing line made from the fabric (织物) of second-hand garments. And he is collecting books and raising money to help the NGO build a library near Beijing. He plans on expanding his product line soon as well, engaging more disadvantaged women to make sweaters, soaps and other items that he can sell in Beijing to help raise their socioeconomic status in the countryside.
Yet with ambitions come worries. Right now Zhang is operating on a shoestring budget and looking for work on the side to support both his business and his family. “I wanted to do something meaningful,” said Zhang. “If you can help one woman, you can help an entire family.”
61. The name of the charity shop is ______.
A. Nathan Zhang        B. NGO                C. Wudaoyin Hutong    D. Brand Nu
62. The owner of the charity shop ______.
A. is a returned overseas Chinese
B. has long been working for the charity cause
C. is professionally engaged in telecommunication
D. is also the head of an NGO
63. The charity shop ______.
A. sells goods to poor women at low prices
B. sends donated clothes to poor rural women
C. opens literacy classes for illiterate women
D. gives money to poor women through an NGO
64. The last paragraph but one tells us that Zhang tries to ______.
A. open more charity shops
B. donate more money to the rural women
C. help the women live better through their own efforts
D. find jobs in Beijing for the rural women
65. The article is mainly about ______.
A. the charity cause in Beijing                    B. Beijing’s first charity shop and its owner
C. the living condition of rural women        D. the difficult situation a charity worker faces

61-65 DADCB 

试题【It looks exactly like other handicraft (手工艺品) shops in a traditional Chinese hut】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Millions of youngsters across Europe could suffer permanent(永久性) hearing loss after five years if they listen to MP3 players at too high a volume for more than five hours a week, EU scientists warned. This seemed to be 36  for many youngsters.
The scientists’ study, requested by the European Commission,  37  the concept of “leisure noise”, which was thought to be fashionable for the youth.  38  it said children and teenagers should be  39  from increasingly high sound levels—with loud mobile phones also coming in for  40  .
“There has been increasing  41  about exposure from the new generation of personal music players which can reproduce sounds at very  42  volumes without loss of quality,” the Commission, the EU’s executive branch,  43  in the report.
“Risk for hearing damage depends on sound level and  44  time,” it said. “More and more young people were  45  with the significant threat that leisure noise brought to  46  .”
The scientists  47  the number of people in that risk category at between five and ten cent of listeners,  48  up to 10 million people in the European Union.
49  of personal music players have sharply increased in EU countries’ market in recent years,  50  of MP3 players.
Mobile phones which are used  51  too high a volume also came under  52  from Meglena Kuneva, the EU’s consumer affairs commissioner.
“I’m concerned that so many young people…who are  53 users of personal music players and mobile phones at high volume levels, may be  54  damaging their hearing,” she said in the statement.
So, the youth, you should think twice about your preference. You should remember your  55  is more important than fashion and cool.
36. A. wonderful           B. thoughtful            C. believable             D. unbelievable
37. A. attracted             B. attained                    C. attacked                   D. contrasted
38. A. But                    B. And                         C. However                  D. So
39. A. stopped           B. prevented                 C. protected                  D. kept
40. A. criticism             B. protection                C. envy                        D. encouragement
41. A. concern                 B. appreciation              C. distraction            D. curiosity
42. A. low                    B. little                        C. hard                         D. high
43. A. protested             B. stated                       C. warned                     D. worried
44. A. leisure            B. pressure                   C. exposure                  D. expression
45. A. faced                  B. satisfied                   C. born                        D. armed
46. A. body                  B. hearing                    C. face                         D. life
47. A. sorted out           B. made out                  C. marked out           D. worked out
48. A. meaning             B. reading                    C. saying                  D. being
49. A. Prices                 B. Praises                     C. Limits                  D. Sales
50. A. specially             B. similarly                  C. particularly           D. partly
51. A. at                       B. to                               C. for                           D. by
52. A. threat                 B. fire                          C. discussion             D. repair
53. A. essential              B. exhausted                 C. frequent                   D. free
54. A. consciously     B. sensibly                    C. unwillingly           D. unknowingly
55. A. future                 B. health                  C. hope                        D. goal
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of. It serves directly to bring about a rapid sale of goods at reasonable prices, so setting up a firm home market and making it possible to provide for export (出口) at good prices. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps greatly to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demand it causes an increased need for labour, and is therefore a nice way to fight unemployment. It lowers the costs of many services: without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television program would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or subway would cost more.
  And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a promise of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Besides the fact that twenty-seven Acts of Parliament(国会)govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare produce anything that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for long, for the public has the good sense not to buy the poor goods more than once. If you see product frequently advertised, it is the proof I know that the product does what is promised for it, and that it has good value.
  Advertising does more for the good of the public than any other force I can think of.
  There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television person declared that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was telling us the real difference. Of course advertising tries to persuade.
  If its message were nothing but information, that would be difficult to get more people to buy, for even the choice of the colour of a shirt is a bit persuasive (有说服力的)--advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television person wants.
小题1:By the first sentence of the passage the writer means that ___.
A.he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertising
B.everybody knows well that advertising is a waste of money
C.advertising costs more money than everything else
D.money on advertising is worth spending
小题2:In the passage, which of the following is NOT included in the advantages of advertising?
A.Getting greater fame. B.Providing more jobs.
C.Raising living standards. D.Reducing newspaper cost.
小题3:The writer thinks that the well-known TV person is _____.
A.quite right in passing his judgment on advertising
B.interested in nothing but the buyers" attention
C.correct in telling the difference between persuasion and information
D.obviously unfair in his views on advertising
小题4:In the writer"s opinion, ________.
A.advertising can seldom bring material interest to man by providing information
B.advertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them over
C.there is nothing wrong with advertising in persuading the buyer
D.the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共两节, 满分30分)
第一节: 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳。
In today’s world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution are harmful to people’s health. However, not all the persons know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and that is harmful to human health, too.
People who work and live under noisy conditions usually become deaf. Today, however, scientists believe that 10 percent of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where they work. Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave(织) cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports also become deaf. Recently it was discovered that many teenagers in America could hear no better than 65-year-old persons, for these young people like to listen to pop music and most of pop music is a kind of noise. Besides, noise produced by jet planes or machines will make people’s life difficult and unpleasant, or even make people ill or even drive them mad.
It is said that a continuous noise of over 85 decibels(分贝) can cause deafness. Now the governments in many countries have made laws to control noise and make it less than 85 decibels.
In China, the government is trying to solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise pollution problems.
61. The passage is mainly about ______ .       
A. air pollution  B. water pollution    C. noise pollution   D. world pollution      
62. According to the passage, a continuous noise of _______decibels can make people deaf.
A. less than 85   B. less than 65       C. about 65             D. more than 85   
63. 10 percent of the workers in Britain are being deafened because _______ .
A. they are working in noisy places   B. they often listen to pop music
C. they live near airports           D. they are too busy to listen to others’ talk      
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Housing is always an important comcern,and things were no different back in Canada`s early days.The nailve population had several answers to the housing problem.
The igloo if a house built of ice or snow and is still in use today in more primitive areas of  Canada`s north.The Inuit people find them the best type of housing,eSpecially when away from home on hunting or fishing trips.The igloos used o such trips are smaller and only temporary homes to be used for a few nights at most.Igloos are domeshaped(圆顶形的)and made of blocks of ice or snow.First a hole is dug out in the snow and this forms the lower part of the igloo.Then the blocks of ice or snow are built in a slope inwards and upwards from this base.Often a short tunnel leads to the door.This prevents the cold winds and snow blowing into the structure.
Tipis(or tepees)are the conical(圆锥形的)tents used by the majority of native People
across America.Some Canadian aboriginal people still prefer them to other types of housing. These structures are formed by a frame of poles covered with,usually,iether buffalo hide(水牛皮)or birch bark(桦树皮).A hole at the top lets out the smoke from the cooking fires.Native people mostly travel from place to place,following their food supple across the countryside.Tepees are easy to taKe down,carry and put up at the next stopping place.
Another type of house iS the long house.This is exactly what the name suggests-a long narrow building that could house ten to twenty families.Built of poles covered with hides,there houses are common to the Iroquois people of 0ntario and NeW York.These structures are also on the West Coast by the Squeamish Indians.They are usually occupied by an exended family and divided into individual rooms,each with its own cooking fire.They are decorated with totem emblems (图腾标志)and a totem pole by the front door tells the history of the family.
56.Which of the following pictures matches with the igloo?
57.The short tunnel leading to the door of an igloo is used to__________.
A.catch the animals              B.decorate the igloo
C.fasten the igloo        D.keep the gloo warm
58.Which of the following about a tiPi is NOT true?
A.It has a hole at the top.
B.It is made of poles covered with hides.
C.lt can be easily carried everywhere.
D.It has a firm base made of ice.
59. The underhned word "They" in the last paragraph refers to "________".
A.Squeamish Indians     B.Long houses
C.Families              D.Individual rooms
6o. Where can we most probably read this passage?
A.In a medical journal. B.In a science report.
C.In a culture magazine.D.In a biology textbook.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Coal mine accidents are frequently headline makers in China, offering a plentiful supply of long lists of the dead.Before this, five major coal mine accidents since January have already claimed lives of 287 coal miners.
Once an accident happens, the safety measures are scrutinized, officials and owners responsible are punished or warned or fined.But the accidents keep happening time and again.
The background of this endless disaster is a country thirsty for energy to satisfy the appetite of its economic engine.
With the rich reserve(储存)of coal and relatively limited petroleum(石油)reserve, the former makes up 67.12 percent of energy consumption.By contrast, petroleum and natural gas take about 60 percent of the energy consumption in other countries.
Such a situation is unlikely to change within a foreseeable future because the country still counts heavily on coal for more and more energy.If no measures with great effects are taken to improve the safety in the mines, the accidents will remain a long-term headache for China.
Digging coal underground is, by its nature, a dangerous job.No equipment can guarantee 100 percent safety for the miners working underground because numerous uncertainties exist.
Most of China’s coal mines are far from being mechanized.The average output of coal for each Chinese coal miner every day is 1 ton, while the number in the US coal mines, where the production is highly mechanized, is 40 tons.
Mechanized production in coal mines can cut down the number of miners who have to work on the dangerous coal face.It can also enhance the capability of the mines to detect potential danger.In this way mine accidents will be decreased.
Admittedly, the mechanized production demands financial support.
But what is the price of a life, or a dozen, a score – a hundred? Compare these awful figures with the misery they bring, heavy investment is worthy.
53.The writer’s attitude towards dealing with coal mine accidents is ________.         
A.critical   B.positive         C.unclear         D.doubtful
54.The underlined word “scrutinized” most probably means ________.               
A.made    B.examined       C.criticized        D.discussed
55.According to the writer, the best way to stop coal mine accidents is to ________.
A.perfect safety measures          B.use more natural gas
C.cut down the number of miners   D.improve mechanized production
56.The writer implies in the article that ________.
A.by improving mechanized production, we can stop coal mine accidents
B.it’s improper to depend too much on coal for energy consumption
C.officials and coal mine owners didn’t take safety measures seriously
D.losing lives costs much more than improving mechanized production
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