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For children with cancer(癌),the facts of life include the facts of death.
There is always the fear that they might not live to grow up.Yet they realize that fighting cancer is the only way of beating it. So they fight.And sometimes, they win.It may take years.It certainly takes support from  parents and doctors.
Unfortunately, many parents can"t deal with their child"s illness.And doctors, no matter how caring, have other patients to care for. At times like these, the Children"s Cancer Foundation can help. We are a group of Hong Kong doctors, nurses, psychologists, parents of children with cancer and concerned persons (有关人士).All of us are volunteers (offer one"s help  without payment).We"re with the children every day, listening to, and encouraging them.
We also advise parents, educate the public and send doctors overseas to study new cancer treatments. Our funding (providing money) has brought better equipment to the wards (large rooms of a hospital), and paid for special flats  where the children can recover.
We want to do even more.But to do it, we need your help. It will be money well spent.One who looks at our past achievements should prove that.
To the children, your contribution (贡献)will also be a show of support.A sign that you"re behind them is just the sort of news that a six-year-old chlid with cancer needs to hear.
小题1:This passage is likely_________.
A.a storyB.an advertisement
C.a reportD.diary
小题2: Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.the people who work for the children with cancer are not paid.
B.the Children"s Cancer Foundation gets money from the children with cancer
C.every child can get help from the Children"s Cancer Foundation.
D.only psychologists and parents of children with cancer are willing to help the children with cancer
小题3: The Children"s Cancer Foundation _________.
A.has set up many hospitals.
B.is made up of many volunteers including doctors, nurses, psychologists and so on.
C.hasn’t done anything for the the children with cancer.
D.can’t help the children with cancer in many ways.



试题【For children with cancer(癌),the facts of life include the facts of death.There i】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
There have been great changes in the lives of women. During the twentieth century ,there was an unusual shortening of the time of a woman’s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the 19th century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have about eight children, of whom about five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which custom, chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by household appliances(家用电器) and convenience(方便) foods.
This important change in women’s way of life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards, return to full or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with both husband and wife accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfaction of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money and running the home, according to the abilities and interest of each them.
小题1:Women marrying at the end of the 19th century ________.
A.would have fewer children than those today.
B.would have more children than those today.
C.lived as hard as those in the 20th century
D.lived more comfortably than those in the 20th century
小题2: According to the passage, a woman in the 19th century would likely to have about eight children and _______.
A.only about three of them could live more than five years old.
B.only about three of them could live for five years.
C.about eight children lived to be more than five years.
D.about eight children lived to be less than five years.
小题3: From the second paragraph, we know _______.
A.women today are not willing to run their home together with their husbands.
B.women today wouldn’t like to do any housework.
C.women today will return to work after they have their babies.
D.were unlikely to find jobs like the mothers before .
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is right ?
A.in the past most women often stay at home after leaving school
B.women today like to marry men younger than themselves
C.women today are playing important parts in work and family life.
D.husbands today needn’t do any work at home.

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Mistreat(虐待) your animals and someone might take them from you.
Allen (not his real name) is driving north out of Virginia in the middle of the night,with stolen property in the back of his van.But Allen isn’t a criminal—in fact he normally would never dream of breaking the law.
The “property” he stole is a dog he calls Flash.Allen doesn’t particularly want Flash in fact,in a few hours he’ll drop him off at a stranger’s house and never see him again.“I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing,”he explains.“The owner was plainly neglecting (忽视) the dog,but the police wouldn’t do anything about it.”
For over a year,Flash had been tied to a tree in front of someone’s house.“He was sick and weak,”says Allen.“More than once I saw the owner kick him for no reason at all.”Allen had repeatedly tried to get the owner to take better care of the animal,or to give it away to someone who would.Finally,he took matters into his own hands—in the dead of night,he took Flash off his chain and drove away with him.
An hour later,Flash had a new license and he_was_treated_by_a_veterinarian_who_knew_better_than_to_ask_questions.
Pictures of the dog were put up on animal rescue websites,asking for someone to adopt the dog.A couple in New York offered to take the dog,and animal lovers in states along the way agreed to provide transportation.
Nobody can say for sure how many animals like Flash are “rescued” every year;receiving stolen property is a crime,so rescuers tend to stay in the shadows.But a growing number of empty collars are because of their work as more and more animals find their way to loving homes.
小题1:Why did Allen steal the dog?
A.He liked the dog very much.
B.He wanted to stop the dog being treated badly.
C.He is a criminal who likes stealing dogs.
D.Someone ordered him to do that.
小题2:What had Allen ever done for the dog before stealing him?
A.Finding a new owner for him.
B.In the dead of night,taking him off his chain and drove away with him.
C.Kicking him for no reason at all.
D.Asking the owner to treat the dog better or give it to someone else.
小题3:How did Allen help the dog find a new owner?
A.By putting advertisements on TV.
B.By asking the Animals Protection Association for help.
C.By asking for help on the Internet.
D.By putting up signs on the street.
小题4:What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph?
A.The veterinarian had treated many animals that were mistreated by their owners.
B.The veterinarian had once stolen some animals like Flash before.
C.The veterinarian was Allen’s friend.
D.The veterinarian was a learned man.

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Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy.They feel heavy pressures from their parents to do well in school.Most students are always being told by their parents to study harder so that they can have a wonderful life.Though this may be good ideas for those very bright students,it can have very bad results for many students who are not quick enough at learning.
Unfortunately,a number of students killed themselves.Others are after comfort in using drugs.Some do bad things with trouble-makers and turn to crime.Many of them have tried very hard at school but have failed in the exams and have disappointed their parents.Such students feel that they are less important and leave school before they have finished their study.
It is surprising that though most Japanese parents are worried about their children, they do not help them in any way.Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and that it is the teachers" work to help their children.To make matters worse, a lot of parents send their children to special school called juku-cram schools.These schools are open during the evening and on weekends, and their only purpose is to prepare students to pass exams, they do not try to educate students in any real sense of the real world. It thus comes as a shock to realize that almost three quarters of the junior or high school population attend these cram schools.     
Ordinary Japanese schools usually have rules about everything from the students" hair to their clothes and things in their school bag.Child psychologists now think that such strict rules often lead to a feeling of being unsafe and being unable to fit into society.They regard the rules as being harmful to the development of each student.They believe that no sense of moral values is developed and that students are given neither guidance nor training in becoming good citizens.
小题1:A lot of Japanese students are unhappy at school because                
A.they work very hardB.they find they can"t do well at school
C.they feel unimportantD.they are under too much pressure
小题2:Because of their failure at school, some students take drugs to          
A.kill themselvesB.seek comfort
C.disappoint their parentsD.make trouble
小题3:What should be the best title of the passage?
A.Students" Pressure
B.Students" Problems     
C.The Negative Impact(影响) of Japanese Education     
D.The Trouble in Japanese Schools
小题4:In juku-cram schools students              
A.are taken good care of by the teachersB.feel no pressure
C.are trained to pass examsD.can learn a lot of useful things
小题5:In ordinary Japanese schools,       .
A.there are strict rulesB.students feel safe     
C.students can do anythingD.learning is not important

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In 1956 Phoenix, Arizona, was a city with boundless blue skies. One day as I walked around the house with my sister Kathy’s new parakeet (小鹦鹉)on my finger, I wanted to show Perky   36   the sky looked like. Maybe he could make a little bird   37  out there. I took him into the backyard, and then, to my   38  , Perky flew off. The enormous(巨大的), blue sky swallowed up my sister’s blue   39  and suddenly he had gone, clipped wings and all.
Kathy managed to   40  me. With fake optimism(乐观), she even tried to reassure(安慰)me that Perky would find a new   41  . But I was far too clever to   42  that such a thing was possible.
Forty years later, I watched my own   43  growing. We shared their activities, spending soccer Saturdays in folding chairs with the   44  of the kids’ friends, the Kissells. The two families went camping around Arizona together. We became the   45  of friends. One evening, the game was to tell Great Pet stories. One person claimed(宣称)to   46  the oldest living goldfish. Someone else had a psychic dog.   47  Barry, the father of the other family, took the floor and   48  that the Greatest Pet of All Time was his blue parakeet, Sweetie Pie.
"The best thing   49  Sweetie Pie," he said, "was the   50  we got him. One day, when I was about eight, out of the clear, blue sky, a little blue parakeet just   51  down and landed on my finger."
When I was finally able to   52  , we examined the amazing evidence(证据). The dates, the locations and the pictures of the bird all   53  . It seems our two families had been 54   long before we ever met. Forty years later, I ran to my sister and said, "You were   55   ! Perky lived!"
A.in B.aboutC.ofD.on
A.came upB.turned upC.turned outD.matched up

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Facebook users may feel socially successful in the web world but they are more likely to perform poorly in exams. The majority of students who use Facebook every day are doing badly compared with those who don’t. About 83% of British 16 to 24-year-old people are using social networking site such as Facebook and MySpace, to keep in touch with friends and organize their social activities.
“Our study shows people who spend more time on Facebook spend less time studying,” said Aryn Karpinski, a researcher. “Every generation has its distractions(娱乐), but I think Facebook is a unique phenomenon.” Karpinski and a colleague questioned 219 US undergraduates and graduates about their study and general Internet use, as well as their specific use of Facebook. They found 65% of Facebook users accessed their account daily, checking it several times to see if they had received new messages. The amount of time spent on Facebook at each log-in(登录) varied from just a few minutes to more than an hour.
Some UK students have already realized the potential danger. Daisy Jones, 21, an undergraduate, realized the time she was spending on Facebook was threatening her grades, urging her to deactivate(使无效) her account, “I was in the library and tried to write a 2,000-word essay when I realized my Facebook habit had got out of hand,” she said. “I couldn’t resist going online, when thinking about it. Before you know it , a couple of minutes have turned into a couple of hours and you haven’t written a word.”
Jones is among the few to have realized the risks. 79% of the users, however, believed the time they spent on the site had no impact on their work. The CEO of Facebook said, “There is also academic research that shows the benefits of services like Facebook. It’s in the hands of students to decide how to spend their time.”
小题1:What can we know from Paragraph 1?
A.All the students who don’t use Facebook do well in exams.
B.Social networking sites have both advantages and disadvantages.
C.Facebook is the main site for British people to keep in touch.
D.Most of British students use social networking sites daily.
小题2:Facebook users check their account frequently to ____________.
A.spend less time on studyB.make sure new messages aren’t missed
C.practise specific use of FacebookD.accumulate amount of time spent on Facebook.
小题3:Why did Daisy Jones deactivate her account?
A.She was warned about the risk of using Facebook.
B.Spending much time on Facebook affected her study
C.She wanted to write a long article in the library.
D.There was something wrong with her eyes.
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage ?
A.Facebook fans do worse in examsB.Social networking sites and their fans
C.Facebook helps organize social activitiesD.How to use social networking sites correctly.

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