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Endangered languages are languages that wouldn’t exist any longer, much like endangered species of plants or animals. Languages are considered to be endangered when parents are no longer teaching the language to their children and are not using it actively in everyday life. A language is considered to nearly disappear when it is spoken by only a few elderly native speakers.
The world faces enormous challenges in order to protect different kinds of languages. Of the more than 6,912 languages, half may be in danger of disappearing in the next several decades.
It is caused by many reasons: small numbers of speakers, the regular use of other languages, attitudes towards their languages, moving of the younger population, government policies, and languages used in education and so on. A language may lack important things such as a body of literature, and people who read and write it. A language may also lack prestige (声望) and support of its speakers.
The survival of a language is also threatened when speakers move to other areas where different languages are spoken, or when government policies improve the use of a specific language in school, official business and the media. These situations encourage people to learn the wider-known language and may cause them, especially the young, to stop using their mother tongue. Often those speaking lesser-known languages will choose to learn a more prestigious language with the hope of greater economic opportunities. Most of the world’s parents are teaching their children English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Russian or some other main languages instead of their own languages for social and economic reasons.
小题1:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Languages in the world.
B.Reasons why languages become endangered.
C.What an endangered language is.
D.Languages spoken by few speakers.
小题2:About ________languages will probably disappear in this century according to the passage.
A.more than 6,912B.more than 3,456C.6,912D.less than 3,456
小题3:Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
①=Paragraph1   ②=Paragraph2  ③=Paragraph3  ④=Paragraph4

小题4:We can infer that the best way to maintain an endangered language is to _________.
A.forbid the speakers to move about
B.pass laws to protect the language
C.raise the salaries of the people who speak the language
D.teach the language to young children and encourage people to speak it often
小题5:All of the following about languages are true EXCEPT __________.
A.many languages will be probably endangered in this century
B.government policies have a big effect on languages
C.the endangered language is a language that is spoken by a few people
D.languages are related to their speakers’ social and economic position


小题2:推理判断题,根据第二段 Of the more than 6,912 languages, half may be in danger of disappearing in the next several decades可知,大约有3456多种语言要消失
小题4:事实细节题,根据最后一段These situations encourage people to learn the wider-known language and may cause them, especially the young可知,是要教年轻人这种语言并鼓励他们经常讲
小题5:推理判断题,根据第一段Endangered languages are languages that wouldn’t exist any longer可知,C想是错误的
试题【Endangered languages are languages that wouldn’t exist any longer, much like end】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Combining families with kids can be tough and offers even more unexpected problems. You just don’t know how things will shake out until everyone is under one roof, trying on new roles with name that start with “step”. This is what happened to Sheila and Will, and Sheila’s 8-year-old daughter Ashley. After the couple got married, and Will became the member of the new family, things got worse than expected. How did they make it work? Read the full version of the story here.
Shelia’s Turn: When Shelia and Will were dating, he seemed like kids, especially Ashley. He’d bring her presents, play games with her. But after the wedding, things took a turn. Will suddenly became a super strict stepfather, scolding Ashley for watching too much cartoons, constantly picking fights and punishing her for offenses as small as spilling milk. Shelia’s thought about leaving Will, but soon after they married, they had a son, Billy. Will adores his well-behaved boy, but Ashley hates him. Shelia doesn’t know what to do--- her daughter is miserable, but leaving her husband might mean losing her son.
Will’s turn: Will was so excited to be a male role model in Ashley’s life. He didn’t just want to be a guy living in her house; he wanted to treat her like his own daughter, which, to Will, meant giving Ashley more rules and help her learn responsibility. He’d always felt that Shelia let Ashley loose on everything. But after the wedding, Will was surprised that Shelia didn’t want him to do that. If Will takes away Ashley’s TV privileges or tells her to clean up her room, Shelia just lets Ashley do what she likes and does it herself. Will was tired of this and he’d rather take his son and go.
The advisor’s turn: The counselor(顾问) quickly recognized their conflict as a classic case of unspoken, hidden expectations. Before the wedding, when it was just Shelia and Will, everything was easy. But now, everyone in their big family is competing for attention, and the couple never sat down and discussed the biggest issue---their child-upbringing philosophies(育儿经). The counselor suggested Shelia allow Will to give some rules on Ashley but Will’s punishments couldn’t be extreme. Once Ashley saw that her mom and stepdad had become a united front, she cooperated more.
小题1:The text is most likely to be found in a book about______.
A.popular scienceB.historical events
C.social problemsD.political systems
小题2:The reasons for Ashley’s dislike of Will are as follows except_____?
A.Will often picked fights with Ashley.
B.Ashley often spilled milk on the floor.
C.Will always punished her for bad behaviors.
D.Ashley was stopped watching too many cartoons.
小题3:What can we know about Will?
A.Will has a good intention.
B.Will does not love children
C.Will does not love Shelia any more
D.Will’s way of parenting is very perfect.
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that the advisor’s attitude to their problem?
A.NegativeB.ObjectiveC.CriticalD.. Subjective

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English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the world. It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India, Singapore and in many of the Caribbean and Pacific islands. In those places English is often a second language.
English is also as an important international language in many other countries, like China and Japan. People in these countries use it for business, and travelers to these countries use English when they get there. Other people may learn English because they enjoy reading books in English, listening to British or American music or watching American films.
English has changed a lot these years and still goes on changing. It is no longer right to talk about British English or American English if the speaker doesn’t come from those countries. People in Japan or Korea, for example, may use the American spelling but may not sound like Americans.
English will be the most widely used language in the world in the 21st century. This language no longer belongs to British, American or Australian speakers. It belongs to anyone who can use this language. After you leave school, you will almost certainly need it.
小题1:In how many countries is English spoken as a first language in the world?
小题2:In which other countries is English spoken as a main language?
A.Britain, USA and Australia.
B.India, Singapore and many of Caribbean and Pacific islands.
C.China and Japan.
D.New Zealand, Ireland and Canada.
小题3:People from other countries learn English for         .
A.passing exams
B.business and traveling
C.reading English books, enjoying English music or watching films
D.Both B and C
小题4:If people in Japan or Korea use the American spelling, they         .
A.will speak the same as Americans
B.may not sound like Americans
C.will speak British English
D.will speak English much better
小题5:Which topic is the best for the passage?
A.A first language in the world.
B.A second language in the world.
C.English around the world.
D.A useful language.

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Is war unavoidable? Can war be prevented?
History tells that there were wars, great or small, in every century, in every decade. Throughout the ages, from the Stone age to the Atomic Age, men have been fighting, first with swords and shields(盾), then with guns and cannons, and now, hydrogen bombs and missiles are used for military purpose. But, in spite of all these, it is still my belief that war can be prevented and peace can be won, but it requires the effort of every one of us.
I am sure that we would not like to experience another world war. If it ever happens, two-thirds of the world and much of the civilization which men have gained through time, patience and effort will be destroyed. Will then the remaining one-third of the world be able to survive on its own?
Our task now is not to blame the past, but to plan for the future.
If there is peace in the world, men can use their rockets to explore the mystery of space, their submarines to explore the depth of the sea, their missiles to deliver mails and their fine equipment to penetrate(穿透) the jungles of Africa, instead of using them military.
Governments can use their money to build more schools, so that more children can be educated to be useful citizens. Scientists can use atomic energy to propel (推动) steamships and planes. They can also design new machines to increase the production of goods and thus improve the way of living of the people.
How can a peaceful world be achieved? It requires, in my opinion, the understanding and friendship between all people from all nations. Let no one suffer discrimination by reason of color, race, religion, or national origin. Let the rich support the poor and the strong help the weak.
We know that neither peace nor such a dream world can come true in a day or a month. It may even take decades or centuries. But let us plan and begin now.
小题1:The best title for this passage is _________.
A.The Past and the FutureB.To Die or To Survive
C.War and PeaceD.Understanding and Friendship
小题2:In the writer’s opinion, __________.
A.it is too difficult to achieve peace
B.peace can be won through the efforts of all human beings
C.another world war is inevitable
D.wars will always exist in the world
小题3:We can infer from the passage that __________.
A.wars were not expensive in the past
B.wars can promote the development of weapons
C.things for military use can be transformed to peaceful use
D.as long as there are wars, people’s way of living cannot be improved
小题4:What should we do to achieve peace?
A.Spend more money educating children.
B.Stop military exploration
C.Call on people to help each other
D.Act from right now on.
小题5:Which word can best describe the writer’s picture of the future of the world?

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If the world were a village of 1,000 people, it would include:
• 584 Asians
• 124 Africans
• 95 Eastern and Western Europeans
• 84 Latin Americans
• 55 former Soviets (including Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, and other national groups)
• 52 North Americans
• 6 Australians and New Zealanders
The people of the village would speak:
• 165 Mandarin
• 86 English
• 83 Hindu/Urdu
• 64 Spanish
• 58 Russian
• 37 Arabic
The above list covers the mother tongues of only half the village.
One-third of the people in the village are children, and only 60 are over the age of 65. Just under half of the married women in the village have access to modem equipments.
This year 28 babies will be born. Ten people will die, 3 of them for lack of food, 1 from can­cer. Two of the deaths will be of babies born within the year. With the 28 births and 10 deaths, the population of the village next year will be 1,018.
In this village of 1,000 persons, 200 people receive 75 percent of the income; another 200 re­ceive only 2 percent of the income.
About one-third have access to clean, safe drinking water.
Of the 670 adults in the village, half can not read nor write.
The village has a total yearly budget , public and private, of over $3 million—$ 3 ,000 per person if it is distributed evenly. Of the total $3 million:
$ 181,000 goes to weapons and warfare
$ 159,000 to education
$ 132,000 to health care
These weapons are under the control of just 100 of the people. The other 900 are watching them with deep anxiety, wondering whether they can learn to get along together.
小题1:Which of the following is true about Mandarin according to the text?
A.Nearly one-third of Asian people speak Mandarin in the village.
B.About 8.25 per cent of the people speak Mandarin in the village.
C.About 16. 5 per cent of the people speak Mandarin in the village.
D.Nearly all the Mandarin-speaking people are from Asia in the village.
小题2:Which of the following problems is NOT mentioned in the text?
小题3:The underlined part “have access to” (in Para. 4) means_____.
小题4:The last sentence in the text implies that most of the people long for _____.
A.a peaceful worldB.good education
C.better health careD.a life without anxiety

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In China, many people are leaving the countryside to find jobs in the cities, because the countryside is much poorer than the city, and often there isn"t much work there. Services such as hospital and transport are usually much better in the city than in the countryside. They hope that their lives will improve when they move to the city.
But in the big cities of Europe like London or Paris, people are moving out of the city. These rich families want to live a quieter life. They are tired of the noise and the dirt of the city, and they are tired of the crowded streets, crowded trains and buses. They don"t want to live in the cities any more. They want a house with a garden in the countryside, and breathe the fresh air there.
So they move out of the cities. Some don"t go very far, just a little way out of the city, to the towns near the cities, other people move to the real countryside with sheep, cows and green fields. There, they start new lives and try to make new friends.
Not all those who move from the city to the countryside are happy. After two or three years, many people who have done this feel that it was a big mistake. They don"t make so much money and there isn"t much work to do. People in the countryside are very different and aren"t always very friendly.
As a result, quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city. “It’s wonderful to see crowds in the streets and cinema lights,” they say.
小题1:Which is NOT the reason for people moving to the cities in China?
A.The countryside is much poorer than me city.
B.People in the countryside have nothing to eat.
C.People in the countryside don"t have much work to do there.
D.Services in cities are usually much better than those in the countryside.
小题2:Why do some rich families in Europe move to the countryside?
A.Because they will find good jobs.
B.Because they are tired of living in the city.
C.Because they can make more money there.
D.Because they like feeding sheep and cows in the green fields.
小题3:After moving to the countryside, some people in Europe feel unhappy because      .
A.they can’t make much money
B.there isn’t much work for them to do in the countryside
C.some people in the countryside aren’t always very friendly to them
D.A, B and C
小题4:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph shows      .
A.they are happy to move back to the city
B.they will miss their friends in the countryside
C.they still want to move to the countryside
D.they are tired of the noise and the crowded streets in the city
小题5:The best title of this passage may be “    ”.
A.A happy life!B.Living in the city!
C.Moving out or moving back?D.Living in the countryside!

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