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Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
Increasingly over the last few years,we have become familiar with the range of small electronic devices or  “smart” accessories (附件,饰品 ) . Pocket heart -rate monitors for joggers and electronic maps are just the first examples of many new products that promise to change our lives in all sorts of surprising ways.
As a scientist at New York University . Rosalind Picard tries out different smart accessories before they go on the market.  One of these was the so-called " frown (皱眉)headband". Rosalind was shocked to realize just how often she frowned. Stuck in a traffic jam recently, Rosalind kept hearing the sounds of the tiny sensor inside the band worn around her forehead -each time she frowned in annoyance, the sensor gave out a signal.
Another computer scientist , Stevcn Feiner, is working on a pair of glasses that will do more than help you to see .Imagine you want to try a restaurant in a foreign city but you"re not familiar with the dishes on the menu.  If you are weanng a pair of Steven"s glasses . all yau have to do is glance above the restauran’s doorway and your glasses will immediately become windows to the Tntemet, offering you full details of the meals served inside. The glasses could also be used to help people make speeches,give chefs access to the latest recipes and even provide doctors with
patient information while they carry out operations.
At the moment, Steven"s invention looks more like a large ski mask than a pair of glasses.
It"s a headset connected to a hand-held computer and a Global Positioning  System  ( GPS ) receiver, which tracks the wearer"s position. But he says that these head-worn displays will eventually get smaller and lighter as technology improves.
And, of course, this new technology has a fashionable as well as a useful application. A chemical engineer named Roben Langer has invented a new microchip that, if put inside a ring,can give off different smells according to a person"s mood. That, of course, may or may not appeal to you.  And,in the end , it is  shoppers . not scientiscs , who will determine which of these smart accessories will succeed as fashionable items and which are sure tO join history"s long list of crazy inventions.
It is clear,however ,that as computers get smaller and cheapcr.  Lhcy will pop up in all sorts
of easily-wearable accessories . even in the buttons on your coat.  WhaCs morc, this is something that"s going to happen a lot sooner than we all expect.
41. When Rosalind wore the headband, she was surprised a___________
A. how well the sensor worked           B. how she was affected by traffic
C. how strong the signal was            D. how uncomfortable it was
42.  For people eating out , Steven’ s glasses can___________      
A . give them a restaurant"s location
B.  let them see a restaurant"s environment
C.  inform them about a restaurant’s menu 
D.  tell them about a restaurant"s quality
43. What is the current problem with Stevcn"s glasses?
A. Limited function.                B. Inconvenience.
C. High cost.                       D. Poor Internet access.
44.  In general, what does the writer think about smart accessories?
A. They will soon be widely available.
B. Much more research is needed into them.
C. Only a few of them will appeal to shoppers.
D. Most of them are considered to be crazy inventions.
45. What"s the writer"s purpose in writing this passage?
A. To advertise some smart accessories.
B .To tell interesting stories about smart accessories.
C. To argue that smart accessories are fashionable.
D. To introduce the idea of smart accessories.

试题【Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)第一节阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并存答题卡上将该】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
School phobia is a type of illness which causes students to be afraid to go to school. This condition is most commonly seen in children, typically between the ages of 8-13, and it can be very upsetting, especially if it is allowed to progress. Symptoms include stomach aches, tiredness, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.
This common phobia is associated with a wide variety of causes. Most commonly it is the result of separation anxiety, but it can also be caused by different kinds of stress. A child who has recently moved, suffered a loss, or gone through a divorce may develop school phobia, and phobias can also develop in response to bullying (欺侮), an unrecognised learning disability, and poor self-image. Understanding the cause of a school phobia is an important step in providing treatment.
A child with school phobia usually refuses to go to school, or protests violently. He or she may become physically ill when ordered to school, or pretend to be sick to avoid going. When the child arrives at school, he or she may run away, or develop behavioural problems in class and on the playground. When school is discussed, the child can become impatient, upset or angry.
Many techniques can be used to manage school phobia, but research suggests that much more effective treatment is required for school phobia to prevent problems developing in later life. Children with this condition usually benefit from seeing a psychologist or doctor who can help the child and provide assistance to help parents and school officials support the child. As soon as a school phobia is identified, parents should take action too. Like other phobias, school phobia gets worse the longer it is left untreated, and it can interfere with a child"s success in school. Adjustments can be made at home and in the classroom to help. If bullying is a cause, for example, the bullying situation should be solved. A teacher can meet the child at the door and take him or her to class, and provide support so that the child feels a friendly adult is always available.
Changes at home can include supportive language from parents, along with support like assistance with homework. If a child lacks confidence, parents may encourage the child to take up new hobbies that will help them to feel good about themselves. Parents might also talk to their children about their own fears of school and how they got over them, and their own enjoyment of school and school-like activities.
By following these methods we can help children to dispel their school phobia.
41. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed in the passage?
A. The definition of school phobia.
B. The history of school phobia.
C. The causes of school phobia.
D. The effects of school phobia.
42. What is a useful treatment for school phobia according to the passage?
A. Parents should allow their children occasional days off.
B. Teachers should be stricter with students.
C. Children should be helped to develop a sense of achievement.
D. Children should be regularly sent to psychologist.
43. The underlined word “dispel” (the last paragraph) probably means “________”.
A. accept               B. realize       C. forget                  D. overcome
44. Which of the following statement might the author agree with?
A. School phobia is most often suffered by middle school students.
B. School phobia may have bad influence on children’s future life if neglected.
C. Children with school phobia should not be given medical treatment.
D. Most children with school phobia are pretending to be ill.
45. What are some of the reasons for school phobia mentioned in the passage?
A. Bullying, recent devoice and moving to a new area.
B. Learning disability, impatience and poor concentration.
C. Stomachache, poor school performance and aggressive teachers.
D. Shaking, lack of confidence and few friends.
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A.I. (人工智能) is just starting to become part of our lives, and books and movies have been talking about A.I. and robots for years. Mostly, in these books and movies,  the computers and robots turn out to be the enemies of  the human race. Here is a selection of some famous A.I.  movies..
2001: A Space Odyssey
In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, HAL is one of the first computers to talk like a human.  HAL is very frightening because it speaks in a calm voice as it goes on a killing spree (疯狂***戮). When the astronauts attempt to hide in a smaller spaceship and switch off the microphones,  HAL uses a camera to read their lips and understand what the astronauts are saying.
The Terminator
In The Terminator, a computer thinks that its deadly enemies are human beings.  As a result,  the computer launches missiles (导弹) to start international wars and then builds killer robots to destroy the human race.
The Matr/x
In The Matrix,  a computer takes over the world and uses human beings for energy.   The computer keeps people alive by making them think that they are still living normal lives. A few brave rebels (叛逆者) decide to fight against the computer.
Star War movies
In the Star War movies,  computerised robots are used as servants and soldiers. R2-D2, a small cylindrical (圆柱形的) robot, and C-3PO, a tall talking robot, help some humans defeat the evil ruler,  Darth Vader,  in a dangerous battle between the forces of good and evil.
1, In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, the astronauts switch off the microphones to
A. prevent HAL hearing whom they axe calling
B. prevent HAL hearing what they are saying
C. force HAL to use a camera
D. force HAL to speak loudly
2. If you want to know how an intelligent computer uses human beings for energy, you should watch __
A. The Terminator.
B. 2001: A Space Odyssey"
C. Star War movies
D. The Matrix
3. R2-D2 and C-3PO stand for
A. the scientific forces
B. the natural forces
C. the good forces
D. the evil forces
4. What do the four movies have in common?
A. They all have the same ending.
B. They are about a similar theme.
C. They are all based on science fiction books.
D. They started heated discussions about A.I.
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The great Alaskan explorer John Muir once wrote that to have dinner with a glacier (冰川) on a sunny day is an excellent thing. It is better to sleep beside one, on an Antarctic island,  with just a sleepifig bag for warmth and the sky as your tent.
Our camp-out was in early January of this year on Danco Island, along the Antarctic Peninsula.  Midway through a 10-day Antarctic journey, conditions were near perfect.  We started our voyage from the Akademik Ioffe in Zodiacs,  landing on the wide beach with its fist-sized rocks.  At the height of the Antarctic summer, the shore was clear of snow, with plenty of room for the 40 adventurers to spend the night.
Danco Island was charted in 1898 by the Belgian explorer Adrien de Gerlache, who was the first to prove that you could overwinter in Antarctica and survive.  De Gerlache paved the way for Lt.  Robert Scott"s first expedition in 1901.  De Gerlache mapped the archipelago (群岛).  He later named the island after his team member mile Danco,  a geophysicist who died that winter.  For one year in the mid-1950s, Danco was known as Base O by the British, who kept a scientific research station there, although all that. remains of it is a foundation and a pile of coal.
Our expedition was organized by Australian tour operator Peregrine Adventures. The weather was extraordinary -- sunny with daytime temperatures of about 1"t2.  The camping was easy and accessible to all ages.  Sleeping under the stars in Antarctica,  in just a sleeping bag is pretty amazing.
1. Whom did Adrien de Gerlache have a direct effect on?
A. John Muir.           B. Lt. Robert Scott.
C. The tourists.          D. The author. 
2. What was Danco Island named after?
A. A place.             B. A glacier.
C. A person.           D. An ocean.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that        .
A. old people can"t go "camping in Antarctica
B. the author went to the Antarctica in winter
C. John Muir might have visited an Antarctic island
D. Lt. Robert Scott built a station in the Antarctic
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Danco Island
B. An expedition to Antarctica
C. Explorers of Antarctica
D. Sleep under the stars in Antarctica
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

By Mary Gaitskill.
Pantheon Books, $ 23.
This attractively dark novel from the author of Bad Behavior and Two Girls, Fat and Thin is narrated by a former Paris model who is now sick and poor; her reflections on beauty and cruelty have clarity and an uncanny bite.
On Beauty
By Zadie Smith.
Penguin Press, $ 25.95
In her new book, a cultural – politics novel set in a place like Harvard, the author of White Teeth brings everything to the table: a crisp intellect, a lovely wit and enormous sympathy for the men, women and children who read her story.
By Ian McEwan.
Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. $ 26.
As exciting and as carefully constructed as anything McEwan has written, this astringent (尖锐的) novel traces a day in the life of an English neurosurgeon who comes face to face with senseless violence.
De Kooning: An American Master
By Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan.
Alfred A. Knopf, $ 35.
A brilliant biography, impressively researched and absorbingly written, of the talented immigrant who stood at the vortex (中心) of mid – 20th – century American art.
A History of Europe Since 1945
By Tony Judt.
Penguin Press, $ 39.95.
Judt’s massive, learned, truthfully detailed account of Europe’s recovery from the wreckage of World War Ⅱpresents a whole continent in panorama (全景) even as it sets off detonations (爆炸) of insight on almost every page.
1.According to the passage, the most probable non – fiction novel is          .
A.Veronica         B.Saturday
C.On Beauty              D.A History of Europe Since 1945
2.If you’re fond art, which of the following would be your favorite?
A.On Beauty              B.Saturday
C.Veronica          D.De Kooning : An American Master
3.The novels published by the same company are           .
A.On Beauty & A History of Europe Since 1945
B.Saturday & De Kooning : An American Master
C.Veronica & On Beauty
D.A History of Europe Since 1945 & Saturday
4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Mary Gaitskill is the author of both Veronica and Bad Behaviour.
B.On Beauty describes the stories that happened in Harvard.
C.Two authors finished De Kooning : An American Master together.
D.A post – war Europe can be found in A History of Europe Since 1945.
5.Which of the following novels are written by Zadie Smith?
A.On Beauty & Bad Behavior
B.Saturday & De Kooning : An American Master
C.On Beauty & White Teeth
D.Veronica & White Teeth
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Ask any person who is successful in whatever he or she is doing what motivates him/her, and very likely the answer will be "goals". Goal Setting is extremely important to motivation and success. So what motivates you? Why are you in college? If you are in college because that"s what your parents want, you may find it difficult to motivate yourself. Sure, it"s possible to succeed with someone else providing the motivation for you. ("If you graduate from college, I"ll give you a car!" or worse "If you don"t graduate from college, you won"t get a car.") But motivation that comes from within really makes the difference.
Certainly, you need some intelligence, knowledge base, study skills, and time management skills, but if you don"t have motivation, you won"t get far. Think about this analogy. You have a car with a full tank of gas, a well-tuned engine, good set of tires, quadraphonic CD system, and a sleek, polished exterior(外表). There it sits. This car has incredible potential. However, until a driver sits behind the wheel, puts the key in the ignition(点火装置), and cranks it up, the car doesn"t function. You guessed it; the KEY is MOTIVATION.
Interest is an important motivator for a student. So is a desire to learn. When you link these two things together, you create success. Often success in an endeavor(努力) leads to more interest and a greater desire to learn, creating an upward spiral(螺旋形) of motivation toward a goal you have established.
So be honest with yourself. Are you genuinely interested in being in college? Have you set realistic goals for yourself? How can you develop the internal motivation that really counts? When it comes to motivation, KNOWING is not as important as DOING.
小题1:Why does the writer give the example of a car in the second paragraph?
A.Because people can never go far without a good car.
B.Because a good car motivates some college students to study harder.
C.Because a good car is a symbol of being a success.
D.Because motivation leads people to success like it starts a car.
小题2: What is the CORRECT comparison between the internal motivation and the external (外部的)motivation?
A.Only the internal motivation can result in success.
B.Internal motivation is more important than external motivation.
C.Internal motivation and external motivation has equal importance.
D.External motivation is enough for people to achieve success.
小题3: According to the article the following factors can push people towards their goals EXCEPT __________?
A.interestB.the desire to learn
C.the knowledge of motivationD.the sense of success
小题4: What’s the main purpose of the article?
A.To encourage everyone to develop motivation for whatever they are doing..
B.To inspire college students to set goals for their college life.
C.To imply that the less motivated college students quit the college.
D.To call on parents to give up their over-protection of their children.
小题5: What may be the writer’s advice to the potential readers?
A.The goals you set for yourself shouldn’t be far beyond your reach.
B.You needn’t attend college if you are really not interested in it.
C.You should work harder to win praise from others.
D.Honesty is the best policy to solve problems in your life.

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