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As a parent you have the responsibility to help your children understand money. But first you will need to understand your own attitude towards money, and make sure to practise what you teach.
Ask yourself what things that cost money are the most important to you. Also ask yourself what financial goals do you have for yourself and your family this year, in five years, and so on?
Take a minute to write down a list. Below are some ideas to get you started. There’s no right or wrong here. This exercise is just to help you grasp what money means to you so that you can help your children understand your values.
◆ Home
◆ Household expenses
◆ Education
◆ Recreation, entertainment
◆ Savings
◆ Charitable contributions
You can start discussing money when your children are as young as three years old. The best time to teach a child anything is when he or she shows an interest. So he prepared to start talking about money when your child starts asking you to buy candy or toys.
Begin by showing how money is exchanged for items or services. Show your children how money works by allowing them to buy something, such as a toy or a book.
Be open and honest, and explain to your children why they can or cannot have certain items. If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money, you might say, “You have enough toy trucks now.” Or, if the request is for multiple items, “You have a choice to make, between this toy and that one.”
You can start explaining the bigger picture once your children understand the basic function of money. Show an older child how money is used to provide for the whole family.
45. Why should parents understand their own money attitudes first?
A. To help their children earn money.      B. To set an exampel to their children.
C. To help them set financial goals.       D. To help them tell right from wrong.
46. Which of the following is NOT one of the major categories of things that cost money listed in the article?
A. Travel and investments.               B. Household expenses.
C. Education and entertainment.         D. Savings and charitable contributions.
47. Which of the following is NOT a way to teach the children about money?
A. Showing how money is exchanged.
B. Allowing children to buy whatever they like.
C. Explaining the limits involved in using money.
D. Having an open discussion about money.
48. According to the passage, when should parents start teaching a child about money?
A. When the child can understand its basic function.
B. When the child can understand how money is used to provide for the whole family.
C. When the child knows how to support a family.
D. As young as three, or when they start showing an interest.
45-48 BABD

试题【As a parent you have the responsibility to help your children understand money. 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Global surface temperatures have increased 0.6—1.2 degrees since the late 19th century. The 20th century’s 10 warmest years all happened within the last 15 years. Of these,1998 was the warmest year on record. The snow covering the Northern Hemisphere(半球)and floating ice in the Arctic Ocean decreased. Globally, sea level has risen 4—10 inches over the past century. World-wide amount of rain and snow over land has increased by about one percent. The number of major rainfall events has increased throughout much of the United States.
Increasing concentrations(集中)of greenhouse gases are likely to make climate change faster. Scientists expect that the average global surface temperature could rise 1.6—6.3 degrees by 2100,and the climate in different areas could change differently. Evaporation(蒸发)will increase as the climate warms, which will increase average global amount of rain and snow. Soil moisture(潮湿)is likely to decrease in many areas, and strong rainstorms are likely to become more frequent.Sea level is likely to rise two feet along most of the U.S coast.
Calculations of climate change for certain areas are much less able to be trusted than global ones, and it is unclear whether the climate in different areas will become more variable(变化无常的).
64.Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.The snow has been seen covering the Southern Hemisphere .
B.More and more major rainfall events have happened to the U.S.
C.On the whole earth, sea level has risen 4—10 inches.
D.The amount of the rain in the world has increased by about 1%.
65.According to scientists, the reason why the climate becomes warm is that________.
A.the snow covering Northern Hemisphere has decreased
B.evaporation has increased in the recent years
C.greenhouse gases concentrate increasingly
D.the floating ice in the Arctic Ocean has decreased
66.It is because______ that strong rainstorms become more frequent.
A.average global little of rain and snow increases
B.the climate becomes warm
C.soil moisture decreases
D.sea level rises two feet
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We often think of future.We often wonder what the world would be like in a hundred years" time.
Think of space, perhaps a permanent(永久的) station on the moon will have been set up.Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as tourists.Cheap rockets for space travel will have been developed, permitting long journeys throughout the solar system(太阳系).When that time comes, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting other planets.Great progress will have been discovered for the most terrible of all diseases—cancer.Pollution is a problem we must solve.In a hundred years" time it will have been controlled.
All the world will have been developed—even Antarctica.There will be large cities in Antarctica.We already have supersonic(超音速的) flight, but in a hundred years" time we will have supersonic land travel as well.
We will have used up most of earth"s land to build our cities, so floating cities will have been built.The Japanese already have plans for cities of this kind.And there will be cities under the sea.The first of these will have been completed.
39.We will have developed __________ in a hundred years" time, permitting long journeys all over the solar system.
A.cheap rockets for space travel       B.a plane for space travel
C.a permanent spaceship                D.a satellite for tourists
40.The last paragraph mainly talks about _____________.
A.new ways of building cities         B.the building of cities under the sea
C.the building of floating cities in Japan D.the danger which earth"s land will face
41.The best title for the passage is ______________.
A.Travel in the Future             B.Future Life
C.Where to Live in the Future D.Space Travel
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It’s important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:
1. Reduce
If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely. A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste.
2. Reuse
You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your used clothes or the small ones to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.
3. Recycle
Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat (压平) and melted (融化) and the metal things are made for new coke cans.
4. Recover
When you buy a box of apples, there may be few rotten apples, you have two choices: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.
5. Repair
If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throw-away” society, but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best.
51. The “Reduce” rule mainly requires us _______.
A. to use things wisely                          B. to cut down many trees
C. to use a lot of paper                          D. to throw away your old clothes
52. What’s the right order of recycling coke cans?
a. collect the used cans                              b. melt them
c. smash them flat                                     d. send them to a factory
A. a b c d                    B. a d c b                     C. d b c a                     D. c a b d
53. The “Recover” rule mainly requires us _______.
A. to throw waste things away                          B. to cover waste things with earth
C. to get back the useful parts                           D. to throw the whole things away
54. Which is the best way to do with your broken tables?
A. Throwing them away.                                  B. Repairing them.
C. Selling them.                                              D. Putting them away.
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The world of the science-fiction 3-D film Avatar is so perfect that the line between fact and fiction has become somewhat blurred (模糊) .
Movie-goers have admitted being annoyed by depression at not being able to visit the planet Pandora. Set in the future when Earth"s resources have been used up, director James Cameron"s film tells the story of a company trying to exploit a rare mineral on a new planet. The humans clash with the natives — a peace-loving race of 7-foot-tall, blue-skinned creatures called the Na"vi, who exist in perfect harmony with nature.
Fans have flooded the Internet with their confused feelings. On the site Avatar Forums (论坛), the topic "Ways to deal with the depression of the dream of Pandora not being able to come true" has more than 1,000 posts. In a similar forum, Louis, one user, wrote: "When I woke up this morning after watching Avatar for the first time yesterday, the world seemed grey. It just seems so meaningless. I still don"t really see any reason to keep doing things at all. I live in a dying world." On the Avatar site Naviblue, a fan calling himself Jorba has even asked others to join him in starting a real Na"vi tribe.
This fantasy world, with its wonderful plants and animal life, is brought to life by using impressive special effects. Many people believe that 2010 is the breakthrough year for the technology helped by 3-D movies such as Avatar. "It has taken the best of our technology to create this virtual world and real life will never be as perfect as it seems on screen. It makes real life seem more imperfect."
66. What is the best title of the text?   
A. A blockbuster movie: Avatar
B. The Avatar effect: movie-goers feel depressed after watching Avatar
C. 2010: a breakthrough year for. 3-D movies
D. Pandora: a perfect world
67. We can infer that Louis___________after watching the film Avatar.  
A. will cherish his present life more
B. feels disappointed about the real world
C. will intend to create a real Na"vi tribe
D. is proud of living on the earth
68. Thanks to the success of Av"atar, ___________.  
A. 3-D technology will probably develop quickly in 2010
B. most people look forward to living on another planet
C. many more science-fiction films will be made in the coming years
D. people have become more realistic about life
69. The underlined word "virtual" probably means___________.       
A. unreal         C. true         B. perfect       D. practical
70. According to the passage the natives on the planet are___________ 
A. not harmony with the nature    B. blue-haired race
C. peace-loving creatures         D. fond of fighting with human race
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Water goes around and around Earth in a never ending journey called the water cycle(循环). The sun heats up lakes, oceans, and other wet places on Earth. When the water gets warm enough, it changes into vapour. Plants also give off lots of water vapour. Some of this water vapour cools off high in the sky and becomes clouds. Then it falls back to Earth in a new place as rain or snow. This cycle happens over and over again.
The ground can absorb water like a sponge (海绵). If you could see this groundwater, it wouldn’t look like a lake or river. The groundwater is mixed in with the rocks and sand that lie in layers(层) below Earth’s surface.
Groundwater moves along slowly. How slowly? Maybe 1.5 kilometres in one century. Some of this water has been underground for thousands of years. And once groundwater is pumped out of the ground from a deep well(井) by people, it may take hundreds of years for another water to take its place.
小题1:In which order does water go around Earth?
a .Fall down as rain or snow.  b. Heated up by the sun on lakes, oceans and other wet places.
c. Cool off high in the sky.     d.  Form clouds.     e.  Change into vapour.
小题2:The groundwater seems to________.
A.be just on the groundB.be pure water like that in a lake or river
C.exist in rocks and sandD.flow along like rivers or streams
小题3:The underlined word “pumped” in the passage can be replaced by________.
小题4:What conclusion(结论) can we draw from the passage?
A.Groundwater can be quickly replaced by other water once pumped out.
B.Groundwater is very valuable.
C.Groundwater has nothing to do with human beings.
D.Groundwater travel in an unknown way.

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