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BEIJING changed the office hours of many institutions starting April 12 in the hope of reducing traffic jams during rush hour.
The new policy asked 800,000 employees to replace their former working schedule of 8:30 am to 5:30 pm with the new working hours of 9 am to 6 pm.
This is just one part of the Beijing municipal government’s plan to fight traffic jams. Starting April 1, daytime parking fees in 13 downtown areas were raised to encourage less driving. On April 2, the government announced limitations launched after the Beijing Olympics would be extended until April 2012. These ban Beijing’s 5.8 million drivers from driving one workday each week. The ban is based on the last number of the car license plate.
A multi-billion yuan fund has also been set up to build more underground ring roads in heavily populated areas. Major roads above ground will also be expanded.
According to Beijing’s traffic authorities, key projects include repairing major ring roads and expanding the subway network. The city will also create more taxi stops and bike rental stations, probably under the hundreds of overpasses (天桥) citywide.
Beijing’s fight against traffic jams is a smaller example of what is happening all around China. The central government is now supporting new ideas that will change the future of Chinese roads.
Bus rapid transit (BRT,快速公交系统) is one such idea. Special bus lanes carry almost as many passengers as a subway system. They cost less and are becoming popular in many big cities. Now Beijing has five BRT lines
Shanghai is dealing with traffic problems by charging higher fees for license plates(牌照). The city is also controlling the total number of plates sold. Now, it is considering a plan to charge cars for entering the central business district, as London does.
Meanwhile, there are signs that Chinese are more aware of the serious problem of traffic. For example, there has been a sharp increase in the number of posts looking for carpooling (拼车) partners on major websites.
By the end of March, 2010, China had 192 million cars, according to the Ministry of Public Security.
小题1: The article is mainly about___________.
A.the fight against traffic jams all around the world
B.the increase of daytime parking fees in 13 downtown areas in Beijing
C.the Beijing municipal government’s measures to reduce traffic jams
D.news ideas that are likely to change the future of Chinese roads
小题2: According to the new policy, workday office hours in Beijing will be___________.
A.from 8:00 am to 5:00 pmB.from 9 am to 6 pm
C.from 8:30 am to 5:30 pmD.from 7:30 am to 4: 30 pm
小题3: The plans made by the Beijing municipal government to fight traffic jams include all the following except ____________
A.adjustments to office hours B.increases in daytime parking fees
C.the extension of the limitations launched after the Beijing Olympics
D.charging higher fees for license plates
小题4: The article tells us that____________.
A.the BRT system will become common China’s rural areas
B.the Chinese government is aiming at changing the future of Chinese roads
C.the Shanghai government has charged cars for entering the central business district
D.here are enough ways to deal with traffic jams in Beijing


试题【BEIJING changed the office hours of many institutions starting April 12 in the h】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
ARLANDA, Sweden (Reuters Life!)—Many people hate the idea of having to sleep on a plane. But Swedish entrepreneur Oscar Dios thinks they can be persuaded otherwise and he has created a new kind of hostel to prove it.
Dios says it is the world’s first jumbo (unusually large) jet hostel, an actual jet-plane at Sweden’s main airport outside Stockholm which has been changed into a 25- room guesthouse that sleeps as many as 72 people.
“I learned about this plane that was standing deserted at Arlanda airport and I’ve been trying the concept of hostels in many different houses and buildings,” he told Reuters. “I thought, ‘Why not a plane?’”
Jumbo Hostels opened for business on Thursday, giving customers the chance to check in and sleep in a room that can best be described as comfortable.”
“The most challenging part with this project is trying to build something inside a metal hull(壳) – it’s just really, really tight.”
The jet, which was originally produced for Singapore Airlines, was taken out of service in 2002. It is held on a concrete foundation with the landing gear secured in steel cradles.
One feature of the hostel is its price – a room starts at 350 Swedish crowns (about $ 41), which is a lot less than hotel rooms outside of major airports.
Another feature is that customers can get married on the wing of the plane and stay in the plane’s more luxurious honeymoon suite (套房).
Instead of walking down the aisle in the church, lovebirds can take what Jumbo Hostels calls the “wing walk,” where they can be joined in great happiness at the wing tip. The hostel has someone ready to perform the ceremony.
But in some respects this hostel remains a plane – most customers have to share the jet’s nine bathrooms and the staff only wear air host and hostess outfits. The only room that has its own bathroom is the honeymoon suite.
小题1:Which of the following is not true?
A.The jet plane was out of use for over eight years
B.The hostel provides ten bathrooms for customers
C.The rooms in the hotel are comfortable
D.The hostel lies at Arlanda airport in Stockholm
小题2:One of the features of the plane hostel is that         .
A.air hostesses can offer good service
B.a wedding ceremony can be held on the wing
C.customers can sleep in comfortable rooms
D.the staff can have a “wing walk”
小题3: Why does Oscar Dios make jet plane hotel?
A.Because he is fond of plane very much.
B.Because he is very curious
C.Because he wants to earn more money.
D.Because he likes trying the concept of hotel in many different things.
小题4:The writer mainly wants to          .
A.call on people to make use of the deserted things
B.describe a wonderful place for weddings
C.introduce a new kind of hostel
D.prove people can sleep on a plane

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Some weird, wild and wonderful stories coloured the news in 2010:
★A Copenhagen bus company has put "love seats" on 103 of its vehicles for people looking for a partner. "Even love at first sight is possible on the bus," said a spokesman for the British owned Arriva company to explain the two seats on each bus that are covered in red cloth and a "love seat" sign.
★Shoppers at an international luxury fair in Verona, Italy, found a cell-phone-equipped golden coffin among the items on display. The phones will help "the dead" contact relatives if they have been buried alive by mistake.
★A man in New York came up with a disarming way to set off his latest bank heist , approaching the clerk’s window with a large bunch of flowers and handing over a hold-up note saying“give me the money!”
★ An Englishman who lost all his legs and arms in an electrical accident successfully swam across the Channel, a challenge he had been preparing for two years. The whole cost is 400 dollars.
★A set of artificial teeth made for Britain"s war-time prime minister Winston Churchill known as "the teeth that saved the world" sold for nearly 18,000 pounds (21,500 euros, 24,000 dollars) at auction.
★A British woman caused an Internet hate campaign after she was caught on camera dumping a cat in a rubbish bin. She was fined 250 pounds (400 dollars, 280 euros) after pleading guilty.
★The BBC apologized completely and without any doubts after a radio presenter jokingly announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died.
★Two Australian men needed surgery after shooting each other in the bottoms during a drinking session to see if it would hurt were charged 400 dollars separately.
★ A Kuwaiti MP(议员) proposed state-aid for male citizens to take second wives, in a bid to reduce the large number of unmarried women in the oil-rich state.
小题1:What is special about the coffin in the second news?
A.It is goldenB.It has a cell phone.
C.It is a luxuryD.It has many items
小题2:What is the probable meaning of the underlined wordheist in the third news?
A.robberyB.proposalC.beggingD.raising money
小题3:Who has to spend 400 dollars to do the surgery?
A.A British woman who dumped a cat in a rubbish bin.
B.One who bought Winston Churchill’s artificial teeth.
C.An Australian man who shot in bottom to test the hurt.
D.An Englishman crossing the Channel without legs and arms.
小题4:From the last news we can infer that _________.
A.In Kuwait many men are eager to get married
B.A lot of rich single men lived in Kuwait
C.There are quantities of oil in Kuwait
D.There are many single women in Kuwait

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PLAYA GRANDE, COSTA RICA----This resort town was long known for Leatherback Sea Turtle(棱皮龟)National Park, nightly turtle beach tours and even a sea turtle museum. However, on a beach where dozens of turtles used to nest on a given night, scientists spied only 32 leatherbacks all of last year.
With leatherbacks threatened with extinction, Playa Grande’s turtle museum was abandoned (抛弃)three years ago and now sits among a sea of weeds. And the beachside ticket office for turtle tours was washed away by a high tide in September. “We do not promote that as a turtle tourism destination any more because we realize there are far too few turtles to please,” said Alvaro Fonseca, a park ranger.(管理员)
Even before scientists found temperatures going up over the past decade, sea turtles were threatened by beach development, drift net fishing and Costa Ricans’ interest in eating turtle eggs. But climate change may cause the most serious harm to an animal that has lived in the Pacific for 150 million years.
Sea turtles are sensitive to numerous effects of warming. They feed on reefs, which are dying in hotter seas. They lay eggs on beaches that are being covered by rising seas and more violent waves.
More uniquely(独特地), their gender is determined not by genes but by the egg’s temperature during development. Small rises in beach temperatures can result in all-female populations, obviously problematic for survival. If the sand around the eggs hits 30 degrees Celsius, the gender balance shifts to female; at about 32 degrees they are all female. Above 34, you get boiled eggs.
On some nesting beaches, scientists are artificially cooling nests with shade or irrigation and trying to protect broader areas of coastal property from development to ensure that turtles have a place to nest as the seas rise.
小题1:Why does the resort town stop promoting its turtle tourism?
A.It decides not to disturb the turtles’ normal life.
B.Tourists have lost interest in watching turtles.
C.There are only very few turtles now.D.The turtle museum was destroyed by a high tide.
小题2: Which of the following is the major factor in the turtles’ endangerment?
A.The locals’ eating habit.B.Drift net fishing.C.Beach development.D.Global warming.
小题3: The underlined word “gender” in Paragraph 5 means ____.
A.the sex of turtlesB.the habit of turtlesC.the weight of turtlesD.the kind of turtles
小题4: We learn from the last paragraph that scientists ____.
A.are doing research on the sea riseB.are moving turtles to new homes
C.are protecting turtles’ nestsD.are going rid of sea weeds
小题5: The passage intends to ____.
A.introduce a special kind of sea turtleB.explain the mystery of turtles’ eggs
C.show the dangers a certain kind of sea turtle is facing
D.attract more visitors to a sea turtle museum

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A woman decorating her Christmas tree Monday was shot in her left arm when a bullet went through her living room window.Police said the incident occurred at about 5:00 p.m. A .22 caliber shell(口径的弹壳) casing was found across the street from the victim"s home.Police did not find a weapon in the neighborhood.
Mrs.Wilma Johnson was treated at a local hospital and allowed to go home.A hospital spokesman said she should recover nicely.She is in her late 50s, divorced, and living with Bob, the older of her two adult sons.Bob wasn’t home at the time of the shooting.
Police will patrol the area more frequently as a result of this shooting.They don"t know if the shooting was intentional or accidental.They are asking the public to help if they know anything.They interviewed the neighbors.One neighbor said he heard a gunshot, but in this neighborhood, he said, he was used to hearing gunshots.
The police also questioned Mrs.Johnson’s ex-husband, Joe, who lives three blocks away.Joe said if he was going to shoot at his ex-wife, he’d make sure he shot her in her butt(头).“That’s a target you could hit from a mile away as she is like a Tele-tubby.” he laughed.Despite such remarks, the police spokesperson said Joe is not a suspect at this time.
小题1:What was the woman doing when she was shot?
A.She was decorating her room.B.She was cooking dinner.
C.She was sleeping in her room. D.She was decorating her Christmas tree.
小题2:Where is Mrs. Wilma Johnson now ?
A.She is in hospital.B.She is at home.
C.She is in another world. D.She is in a funeral.
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the third paragraph?
A.Some neighbors saw the gunman by accident.
B.The police found the gunman soon after the gunshot.
C.There used to be gunshots in the area.
D.The gunshot happened by intention.
小题4:What was her ex-husband’s words “That’s a target you could hit from a mile away”?
A.His ex-wife was too fatB.He still loved his ex-wife.
C.She was sensitive to anything. D.He hated his ex-wife.

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BEIJING,Oct.14(Xinhua)——A total of 120 middle school students from 35 countries will attend the final of an international China language contest,to be held in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality from Oct.16 to 30.
The candidates,aged from 15 to 20,must be from foreign countries and not native Chinese speakers,said a statement issued by the Chinese language Council (CLC),the contest’s organizer,here Thursday.
All of the candidates have passed the preliminary contests(初赛)held in their own countries.
According to the organizer,the competition will have a top prize,five second prizes,10 third prizes and a dozen prizes for special talents.The organizer will also launch an online vote for“the most liked candidate.”
It was the third year China has held the contest.
“The competition not only tests the proficiency of Chinese language but also the candidates capability to communicate across different cultures.”the statement said.
All the candidates in the final will receive scholarships from the Chinese goverment.said Hu Hangyu,an official with the Education Bureau of the Chonqing Municipality,jointly organizing the contest.
They will also meet local Chinese students and live with Chinese families,Hu said.
“The competition is to meet the increasing demand for Chicese learning by foreign youngsters.”said Xu Lin.the CLC director.
The CLC has also hosted similar contest for foreign college students since 2002.
China has been working to promote Chinese language learning abroad over the past few years.According to the CLC,the.country had 282 Confucius Institutes and 272“Confucius Classrooms”in 88 countries and regions as of 2009 since the first one was established in 2004.
小题1:The text is intended to       .
A.show the popularity of Chinese language learning in the world
B.introduce an international Chinese language learning test system
C.make readers aware of the importance of Chinese language learning
D.report an international Chinese language contest to be held
小题2:The candidates must be       .
A.foreign college studentsB.non—native middle school students
C.native Chinese studentsD.students from Confucius Institutes
小题3:According to the text,the competition is       .
A.organized by the Chongqing Municipality government
B.mainly to test the candidates’Chinese language competence
C.held every three years in Chongqing Municipality
D.to provide foreign students with a chance to know China
小题4:What has China been doing to promote Chinese language learning abroad according to the text?
A.Thousands of Chinese teacher are sent abroad to teach the language.
B.282 Confucius Institutes are established in China to teach Chinese.
C.The Chinese language contests for foreign students are regularly held.
D.Many Chinese students are sent abroad for culture exchanges every year.
小题5:In which part of the newspaper is the text most likely to be found?

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