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A woman decorating her Christmas tree Monday was shot in her left arm when a bullet went through her living room window.Police said the incident occurred at about 5:00 p.m. A .22 caliber shell(口径的弹壳) casing was found across the street from the victim"s home.Police did not find a weapon in the neighborhood.
Mrs.Wilma Johnson was treated at a local hospital and allowed to go home.A hospital spokesman said she should recover nicely.She is in her late 50s, divorced, and living with Bob, the older of her two adult sons.Bob wasn’t home at the time of the shooting.
Police will patrol the area more frequently as a result of this shooting.They don"t know if the shooting was intentional or accidental.They are asking the public to help if they know anything.They interviewed the neighbors.One neighbor said he heard a gunshot, but in this neighborhood, he said, he was used to hearing gunshots.
The police also questioned Mrs.Johnson’s ex-husband, Joe, who lives three blocks away.Joe said if he was going to shoot at his ex-wife, he’d make sure he shot her in her butt(头).“That’s a target you could hit from a mile away as she is like a Tele-tubby.” he laughed.Despite such remarks, the police spokesperson said Joe is not a suspect at this time.
小题1:What was the woman doing when she was shot?
A.She was decorating her room.B.She was cooking dinner.
C.She was sleeping in her room. D.She was decorating her Christmas tree.
小题2:Where is Mrs. Wilma Johnson now ?
A.She is in hospital.B.She is at home.
C.She is in another world. D.She is in a funeral.
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the third paragraph?
A.Some neighbors saw the gunman by accident.
B.The police found the gunman soon after the gunshot.
C.There used to be gunshots in the area.
D.The gunshot happened by intention.
小题4:What was her ex-husband’s words “That’s a target you could hit from a mile away”?
A.His ex-wife was too fatB.He still loved his ex-wife.
C.She was sensitive to anything. D.He hated his ex-wife.



试题【A woman decorating her Christmas tree Monday was shot in her left arm when a bul】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
BEIJING,Oct.14(Xinhua)——A total of 120 middle school students from 35 countries will attend the final of an international China language contest,to be held in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality from Oct.16 to 30.
The candidates,aged from 15 to 20,must be from foreign countries and not native Chinese speakers,said a statement issued by the Chinese language Council (CLC),the contest’s organizer,here Thursday.
All of the candidates have passed the preliminary contests(初赛)held in their own countries.
According to the organizer,the competition will have a top prize,five second prizes,10 third prizes and a dozen prizes for special talents.The organizer will also launch an online vote for“the most liked candidate.”
It was the third year China has held the contest.
“The competition not only tests the proficiency of Chinese language but also the candidates capability to communicate across different cultures.”the statement said.
All the candidates in the final will receive scholarships from the Chinese goverment.said Hu Hangyu,an official with the Education Bureau of the Chonqing Municipality,jointly organizing the contest.
They will also meet local Chinese students and live with Chinese families,Hu said.
“The competition is to meet the increasing demand for Chicese learning by foreign youngsters.”said Xu Lin.the CLC director.
The CLC has also hosted similar contest for foreign college students since 2002.
China has been working to promote Chinese language learning abroad over the past few years.According to the CLC,the.country had 282 Confucius Institutes and 272“Confucius Classrooms”in 88 countries and regions as of 2009 since the first one was established in 2004.
小题1:The text is intended to       .
A.show the popularity of Chinese language learning in the world
B.introduce an international Chinese language learning test system
C.make readers aware of the importance of Chinese language learning
D.report an international Chinese language contest to be held
小题2:The candidates must be       .
A.foreign college studentsB.non—native middle school students
C.native Chinese studentsD.students from Confucius Institutes
小题3:According to the text,the competition is       .
A.organized by the Chongqing Municipality government
B.mainly to test the candidates’Chinese language competence
C.held every three years in Chongqing Municipality
D.to provide foreign students with a chance to know China
小题4:What has China been doing to promote Chinese language learning abroad according to the text?
A.Thousands of Chinese teacher are sent abroad to teach the language.
B.282 Confucius Institutes are established in China to teach Chinese.
C.The Chinese language contests for foreign students are regularly held.
D.Many Chinese students are sent abroad for culture exchanges every year.
小题5:In which part of the newspaper is the text most likely to be found?

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Human Capital - How what you know shapes your life
Version: Print (Paperback) Publication date: 20 Feb 2007
Language: English ISBN: 9789264029088  Price: €15 £19  1$10
This book explores the influence of education and learning on our societies and lives and examines what countries are doing to provide education and training to support people throughout their lives.
Economic Policy Reforms -- Going/or Growth, 2007 Edition
Version: Print (Paperback) Publication date: 15 Feb 2007
Language: English ISBN: 9789264030473  Price: €60| £75 |$41
Based on a broad set of indicators of structural policies and performance, Going for Growth 2007 takes stock of the recent progress made in implementing policy reforms and identifies, for each OECD country, five policy priorities to lift growth.
Climate Change in the European Alps -- Adapting Winter Tourism and Natural Hazards Management
Version: Print (Paperback) Publication date: 22 Jan 2007
Language: English ISBN: 9789264031685  Price: €24 £32$ 17
The first systematic cross-country analysis of snow-reliability of Alpine ski areas under climate change for five countries in the region: France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Germany.
OECD in Figures 2006--2007--Statistics on the Member Countries -- OECD Observer
-- Volume 2006 Supplement 1
Version: Print (Paperback) Publication date: 05 Jan 2007
Language: English ISBN: 9789264022638 Price.; €15 |£20 |$10
A handy pocket reference containing key data covering the entire range of OECD
work including the economy, employment, health, education, migration, the environment, science and technolog y, public finances, agriculture, trade, and development aid.
OECD Economic Outlook -- December No, 80 -- Volume 2006 Issue 2
Version: Print (Paperback) Publication date: 26 Jan 2007
language-English ISBN: 9789264030954 Price: €80 | £97|$55
OECD"s twice yearly assessment and projections for the economies of the OECD area and selected non-members.This edition also looks at the rise in household debt.
小题1:Which of the following books was published most lately?
A.OECD in Figures 2006-2007.
B.OECD Economic Outlook.
C.Human Capital.
D.Climate Change in the European Alps.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that Alps is _______ .
A.an Austrian interesting place most attractive in summer seasons
B.an European mountain belonging to three countries
C.a stadium for skiing lovers from five European countries
D.an European mountain famous for its winter skiing
小题3:From the book with ISBN ____ you can get a wider range of information about OEC  D.
A.9789264029088                 B.9789264022638
C.9789264030954                D.9789264030473
小题4:You should afford _______ Euro dollars for a book to know about the recent progress in economic policies in the OECD countries.
小题5:All the five books are ______.
A.written in English
B.concerned about OECD countries
C.involved with education and economy
D.published by the same print

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XIANGNING, Shanxi - The number of people trapped underground after a coal mine flooding in north China"s Shanxi Province was revised -- for a second time -- to 153 from 123, rescuers said late Sunday night.
Investigations showed that 261 workers were in the pit of Wangjialing Coal Mine under construction when underground water gushed in at about 1:40 pm. Of them, 108 were lifted safely to the ground while 153 others trapped in the shaft, according to the rescue headquarters.
Most of the trapped are migrant workers from Shanxi, Hebei, Hunan and Guizhou provinces," a rescuer said.
The exact number of people trapped is still being checked.
Soon after the accident happened, the Shanxi Provincial Work Safety Administration and the Shanxi Provincial Emergency Affairs Office said 152 people were trapped underground, but officials later changed the figure to 123.
Rescuers are struggling to save the trapped people, and local authorities are investigating the cause of the accident.
President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao ordered local authorities to spare no effort to save the trapped while guarding against secondary accidents.
Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang rushed to the site late Sunday to oversee the search and rescue operation.
The mine, sitting astride Xiangning County of Linfen City and Hejin City of Yuncheng City, covers about 180 square kilometers.
The mining zone boasts more than 2.3 billion tonnes of coal reserves, including nearly 1.04 billion tonnes of proved reserves, according to the company"s official website.It is now under infrastructure construction and is expected to produce 6 million tonnes of coal annually once put into operation.
The mine, affiliated to the state-owned Huajin Coking Coal Co. Ltd., is a major project approved by the provincial government.
小题1:At least how many people were trapped underground according to the latest report?
小题2:Most of the worked trapped are from __________. Which of the following answers is WRONG?
小题3:What’s the cause of this accident?
A.The underground water gushed
B.The coal mine was under construction
C.It is still being investigated by the local authorities
D.The passage does not mention it at all
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following statement is right? _________
A. The local authorities fully support the rescue work
B. Vice premier Zhang Dejiang rushed to the site early Sunday to oversee the search
C. The Wangjialing Coal Mine can produce 6 million tonnes of coal each year now
D.The coal mine is a major project approved by the country.
40. What’s the best title of the passage?_________
A. Number of people trapped in China colliery(煤矿) flooding revised to 153
B.The Wangjiajing Coal Mine
C.Rescue work
D. Who are to blame?
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On May 8, last Thursday morning, the Olympic flame was lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma! It was a historic moment for China exactly three months ahead of the Beijing Games.
Tibetan female climber Cering Wangmo reached the summit with a special extreme-altitude Olympic torch. This event is what China has promised to the world as the high point of the torch relay, the longest and mostchallengingof all time.
Five torchbearers(火炬手) finished the highest relay ever—three of the climbers are Tibetan athletes.
Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in Chinese, English and Tibetan, as they stood at the summit celebrating, with the event broadcast on national television.
“I finally fulfilled the last dream of my husband,” said Gyigyi with tears in her eyes. She was the first torchbearer. Her husband lost his life in an attempt to climb all 14 mountains in China more than 8,000 meters three years ago.
“We are on top of the world! One world, one dream,” shouted Nima Cering, at the top of his voice. He said that although he had climbed the peak(峰顶)several times, this was the most significant ascent(登高). “As a Tibetan and a Chinese I pray for the success of Beijing 2008,” he added.
The special torch is different from the one currently touring the Chinese mainland, after an around-the-world relay. Officials organizing the trek up the peak had earlier set an April 26 target to begin the ascent, but high winds and heavy snow had delayed the mission.
The Xinhua News Agency said that the Qomolangma leg of the torch relay represents the Olympic motto, “higher, faster and stronger,” in practice and will promote unity among all 56 ethnic groups in China.
小题1:It was a historic moment because ______.
A.some Tibetan torchbearers took part in it
B.it was lit three months before the Olympic Games were held
C.it was the first time that the Olympic torch had been lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma
D.it was the longest attempt in history
小题2:Which is RIGHT according to the whole passage?
A.All the five torchbearers are men.
B.Only the five torchbearers reached the summit.
C.Team members said “Beijing welcomes you!” in their native language.
D.At least two of the five torchbearers are females.
小题3: What does the word “leg” underlined in the last paragraph refer to?
A.One part of a journey or race.
B.One of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body.
C.The leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten.
D.The part of a pair of trousers that covers the leg.
小题4: What would be the best title for the text?
A.One world, one dream
B.Torch relay reaches its highest point
C.Qomolangma, the highest summit in the world
D.A special torch
小题5: Where can you read about this passage?
A.In the English textbook.
B.In the newspaper.
C.In the science report.
D.On the street wall.

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The crisis(危机) at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear(核) energy center caused by the terrible earthquake has raised questions about the future of the nuclear energy industry. Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in the United States. He says the disaster(灾难)in Japan is historic.
This week, the chairman of America’s nuclear agency said there is little chance that harmful radiation(辐射) from Japan could reach the United States. Gregory also said America has a strong program in place to deal with earthquake threats. No new nuclear power centers have been built in the United States since nineteen seventy-nine. That was when America’s worst nuclear accident happened at the Three Mile Island center in Pennsylvania. The accident began to turn public opinion against nuclear energy. At present, about twenty percent of electricity in the United States comes from nuclear energy.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany would close seven nuclear power centers while energy policy is reconsidered. The European Union is planning to test all centers in its twenty-seven member nations.
Developing nations are less willing to slow nuclear expansion. China said it will continue with plans to build about twenty-five new nuclear reactors(反应堆). And India, under a cooperation agreement with the United States, plans to spend billions on new centers in the coming years.
Nuclear reactors supply fourteen percent of global electricity. Nuclear energy is a clean resource, producing no carbon gases. But radioactive waste is a serious unresolved issue. So is the presence of nuclear power centers in earthquake areas like the one near Bushehr, Iran.
The best title of the text is         .
A. Various Opinions on Japan’s Nuclear Disaster        
B. Japan’s Disaster is Likely to Run out of Control      
C. America Feels Great Concern for Japan’s Nuclear Crisis
D. Japan’s Disaster Throws Doubt on Nuclear Energy Industry
We can learn from the text that America         .
A.experienced a terrible nuclear accident 32 years ago
B.has a strong program to deal with radiation danger
C.depends heavily on nuclear energy to produce electricity
D.will check all the reactors before cooperating with India
According to the text, which country will be most likely to have a similar disaster?
How does the author seem to feel about the future of nuclear energy?
The best title of the text is         .
A.Various Opinions on Japan’s Nuclear Disaster
B.Japan’s Disaster is Likely to Run out of Control
C.America Feels Great Concern for Japan’s Nuclear Crisis
D.Japan’s Disaster Throws Doubt on Nuclear Energy Industry

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