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完形填空。     Life is like potato salad; when it"s shared it becomes a picnic.
     When my three children were young, my husband, Roy, and I were very   1  .
     "Can we go on a picnic, Mom?" my six-year-old daughter, Becky   2  . "Please".
     I had said no so many times in the   3   months, and I decided the usual Saturday morning chores (日常工
作) could wait. To her   4  , I agreed.
     I prepared a few sandwiches and   5   a cooler with ice and drinks and called Roy   6  . My eleven-year-old
twin sons put the cooler and the picnic basket in the trunk and off we went to spend some   7   time together
as a family.
     About the time I got the lunch   8   out on the table, Roy arrived on the   9  .
     That was one of the happiest meals we ever shared together. The meal was filled with  10 . We felt a
closeness that hadbeen hidden by work and school  11  for so many months. Roy and the boys  12  rocks
into the lake. Becky fed the ducks and I sat quietly on the picnic table,  13  God for blessing me with such
a wonderful family.
     That night as our  14  went to bed, I kissed their cheeks and realized what a wonderful life I had.
     As I walked out of the room it dawned on me that even the busiest  15  could become a picnic when it"s
shared with the ones you  16 .
     Even though the kids have now grown up and  17  from home, I can still remember how I felt that day
while sitting at the picnic table.
     Maybe today would be a good time to  18  potato salad, call all of my grown kids, feed some hungry  19  
and skipped a few rocks into the lake. Since life is like potato salad, let"s make it a  20 .
试题【完形填空。     Life is like potato salad; when it"s shared it becomes a picnic.      】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
(     )1.A. old        
(     )2.A. begged     
(     )3.A. coming     
(     )4.A. doubt      
(     )5.A. supplied   
(     )6.A. off work   
(     )7.A. unhappy    
(     )8.A. spread     
(     )9.A. scene      
(     )10.A. sadness    
(     )11.A. orders     
(     ) 12.A. missed     
(     )13.A. praying    
(     )14.A. family     
(     )15.A. lifestyle   
(     )16.A. enjoy      
(     )17.A. left alone 
(     )18.A. supply     
(     )19.A. ducks      
(     )20.A. salad      
B. poor           
B. asked          
B. recent         
B. disappointment
B. provided       
B. at home        
B. quality        
B. taken          
B. view           
B. expectation    
B. charges        
B. took           
B. praising       
B. children       
B. time           
B. own            
B. pass away      
B. cook           
B. children       
B. life           
C. busy        
C. doubted    
C. following  
C. sadness     
C. combined   
C. at work     
C. quantity   
C. made        
C. event       
C. hope        
C. activity    
C. skipped     
C. thanking        
C. friends     
C. world      
C. have         
C. ran away    
C. watch       
C. family       
C. picnic      
D. miserable        
D. wondered         
D. later             
D. surprise         
D. filled           
D. on business      
D. sad               
D. cooked           
D. landscape         
D. laughter          
D. responsibilities    
D. left              
D. trusting          
D. parents          
D. family           
D. love              
D. moved away       
D. plant             
D. people           
D. hope             
1-5: CABDD    6-10: CBAAD   11-15: DCCBB   16-20: DDBAC
     Mr. Dawson was an old bad-tempered man, and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his
yard to pick apples, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his gun.
     One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was walking out with her friend Amy. They had to   1   Dawson"s house,
but as they got   2 , Janet saw him sitting on his front porch and suggested they cross over the street. Like
most, she was   3   of the old man.
     Amy said, "Don"t   4  ." When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his   5   frown (皱眉), but
when he saw it was Amy, he gave a broad   6  .
     Amy smiled back and told him that they were going to listen to music. Dawson told them that sounded
   7  , and gave them each a(n)   8  .
     Later, Janet asked Amy, "Everyone says he"s the   9   man in town  10  he was so nice to us?"
     Amy explained that when she  11  started walking past his house, he wasn"t very  12 , either, but she
pretended he was wearing a(n)  13  smile, so she always smiled. It really took some time  14  he one day half-
smiled back.
     After a while, he started smiling a real smile and then  15  to her. She said he always  16  her an apple now,
and was always very kind.
     In our everyday life we are always very busy doing a lot of things and trying to accomplish so much. It"s
30  17  to forget that we can bring  18  to ourselves and others. Giving a smile takes so little  19 , but few
people are aware of that. Please do remember after a while most people can"t  20  our sunniness at all.
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.A. drop into   
(     )2.A. inside      
(     )3.A. scared      
(     )4.A. cry         
(     )5.A. tired       
(     )6.A. smile       
(     )7.A. strange     
(     )8.A. ticket      
(     )9.A. meanest     
(     )10.A. What if     
(     )11.A. finally     
(     )12.A. friendly    
(     )13.A. unbelievable
(     )14.A. until       
(     )15.A. suggested   
(     )16.A. sold        
(     )17.A. challenging    
(     )18.A. gifts        
(     )19.A. interest     
(     )20.A. resist     
B. look at    
B. close      
B. ashamed    
B. follow     
B. rare       
B. hug        
B. special   
B. lesson     
B. worst      
B. How come     
B. last       
B. cold       
B. invisible  
B. after      
B. talked     
B. showed     
B. easy       
B. memories      
B. bravery    
B. forget     
C. move into  
C. outdoors   
C. proud     
C. worry     
C. usual     
C. surprise   
C. boring     
C. apple      
C. strongest 
C. What for   
C. sometimes       
C. violent    
C. false      
C. before     
C. came       
C. offered    
C. useful     
C. cheers     
C. space     
C. accept     
D. go by      
D. away        
D. fond       
D. run        
D. ugly       
D. greeting   
D. fun         
D. address    
D. loneliest  
D. How about                 
D. first      
D. charming   
D. kind        
D. when       
D. explained  
D. saved      
D. reasonable 
D. rewards    
D. effort     
D. dislike    
     In my dual (双重的) profession   1   an educator and health care provider, I have worked with many
children infected with HIV. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great
   2   can be found in the smallest individuals. Let me tell you about Tyler.
     Tvler was   3   infected with HIV; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life,
he was dependent on medications to   4   him to survive. When he was five, he had a tube inserted in a
vein (静脉) in his chest. At times, he also needed extra oxygen to support his   5  .
     Tyler wasn"t   6   to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not   7  
 to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine-loaded backpack and   8   his
tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon (小推车). All of us who knew Tyler were impressed by his
pure   9   in being alive and the energy it gave him Tyler"s mom often  10  him by telling him that he moved
so  11  she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him
playing in the yard, she could quickly  12  him.
     This deadly diseade eventually  13  down Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately,  14  did his HIV-
infected mother. When it because  15  that he wasn"t going to survive, Tyler"s mom talked to him about  16 .
She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too and that she would be with him soon in heaven.
     A few days before his death, Tyler  17  to me to come to his hospital bed and  18 , "I might die soon.
I"m not  19 . When I die, please dress me in  20 . Mom promised she"s coming to heaven, too. I"ll be playing
when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me."
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.A. in        
(     )2.A. pleasure  
(     )3.A. seriously 
(     )4.A. cause     
(     )5.A. breathing 
(     )6.A. happy     
(     )7.A. common    
(     )8.A. dragging 
(     )9.A. character 
(     )10.A.comforted 
(     )11.A. slowly    
(     )12.A. know      
(     )13.A. tore      
(     )14.A. neither   
(     )15.A. apparent  
(     ) 16.A. life      
(     )17.A. waved     
(     )18.A. whispered  
(     )19.A. excited   
(     )20.A. red       
B. for      
B. pain     
B. born      
B. enable    
B. living    
B. willing   
B. unusual   
B. carrying  
B. joy       
B. scolded   
B. happily  
B. spot      
B. broke     
B. so       
B. hopeless  
B. dream    
B. said      
B. shouted   
B. surprised      
B. white     
C. as       
C. Sorrow    
C. unlucky  
C. make      
C. running  
C. daring   
C. surprised      
C. pushing   
C. moment   
C. teased   
C. quickly   
C. stop     
C. wore     
C. such      
C. sure     
C. future   
C. signed   
C. cried     
C. scared   
C. bright   
D. on             
D. courage        
D. disappointingly          
D. lead            
D. walking        
D. discouraged    
D. ordinary       
D. taking         
D. excitement     
D. praised        
D. fast           
D. observe        
D. kicked         
D. nor            
D. terrible       
D. death          
D. explained      
D. spoke          
D. sad             
D. beauty          
     One day the employees of a large company in St Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and
were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said: ""Yesterday the person who has been hindering
(阻碍) your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral (葬礼) in the room
that has been prepared in the gym."
     At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they started
getting curious about who this person might be.
     The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects. Everyone
wondered:"Who is this person that was hindering my progress? Well, at least he"s no longer here." 
     One by one the employees got closer to the coffin (棺材) and when they looked inside it they became
speechless. They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest
part of their soul.
     There was a mirror inside the coffin: Everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also
a sign next to the mirror that said:"There is only one person who can set limits to your growth: It is YOU."
     You are the only person who can revolutionize (彻底改变) your life. You are the only person who can
innuence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.
     Your life does not change when your family changes, when your friends change, when your boss
changes, and when your company charges.
     Your life changes when YOU challge, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that
you are the only one responsible for your life.
1. The wnter"s purpose in writing the article is to teU us that _____. 
[     ]
A. the harder we work, the more successfu1 we will become
B. our work and life are closely connected with others
C. changing our lives is down to us
D. we will have a better future if people do not hinder our development
2. People were speechless when they looked inside the coffin because _____. 
[     ]
A. there was nothing but a mirror inside
B. they could see their own souls inside
C. their closest colleague lay inside
D. what was inside told a great truth
3. Who probably wrote the sign on the front door?
[     ]
A. The company boss.
B. A worker who liked to make fun of others.
C. The director in charge of production.
D. A worker who wanted to teach others a lesson.
4. What can we conclude from the article?
[     ]
A. The employees went to the gym to join the funeral.
B. The lesson the employees learned would influence them greatly.
C. The employees" lives depended on the attitude of their boss.
D. The employees got angry after the funeral.
     The night started out ordinarily enough. Jack and Tara, our   1  , were in their small beds surrounded by
toy animals. My husband, Pat, and I went to sleep   2 
       3   after midnight, Jack quietly touched me. "Mommy, I want to stay with you. I promise I won"t take
much room." I shifted   4   to make room. My son soon fell asleep.
     An hour later, Tara cried and I carefully went downstairs. "Mommy, my   5   is an stuffed up (堵住). I
can"t really breathe very well. Will you please   6   with me a little while?" Tara doesn"t often get up at night.
   7  . I decided to be there for her. She soon fell asleep. I returned to my own bed. I was determined to sleep.
But to my   8  , I found Jack sleeping on my side of the bed. He looked so   9   that I couldn"t remove him.
Quietly and carefully, I lay down between  10  and Jack.
     I did manage to get some sleep  11  I heard Tara"s voice again. I returned to  12  Tara. "Mom, please lie
down with me a little bit. I had a bad dream, and I"m so  13 ." "Of course, honey. It was only a dream
Mommy"s here and  14  is okay." We fell asleep  15  each other"s arms.
     Even in my sleepy state, I thought of  16  these nights of merry-go-round (一连串的繁忙活动) beds will
be over. In their place, my twins will be grown  17  before I"m ready, our children" rooms will be much too
  18  and empty. So it is especially on days when I"m worn out after a night on this mom"s merry-go-round
that I remind  19  that these very days and nights are, in fact, "the good old days", ever so  20 .
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.A. sons            
(     )2.A. downstairs     
(     )3.A. Sometimes      
(     )4.A. gently         
(     )5.A. nose           
(     )6.A. come         
(     )7.A. even though  
(     )8.A. joy            
(     )9.A. deeply        
(     )10.A. myfather       
(     )11.A. before         
(     )12.A. show off       
(     )13.A. scared         
(     )14.A. something      
(     )15.A. over        
(     )16.A. how often      
(     )17.A. No doubt       
(     )18.A. noisy         
(     )19.A. my children   
(     )20.A. potential    
B. twins      
B. in         
B. Some time  
B. kindly     
B. mouth      
B. stay       
B. so         
B. anger      
B. sound      
B. Tara      
B. when       
B. look after 
B. exciting  
B. anything   
B. on        
B. how soon   
B. No wonder  
B. quiet      
B. my husband      
B. precise    
C. daughters      
C. out            
C. Sometime      
C. rudely        
C. heart         
C. talk           
C. no matter when 
C. disappointment       
C. content       
C. Pat            
C. after          
C. watch out     
C. excited       
C. everything    
C. by            
C. how long       
C. No problem    
C. still         
C. my friend     
C. precious      
D. students    
D. upstairs     
D. Some times  
D. impatiently 
D. eye          
D. play        
D. however     
D. surprise    
D. deep        
D. my mother               
D. until       
D. take care    
D. scaring     
D. nothing     
D. in          
D. how much    
D. No worry    
D. calm        
D. myself      
D. previous    
     Recently, I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman
at the check-out counter said, "That"ll be five dollars   1   please," She then   2   down at the paper I was   3   
and said, "I"m sick and   4   all this negative (消极的) stuff on the front   5  . I want to read some   6   news
for a change." She then said, "In fact, I think someone should just,   7   a Good News newspaper-a paper with
wonderful, inspirational   8   about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for   9  . I"d buy one
every day!" She then  10  me for coming in and said, "Maybe we"ll get some good news," and she laughed. She
made my day.
     The following day after my business appointments, I  11  the same store again to  12  bottled water and a
piece of newspaper, but a  13  young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out I said, "Good afternoon"
and handed her my  14 . She said nothing-not a word, not a smile or not a gesture. She just handed me my
change and  15  a negative tone ordered... "Next!"
     It hit me right between the eyes: Two people, the same age;  16  made me feel great, and the other, well,
made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by  17 .
     Every morning, you should ask  18  this important question:"Who do I want to be today? "The Grouch (不高
兴的人)" or "The Good News Girl""? Your answer will do great good to  19  the joy and happiness that you will
experience in your  20 .
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1.A. at all      
(     )2.A. stared     
(     )3.A. carrying   
(     )4.A. tired of 
(     )5.A. columns    
(     )6.A. bad        
(     )7.A. collect    
(     )8.A. stories    
(     )9.A. rewards    
(     )10.A. praised  
(     )11.A. dropped out    
(     )12.A. pick up    
(     )13.A. beautiful  
(     )14.A. card     
(     )15.A. with        
(     )16.A. one        
(     )17.A. moving up  
(     )18.A. her        
(     )19.A. decision   
(     )20.A. home     
B. in all      
B. glared       
B. taking       
B. interested in
B. editions     
B. good         
B. print        
B. ideas        
B. the others  
B. thanked      
B. dropped off  
B. take up      
B. fantastic    
B. money        
B. at           
B. who          
B. going away       
B. them        
B. answer       
B. work         
C. for all          
C. glanced          
C. reading          
C. concerned about  
C. pages            
C. latest          
C. sell             
C. concepts         
C. others           
C. appreciated      
C. dropped on       
C. bring up         
C. different        
C. dollar        
C. through          
C. what             
C. showing up       
C. yourself         
C. attitude         
C. study          
D. all for     
D. noticed     
D. buying      
D.fond of      
D. parts       
D. interesting                
D. publish     
D. experiences  
D. nothing     
D. criticized  
D. dropped by  
D. carry up    
D. stupid      
D. change      
D. in          
D. it           
D. showing off 
D. themselves  
D. question    
D. life