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完形填空                                                           Ain’t What I Used to Be
     It has been said, "Be contented with what you have, but never too__1__with what you are." There is
a story about a farmer who saw a tiger’s tail__2__between two large rocks.In a hurry, he seized the tail
and__3__. All of a sudden he realized he had an angry tiger by the__4__and only two__5__stood
between him and the tiger"s teeth and claws! So there he remained, __6__to loosen his hold on the__7__
animal"s tail in case he will surely be killed.
     A monk happened to go by and the farmer called out in__8__, "Come over here and help me.__9__
this tiger!"
     The monk said, "Oh, no. I cannot do that. I cannot take the__10__of another." Then he went on to
deliver a long__11__against killing. All the while, the farmer was holding__12__to the tail of the angry
tiger. When the monk finally finished his__13__, the farmer asked, "If you won"t kill the tiger, then__14__
come and hold its tail while I kill it."
     The monk thought that perhaps, it would be all right to__15__hold the tiger"s tail, so he__16__and
pulled.The farmer, however, turned and walked away down the road.
     The monk__17__after him, "Come back here and kill the tiger!"
     "Oh, no," the farmer replied. "You have__18__me!" If the largest room in the world is "room for
improvement", then it is good to leave__19__of room for change. A life of change! A life of growth! And
always leaving room for__20__.
     It"s the only way to live.
试题【完形填空                                                           Ain’t What I Used】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. relaxed      
(     )2. A. waving      
(     )3. A. cut          
(     )4. A. head      
(     )5. A. trees        
(     )6. A. afraid      
(     )7. A. wild        
(     )8. A. surprise    
(     )9. A. feed        
(     )10. A. life        
(     )11. A. message    
(     )12. A. loosely    
(     )13. A. blame      
(     )14. A. at least    
(     )15. A. basically  
(     )16. A. refused    
(     )17. A. ran        
(     )18. A. frightened  
(     )19. A. plenty      
(     )20. A. rest        
B. excited  
B. dropping
B. examined
B. ear      
B. rocks    
B. read y  
B. big      
B. fear    
B. save    
B. wealth  
B. teaching
B. securely
B. work    
B. at most  
B. simply  
B. hesitated
B. laughed  
B. changed  
B. much    
B. sleep    
C. ontented  
C. urning    
C. ulled      
C. rm        
C. ills      
C. ager      
C. ngry      
C. erson      
C. atch      
C. hing      
C. rayer      
C. ightly    
C. eal        
C. fter all  
C. ardly      
C. greed      
C. omplained  
C. elped      
C. ess        
C. mprovement
D. surprised    
D. trembling    
D. appreciated  
D. tail          
D. fences        
D. anxious      
D. hungry        
D. order        
D. kill          
D. heart        
D. information  
D. closely      
D. lesson        
D. first of all  
D. mainly        
D. arranged      
D. shouted      
D. comforted    
D. more          
D. relaxation    
1-5: C A C D B  6-10: A C B D A 11-15: B C D A B 16-20: C D B A C
     Last month, James Connolly, a junior at the University of Massachusetts, stood in front of a local
police station wearing a toga (长袍) as punishment.
     His crime? He was charged with underage drinking, illegal possession of alcohol and too much noise
while holding a party.
     This shaming punishment has increased in the US in recent years, mostly imposed (强加) by local
judges for less-serious crimes, such as drunk driving and theft.
     They believe shame is the best petty crime deterrent (威慑). For example, in Tennessee, Judge James McKenzie has made shoplifters stand outside Wal-Mart with signs that read, "I am a thief put here by
order of Judge McKenzie."
     "Alternative punishments like community service and fines don"t convey moral condemnation of the
criminal," said Dan Kahan, a University of Chicago Law School professor, in an article published on the
university"s website. "They aren"t shameful enough."
     Supporters of shaming punishment argue that public shaming is a good way of expressing community
values. Some judges say shamed offenders seldom repeat their crimes.
     Others aren"t so sure. "There is little evidence to suggest that shaming punishments are successful in
preventing people from committing specific crimes. And a shamed criminal may face a hard battle to
regain trust in society," said Hosmanek. "So, a shaming punishment may force the offender into more
crimes to support himself."
1. According to the passage, wearing a toga in public is a(n)________.
A. honour  
B. shame
C. duty  
D. crime
2. Connolly was punished for________.
A. shoplifting  
B. drunk driving
C. serious crimes  
D. petty crimes
3. Which of the following is the most effective in preventing petty crimes according to Professor Kahan?
A. Getting a fine for what one has done.
B. Apologizing to the police for one"s wrongdoing.
C. Holding a sign in public that announces one’s own crime.
D. Being forced to work for the community without being paid.
4. According to Hosmanek, shamed criminals are more likely to commit new crimes because________.
A. it"s difficult for them to find a job
B. they no longer have a sense of shame
C. there"s too much fighting in society
D. they do not want to do any work
5. This passage is mainly about________.
A. crime deterrent  
B. alternative punishments
C. shaming punishment  
D. community values
     In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was inspired to build a splendid bridge connecting New
York with Long Island. However, experts throughout the world thought that this was__1__. Even so,
Roebling could not__2__the idea in his mind. After much discussion, he__3__convince his son
Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. They hired their__4__and
began to build their dream bridge.
     Only a few months__5__the project was underway, a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling
and__6__injured his son, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move or__7__. Surely now the
project would have to be__8__. Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital bed, he was not__9__
and his mind remained as__10__as it was before the accident.Suddenly an idea__11__him. All he could
move was one finger, so he__12__the arm of his wife with that finger, __13__to her that he wanted her
to call the engineers again.Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to
do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his__14__with one finger until the bridge was__15__
     Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die attitude that__16__a terrible physical
disability and achieves an impossible__17__. Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives, our
problems seem very small__18__what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that
even the most__19__dream can be realized with__20__no matter what the chances are.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. impossible    
(     )2. A. recognize      
(     )3. A. attempted to  
(     )4. A. family      
(     )5. A. since        
(     )6. A. severely      
(     )7. A. work          
(     )8. A. continued      
(     )9. A. defeated      
(     )10.  A. sharp        
(     )11.  A. beat        
(     )12.  A. waved        
(     )13.  A. appealing    
(     )14.  A. orders      
(     )15.  A. quickly      
(     )16.  A. overcomes    
(     )17.  A. award        
(     )18.  A. combined with
(     )19.  A. primary      
(     )20.  A. determination
B. unnecessary    
B. accept        
B. sought to      
B. crew          
B. before        
B. slightly      
B. say            
B. abandoned      
B. hurt          
B. broad          
B. occurred      
B. felt          
B. speaking      
B. instructions  
B. partly        
B. acquires      
B. fortune        
B. separated from
B. distant        
B. knowledge      
C. hard        
C. ignore      
C. failed to  
C. class      
C. after      
C. poorly      
C. eat        
C. interrupted
C. frightened  
C. noble      
C. happened    
C. touched    
C. indicating  
C. suggestions
C. eventually  
C. fights      
C. status      
C. compared to
C. lifelong    
C. confidence  
D. excellent      
D. believe        
D. managed to      
D. team            
D. when            
D. hardly          
D. talk            
D. accomplished    
D. destroyed      
D. advanced        
D. hit            
D. held            
D. advising        
D. movements      
D. slowly          
D. removes        
D. goal            
D. concerned about
D. good            
D. strength        
     I grew up in an ordinary family,which is not so well off.I could understand the__1__
my parents were bearing at that time.__2__,I work very hard now in the hope of entering
the university and change the__3__of my family and me.
     I think that in a certain sense,difficult situations can__4__a person"s potential and pave
the way for him to__5__.One can be strong,brave and__6__after all these hardships
he has__7__.
     All in all,I think that flowers from a greenhouse can never__8__a storm and that a
hard life is good for children. So I think parents should make their children grow strong,
by helping them experience life in bad conditions,__9__a child will value the labour and
be capable of facing hardship. I lived a happy childhood.Not only did my parents love
me from the__10__of their hearts,but also they gave me chances to increase my ability.
My parents__11__primary importance to the management of my pocket money,which
led to the__12__that often I could only watch my friends eating candies with my empty
pocket.This experience helped me__13__the truth that my parents worked hard to earn
a life,and so would I in the future. As the saying__14__"No pains,no gains."It is__15__
that the way one lives in his childhood plays an important part in his development.If one
is__36__in a family that is wasteful,he is likely to be lazy when he grows up.__17__,a
child who lives a hard life in his childhood,learning that one must be independent and
frugal to face the challenge,is__18__be strong.On parents" part,they can teach the child
to help support the family.More can be done__19__food,hard work and bad conditions.
Instead of being__20__,children should eat bitter food to learn to be frugal,do hard work
to learn to cherish,and be sent to somewhere tough to learn to be brave.
(     )1. A.poverty
(     )2.A.However
(     )3. A.situation
(     ) 4.A.seek
(     )5. A.failure
(     )6.A.awful
(     )7.A.looked through
(     )8.A.understand
(     )9.A.to which
(     )10.A.bottom
(     )11.A.approached
(     )12.A.experience
(     )13.A.realized
(     )14. A.says
(     )15. A.various
(     )16. A.brought in
(     )17. A.On the contrary
(     )18. A.ready to
(     )19. A.away from
(     )20. A.accustomed

B.got through
B.at which
B.brought up
B.On earth
B.anxious to
B.apart from

C.put through
C.brought about
C.On the whole
C.determined to

D.gone through
D.with which
D.brought out
D.What"s worse
D.bound to
D.more than

     As Mrs Thompson stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school,
she told the children a lie.Like most teachers,she looked at her students and said that she
loved them all the same.
     But that was impossible,because there in the front row,slumped in his seat,was a little
boy named Teddy Stoddard.Mrs Thompson noticed that he didn"t play well with the other
children,that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath.And Teddy could
be unpleasant.It got to the point where Mrs Thompson would actually take delight in marking
his papers with a broad red pen,making bold X"s and then putting a big "F" at the top of his
     However,when she reviewed his file,she got a surprise.
     Teddy"s first grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh.He does his
work neatly and has good manners...he is a joy to be around."
     His second grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is an excellent student,well liked by his classmates
,but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."
     His third grade teacher wrote,"His mother"s death has been hard on him.He tries to do his
best but his father doesn"t show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some
steps aren"t taken."
     Teddy"s fourth grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is withdrawn and doesn"t show much interest
in school.He doesn"t have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class."
     Now,Mrs Thompson was ashamed of herself and felt worse when her students brought
her beautifully wrapped Christmas presents.Teddy"s present,however,was clumsily wrapped
in rough brown grocery paper.Taking her time she opened it to reveal Teddy"s gifts,a rhinestone
bracelet with stones missing and a quarter full perfume bottle.How the children laughed!"What
a pretty bracelet!Mm,lovely perfume!Perfect on my wrist." The children were silent.
     Alone together,after school,Teddy told Mrs Thompson,"Today you smelled just like my
Mom used to..." His teacher cried all night and,from that day,she stopped teaching reading,
writing,and arithmetic and began to teach children instead.
1.What is the best title of this text?_____
A.A Student"s Best Friend
B.How To Be a Good Student
C.The Story of a Good Teacher
D.A Teacher"s Lesson
2.Which of the following is true about Teddy?______
A.He only bathed once a week.
B.He had no friends at school.
C.His clothes were usually untidy.
D.He was the worst student in the class.
3.How did Teddy"s behaviour change between Grade 1 and 4?______
A.He became better at making friends.
B.He became closer to his father.
C.He paid less attention to school.
D.He stopped doing his homework.
4.Why did Mrs Thompson feel ashamed after she read Teddy"s file?______
A.She didn"t treat Teddy fairly.
B.She was being unpleasant to Teddy.
C.She took delight in failing Teddy in the exam.
D.She disliked Teddy for all his problems.
5.We can learn from the last paragraph that________.
A.Mrs Thompson was deeply hurt by Teddy"s words
B.Teddy missed his mother and desired love very much
C.Mrs Thompson realised it useless to teach knowledge
D.Mrs Thompson cried because she lied to Teddy about his parents
     When my mom said that we could adopt a couple of kittens (小猫),I was very excited.
So off we went to the Humane Society where there were a lot of animals for __1__.
     I noticed there was not a lot of __2__ for the animals and not a lot of supplies to care
for them.__3__ they didn"t have much,the people who worked there did their best for
them.__4__,it seemed they had just barely (几乎没有) enough food and medicine to
keep the animals__5__.
     When we started looking around,I saw a lot of animals and fell in__6__with each
of them.But my mother and I __7__ settled on adopting two kittens we __8__ Sox and
Sierra.We went up to the front desk to __9__the papers for them,and that"s when I
noticed a __10__on the counter (柜台).The Humane Society was hoping to get
enough __11__to buy more supplies for the animals and also __12__a new building to
help even more abandoned animals.
     We took our new kittens home,where they were __13__to get a lot of love.Later
that day,my mom and I went __14__,and as we were walking through the parking lot at
the store,I __15__ a green piece of paper not far away from our car.So I walked over
and __16__ it up.It was a twenty-dollar bill!
When I got home,I thought about what to __17__it.Right then,Sox climbed up into my lap,
and I knew the answer.I __18__my mom to take me back to the Humane Society so that
I could put the __19__in the donation box.The lady at the counter smiled and thanked me,
and I felt really __20__about what I did.
(     )1.A.information
(     )2.A.care
(     )3.A.Ever since
(     )4.A.Otherwise
(     )5.A.healthy
(     )6.A.love
(     )7.A.usually
(     )8.A.expected
(     )9.A.sell
(     )10.A.bill
(     )11.A.volunteers
(     )12.A.design
(     )13.A.sure
(     )14.A.fishing
(     )15.A.needed
(     )16.A.turned
(     )17.A.care for
(     )18.A.asked
(     )19.A.animal
(     )20.A.nervous

B.As if
B.do with

C.Even though
C.get through

D.In case
D.deal with