当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 短文填词Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.Many   1   you s...
Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.
Many   1   you said you liked the American
writer Earnest Hemingway, who is w   2  known
for short stories.I hope you all f    3   my advice
and finished reading his story.We"re going to study it together in
today"s lesson.Now since you  4   supposed to
have read this story, let"s have some  5  (讨论).
Please look at the three  6  on the blackboard.
First, when and where does the story  7   place?
Second, what kind of person does he show
   8  (自己) to be?Third, what is the writer"s
main purpose of  9  (写) the story?I"d like
you to work in pairs and present your answers in ten
  10    . I hope you can perform well enough.
1. of  2.well  3 .followed 4.are 5.discussion 6. questions 7.take 8.himself 9.writing10. minutes
试题【短文填词Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.Many   1   you s】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空      My father enjoys bike riding.Ever since I was little, I"ve always loved going biking with my dad.
__1__, as I became a teenager, other thins began to draw my__2__.Suddenly, it was important to
do things with__3__.I saw my dad every evening at home.Why did I have to__4__my Sundays to
allday bike trips with him, too?If my indifference (冷漠) hurt him, my father kept__5__, but he would
always let me know when he was planning a bike trip__6__I wanted to come.
    It was a Sunday morning, and I was in low__7__.Two of my friends had gone to the movies
without inviting me.Just then my father__8__my room." It"s a beautiful day.Want to go for a__9__,
today, Beck?""Leave me alone!"I impatiently__10__.
Those were the last words I said to him before he left the house that__11__.
    Several hours later, the police called us, __12__us that Dad had a traffic accident.My father"s
injuries were serious.It took several days before he could__13__speak.Beside his bed I
eldhishandgently__14__of hurting him.
    "Daddy...I"m sorry...""It"s okay, sweetheart.I"ll be okay."
"No, " I said, "I__15__what I said to you that day.You know, that morning?"
    "Sweetheart, I don"t__16__anything about that day.I remember kissing you goodnight the night
before, though." He__17__a weak smile.
I felt regretful for my thoughtless remark, for I__18__, wanted him to leave me alone.My teacher once
told me that__19__have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they can heal.And we all have the
__20__to choose our words.I intend to do that very carefully from now on.
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. Therefore
(     )2. A. attention    
(     )3. A. Dad       
(     )4. A. start    
(     )5. A. silent    
(     )6. A. unless    
(     )7. A. spirits    
(     )8. A. left      
(     )9. A. ride      
(     )10. A. whispered  
(     )11. A. moment    
(     )12. A. convincing  
(     )13. A. eventually  
(     )14. A. tired    
(     )15. A. discuss    
(     )16. A. hate        
(     )17. A. got        
(     )18. A. often        
(     )19. A. apologies    
(     )20. A. experience    
B. Instead    
B. sight      
B. friends    
B. save      
B. busy      
B. in case    
B. conditions
B. checked    
B. walk      
B. warned    
B. morning    
B. reminding  
B. generally  
B. afraid    
B. think      
B. forget    
B. expressed  
B. never      
B. promises  
B. honor      
C. Besides    
C. effort      
C. teachers    
C. devote    
C. asleep      
C. so that    
C. states      
C. entered      
C. picnic      
C. announced    
C. afternoon    
C. informing    
C. strictly    
C. aware        
C. care        
C. remember    
C. exchanged    
C. even        
C. smiles      
C. power        
D. However      
D. energy        
D. brothers      
D. waste        
D. awake        
D. as if        
D. hopes        
D. knocked      
D. game          
D. shouted      
D. evening      
D. phoning      
D. broadly      
D. sorry        
D. mean          
D. like          
D. managed      
D. once          
D. words        
D. desire        
    It was Molly"s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off
to work.
     One morning, in addition to his usual lunch bag, Molly handed him a second paper bag.This one was
worn and held together with staples (书钉).
     "Why two bags?" her father asked."The other is something else, " Molly answered."What"s in it?""Just
some stuff (东西). Take it with you."
     Not wanting to discuss the matter, he put both sacks into his briefcase, kissed Molly and rushed off.
At midday he opened Molly"s bag and took out the contents:two hair ribbons (丝带), three small stones,
a plastic dinosaur, a tiny sea shell, a small doll, and 13 pennies...The busy father smiled, finished eating,
and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket, Molly"s stuff included.
      That evening, Molly ran up behind him as he read the paper."Where"s my bag?""What bag?""The one
I gave you this morning.""I left it at the office, my dear.""I forgot to put this note in it, " she said."And,
besides, Daddy, the things in the sack are the things I really like.I thought you might like to play with
them.You didn"t lose the bag, did you, Daddy?""Oh, no, " he said, lying."I just forgot to bring it home.
I"ll bring it tomorrow."While Molly hugged her father"s neck, he unfolded the note that read, "I love you,
Daddy." Molly had given him her treasures-all that a 7yearold held dear.
      Love was in a paper bag, and he missed it-not only missed it, but had thrown it in the wastebasket.
So he went back to the office.Just ahead of the night janitor (看门人), he picked up the bag from the
wastebasket.He put the treasures inside and carried it home carefully.The bag didn"t look so good, but
the stuff was all there and that"s what counted.
     After dinner, he asked Molly to tell him about the stuff in the sack.It took a long time to tell.
     Everything had a story or a memory.
     "Sometimes I think of all the great times in this sweet life." he thought.We should all remember that it"s
not the destination that counts in life, but the journey.That journey with the people we love is all that
really matters.It is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.

1. Why did Molly give her father a second bag?

A. She didn"t want to keep the things in the Bag.
B. She hoped those things would bring happiness to her father.
C. She wanted to remind her father of the stories behind the things.
D. She enjoyed playing with her father.

2. How did Father deal with the bag after he opened it?

A. He kept it in the drawer.
B. He took it back home.
C. He threw it into the wastebasket.
D. He put it on his table.

3. After Father heard what his daughter said, he felt________.

A. regretful  
B. surprised
C. sad  
D. satisfied

4. Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?

A. An Important Journey 
B. Two Bags
C. Father and Daughter  
D. Love in a Paper Bag

Ten years ago I wanted to become a doctor, but unfortunately
I didn"t m________the requirements.I was very
disappointed, but I could do nothing________
move on and do something else with my life.So I took a year
o________and worked as a volunteer on an aid
program.That made me realize h________important
it is to raise money to help people l________a poor
life.I got in touch with people who needed help
________only in terms of money but also in terms
of information.I went to see people who are likely to support
us.They put________suggestion and organize
________(活动) to collect money.It was clear
that through our cooperation we a________our goals.
In the work as a volunteer, I find my________(满足)
and happiness.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
                                                                                                       -Eleanor Roosevelt
     My home is a place of great beauty and agricultural richness, as well as of war and natural disasters.
When I was only fourteen years old, I was filled with__1__in spite of the terrible surroundings.The
families living here, who tried to make their living from the land, __2__great losses.
     I felt sorry especially for the__3__, but I__4__to be hopeless.I decided that where I was, I could
do__5__to help them.I began knocking on every door and saying to each person who__6__my knock,
"I know that you are__7__and give the birds that come to your yard a little__8__.Please consider me
your bird.Give me only a handful of rice each week when I come to your__9__.I will take it to the
temple where it can be given to the__10__children."
      No one seemed to__11__giving me a handful of rice, even__12__they had little themselves.On
Sunday, I would go to the__13__and give my handfuls of rice to the monks to__14__to the children.
      One day, I came to a house that had__15__to give.I told my story and asked if I could be their bird.
The woman called her daughters, and__16__gave me fifty cents, as well as the handful of rice!I began to
ask for__17__and rice from the other "bird feeders", and they gave them to me.Everyone was happy to
be helping those who were suffering, even__18__only this small way.The temple was soon able to help
everyone who came to them for food and clothing.
     "Consider me your bird." My__19__idea had not stopped the war, but anyway, it was__20__some
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题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. sorrow        
(     )2. A. suffered      
(     )3. A. peasants      
(     )4. A. wanted        
(     )5. A. something      
(     )6. A. said          
(     )7. A. glad          
(     )8. A. water        
(     )9. A. temple        
(     )10. A. brave        
(     )11. A. mind        
(     )12. A. where      
(     )13. A. village      
(     )14. A. give in      
(     )15. A. much      
(     )16. A. every      
(     )17. A. help        
(     )18. A. by        
(     )19. A. foolish      
(     )20. A. creating    
B. hope        
B. survived    
B. citizens    
B. failed      
B. everything  
B. replied      
B. kind        
B. money        
B. room        
B. hungry      
B. escape      
B. that        
B. hometown    
B. give up      
B. little      
B. each        
B. clothing    
B. with        
B. childish    
B. mending      
C. comfort    
C. covered    
C. villagers  
C. refused    
C. anything    
C. answered    
C. rich        
C. nest        
C. door        
C. promising  
C. practice    
C. so          
C. temple      
C. give away  
C. many        
C. neither    
C. food        
C. on          
C. clever      
C. developing  
D. happiness  
D. made        
D. children    
D. stopped    
D. nothing    
D. spoke      
D. friendly    
D. rice        
D. garden      
D. nervous    
D. enjoy      
D. when        
D. house      
D. give out    
D. few        
D. none        
D. change      
D. in          
D. useful      
D. managing    
A traveler was staying in an Egyptian village.One day, she
held up her________(相机) to take pictures of 
the children.Suddenly the young o________began  
to shout at her.Her face turned red and she
________(道歉) to the head for what she was
doing, and told him she had forgotten that people in some places
believed________person would lose his soul if his
picture was taken.She explained________him the
operation of a camera for s________time.Several
times the head tried to say something, but he couldn"t.When she
believed that he didn"t________(害怕) any
l________, the traveler then let him speak.With a
smile, he said, "The children were trying to tell you that you forgot
to take________the lens (镜头) cap!" The traveler
was embarrassed with her mouth w________open.