当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两个为多余选项。Li Hua,who is planni...
Li Hua,who is planning to travel with his parents,is now calling Hyatt Travel Agency in Xi’an.(A:Assistant
L:Li Hua)
A:Hello,this is Hyatt Travel Agency.May I help you?
L:Yes.This is Li Hua.I’ll have a short holiday,and I’m thinking about travelling abroad with my parents.   61  
A:Of course.May I ask how long your holiday will be?
L:About a week.
A:OK.   62  
L:I’d love to go to Europe.
A:   63  We have a special offer for European tours.
L:Great!   64  
A:Sure.For family tours,we have five European cities on the list,and we’ll see the Big Ben in London,the Eiffel Tower in Paris and other places of interest.
L:   65  I’ll talk about this with my parents and call you back.Thank you.
A:You are welcome.
A.What would you like to know?
B.You are very lucky.
C.What do you have in mind?
D.Can you give me some advice?
E.That’s just what I am thinking of.
F.Can I have some extra information?
G.I hope you’ll have a good journey there.
试题【根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两个为多余选项。Li Hua,who is planni】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
D:Peter,ten years ago you wanted to become a doctor...
P:Yeah,but unfortunately I didn’t(76)m___________the requirements.
D:So what did you do then?
P:Well,I was very(77)d___________,but I just had to move on and do something else with my life.So I took a year off and worked as a volunteer on an aid program.That made me realize(78)h___________important it is to raise money to help people (79)l___________a poor life.So that’s what I do.
D:Can you explain a bit more about what you(80)a___________do?
P:I go to see people,put(81)f___________our suggestion and organize activities to collect money.
D:So have you (82)a___________any of your goals?
P:Well,I guess so.I always said I wanted to help(83)o___________people.
D:And what about your plan for the (84)f___________?
P:My girlfriend and I intend to get married next year.

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I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area.My parents  36   the necessities of life   37   they couldn’t give much more.If I asked my father   38   a pair of jeans,he would say,“If you want them,make the money and buy them  39  .”He wasn’t being mean;he just couldn’t   40   them.From age 12 on,I did part-time jobs after school.
When I   41   from high school,I joined the navy.Soon I was in a boot camp(新兵训练营) at Parris Island,S.C.,where I learned that life in the navy centered around completing daily   42  .These could be anything from cleaning the camp to conducting mock(模拟的) battles.Completing these tasks successfully   43   discipline,team-work and responsibility.It didn’t  44  whether you were black,white or Asian;everyone worked together for the  45   of the company.
I went   46   to graduate from the U.S.Naval Academy and later became an officer in the navy.The part of my job I   47   most was the consueling(咨询) meetings I   48   with the family members of the men and women in my   49  ,trying to help them deal with the long periods of   50  .These proved popular and word of them spread.   51   I was being asked to give encouraging   52   to business groups,educators and kids across the country.
But I consider the boot camp my first real  53 ,and my life is still guided by the  54   lessons I learned there.It taught me discipline,friendship and the pride related to setting a task every day and working hard to   55   it.
36.A.provided              B.got                           C.made                        D.bought
37.A.while                   B.but                           C.so                             D.or
38.A.about                   B.with                          C.for                            D.of
39.A.themselves            B.ourselves                   C.yourself                    D.myself
40.A.pay                      B.find                          C.produce                     D.afford
41.A.came                    B.returned                    C.escaped                     D.graduated
42.A.drills                    B.tasks                         C.exercises                   D.reports
43.A.included               B.asked                        C.required                    D.met
44.A.matter                  B.mean                        C.exist                         D.work
45.A.good                    B.boss                          C.rest                           D.right
46.A.out                       B.on                                   C.away                         D.off
47.A.took                     B.hated                        C.enjoyed                     D.did
48.A.ended                   B.began                        C.continued                  D.held
49.A.charge                  B.situation                    C.position                     D.choice
50.A.lessons                 B.meetings                   C.training                     D.separation
51.A.Long before                                             B.Before long
C.As usual                                                       D.Once again
52.A.performances                                           B.descriptions
C.speeches                                                       D.gifts
53.A.vacation               B.place                         C.job                           D.travel
54.A.important             B.bitter                        C.normal                      D.difficult
55.A.gain                            B.achieve                            C.show                         D.match
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When I was young,my parents ran a snack bar in our small town.
One evening in early April,my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar   36  a worker who had the flu.I told her I would mess it up,  37 I had never worked at the bar before.I   38  
that instead of making money,I would end up owing it.
“You can do it,”said my mother.“   39  ,you won’t get much business until lunch.”
“But I’ll never remember the orders,and I’m no good___40_money.Please,Mom,don’t
   41  me.”
“Then I’ll help you,”she said.
I shrugged my shoulders.I thought my mother’s     42    was a bad one,but I      43    .
When I got to the bar the next day,I found my mother was   44  .Because the weather that day was rainy and cold,people wanted hot snacks and drinks.   45  ,I was really slow at taking the orders and making change.The line of people grew,and everybody seemed   46  .I was so nervous that my hands shook,and I    47  a cup into pieces.What a mess!Then my mother came to   48  me,and she also showed me how to make   49  .If someone gave me $5 for something that cost $3.25,I handed over  50  quarters and a dollar and said,“75 cents makes four dollars,plus one dollar makes five.”Things went more   51  after that.
By the end of the day,I could remember orders,   52  the bill,and make change quickly with a smile.I was even a little   53   when the sun came out and dried up business.My mother said she was proud of me,and when she   54  that I work at the snack bar again next year,I did not even shrug.I was too busy   55  the restaurant I would open one day.
36.A.to                        B.for                     C.after                         D.over
37.A.because                B.though               C.until                         D.while
38.A.promised                     B.noticed               C.worried                     D.hoped
39.A.Therefore             B.However            C.Besides                     D.Yet
40.A.of                        B.on                            C.about                        D.with
41.A.blame                   B.fool                   C.frighten                     D.make
42.A.idea                            B.bar                    C.day                           D.answer
43.A.guessed                B.obeyed               C.begged                      D.admitted
44.A.angry                   B.sad                    C.wrong                       D.ashamed
45.A.At least                B.At last                C.At most                     D.At first
46.A.surprised                     B.impolite             C.pleased                      D.impatient
47.A.damaged               B.destroyed           C.broke                        D.ruined
48.A.scold                    B.help                   C.beat                          D.save
49.A.money                  B.lunch                 C.coffee                       D.change
50.A.two                      B.three                  C.four                          D.five
51.A.smoothly                     B.fairly                 C.simply                      D.conveniently
52.A.turn in                  B.count out            C.take over                   D.add up
53.A.discouraged          B.disturbed            C.disappointed              D.distrusted
54.A.thought                B.stated                 C.announced                 D.suggested
55.A.imagining             B.preparing           C.examining                 D.describing
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Travel Agent—T;Paul—P
T:Good afternoon,how can I help you?
P:Hi,I want to(76) b____a room and some tickets for the summer holiday.
T:Where are you going?
T:And how many people will be going?
P:Four.Two(77) a____and two children.
T:(78)W____would you like to go?
P:Anytime after 12th July,but(79) b____20th July.Can you tell me the (80) p____of the cheapest flight?
T:Sure,can I ask if your children are over two years old?
P:Yes,they are.
T:In that(81) c_______,for the flight they will be charged at children’s rates and for the hotel there won’t be any charge.It(82) l____on 15th July and returns on 29th July on Virgin Atlantic.This is the cheapest flight(83) a_______.
P:Fine.Do you have a(84) c____of the journey plan that I can take away with me?
T:Sure.I hope to hear from you soon.
P:Thanks.I’ll think about it tonight and ring you in the(85) m____tomorrow.
T:Thanks.I’m looking forward to your reply.
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61.A young mother raising her first child,Cathy tries to spend as much time as she can playing with her baby girl.She is eager to get more knowledge of child development and to better understand how young children look at the world.
62.Jason is a successful young businessman.He travels widely and enjoys adventures and challenges.Having been to many different countries,Jason is still looking for new places to visit.His biggest dream is to see every corner of the world before he retires.
63.Smart and pretty,Kate is very popular among her friends.She takes great care of how she looks and has a great interest in fashion and the lifestyle of famous people.Besides,she also enjoys reading articles written specially for young girls.
64.Wayne teaches science in a middle school.He not only wants his students to know more about modern science,but also tries hard to develop a curiosity about nature among his students.He is gathering materials for his students to read.
65.Frank is the father of a 10-year-old boy.He believes that in this fast-developing world parents should prepare their children for lifelong learning at an early age.Therefore,in his opinion,the most important skill for children to learn is to discover things on their own.He is looking for a magazine for his son.
Seventeen provides advice and encouragement for masses of young girls.Although its primary focus is fashion and famous people,this teen magazine offers more.Mixed among the latest styles,you’ll find short but interesting articles.Topics range from beauty to the risks of drinking.
Muse seeks to stimulate,delight,and challenge every curious child between the ages of 13 and 16.Produced by the editors and publishers of Cricket,Muse features articles on space,genetics,lasers,rain forests,computers,physics,math,earth sciences,and almost everything else in the universe.
WONDERTIME is a new magazine from the editors of FamilyFun,devoted to helping parents develop children’s love of learning.A blend of how and why,WONDERTIME inspires parents to see the world through the eyes of their children.WONDERTIME mixes playful activities with scientific knowledge about how children develop physically,socially,intellectually,creatively,and emotionally.
National Geographic Adventurer
A new magazine from National Geographic,National Geographic Adventurer is intended for a generation of active men and women who seek new & challenging ways to explore and experience the world.The magazine offers an exciting mix of great photography and interesting articles.Features focus on best adventure stories,travel destinations,sports and more.
What does family fun mean to you?Crafts?Recipes?Party ideas?FamilyFun magazine dishes up these and more interesting activities in over 180 colorful pages.Aimed at parents with young children,this energetic magazine promises to enrich the lives of families.Reviews of computer games,books,videos,and DVDs,written by experts,help parents feel up to the minute.
Kids Discover
To help children aged 6 to 12 become lifelong learners,each issue of Kids Discover looks into a single topic in science or social studies which children of this age group have a great interest in.The combination of exciting color photography,lovely pictures and informative kid-friendly text engages readers with attractive content.

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