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Arthur Miller was born in New York City in 1915. He died in 2005 at his home in Roxbury, Connecticut. For sixty years, he created one dramatic work after another. Miller won many awards for his plays. Among them were a Pulitzer Prize, New York Drama Critics’ Circle Prizes and Tony Awards. In 1984, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. honored him for his lifetime work in drama.
Arthur Miller grew up in New York. His father, Isidore Miller, made clothing and operated a store. But the father lost his money in the great economic depression in the 1930s. So Arthur worked at many jobs to earn money for college. Miller won an award for writing plays while at school.
Miller returned home to New York after completing his studies. In 1944, Arthur Miller’s first major play was performed on Broadway. It was called The Man Who Had All the Luck. However, the play did not bring him good luck. It had only four performances. But his second Broadway play, All My Sons, was a major success. It won several awards in 1947.
Miller ‘s great play, Death of a Salesman, opened on Broadway in 1949. He was thirty-three years old when he wrote it. The play tells the story of the failure of a salesman, Willy Loman. The action opens on the last day of Willy’s life. He has been dismissed from his jobs as a traveling salesman. He also recognizes that he has failed as a father. He kills himself before the play is over. Death of a Salesman had a big influence on the American public. Many people saw their own lives in Willy Loman, the victim of broken dreams. It has been translated into about thirty languages and performed around the world.
Arthur Miller once wrote that when he was young he imagined that with the possible exception of a doctor saving a life, “Writing a worthy play was the most important thing a human being could do.” Theater owners on Broadway agreed. On the day after he died, the lights of Broadway theatres darkened for a minute in honor of him.
63. Miller began to show his talent in writing plays _______ .
A. in his teens                        B. when he was at school
C. after his marriage                   D. in New York
64. Which of the following is TRUE about Arthur Miller?
A. When he was young, Arthur Miller worked hard to be a doctor.         
B. The Man Who Had All the Luck brought Arthur Miller neither fame nor fortune.           
C. All My Sons was the first major work of Arthur Miller ever performed on Broadway.            D. The John F, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts honored Arthur Miller for his great play, Death of a Salesman.
65. The play Death of a Salesman ________.
A. won several awards in 1947          B. made the public know Miller first    
C. is thought highly of                 D. made Miller rich  
66. Death of a Salesman’s success lies in that______.
A. it has been translated into about thirty languages          
B. it has been performed around the world
C. although not all Americans are salesmen, most of them share Willy’s dream
D. theater owners on Broadway respected Arthur Miller

63—66 CDCA     

试题【CArthur Miller was born in New York City in 1915. He died in 2005 at his home in】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

I went on line to check my pay was in my bank account(账户). To my amazement I discovered that not only had I been paid, a company I’d never worked for had also paid me! I know I would have been beside myself if my own salary was not in my account, so I tried to get the money back to the right person. Easier said than done.
The bank couldn’t help as it “wasn’t a bank problem.” The human-resource department at the company that paid me was unable to help as I didn’t have enough details. I rang the bank again. Thankfully I had a sympathetic call operator who gave me a name, so I again rang the company “Daniel” worked for.
I expected the bank would contact me to arrange to take the money from my account and repay Daniel. I heard nothing for a month and the money remained in my account when Daniel called, explaining he’d tried to get back his money but had been unsuccessful as neither the bank nor his company felt it was their error. He had rung to ask if I could speak to the bank, but after chatting for a few minutes we realized we could probably fix this problem ourselves.
We decided I would take the money from my account and he would pick it up from me. Due to my busy job I was unable to meet Daniel personally but he left me a lovely bottle of wine in exchange for what was rightfully his. I never had any intention of keeping Daniel’s pay but red tape(繁琐手续)made it difficult to do the right thing. It all came down to two people being able to do what a huge bank and a large company couldn’t do — admit a mistake has occurred and fix it.
52. What was the attitude of the author towards the extra money in his bank account?
A. He didn’t know what to do with it.                B. He felt lucky to get it.
C. He thought of keeping it for himself.                    D. He wanted to return it to the right person.
53. The underlined phrase “beside myself” probably means _______.
A. very fortunate           B. very angry                C. really thankful                 D. at ease
54. How was the problem solved in the end?
A. The author and Daniel solved the problem themselves.
B. It cost Daniel a lovely bottle of wine to get back his money.
C. The author gave the money back to the company.
D. The call operator offered to solve their problem.
55. From the passage we can infer that _________.
A. the bank could solve the problem soon and easily with the red tape
B. some large organizations usually have troublesome official rules
C. Daniel didn’t know the error until he contacted the author
D. it was easy for a company to have a mistake which had occurred fixed
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Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A – F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A.Major findings of the study
B.Stress matters.
C.Interpersonal relationships and stress.
D.The sense of humor and stress.
E.Choosing subjects to study.
F.Other characteristics typical of super.young people
How They Stay Young
When Dr David Weeks,a clinical neuro-psychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland.wanted to look into the secrets of eternal(永久的) youth ,he advertised for subjects who looked younger than their age.An independent panel examined photographs of respondents,and selected 3,500 people who looked on average l2 to 14 years younger than their actual age to take part in the study.
These subjects were studied for eight years.The main aim of the study was to discover whether environment or heredity had more effect on the ageing process.The conclusion was that genetic programming is the main factor.But the study also showed that avoiding stress can slow down the ageing process.
Stress seems to have an immediate effect on appearance.A separate study of middle-aged women showed that women suffering form serious stress looked older in just a few months.Yet when the problem causing the stress was removed,they very quickly looked younger.
Here is a list of the factors that Dr.Weeks found that allowed his subjects to lead less stressful lives than others.First,they tend to have happy relationships with their partners.These relationships are based on trust and empathy,and provide security and comfort when dealing with stressful problems.Secondly,they tended to avoid sources of hostility instead of allowing them to make them angry.
Next, they seem to have a good sense of humor.They like to have fun,and are enthusiastically involved in a variety of hobbies.They also seemed less willing to conform to others’ ideas.They prefer to think for themselves.They tend to have a good attitude towards health and exercise as well.They avoid the sun,do not smoke, and eat a healthy diet.
So these are the secrets of the “ super-young”:a loving relationship.Regular exercise.a variety of hobbies,a healthy diet and avoidance of stress.
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Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
It"s logical to suppose that things like good labor relations, good working conditions, good wages and benefits and job security motivate workers, but one expert, Fredrick Herzberg argued that such conditions do not motivate workers. They are merely satisfiers. Motivators, in contrast, include things such as having a challenging and interesting job, recognition and responsibility. However, even with the development of computers and robotics, there"re always plenty of boring, repetitive and mechanical jobs and lots of unskilled people who have to do them. So how do managers motivate people in such jobs? One solution is to give them some responsibilities, not as individuals, but as a part of a team. For example, some supermarkets can buy office stuff to people who fill the shelves, and the people who work at the check out into a team, and let them decide what product lines to stock, how to display them and so on. Many people now talk about the importance of a company"s shared values or culture with which all the staff can identify, for example, being the best hotel chain, or making the best, the most user-friendly or the most reliable products in a particular field. Such values are more likely to motivate workers than financial targets which automatically only concern a few people. Unfortunately, there are only a limited number of such goals to go around and by definition, not all the competing companies in that industry can seriously plan to be the best.
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 8 WORDS.)
81: What can actually motivate workers according to Fredrick Herzberg?
82: What does the speaker say about jobs in the computer era?
83: What do some supermarkets do to motivate their employees?
84: Why does the speaker say financial targets are less likely to motivate workers?
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A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eye.
One   36  , when the boy was around two, the husband saw an opened medicine bottle. It was 8:30 am and he was almost   37  for work, so he asked his wife to  38   the lid on the bottle and put it in the cupboard. Busy in the kitchen, the mother  39   forgot the matter. Seeing the bottle, the boy picked it up playfully and  40   the liquid in it. It was a medicine  41   for adults to be taken in small dosages (剂量). When the boy fell down, the mother hurried him to a(n)  42   where he died. The mother was terrified. How could she  43  her husband?
When the heartbroken father returned and saw the dead son, he  44   his wife and said just four words. What do you think those four words were? The husband just said, “I  45   you, darling.”
The husband’s totally  46   reaction was positive. Their son could never be  47   back to life,so there was no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, this would not have happened   48  he had taken the time to put the bottle away.
The mother had also lost her only  49  . What she needed at that moment was  50   and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.
Sometimes we spend time asking who is   51  , only to miss the opportunity to enjoy the  52   in human relationships we could receive by giving each other support. Why don’t we  53   someone we love for the “mistake” they didn’t make on purpose?
Treasure what you  54  , let go of all your anger,  55   to forgive, and selfishness and you will find fewer problems in the world.
36. A.noon                   B.morning                    C.evening              D.night
37. A.late                            B.ready                        C.tired                  D.fit
38. A.hide                    B.throw                        C.place                  D.keep
39. A.luckily                 B.nearly                       C.totally                D.suddenly
40. A.removed                     B.drank                        C.destroyed           D.cleaned
41. A.arranged                     B.left                           C.wished               D.meant
42. A.hospital               B.office                     C.bank                  D.restaurant
43. A.encourage            B.face                          C.control               D.punish
44. A. called at             B.laughed at                 C.looked at            D.pointed to
45. A.love                    B.hate                          C.miss                   D.believe
46. A. reasonable          B.confident                   C.normal          D.unexpected 
47. A.raised                  B.brought                     C. driven           D.pulled
48. A.but                      B.although                    C.if                       D.because
49. A.child                   B.interest                      C.relative                     D.chance
50. A.excuse                 B.praise                        C.comfort          D.explanation
51. A.right                    B.clever                       C.kind               D.responsible
52. A.warmth                B.surprise                     C.sorrow               D.health
53. A.help                    B.protect                      C.forgive               D.correct
54. A.learn                   B.have                         C.know                 D.want
55. A.ability                 B.courage                     C.expectation      D.unwillingness
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There were two things in the world that Ghagra Geeta Bali hated. The first was the way,Rani,the domestic help.combed her hair.The second was,you guessed it,her name. She hated her name so much that she prayed to god every night:Dear god,let me be born again. So I can have a name like Rita or Preeti.A short,smart one-word name.
On Tuesday,Ghagra Geeta Bali and her mother went for their usual shopping. There was a long queue of children just outside the record store.They went loser to look. It was yet another scheme to sell a few audio cassettes.Everyone who bought a cassette qualified for the scheme.
In this case,the artist whose songs were featured on the cassette was a young sensation called Malik Fafidabadi,a great favorite with teenagers. Ghagra Geeta Bali was no exception.
A friendly young man was writing down the names of the people who wanted to participate in the scheme.Out of this long list Malik would pick one name,and the chosen one would get to meet him.plus of course,win many freebies(赠品).
But when her mother asked her to participate,Ghagra Geeta Bali said no. She didn"t want to speak out her name in front of so many people and make herself the butt(笑料)of amusement. But mothers being mothers,she just went up to the man and told him in firm tones:“Please enter my daughter"s name. It is Ghagra Geeta Bali.”
“It is what?” the man asked,naturally a little taken aback.
“G-h-a-g-r-a G-e-e-t-a B-a-l-i. There she is,”she replied while pointing to her daughter. The crowd standing around also turned to stare. All Ghagra Geeta Bali wanted then was for the earth to open up and swallow her.
That did not happen.But the following week she received a call.It was from the recording company that had announced the scheme. And they told her that she was the chosen one
“It is all because of your name,” said the public relations  man  who had called.“Mr Faridabadi took one look at it in the list and said that he couldn"t wait to meet the brave girl bearing it.”
56.Ghagra Geeta Bali didn"t like her name because__________
A.it would bring her a lot of trouble    B.it was too long and not beautiful
C.it would make her angry          D.it was too ugly and dull
57.When the girl saw the crowd turn to stare at her,she felt_________
A.scared    B.shocked             C.embarrassed     D.disappointed
58. What is the message of the story?
A.Mother"s love makes all the difference
B.Children should always trust their parents.
C.One should be brave to meet anything strange
D.Something that one thinks is bad may turn out good
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