当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小...

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Michael Phelps and his U.S. teammates crowned the greatest single Olympic performance Sunday morning with a win in the 4×100-meter medley relay(混合泳接力).
The victory gave Phelps his eighth gold medal of the Beijing Olympics, the most golds ever won by an athlete at one Games. With gold No. 8, Phelps earned an unusual place in the Olympic record books.
"There is no comparison in the swimming world for what Michael has done," said Gregg Troy, coach of U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte, who finished third to Phelps in two races here in Beijing but also won gold alongside him in the 4×200-meter freestyle relay. It"s hard to find comparisons even in the sports world overall. Phelps is solidly in the company of seemingly undefeatable superstars such as Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods.
"I think years and years down the road we"ll realize more and more how amazing he is and how special he really is." U. S. teammate Natalie Coughlin said. The 23-year-old from Baltimore capped a brilliant meet at the Water Cube. He set a world record in every event aside from the 100 butterfly which he narrowly won on Saturday, completing a program of 17 races in nine days.
Phelps has won 14 Olympic gold medals and 16 total medals. He holds the record for most medals won by a man, surpassing Soviet gymnast Nikolai Andrianov, who won 15 from 1972-1980. Soviet female gymnast Larysa Latynina holds the record with 18.
At the 2004 Athens Games, Phelps won six gold medals and two bronze. He has already said he"ll swim in the 2012 London Games. Phelps" victories in Beijing include: 200-meter freestyle, 200 and 400 individual medleys, 100 and 200 butterfly, 4×200 free relay, 4×100 medley relay, and 4×100 free relay.
41.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Phelps Plans To Attend 2012 London Games
B.Phelps Wins 4×100-meter Medley Relay
C.Phelps Writes Games Gold History
D.Phelps Finishes His Competitions
42.Why are Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods mentioned in the 3rd paragraph?
A.To memorize the two heroes" contributions to the world.
B.To indicate Phelps" great efforts to his championship.
C.To attract the world"s attention to the young Phelps.
D.To emphasize Phelps" unique position in swimming.
43.Which of the following is true of Phelps?
A.Phelps has got the most gold medals in Beijing Olympic.
B.Phelps has won 18 Olympic gold medals till now.
C.Phelps won 8 gold medals at the Athens Games.
D.Phelps defeated Nikolai Andrianov in Beijing.
44.It can be inferred from the text that __________.
A.Phelps is a swimming genius by nature
B.Phelps succeeded in Athens at the age of 18
C.Phelps has won the most golds all by himself
D.Phelps will have a brilliant future in the 2012 London Games
41---44   CDAD  

试题【第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Imagine growing a home from living trees instead of building a home from wood. Mitchell Joachim, at the MIT Media Lab"s Smart Cities Group, along with ecological engineer Lara Greden and architect Javier Arbona, have proposed a system of homes that are actually a living ecosystem.
Joachim"s vision is based on a gardening method known as pleaching, which involves weaving branches together to form living lattice(格子) walls. Since the growth patterns of trees are affected by wind and sunlight, it may be possible to manipulate the way a tree develops.
This idea is an extreme, yet simple and beautiful, form of green building. Not only does it not cause direct harm to the environment, but it is actually part of the environment. The house, which is a network of trees, would clean the air and also provide a home for animals and birds. "Not only does it do zero damage, but it will hopefully clean the air," says Joachim.
"A 100 percent treehouse would take years to create," Joachim said. Depending on the climate, a house could take anywhere from 5 to 30 years to grow. Fortunately, there"s a way to speed up the process.
Ecological materials, Joachim suggests, should be included in the housing designs. For example, windows can be made from soy-based plastics that would flex (折曲) with the home as it grows.
So what happens when a home and the great outdoors are one and the same? A home would become an actual ecosystem, a community of plants, animals, and bacteria working together. The trees would also give off water vapor that would assist in cooling the homes. Solar panels and wind would help provide energy. Straw and clay could be used to insulate(使绝缘) the structures. The tree homes might even have soil pockets, where plants could grow from the structure itself.
Joachim"s project is called MatScape, designing a house in California that will be constructed from 50% recycled and 50% living elements. He sees it as an experimental step toward the final living house.
57.The best title for this passage would be______.
A.Trees Find Its New Use                               B.Scientists Create New Houses
C.Grow Your Home Out of Trees                       D.People Begin Living in Trees
58.The underlined word "manipulate" in Paragraph Two can be best replaced by     .
A.build                      B.influence                C.weave                     D.provide
59.It can be inferred from this passage that__________.
A.treehouses will replace traditional buildings
B.pollution problem will be solved once for all
C.many Californians may be building their own treehouses
D.some ecological materials may move as the house grows
60.If this passage is continued, what would probably be discussed?
A.A final living house.                                          B.Joachim"s MatScape project.
C.More information about pleaehing.               D.Some more ecological materials.
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第二节 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A: Hello, Julie! Sorry, I"m late. The traffic was terrible.
B: That"s OK! I just arrived. Be careful! The steps are wet.   61 
A: Thanks. Let"s go in-it"s raining.
B:  62  Is it a special holiday?
A: No, but it"s a new restaurant, so the flowers are here to give congratulations to the owner and for good luck.
B: What do you mean when you say "good luck"? Do you mean good luck to make money or good luck for other things?
A:  63  Now please come over here.
B: Do you want me to sit down here? Oh, come and look at the fish.
A:  64 
B: How much is the Mandarin fish? It looks very fancy.
A:  65  I think it"s about eighty yuan.
B: What does that mean? It looks as if you are pointing a gun at the waitress.
A: We use our fingers to show numbers. Don"t you?
B: Yes, but not like that. We use our fingers for numbers one to nine, but nothing bigger. We wouldn"t use our fingers to say "eighty".
A.It"s a little expensive, but it"s excellent   
B.B.It"s for good business in the restaurant.
C.Don"t slip.                                         
D.Oh, look at the beautiful decorations anti flowers.
E.Sony, I"d rather not.                                  
F.You are always too careless.
G.It is really beautiful.
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Y="Yang" Li       D= Diarmuid
Y: Hi, Diarmuid. Nice to see you again.
D: Hi, you know, Li, it was so nice to meet your friends last night.
Y: Oh,      61     
D: Yeah, they’re really cool. I’ve “ friended ” them already.
Y: You’ve friended….      62    
D:   63    But I also friended them. Do you like social networking?
Y: Eh? Not sure.    64    
D: Well Li, I’m sure you know about social networking sites like Facebook, Bebo and Qzone?
Y: Oh, social networking sites.
D:     65    you can say you add them, or simply friend them.
A.Do you like my friends?
B.you like meeting them?
C.But I know what you mean.
D.When you add someone to your friends list.
E. When you want to make friends with somebody.
F. You mean you’ve become friends with them?
G. Well yes, we’ve become friends.
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Ben Southall, from Britain, got the world’s best job, as an island caretaker on Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. Towards the end of his six-month contract, he had an incident. Please read his blog issued on Dec. 29, 2009 to find out more about the incident.
Now I’ve spent nearly six months here in Queensland and so far I thought I’d done particularly well at avoiding any contact with any of the dangerous critters that consider this part of the world their home. I’ve avoided being boxed by a kangaroo, nibbled by a shark and bitten by a spider or a snake—but then in my final few days on Hamilton Island I seemed to be punished by a little creature known as an Irukandji.
Irukandji jellyfish are tiny and extremely poisonous jellyfish that are in the tropical waters of the Queensland coast between early October and May, and which cause symptoms collectively known as Irukandji syndrome(综合症). Its size is roughly no larger than a fingernail of an adult’s little finger.
I was enjoying a post Christmas jetski session with some friends at a quiet beach on Hamilton Island. As I climbed off the back of the ski and onto the beach I felt a small bee-like sting on my forearm. I didn’t think too much of it at the time at it disappeared very quickly and left the beach to head to a sports massage appointment I had. As I arrived I noticed that my feet and hands were tingling(刺痛) slightly. The member of staff immediately suggested that I get the symptoms checked out and within minutes had the security there to escort(陪同) me to the doctor’s room, only a few hundred metres away.
I was feeling pretty hot and sweaty, had a headache and felt pretty sick too, together with pain in my lower back and a tightness in the chest and really high blood pressure all classic symptoms of Irukandji syndrome! This was not what I’d wanted at all and had caught me a little off guard to say the least--I’m supposed to be relaxing in my last few days on Hamilton Island.
The doctor knew instantly what it was and straight away started the course of treatment to get me on the mend. I had a couple of injections which immediately took away the uncomfortable pain I was feeling and I slipped into a comfortable sleep after an hour or so, waking to say hello to a couple of friends who came to see if I was OK! Bre was there the entire time tending to me like a little Florence Nightingale!
Once I’d recovered sufficiently I was discharged that evening and allowed to go home to sleep the effects off and only really knew what had happened when Bre told the full story the next morning--I had been very lucky.
I’d had a minor brush with what can be a very serious jellyfish and has led to people being hospitalized for a number of days, my slight knock was enough to tell me that it’s not something to be messed around with and I really should have been wearing a full stinger suit, as it recommended at all beaches here at this time of year.., even if you’re in the water for just a couple of seconds as I was!
66. We now know that people who suffer from Irukandji syndrome usually ___________.
A. have headache, backache, chest pain, sweat heavily and feel sick
B. have headache, backache, chest pain, breathe quickly and cough a lot
C. is not very painful in the beginning, but can be very painful the next day
D. play with these beautiful jellyfish while swimming in the sea
67. What have we learnt from Ben’s blog EXCEPT that _______________?
A. Ben Southall knows how to take care of himself
B. Ben Southall doesn’t look after himself well enough
C. Ben Southall has been in hospital for some days
D. Ben Southall’s friend, Bre tends to him well
68. What lesson can we learn from Ben’s incident?
A. All rules must be strictly obeyed all the time.
B. All recommendations should be seriously taken into consideration.
C. Always have yourselves covered when you are in the sea.
D. Never play with creatures in the sea.
69. Which of the following is the correct order of the events?
a. Keep an appointment  b. See a doctor              c. Go jetskiing                     d. Get home
A. a,c,d,b              B. c,a,b,d             C. c,b,a,d             D. d,b,a,c
70. How do islanders deal with Ben Southall’s incident?
A. Politely, certainly and successfully.     B. Nicely, slowly and carefully.
C. Hopefully, carefully and skillfully.      D. Kindly, quickly and efficiently.
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A Journey of Discovery
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is one of the most famous American novels.
Published in 1884, it was one of the first novels in the USA written in common, everyday language. For example, using non-standard English, Twain wrote, ‘I haven’t got no money,’ to mean ‘I do not have any money’. In this way, Twain made his characters very true to life.
The story is told by Huckleberry Finn, called Huck for short, who runs away to escape his abusive father. At first, Huck goes to a small island in the middle of the Mississippi River. There, he finds Jim, a black slave who has run away to escape slavery. The two of them stay on the island for a few weeks and become friends, but they must leave because Huck learns that people are looking for Jim. They decide to travel on a raft on the Mississippi River to reach the Ohio River, which will take them north to a state that does not allow slavery.
During their journey, Huck and Jim visit many places along the river and meet many different people. Unfortunately, most of the people they meet are not good. For instance, Huck and Jim meet a family, the Grangerfords, who have been fighting with another family, the Shepherdsons, for so many years that nobody remembers how the fight began. While Huck stays with the Grangerfords, the fighting starts again, and several members of both families are killed. Lat6r, Huck and Jim meet the King and the Duke, two men who take control of their raft and make money by tricking people. During the confusion following one of these tricks, Huck and Jim escape with their raft.
Although the people Huck and Jim meet are bad, they are also funny. Mark Twain used humour to show readers the problems of American society in the t800s. More importantly, despite all of the bad things that happen to Huck and Jim, the novel has a happy ending for both of them. Jim gets his freedom because his owner has died and set him free in her will, and Huck learns that his father has died, so he is also safe.
The Aclventures of Huckleberry Finn is an adventurous and humourous story, and it teaches modern readers a lot about American society in the 1800s.
The passage
The passage ‘A journey of discovery’ is a brief (71) _______ to the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, which (72)________ out in I884.
The novel
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one of the most famous American novels, is an adventurous and humorous story. The novel was (73) __________ in America in the 1800s, when slavery existed. In the novel Mark Twain used common and everyday language to make his characters very true to life and used humour to (74) _________ readers the problems of American society in the 1800s.
The main
(75) _______
Huck fled his father and settled himself on an island in the Mississippi River, (76) __________ he met Jim and made friends with him.
(77) ___________ that people were looking for Jim, they decided to travel to a northern state that did not allow slavery.
During the journey, Huck and Jim visited many places and met many different people.
Though many of the people they met were not good, they (78) ____________.
Modern readers can learn a great (79) ____________ about American society in the 1800s from Huck and Jim’s adventures during their journey to (80) ____________

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