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Besides relevant theories and keen logic, a scientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior.  It’s vital for his credit as a qualified economist.   He must obtain numbers and material both on the resources of consumers and on the efforts that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.
If an economist were asked which of the three groups borrow most——people with rising incomes, stable incomes or declining incomes——he would probably answer: those with declining incomes.  Actually, in the past 5 years, the answer was: people with rising incomes.  This shows us that traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable.  Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will hurry to buy.  If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying.  But research surveys have shown that this is also not always the case.  Their expectations of price increases may not stimulate buying.  One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of rising prices.  “In a few months,” she said, “we’ll have to pay more for meat and milk.  We’ll have less to spend on other things.”  Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase.  Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be hated and buyer’s resistance may be caused.  This is shown by the following typical comment of the wife: “I just don’t pay these prices: they are too high.”
Traditional assumptions should be investigated carefully, and factors of time and place should be considered.  The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America.  Research conducted at the same time in Great Britain, however, produced results that were more in agreement with traditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns.  The condition most beneficial to spending appears to be price stability.  If prices have been stable and people have become accustomed to considering the current prices “right”, they are likely to buy.  Thus, in a society of good economy which maintains consumer confidence, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices with occasional sales or discounts is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology.
72. According to the passage, it is essential for a successful economist to ______.
A. know about economic theories 
B. be capable of logical thinking
C. predict the latest national economy
D. to understand consumers’ spending habits
73. The example of the mechanic’s wife is intended to show that ______.
people tend to buy more when prices are expected to fall
people tend to buy less when prices are expected to fall
people tend to buy more when prices are expected to rise
people tend to buy less when prices are expected to rise
74. Findings in investigations in Britain show _____.
consumer behaviour may vary in different places
Britain and America share similar saving and spending patterns
Britain is important in economic research
occasional discounts and sales are important
75. According to the passage, what is most helpful in promoting spending?
A. Big discount.     .      B. Good consumer confidence.
C. Steady price.            D. Positive consumer psychology.

72-75 D D A C

试题【.Besides relevant theories and keen logic, a scientist who does research in econ】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.(本题请涂在答题卡上)
A. Different types of surgery operation.
B. Room for future development.
C. Amazing advancement in today’s surgery.
D. Changes in surgery specialization.
E. Negative response from the patients.
F. The improved safety of today’s operation.
The need for a surgery operation, especially an emergency operation, almost always comes as a shock to the patient and his family.  Despite modern advances, most people still have an unreasonable fear of hospitals and operations.  Patients do not often believe they really need surgery-cutting into a part of the body as opposed to treatment with drugs.
In the early years of this century there was little specialization in surgery.  A good surgeon was capable of performing almost every operation that had been devised up to that time.  Today the situation is different.  Operations are now being carried out that were not even dreamed of 50 years ago. The heart can be safely opened and its valves repaired.  Blood vessels can be cleaned out, and broken ones mended or replaced.  Even part of the brain can be removed and still permit the patient to live.  However, not one surgeon is qualified to perform every type of the modern operation.
    The scope of surgery has increased remarkably.  Its safety has increased too.  Deaths from most operations are about 20% of what they were in 1910.  And due to the high success rate of operations nowadays, the hospital stay after surgery has been shortened to as little as a week for most major operations.  Most patients are out of bed on the day after the operation and may be back at work in two or three weeks.
    Many developments in modern surgery are almost incredible.  They include the replacement of damaged blood vessels with simulated ones made of plastic; the replacement of heart valves, the transplanting of tissues such as the lens of the eye and the lung machined to keep patients alive during long operations. All these things open a hopeful vista for the future of surgery.
However, still large is the gap between our dream for the future and current technology.  “Spare parts” surgery, the simple routine replacement of all worn-out organs by new ones, is still a dream of the distant future.  As yet, surgery is not ready for such miracles.  In the meantime, you can be happy if your doctor says to you, “yes, I think it is possible to operate on you for this condition.”
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Section D
Directions: Read the passage carefully.  Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
In many corners of the world, mass malnutrition is a deadly threat to people’s life.  It is plainly defined as a state of insufficiency of food for the population, where the majority of the people do not obtain enough food calories (卡路里) to meet the lowest needs for support of physical work and for maintenance of health.  Compared with wars or natural disasters like earthquake or flood, mass malnutrition is rather an unnoticeable health killer, which escapes enough public attention.
In Latin America, as in other places, the frightening protein-shortage disease kwashiorkor has been said to take toll of thousands of children, greatly affecting the area’s child population and leaves many more children in terribly poor health.  The reason for the problem might lie in the traditional diets in the area which are not balanced in nutrition.  Here people keep their eating pattern year after year without the knowledge of what these eating habits are doing to themselves and to future generations.
In these poor areas, in stead of thoroughly altering the local people’s long-term habits, the best way might be to find food substitutes which could meet nutritional needs.  Mixtures of vegetable proteins, like soybeans and peanuts could provide cheap and useful protein where meat, eggs and milk are not within economic reach of large groups in population.
Efforts could also be made to increase the agricultural productivity in some areas, where mass production of vegetable protein crops could bring life-saving nutrition to local people.  Being used wrongly, large areas of land now are devoted to luxurious entertainment constructions, such as golf course or riding field, which are targeted at a small number of rich people.  But isn’t a large area of productive planting land more acceptable and down-to-earth a choice to these countries suffering from mass malnutrition right now?
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 10  WORDS)
81. What is mass malnutrition?
82. What does the underlined word “take toll of” probably mean?
83. People can most effectively solve the mass malnutrition problem in some developing areas by ___________________________________________________________________________
84. It would be wise to use large areas of planting land for____________________________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A.Repeating a goal makes it stick.
B.Pleasing other people doesn"t work.
C.Roadblocks don"t mean failure.
D.Specific, realistic goals work best.
E. Positive self-talk boosts your attitude and motivation.
F. It takes time for a change to become an established habit.
When it comes to making a change, the people who succeed are those who set realistic, specific goals. Let’s say you want to run a marathon. If you try to run the entire distance of 26.2 miles tomorrow without any training, you"re unlikely to succeed. It takes the average person 4 months of training to run that far! Part of staying motivated is being specific about what you want to achieve. “I"m going to recycle all my plastic bottles, soda cans, and magazines” is a much more achievable goal than “I"m going to do more for the environment.” And that makes it easier to stick with.
It will probably take a couple of months before any changes — like getting up half an hour early to exercise — become a routine part of your life. That"s because your brain needs time to get used to the idea that this new thing you"re doing is part of your regular routine.
Write your goal down every day to keep you focused and remind you how much you want it. Research shows that writing down a goal is part of the mental process of committing to it. Meanwhile, say your goal out loud each morning to remind yourself of what you want and what you"re working for. Every time you remind yourself of your goal, you"re training your brain to make it happen.
The people who love you can help you stick with a goal or make a change. But the key to making any change is to find the desire within yourself — you have to do it because you want it, not because a girlfriend, boyfriend, coach, parent, or someone else wants you to. It will be harder to stay on track and motivated if you"re doing something out of obligation to another person.
If you slip up, don’t give up. Forgive yourself and make a plan for getting back on track. Slip-ups are actually part of the learning process as you retrain your brain into a new way of thinking. It is normal to mess up a few times when trying to make a change. Instead of feeling discouraged, view slip-ups as lessons and reminders of why you’re trying to make a change. When you mess up, it’s not a fault — it’s an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. Say your goal is to fight less with your brother or sister. You may learn that it"s better to say, “I can’t talk about this right now” and take time to calm down when you feel your temper growing out of control.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Section D
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions and complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
An addiction(瘾)is an activity or substance we are eager to experience repeatedly, and for which we are willing if necessary to pay a price. Common addictions involve alcohol, cigarettes, food, drugs, gambling, etc. This article discusses the concepts which can be helpful in coping with addictive behavior. 
Relatively minor addictions, such as watching too much television, or lying in bed on weekend mornings, are often not even considered addictions, because the price paid for engaging in them is not high. On the other hand, we tend to use the term “addict” to describe the person who, at least in the eyes of others, continues to be addicted in a behavior long after it has become clear that the substantial price being paid was not worth the benefit. The individual who has lost career, house, family and friends because of cocaine (可卡因) use, but is unwilling to consider stopping is an unfortunate example.
Negative addictions range from those with very minor negative consequences, to those as serious as the cocaine addict just mentioned, with much area in between. Although it is not necessarily true that a negative addiction grows stronger over time, yet a constant level of addictive behavior (e.g., overspending $ 200 a week ) can lead to an increasing level of negative consequences.
You may be surprised to learn that addictions can also be considered positive. Positive addictions are those in which the benefits outweigh the price. A common example would be the habit of regular exercise. The price of membership in a gym, the time involved and any clothing expense is outweighed by the benefits of better health, energy, self-confidence and appearance. As with negative addictions, positive addictions may not get stronger over time, and there is a broad range of how much benefit is actually obtained.
What is common to both positive and negative addictions is the urge to engage in the addictive behavior, and the satisfaction that is felt when the urge is acted upon. The urge is a state of tension and expectation that is experienced uncomfortably as a desire for the substance or activity. Because we experience relief when the urge is acted upon, there is an increased likelihood that we will act on the urge again.
81. What does the passage mainly talk about?
82.We use the term “addict” to describe a person when he or she goes on _______________even
though he or she knows it is not worthwhile.
83. Why is exercising in the gym considered to be a positive addiction?
84. How do people feel when the urge is acted on?
(Note: Answer the questions and complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Nate suffered a hard blow when he lost his job.His boss had spoken rudely, “Your services are no longer needed.” Nate left the building filled with despair.By the time he reached home, he was in a deep depression.When he entered his house, he blurted out to his wife Sophia, “I lost my job.I am a complete, utter failure.” A tense silence followed.Then a smile crept across Sophia’s face.“What great news!” she responded.
“Now you can write the book you have always wanted to write.”
“But I have no job and no prospect of a job,” YC he objected, completely without hope.“If I struggle to be an author, then what will we live on? Where will the money come from?” Sophia took her husband by the hand and led him to the kitchen.Opening a drawer, she took out a box that was full of cash.“Where on earth did you get this?” Nate gasped.“To whom does it belong?”
“It’s ours!” Sophia replied.“I always knew that one day you would become a great writer if only you were given the chance.From the money you gave me for housekeeping every week, I have saved as much as I could so you would have your chance.Now there is enough to last us a whole year.”
What a surprise! What encouragement! What a wife! The unemployed husband did concentrate on writing that year, and the novel he wrote became a literary masterpiece.The book is The Scarlet Letter.Sophia had an even greater achievement, and she turned Nathaniel Hawthorne from a poor clerk into a world famous master.  
68.Which of the following can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A.Sophia was very disappointed to hear the news  
B.Nate was too sad to speak any more
C.Sophia was thinking of how to encourage Nate  
D.Neither husband nor wife had any idea what to do
69.Sophia saved money because _______________________.
A.she knew her husband would lose his job one day  
B.she knew their life would be in difficulty
C.she was very careful with money  
D.she was trying to help her husband in every possible way
70.From the passage we can know that Sophia was __________________________.
A.kind and brave        B.careful and encouraging
C.friendly and warm-hearted      D.honest and determined
71.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Sophia’s Achievement    B.A Great Writer’s Struggle to Success
C.Great Encouragement in Hard Times     D.Failure is the Mother of Success
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