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When a new Harry Potter book hits the shelves, kids aren’t the only people who are happy.Doctors are happy, too.
Doctors in England recently reported that when the last two Harry Potter books came out,the number of kids in the hospital emergency room(急诊室)fell.
Dr.Stephen Gwilym studied the number of kids aged from 5 to 15 who were in the hospital emergency room after the latest Harty Potter books came out.They focused on two weekends:after Order of the Phoenix came out in 2003 and after Half-Blood Prince arrived in stores in the end of 2004.
During the non-Harry Potter weekends,an average(平均)of 67.4 children visited the emergency room.On Harry Potter weekends,that number was 36.5.
Kids were so interested in the books that they would not go outside to play those weekends.Once Dr Stephen Gwilym saw a child sitting peacefully for hours while reading Harry Potter.
69.Why were the doctors happy when the Harry Potter books came out?
A.Because they could read the books.
B.Because there would be fewer injuries in hospital.
C.Because they found the children peacefully reading books.
D.Because they could make the study.
70.What is the name of the last Harry Potter book?
A.Harry Potter                                          B.Order of the Phoenix
C.Half-Blood Prince                                         D.Dr.Stephen Gwilym
71.The sentence“…an average of 67.4 children visited the emergency room’’means“…an average
of 67.4 children                          .”
A.were injured and went to see the doctor
B.read Harry Potter in the emergency room
C.went to see the emergency room
D.stayed at the emergency room to be studied
72.The phrase “hit the shelves” in the passage means        .
A.break the shelves                                          B.begin to be sold
C.become very popular                                      D.become ill

试题【When a new Harry Potter book hits the shelves, kids aren’t the only people who a】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

I had my first job at a local diner when I was twenty-two.There 1 worked for seven years and learned many lessons,   21   from a fellow waitress Helen, who did what she loved —   22  people.She made everyone smile and feel good.
Being a waitress   23   my life.One of my   24  customers was Fred Hasbrook, an electronics salesman.  25   the confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having my own restaurant.  26 ,when I called my parents to ask for a loan, they said, "We just don"t have the money." The next day, Fred saw me and asked, "What"s wrong, sunshine?" I   27  my dream with him and said, "Fred, 1 know 1 can do more if somebody would just have   28   in me." He walked over to some of the other diner regulars and the next day handed me checks totaling $50,000 —along with a   29 , reading: "The only collateral (担保物) on this loan is my trust in your   30   as a person.Good people with a dream should have the __31   to make that dream come true." I took the   32   to Men-ill Lynch, where the money was invested for me. But my investments failed and 1 lost the money.
I found myself   33   what it would be like to be a stockbroker(股票经济人).1 decided to 34    a position at Men-ill Lynch, abrokerage(经纪人事务所).35   I had no experience, I was hired and ended up becoming a pretty good broker.I paid back Fred and my   36   the $50,000, plus 14-percent annual interest.
I got a thank-you note from Fred, which I will   37   forever.He had been sick and wrote that my check had helped   38   his medical bills.His letter read, "That loan may have been one of the best   39    .Who else could have invested in a counter "girl" and watch that investment mature into a very   40   career woman?"
21. A.specially       B.especially        C.naturallyD.generally
22. A.servingB.amusing   C.helping     D.greeting
23. A.affected        B.bettered   C.changed   D.benefited
24. A.ordinary        B.normal     C.regular     D.common
25. A.But forB.Apart from     C.Regardless of   D.Thanks to
26. A.Therefore      B.HoweverC.Instead     D.Besides
27. A.exchanged     B.discussedC.designedD.shared
28. A.faith      B.enthusiasm      C.interest     D.patience
29.A.notice      B.noteC.passage    D.sign
30.A.modesty   B.honesty    C.pride       D.confidence
31.A.opportunity     B.ability      C.responsibility   D.talent
32.A.notes       B.letters      C.billsD.checks
33.A.worrying about       B.caring about    C.learning about        D.thinking about
34.A.adapt to   B.give up    C.apply forD.take over
35.A.Even though   B.In case     C.Now thatD.as though
36.A.workmates      B.parents     C.customers        D.friends
37.A.possess    B.treasure    C.enjoy       D.recall
38.A.fill   B.spend       C.offer        D.cover
39.A.investments     B.interest    C.checks     D.profits
40.A.important        B.experienced     C.successful        D.hardworking
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第一节   阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A Magical Experience
One hot August afternoon, Deena Hoagland and her son Joe sat on a floating platform at Dolphins Plus, a marine(海洋)center near their home in Florida. Nearby, a large, powerful, six-hundred-pound dolphin circled to study the mother and her child. Suddenly, it splashed the Hoaglands with water. That is when something amazing happened. Three-year-old Joe Hoagland smiled. Sitting with Joe on her lap, Deena smiled, too, as her heart leapt with joy. It was the first sign of hope she had seen in Joe since his stroke(中风)six weeks earlier.
Joe Hoagland was born with a rare heart condition that had forced him to spend much of his first three years of life in hospitals. After a series of open-heart surgeries, Joe seemed to be doing better, but the last surgery on his heart resulted in a stroke, which left him unable to move one side and to see out of one eye.
Worse still, the spirit of the child, who had bravely battled his illness until then was seemingly broken. Afraid of his doctors and unwilling to participate in efforts at physical therapy(治疗), Joe grew listless, losing interest even in his favorite toys.
Having heard of a new therapeutic approach termed “dolphin-assisted therapy,” Deena phoned Dolphins Plus and asked permission to bring her son along. There Joe met Fonzie, the playful dolphin. With each passing visit, Joe seemed to make more progress. Before long, he was regaining some movement on his left side. Dolphins Plus trainers urged Joe to get into the water and swim with his new friend. Joe, however, was reluctant. Gradually, though, Joe became more comfortable with the large dolphin, and by mid-September, Joe was swimming with his friends.
Over the next two years, Joe fully recovered from the paralysis and partial blindness that his doctors thought irreversible. Now a healthy, active teenager, Joe lives a life similar to any of his friends. He visits and swims frequently with his friend Fonzie and helps his parent with Island Dolphin Care. Deena started Island Dolphin Care to work with Dolphins Plus to share the benefits of dolphin therapy with other special-needs children and their parents.
41.Deena Hoagland smiled when Fonzie splashed Joe with water because             .
A.the dolphin’s action is amazing             B.Joe’s reaction brought her hope
C.she was affected by Joe’s joy               D.she realized Joe recovered
42.Paragraph 2-4 are written to           .
A.expose the dangers of strokes
B.identify the problems Joe faced
C.describe Joe’s recovery from beginning to end
D.show readers the process of “dolphin-assisted therapy”
43.What does the underlined word mean in paragraph 3?
A.angry and inflexible                        B.more mature and silent
C.lacking energy and concern                  D.cautious and shy
44. Which statement about Joe is Not True?
A. Joe received several surgeries on the heart when he was a little child.
B. Joe was the first one to receive dolphin-assisted therapy.
C. Doctors used to think that Joe could not recover.
D. Now Joe worked with his parents in the Island Dolphin Care.
45.We may conclude from the passage that            .
A.dolphin therapy has helped many children to improve their lives
B.Joe recovered faster because of his desire to live with Fonzie
C.doctors’ mistake during his surgeries brought Joe great pain
D.his mother’s company contributes greatly to Joe’s recovery
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For several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed very busy with business,and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighborhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his foot was well enough, he rode out a great deal.
During this time, all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house, when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His changes of manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.
One evening, several days later, I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. He was sitting in his armchair, and looked not quite so severe, and much less gloomy. There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were bright, probably with wine. As I was looking at him, he suddenly turned and asked me, “Do you think I am handsome, Miss Eyre?”
The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it: “No, sir.” “Ah,you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.” “Sir,I"m sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn"t matter,or something like that.” “No,you shouldn"t! I see,you criticize my appearance,and then you stab (刺) me in the back! You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast. Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance (抵消) your few good points.”
I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind,and said quickly,“Yes, you"re right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one,and have never found the right path again. I might have been very different. I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man,take my word for it,but I have done wrong. It wasn"t my character,but circumstances that were to blame. Why do I tell you all this? Because you"re the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you"re sympathetic and give them hope.”
It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me. He didn"t seem to like to finish the talk quickly,as was the case for the first time.
“Don"t be afraid of me, Miss. Eyre,”he continued. “You don"t relax or laugh very much,perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But in time you will be more natural with me,and laugh,and speak freely. You"re like a bird in a cage. When you get out of the cage, you"ll fly very high. Good night.”
46. At the beginning Miss Eyre"s impressions of Mr. Rochester were all except_____.   
A. busy        B. sociable        C. dull          D. changeable
47. The underlined sentence means_________ .
A. Only by meeting him around the house sometimes did I know a little about him.
B. Only by coming to the house could I know about him.
C. I occasionally met him but my knowledge about him was poor.
D. What I knew about him was limited in the house.
48. From what Mr. Rochester told Miss Eyre, we can conclude that he wanted to _________________.         
A. tell her all his troubles                   B. tell her his life experience
C. blame her for misunderstanding him      D. change his circumstances
49. At the end of the passage,Mr. Rochester sounded ___________ .
A. rude        B. cold       C. polite          D. encouraging
50. According to the passage, which of the following statements is WRONG? 
A. Miss Eyre was at Lowood School before she came to Mr. Rochester’s house.
B. Miss Eyre didn’t see Mr. Rochester often.
C. Miss Eyre was honest, brave and confident.
D. Miss Eyre was brave, polite and warm-hearted.
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A young man named Charles Lyell had different ideas. He wrote a book about them called Principles of Geology. The earth,according to Lyell,was not only thousands of years old,it was millions of years old. As to the common belief that changes in the earth’s surface happen suddenly because of a single earthquake or flood,he said that this might happen once in a while,but usually these changes took place very slowly. He believed that the surface of the earth had been changing from the beginning of time. The changes,he said,were caused by the long-term action of the winds and seas,and by forces such as volcanoes breaking out under the earth’s surface. Once in a great while he thought,a mountain might appear for the first time after an earthquake. But usually mountains would rise slowly and steadily.
Professor Henslow was interested in Lyell’s ideas,but he did not actually believe them. Charles Darwin could not make up his mind about them. But they set him thinking along lines which would later change the beliefs of thoughtful people all over the world.
At Cambridge,Charles Darwin studied just enough to pass the examination,and received his college degree in 1831.During this time,he had become more and more interested in geology. At the end of the school year,he went to North Wales with one of his teachers to examine the rock formations (构成) and to search for fossils. Fossils are the remains of ancient living things. They are usually found fixed in rocks in the earth’s crust (地壳). Fossils may be of animals,such as fish,insects,birds,or humans. They may be of plants from tiny leaves to huge trees.
When a living creature dies,it usually decays (腐烂)or is eaten by animals. However,if it sinks into a riverbed or is quickly covered by the blowing sands of a desert storm,the bones are kept up in the earth. Over many years the soft inner parts of a bone disappear,leaving the inside hollow. Water containing mineral enters into the hollow. Slowly the mineral hardens and makes the bone hard and heavy,like stone.
71.According to Charles Lyell,it is mainly        that the earth has been formed like today’s shape.
A. from the beginning of time                           B. past some experiences of big flood
C. over a very long period of years                    D. because of several big earthquakes
72.Charles Lyell believed the fact that a mountain is formed         .
A. more by seas than by volcanoes                     B. more slowly than suddenly
C. more by an earthquake than by winds      D. more steadily than quickly
73.Unlike Professor Henslow,Charles Darwin         .
A. never thought Lyell’s ideas were right
B. did made up his mind not to accept Lyell’s ideas
C. thought about what the world were then thinking about
D. thought over Lyell’s ideas and developed them
74.The main purpose of Darwin’s going to North Wales was to         .
A. make a study of fossils
B. appreciate the rock formation
C. to do research work into dead animals
D. look for plants from tiny leaves to huge trees
75.In which order are fossils formed?
a. A living thing sinks into a riverbed or sands.
b. Water goes into a bone hollow together with mineral.
c. Something soft in a bone disappears.
d. The hardened mineral makes the bone hard.
e. The bone becomes hollow inside.
A.a b c d e             B.c a b e d                    C.a c e b d                    D.e c d b a
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Have you ever heard the story of the four-minute mile? Many years ago, people believed that it was impossible for a human being to run a mile in less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it wrong in1954.
What happens if you put an animal in a pond? Any animal, big or small, will swim its way through. What happens when someone, who does not know how to swim, falls in deep waters? They drown. If an animal who has not learned swimming could escape by swimming, why not you? Because you believe you will drown while the animal does not.
Have you ever wondered why the letters are organized in a particular order on hour keyboard? You might have thought it is to increase the typing speed. Most people never question it. But the fact is that this system was developed to reduce the typing speed at a time when typewriter parts would jam if the operator typed too fast.
These three cases show the power of our beliefs. There is no other more powerful directing force in human behavior than belief. Your beliefs have the power to create and to destroy. A belief delivers a direct command to your nervous system.
I used a snake in my workshops for children to show them how unrealistic some of their beliefs are. Students of a school in India, said snakes were slippery, slimy (黏糊糊的) and poisonous. After doing an exercise for changing beliefs, they handled my snake and found it to be dry and clean. They also remembered that only three types of poisonous snakes exist in India.
Did this story end the way you thought? Review your beliefs now and find out which ones you need to change.
51. In the author’s opinion, if a person in deep water doesn’t know how to swim he will drown because _________.
A. he is afraid of water               B. he doesn’t want to live in the world
C. he hasn’t learned to swim before     D. he believes he will drown
52. The author thinks that the letters are organized in a particular order on your keyboard in order to _________.
A. reduce one’s typing speed          B. satisfy the operator
C. save more space                 D. increase one’s typing speed
53. The author’s experiment shows that __________.
A. snakes in India aren’t poisonous       B. snakes can be caught easily
C. snakes are slimy and poisonous      D. snakes are dry and clean
54. According to the passage, we know that ________.
A. students from India have unrealistic beliefs on how to live a better life
B. an animal who has not learned to swim will drown if you put it in a pond.
C. Roger Banister was the first person who ran a mile in less than four minutes.
D. most people don’t like the order the letters are arranged on your keyboard
55. The main idea of this passage should be that _______.
A. beliefs make us seem stupid
B. beliefs are very powerful
C. changing your beliefs now if necessary
D. people should always believe in themselves
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