当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > I met the old man at a cafe. “Did you hear the radio news yesterday?” he asked m...
I met the old man at a cafe. “Did you hear the radio news yesterday?” he asked me. “No,” I replied. “Anything exciting?”“Exciting? NO! Something very sad. A group of hungry dogs killed and ate my best friend.”
“Oh, dear!” I cried. “How did it happen?”“He was working on the hillside when the dogs attacked him. When he didn"t return, I went to the hillside and found…”“His body?” I asked. The old fellow drank half of his coffee. “No. I told you they were hungry dogs, didn"t I? The big bones were lying every where. But they found this.” He pushed open a match box he was holding in his hand. In it was a man"s thumb, lying on some white bloody material.
“This is my friend"s right thumb. The dogs ate the rest of him”. The old man began to cry. He finished his coffee quickly and left the cafe. I drank mine and called the waiter. “I"ll pay the gentleman"s bill. His poor friend—how terrible!”“You"ve heard the news?” The waiter laughed. “Sure. There"s a hole in the bottom of the match box. He put his own thumb through the hole. The blood is red ink, I believe. Is the story worth a cup of coffee, sir?”“But he held the box in his right hand.”“Yes, but listeners look into the box. They just can"t take their sight off that terrible thing.”“And when he tells the story, he gets free cup of coffee!” I said, laughing. “Yes, sir, but only from strangers who come to this town, and, of course, he does us no harm!”
小题1: We can learn from this passage ________.
A.the writer came to the cafe for the first time
B.the old man made a living by telling jokes in the cafe
C.the writer had known about the old man before
D.what had happened to his best friend made the old man mad
小题2: Having heard the old man"s story, the writer _______ .
A.couldn"t help laughing immediatelyB.showed great mercy upon him
C.didn"t believe him at allD.bought the old man another cup of coffee
小题3: It turned out that the thumb in the match box was actually __________.
A.the right thumb of his best friend
B.the thumb he stole from the dead body of an unknown person
C.something made of bloody white materials
D.his own right thumb
小题4:The waiter hadn"t let out the truth of the old man"s story earlier because _______ .
A.he was nobody but the best friend of the old man
B.the old man wouldn"t pay for his coffee if he did 
C.the waiter hadn"t seen through the old man"s trick
D.the old man helped the cafe in some way
小题5: As suggested by the passage, what might happen in the end?      
A.The writer refused to pay the old man"s bill.
B.The writer decided to make the trick known to the public.
C.More strangers would hear the old man"s story.
D.The old man wouldn"t visit the cafe any more.



试题【I met the old man at a cafe. “Did you hear the radio news yesterday?” he asked m】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
It’s a small gas station that has snacks,drinks,cigarettes,and candies.The young man behind the counter(柜台) knows his    16   by name and what they normally want to buy.He treats children and adults with equal   17   .He reads science fiction behind the counter when business is   18 .
One day , three people rushed in and grabbed food off the shelves as fast as they could ,   19  not intending to pay for it . He hit the “panic button”, then went over the counter and    20  the front door . It was obvious that they were homeless, and equally obvious that they were’t going    21  with their ill-gotten gains (不义之财).They   22  the food and simply crowded together in panic-knowing the police were   23  the way.
Imagine what they must have felt like when they were told they didn’t have to steal if they were that   24 . “We have food in the back expired(到期) but still   25  to eat . If you need food , you   26  have some .”
They were told to   27  what they had dropped and put it back , and then asked to straighten out the mess. They were doing just that   28  the police arrived. The officers were told the situation was under control and the police were no longer   29  .
This wasn’t what they had   30  . They were being treated as human beings who could right the wrong they’d done. Shocked , they quickly followed orders to take turns and use the restroom to clean up.
Soon three   31  people walked out with all the   32  their arms could hold. They were   33  that , if they needed to come back again , they were to ask and not just grab. 
And then the young man went back to read until the next customer came in . He would be the 34  person in the world to claim he was a hero . But he gave three people something they were in desperate need of –a   35  amount of self-respect and a little bit of hope.
小题1:A  frendsB  neighbors    C  customers    D  passengers
小题2:A  respect     B  pride        C  wisdom   D  right
小题3: A  slow   B  busy         C  heavy        D  swift
小题4:A  bravely     B  reasonably   C  hardly       D  obviously
小题5:A  openedB  locked       C  closed       D  broke
小题6:A  nowhere     B  somewhere    C  anywhere     D  everywhere
小题7:A  hid         B  lifted       C  swallowed    D  dropped
小题8: A  in         B  on           C  off          D  by
小题9:A  anxious     B  cautious     C  courageous   D  hungry
小题10: A  safe       B  easy         C  sweet        D  unique
小题11:A  must    B  can          C  should       D  need
小题12:A  hold up B  hand out     C  pick up      D  hand in
小题13:A  when    B  after            C  before       D  since
小题14:A  popular     B  necessary    C  reliable         D  admired
小题15:A  wanted  B  desired      C  expected     D  admired
小题16: A  dirtier    B  cleaner      C  cleverer     D  quicker
小题17: A  moneyB  cigarettes   C  drinks       D  food
小题18:A  reminded B  warned      C  ordered      D  persuaded
小题19:A  first       B  last         C  best         D  worst
小题20:A  large   B  fair         C  small        D  full
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One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered a small hotel in Philadelphia. Trying to get out of the   36 _, the couple went to the front desk hoping to  37 for the night.
“Could you   38  give us a room here?” the husband asked.
The clerk, a   39  man with a winning smile, looked at the couple and   40  that there were three conventions(大会) in town.
“All of our   41  are taken,” the clerk said. “But I can’t send a   42  couple like you 43  into the rain at 1 o’clock in the morning. Would you please be   44  to sleep in my room? It’s not exactly a suite(套房), but it will be good enough to make you  45  for the night.”
The couple said no politely.
“Don’t   46  me. It is just fine with me,” the clerk told them.
As he paid his bill the next morning, the elderly man said to the clerk, “You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel. Maybe someday I’ll build   47  for you.” The three of them had a good   48 .
Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten it   49  he received a letter from the old man. It recalled(使回忆) that stormy night and contained a round-trip(双程的)   50  to New York, asking the young man to pay them a visit. The old man met him in New York, and   51 him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.
He then pointed to a great new   52  there,  a palace of reddish stone. “That,” said the old man, “is the hotel I have just built for you to   53_ .”
“You must be   54 ,” the young man said.
“I am sure I am not,” said the old man, the name of   55  was William Waldorf Astor, and the magnificent structure was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The young clerk, George C. Boldt became its first manager.


A.worry aboutB.take care ofC.make use ofD.come up with

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Once a man named Grand found a box of old papers in a room at the top of his house. He burned most of them, because he didn’t like old things very much, But one of these papers was an old letter. At the bottom(底部) of the letter was the name of a well-known writer. “When this letter was written,” said Grant, “no one knew about the writer. But now everyone knows him. Some people like to buy letters like this. I may be able to get much money for the letter if I sell it to the right man.”
But there were a lot of dirty marks all over the letter.
“It doesn’t look nice,” he thought. “No one wants to buy a letter if it’s dirty. I’ll have to clean it.”
So he took a piece of cloth and some water and cleaned the letter. He worked hard and gave a lot of care. At last the letter looked better. And he was very pleased with his work.
“Now it looks nice,” he said to himself. “I’ll be able to sell it for a lot of money.”
He took the letter to a shop in London where old papers of this kind were bought and sold.
“I want to sell this letter,” Grant said to the man in the shop. “It was written by a well-known writer. You know about these things. How much will you give me for it?”
The man looked at him for a long time.
“I will give you two pounds for it,” he said at last.
“Only two pounds!” said Grant. “But people pay ten pounds for a letter like this. And just look! I’ve even cleaned it to make it look nice.”
“I can see that,” said the man. “That’s the trouble. People who buy old papers like them to be dirty.”
小题1:Which of the following is not right?
A.Grant found a box of old letters.B.Grant didn’t like old things very much.
C.Grant didn’t burn the old letter.D.The letter was written by a famous writer.
小题2:Grant didn’t burn the letter because______.
A.it was written by his fatherB.he thought he could get much money by selling it
C.he wanted to keep it foreverD.he wanted to give it to the government
小题3:In order to sell it, Grant decided to _____ first.
A.make advertisement(广告)in the newspapersB.show it to others around him
C.clean it to make it look niceD.take it to an archeologist(考古学家)
小题4:Grant didn’t sell the letter at a good price because_______.
A.it was not an old letterB.few people knew about the writer
C.it had been cleanedD.the man didn’t like it

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The great   46  scientist, Charles Darwin, was born on February 12, 1809. His father was a well-known doctor, and   47  that his son also would become a doctor.
As a boy, Charles liked to go for walks in the fields and   48  ,   49  nature and comparing what he saw with everything he had read in natural science books. He was fond    50   collecting animal and plant specimens   51   insects, birds, flowers and leaves.
At sixteen, Charles   52   Edinburgh University   53 . But he was interested in 54    . Then he was sent to Cambridge University,    55   he graduated in1831.
56    he heard that the ship Beagle(贝格尔号) was   57  to South America and wanted a naturalist. His biology professor advised him to go. He said the journey would be just the thing for Charles. So the Beagle left England in December 1831, Charles Darwin was   58  .
The expedition   59  almost five years. The Beagle   60   the waters near the east and west   61   of South America, and many other places. He    62  all kinds of plants and animals, which he sent home from the    63   he visited.
After returning from the expedition, Darwin continued his studies of changes in nature. Darwin understood that plants and animals do not    64   the same, that they always change.
By 1859 Darwin had finished his famous book “The Origin of Species”. It made a great noise in the word of science. Darwin was attacked by the    65   and even by some scientists. But later, more and more scientists agreed with him.
Darwin tirelessly continued his scientific studies until he died on April 19,1882.
C.looking over
A.for example
B.like as
C.such as
A.had been sent to
B.was sent to
C.was sent for
D.had been sent for
A.to find machine
B.to study medicine
C.to make medicine
D.to study machine
A.nature scene
B.social history
C.natural history
D.biological lives
A.from where
B.in which
C.from which
D.at which
C.After that
D.From then on
A.going on a trip
B.traveling about
C.about to a journey
D.making a journey
A.at board
B.in ship
C.on board
D.on trip
A.was lasted
B.had lasted
D.had kept
A. watched
B, studied  
C. explored  
D. researched
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Benjamin Franklin only studied in school for two years. But he liked to read and write very much. Once he discussed a question with his friend in letters. His father found the letters and read them. He felt Ben did not express himself well. Nor did Ben make his meaning clear. He agreed that his father was right, From then on, he paid more attention to the style of his writing so that he could write better.
About that time he bought a copy of the British periodical(周刊) called The Spectator (《观察家》). He read it over and over. He thought the writing excellent, and wished, if possible, to write in the same style.
With this in mind, he studied some of the stories and made a note of the thought in each sentence. Then, a few days later, without looking at the magazine, he tried to write the stories. He tried to express each thought as fully as it had been expressed before. Then he compared his writing with the magazine. He found some of his faults in the compositions.
In this way he discovered he needed to know many more words. He felt that writing poetry would help him since that needed to use many different words which had the same meaning. So he turned some of the stories into poems; and after a time, he wrote them as stories again. He insisted on doing this for a long time.
He learned much from his efforts and went on to practise his writing. Then he became the first famous writer in American history.
小题1:Benjamin liked ______ very much when he was ______ .
A.languages; youngB.writing; youngC.writing; old enoughD.languages; old enough
小题2:What did his father do to him?
A.He found his son’s letters written very well
B.He felt his son expressed himself very well
C.He told his son what he wrote wasn’t so good
D.He bought a copy of The Spectator for him
小题3:How did Benjamin practise writing?
(1) He studied the stories in the magazine and made notes.
(2) He rewrote some of the stories and tried to express their thought fully.
(3) He turned some stories into poems, and then turned them back again.
(4) He tried hard to publish his poems in the periodical The Spectator.

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